

17 Different Types Of Eggplant Plants (Including Photos)

Eggplant Plants are one of the most popular vegetables in the world. They are used in many dishes, such as salads, soups, pasta, pizza, and casseroles. They are delicious, nutritious, versatile, and easy to grow.

Different Types Of Eggplant

They are available in many different colors, shapes, sizes, and flavors. In this article we will discuss some of the different types of eggplant plant that you can plant yourself or buy at your local grocery store.

1. Sauce Eggplant

Sauce Eggplant

This is usually smaller and sweeter in flavor. It is a good choice for beginners because it is easier to grow than other varieties. The seeds are small and easy to sow. You should start them indoors about six weeks before planting outside.

When they have reached about 10 inches tall, transplant them into their permanent location. If you want to make a  nice meal with your sauce eggplant, then you should wait until after they reach maturity.

Then cut off the stem and slice the fruit lengthwise so that you get two halves, and then you can enjoy this purple fruit at its mature size and best flavor. 

2. Sweet Eggplant

Sweet Eggplant

These are bigger and not as sweet in taste. They are also more difficult to grow than other varieties because they require a lot of space. If you want to try growing these, plan on having a large garden. They need lots of room to grow so be sure to choose a spot with plenty of sun exposure.

These plants produce long vines which makes them great for climbing up trees or hanging from trellises. Once they have matured, you can harvest the fruits by cutting them down and slicing them open. 

3. Long Necked Eggplant

White Eggplant

This variety has long necks that make it look like an artichoke. It grows well in hot weather but needs shade during the hottest part of the day. It does best when planted in full sun. It is very easy to grow and produces big fruit. This type of eggplant is perfect for pickling.

To prepare it for pickling, first wash it thoroughly and then boil it for 15 minutes. After boiling, drain it and let it cool completely. Then peel away the skin and slice it thinly. It tastes wonderful when served cold.

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4. White Eggplant

White Eggplant

These are white in color and are often called baby eggplants. They do not get too large and are perfect for cooking. They are easy to grow and produce abundant crops. They need only moderate amounts of water. White eggplants are very tender and sweet.

They’re also small and round. White eggplants are often confused with zucchini because they look similar. They are available year around and are ready to harvest approximately 8 weeks after planting.

5. Black Beauty Eggplant

Black Beauty Eggplant

This is another type of eggplant that looks like a black beauty rose. It is a great tasting vegetable and is easy to grow. It requires little care and doesn’t mind being grown in poor soil. It is a good option if you don’t have much experience gardening.

Black eggplants are the darkest of all the colors. They’re also the largest and heaviest. Black eggplants are sweet and tender and are available year round. They are ready to harvest after 18 weeks.

6. Cherry Tomato Eggplant

Cherry Tomato Eggplant

This is a cross between cherry tomatoes and eggplant. It is a hybrid tomato plant that produces both cherry tomatoes and eggplants. It is a fast-growing plant that produces a lot of fruits. It is easy to grow and requires no special care.

It is one of the most popular vegetables among home gardeners. Cherry tomatoes are known to be high in vitamin C. They are available year round and are ready to harvest after 12 weeks.

7. Long-Type Eggplants

Long-Type Eggplants

These are the most commonly grown type of eggplant. They grow up to about 20 inches tall and weigh anywhere from 1 pound to 2 pounds each. Long-type eggplants are usually sold in bunches of three or four. These are the easiest to grow and are also the most common.

They are best suited for home gardens where there is ample space and light. They are easy to harvest and are ready to eat within two months after planting.

8. Medium-Size Eggplants

Medium-Size Eggplants

Medium size eggplants are typically larger than long-type eggplants. They are usually sold individually and weigh around 3 pounds each. They are slightly less hardy than long-type eggplant and may need protection from frost.

They are still fairly easy to grow and are ready to harvest in eight to ten months after planting. Medium-size eggplants are ideal for those who want more variety in their diet. They can be used as substitutes for regular potatoes and other root vegetables. They taste delicious when cooked.

9. Small-Size Eggplants

Small Size Eggplants

Small-sized eggplants are generally smaller than medium-sized eggplants. They weigh around 4 ounces each and are usually sold in bunched groups of five or six. They are the least popular among growers and are not recommended unless you have a large area to dedicate to your garden.

They can take longer to mature than long-type eggplants and are ready to pick in about 12 months. Small-sized eggplants make excellent additions to salads, sandwiches, soups, and stews.

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10. Round-Type Eggplants

Round Type Eggplants

This variety grows up to 4 feet tall and weighs up to 3 pounds per plant. Round-type eggplants tend to be smaller than long-type eggplants. The round shape makes them easier to store and transport.

They are available year-round and are ready to harvest within two months after planting in areas that receive at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Round-type eggplant is very versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked. They are often used in stir fries and curries.

11. Green Eggplants

Green Eggplants

These are the most common types of eggplant. Green eggplants are mild tasting and have a firm texture. They are easy to find, as they are one of the first vegetables harvested by farmers.

They are available year round and are ready to harvest after about 10 weeks. Green eggplants should be stored in a cool place until they are needed. They can be eaten raw or cooked.

RELATED: Lean, Mean, and Dark Green: The Ultimate Guide to Dark Green Veggies

12. Purple Eggplants

Purple Eggplant

Purple eggplants are sweeter than green ones. They’re also firmer and less watery. Purple eggplants are more difficult to find than green ones but are worth seeking out.

They are available year around and are ready to harvest about 14 weeks after planting. They should be kept in a cool room until needed. They can be used in salads, soups, and casseroles.

13. Brown Eggplants

Brown Eggplants

Brown eggplants are the least flavorful of all the colors. The skin is thick and tough. Brown eggplants are often used for stuffing because of their ability to hold their shape when cooked.

They are available year round and are ready to harvest approximately 16 weeks after planting. They can be used like any other eggplant.

14. Globe Eggplants

Globe Eggplants

Globe eggplants grow up to 10 inches tall and weigh about 1 pound each. They have smooth skin and a round shape. The globe eggplant is native to India and Pakistan.

It is considered a delicacy in China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Australia. Globe eggplant is used in curries, soups, salads, and stir fries. It’s also great roasted with garlic and olive oil.

15. Italian Eggplants

Italian Eggplants

Italian eggplants grow up 6 to 8 inches tall and weigh about 2 pounds each. Their skin is rough and wrinkled, and they have a pointed tip. Italian eggplants are excellent for roasting and baking.

They are available year through and are ready to harvest between 18 and 24 months after planting, but these thrive in warm weather.

16. Japanese Eggplants

Japanese Eggplants

Japanese eggplants are native to Asia. They are called “shimeji” in Japan. They are smaller than globe eggplants, growing up to 8 inches tall. They are used in sushi rolls, tempura, and sashimi.

They need to be harvested as soon as they turn yellow. Japanese eggplants are available year round and require about 15 months from planting to maturity.

RELATED: The Color Purple: The Ultimate Guide To Purple Colored Veggies

17. Chinese Long Eggplants

Chinese Long Eggplants

Chinese long eggplants are grown mostly in southern China. They are larger than other types of eggplants and can reach lengths of 5 to 7 feet. They are very sweet, tender, and juicy. They are best eaten raw in salads or stir fried.

They are available year year round and are ready for harvesting after about 20 months from planting. This plant requires full sun and well-drained soil. If you live in a cold climate, it will do better if you provide some protection from frost.

Plant seeds at a depth of two times the size of the seed. Cover the seeds with fine sand or vermiculite. Keep the soil moist but not wet. 

In Conclusion

Overall, eggplant fruits are an extremely versatile vegetable. You can eat them raw, grilled, baked, boiled, stewed, sautéed, stuffed, pickled, and even smoked! If you want to try something new, give eggplants a chance. There is a good chance that they will surprise you!

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