If someone were to sit you down and ask you to start making a list of vegetables that start with the letter I, you’d be hard-pressed to name more than one or two.
It’s funny how the minute someone asks you to name vegetables starting with a certain letter, your mind goes completely blank!
No matter how hard you try to think about it, all vegetables that you have ever eaten or encountered just fly out of your brain.
There’s no need to panic! We’ve done all the hard work for you and collated an extensive list of vegetables that begin with the letter I in their name.
There are a whole wealth of vegetable varieties that we have found around the world that start with the letter I.
Who knew the sheer amount of vegetables starting with I! So the next time someone asks you to name a bunch of vegetables that start with the letter I, you can simply recite this list and impress them with your foodie knowledge.
Let’s take a look at all the vegetables that start with the letter I in their name!
1. Ice Plant

If you’ve never eaten ice plant before, you may be surprised by the juxtaposition in texture and appearance.
This plant is usually consumed as leaves, which tend to have a crunchy texture despite having a jelly inside the leaves themselves. Ice plant leaves tend to be slightly salty and are rather juicy.
Interestingly, when the ice plant leaves have been allowed to ripen properly, they tend to have a much sweeter flavor profile.
2. Indian Peas

When we mention the word peas, you’re likely thinking of the green varieties such as snow peas and many of the other types of peas that you can find at your local grocery store. Indian peas are a little different!
These are a legume that are known by many names, including blue sweet pear, grass pea, or white pea. They are popularly grown as food for humans and livestock in East Africa and Asia.
Indian peas are an excellent source of protein, however, it is recommended to eat them in moderation. This is because the Indian peas contain a certain neurotoxin that can be harmful if consumed in large amounts.
3. Italian Red Onion

A highly versatile root vegetable, the Italian red onion is a particular variety of red onion that hails from the town of Tropea in Italy.
This is one of the tastiest varieties of red onion, as it tends to be a lot juicier, and has a much sweeter and stronger aroma than other red onion varieties.
Unlike other varieties of red onion, the Italian red onion can be used to make a type of jelly. This is a surprisingly versatile root vegetable that can be used in a wide range of recipes.
4. Italian Parsley

One of the most versatile herbs on the planet, Italian parsley is widely used in a wide range of recipes. It is of course most often used with Italian cuisine because of its versatility.
Italian parsley is one of the main ingredients used when making Italian salsa verde. It can also be used as a garnish for several types of dishes.
You may have also heard of Italian parsley being referred to as flat leaf parsley. This tends to have a more potent flavor than its cousin, curly leaf parsley.
5. Italian Artichoke

Interestingly, Italy is the world’s largest producer of artichokes. So it’s hardly surprising that the artichoke is sometimes known as the Italian artichoke!
The term Italian artichoke is used to refer to several varieties: Carciofo Romanesco del Lazio, Carciofo Brindisino, Carciofo di Paestum, and Carciofo Spinoso di Sardegna.
Most of these varieties gain their name from the places they are grown. For example, Carciofo Romanesco del Lazio is grown in the Rome province, and the Carciofo Brindisino is grown in the province of Brindisi.
Related: Red As A Beetroot: 13 Different Types Of Red Colored Veggies
6. Ice Cream Bean

Those of us who are fans of the dairy treat ice cream may get excited by the name of this vegetable. However,
the ice cream bean has a similar flavor profile to vanilla beans. It can be eaten both cooked or raw, and tends to keep that vanilla-esque flavor when eaten raw.
If you were to cook your ice cream beans, they would taste very similar to chickpeas. However, these beans tend to mostly be eaten either raw, or used to flavor certain dessert dishes.
7. Iceberg Lettuce

Perhaps one of the first vegetables that you thought of when asked to name as many vegetables beginning with I as you can, iceberg lettuce is a leafy green vegetable that is typically used in salads.
It is a mild salad leaf that can combine well with a range of additional ingredients, and can often be used to take the heat out of some spicy dishes.
Adding some iceberg lettuce to your plate is an excellent way to get more fresh veggies in your diet. Thanks to its milder flavor, the iceberg lettuce can be combined with a wide range of ingredients.
It’s actually the most popular lettuce leaf that can be found in America!
8. Irish Moss

There are several names used to describe Irish moss. You may have also heard it called sea velvet or sea moss, and as the name suggests, it is typically found along the Irish coast.
This is a versatile variety of seaweed that is typically mistaken for its cousin, kelp.
Irish moss is white, and has a mildew odor that is quite pungent. This variety of seaweed is thought to be highly effective when it comes to treating chest congestion as well as colds. It is also used to relieve pain in certain medicinal applications.
9. Italian Sweet Pepper

The Italian sweet pepper is also known by the name friarelli pepper. This is a type of chili pepper that is typically confused with a bell pepper because of its sweeter flavor profile.
In fact, the Italian sweet pepper gives you a fantastic alternative to the standard bell pepper if you want a sweeter pepper without the sometimes bitter aftertaste.
This is a wonderfully versatile sweet pepper that can be used in a variety of recipes. Just like the bell pepper, you can eat it both cooked and raw.
10.Italian Peperoncini

Unlike the sweet pepper that we have covered in more detail above, the Italian peperoncini is a spicy chili pepper.
These are typically very hot Italian chili peppers, and the term is often used to refer to two separate types of chili peppers: Tabasco pepper and cayenne pepper.
The Italian peperoncini is sometimes confused with its much sweeter alternative, pepperoncini. However, you won’t want to mix up these two types of peppers if you’re not a fan of spice!
11. Inca Bean

You would be forgiven for mistaking the inca bean for green beans. They have a similar appearance, however,
the inca bean has its very own distinct flavor compared to other green beans. When cooked, the inca bean typically tastes similar to asparagus.
Inca beans are typically used in a lot of Mexican cuisine as this is its native environment. They can be cooked similarly to other types of beans.
Related: N Is For Neeps: Notable Veggies That Start With ‘N’
12. Indian Cucumber

Perhaps one of the more unusual inclusions on our list, the Indian cucumber is a root vegetable that gains its name from its similar flavor profile to a standard cucumber.
The tuber itself tends to be quite crisp and can be eaten both cooked and raw.
However, the plant that the Indian cucumber can be harvested from is on the rare side, so it will be difficult to find this in your local grocery store.
13. Indian Parval

Known as the green potato or pointed gourd, the Indian parval is a root vegetable that is particularly popular in Middle Eastern cuisine.
The vegetable itself tends to have two pointed ends, and is around 5 cm to 15 cm in length overall.
When the vegetable first starts to develop it is greenish yellow in color, which then deepens to a burnt orange as it ripens.
It is best to eat Indian parval cooked, as the interior flesh becomes soft in texture. It will taste best when sautéd, fried, stir-fried, or boiled.
14. Inula Crithmoides

A leafy plant with edible leaves, the Inula crithmoides is the Latin name for golden samphire. It can be enjoyed both cooked or raw, so makes a wonderful addition to salad dishes.
Inula crithmoides is often used for pickles, which can then be added to salads or used as a relish on dishes for some added flavor.
Interestingly, the Inula crithmoides is sometimes used as a cheaper alternative to true samphire.
15. Ipomoea Batatas

Ipomoea batatas is the Latin term used to refer to sweet potatoes and their edible leaves. The tuber is a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in a variety of ways.
It has a much sweeter flavor profile than the standard potato, but can be used much in the same way. You can boil, steam, roast, and bake them, as well as use several other cooking applications.
Sweet potato leaves can also be eaten as an edible green.
16. Ipomoea Aquatica

The Latin term Ipomoea aquatica is often used to refer to water spinach, or kangkong as it is also known. This is a leafy green vegetable that is highly popular in Asian cuisine.
Unlike standard spinach, this leafy green vegetable typically features long leaves, with stems that are actually hollow.
Despite its English name, Ipomoea aquatica isn’t actually related to standard spinach at all.
17. Ivy Gourd

Ivy gourd is an unusual green vegetable that is typically grown on the vine. Even though this would technically class it as a fruit, it is generally considered to be a vegetable, much like cucumber or peas.
The ivy gourd vegetable is a fantastic source of protein as well as iron, fiber, and a whole range of other essential vitamins and minerals.
This vegetable is typically cooked and used in both curries and soups. It can be eaten raw, but tastes better when cooked.
The ivy gourd is thought to have a range of health benefits such as lowering blood sugar, maintaining a healthy weight, and relieving constipation.
In Summary
So there you have it! You now know an extensive amount of vegetables that have names starting with the letter I.
It may seem like a virtually impossible task at first glance, but in the end, there were way more vegetables that start with the letter I in their name than we first thought!
Some of these vegetables are perhaps more unusual than some of the vegetables that can be found around the globe, but it gives you a good mixture of vegetables starting with the letter I to get started with.
How many of the vegetables that start with I that we’ve highlighted in more detail above have you heard of?
Are there any other exciting vegetables starting with the letter I that you think we’ve missed off? Let us know in the comments below!