

Brilliant in Blue: 19 Different Types Of Delphiniums

Delphinium is a genus of flowering plants in the family of Ranunculaceae. The species include the common delphinium (Delphinium Staphysagria), which has blue flowers. There are other species such as D. Grandiflorum, D. Floribundum, D. Luteum, D. Nigrum, D. Parviflorum, and D. Siculum.Delphinium was named after the Greek word for dolphin because its nectar resembles those of dolphins. In ancient times, they were used to treating eye diseases. Today, they are commonly grown as ornamental plants.Delphinium is native to Asia, Europe, and tropical Africa. It grows well in full sun or partial shade. It prefers moist soil and does not tolerate drought conditions.Carry on reading to find out about the Different Types Of Delphiniums you could find around the world! 

1. Delphinium Staphisagria

The most popular type of Delphinium is Delphinium Staphisagria, which can be found in many parts of the world.

Delphinium Staphisagria

This plant is very easy to grow because it needs little care, and it’s very tolerant of poor soil. This variety has large, bright blue flowers that bloom from spring until fall, and it grows up to three feet tall. 

2. Delphinium Grandiflorum

With incredibly large blooms, the Delphinium Grandiflorum’s flowers are more than 2 inches wide. They come in shades of white, pink, blue, and lavender, which makes them perfect to use to create an elegant border or garden bed.

Delphinium Grandiflorum

You should bear in mind when growing them outdoors that their pots are placed in a shaded area, so they don’t get too hot or burn.

3. Delphinium Luteum

If you love the color yellow, then you might want to try planting some Delphinium Luteum. They are small plants that only reach one and a half feet high, and their flowers are bright yellow with light green foliage.

Delphinium Luteum

Unfortunately, this species of Delphinium is actually considered very rare, and there are only a couple of places where you can find this flower in the wild. 

4. Delphinium Nigrum

Another interesting type of Delphinium is Delphinium Nigrum. It has dark green leaves and large purple flowers, whose rounded shapes are brilliant for decoration.

Delphinium Nigrum

They are also great for adding height to your garden beds, and their strong stems and hardy nature mean they will remain beautiful and vibrant for quite some time. 

5. Delphinium Parviflorum

Delphinium Parviflorum has medium green leaves and blooms that come in shades of violet, lilac, and bright blue. Like all varieties of Delphinium, they require average soil and a lot of sunlight, which is perfect since this species is native to California! 

Delphinium Parviflorum

6. Delphinium Nudicaule

Also known as Dwarf Red Larkspur, Delphinium Nudicaule is a hardy perennial that thrives in dry climates. It comes in shades of vivid red and orange, and the flowers are arranged in clusters along long stems.

Delphinium Nudicaule

The durable nature of this variety means that it can tolerate drought conditions if given enough time to recover, but you will find that the blooms don’t have a long life cycle anyway. 

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7. Delphinium Dewi Blue Star

This variety of Delphinium is very popular among collectors because of its unique vividness and beauty. The flowers are deep blue, and they come in shades ranging from light to dark. They have star shape blooms and are about 3 inches in size.

Delphinium Dewi Blue Star

8. Delphinium Aurora Deep Purple

The Aurora Deep Purple flowers are (as is implied by the name) deep purple, but some of their shades do vary from pink to crimson. They have stunning white centers, which helps them to stand out when used as borders and edges in a garden – along with their huge height of six feet! 

Delphinium Aurora Deep Purple

9. Delphinium Moonbeam

Their flowers are tall, slender, and upright, with incredible white petals that almost look like they are glowing in the summer sun. With their standard height being around five and a half feet, this perennial is the perfect plant to have in between an array of other colors of Delphinium.

Delphinium Moonbeam

10. Delphinium Blue Nile

Blue Nile Delphiniums, also known as Delphinium Elatum, are one of the most beautiful types of Delphiniums you will find. Their flowers are tall, thin, and upright, with brilliant blue petals.

types of delphiniums

They are extremely versatile and incredibly hardy, which means that they will last for quite some time in your garden, and they will most definitely come back each year. 

11. Delphinium Sungleam

Sungleams are a type of Delphinium that grows up to three feet high. These plants have big, showy flowers that range from pale yellow to subtle shades of cream and white.

types of delphiniums

Because of their size, these plants make great additions to larger landscapes, and they are actually deer-resistant which means that they will make excellent borders for your garden. 

12. Delphinium Marble Delight

Marble Delights have stunning marbled accents on their blooms, which can range from pink to purple, lilac to white, or even white to green. They grow up to three feet tall and are very easy to care for, which makes them suitable for use in any kind of garden.

types of delphiniums

13. Delphinium Magic Fountain Cherry Blossom

This beautiful bloom comes in a variety of pinks and purples, but its most defining feature is its delicate white center, which highlights the colors of the flowers amazingly well.

types of delphiniums

They will bloom easily in the early summer, and they only grow to a height of around three feet, so they tend to work better as a centerpiece of a garden – attracting both hummingbirds and butterflies to your local environment! 

14. Delphinium Centurion Rose Shades

When this Delphinium blooms, it creates a rare effect where the outside of the flower is a different color from the inside. This gradual change can vary from pink to white, lilac to blue, or one shade of raspberry to a darker shade.

types of delphiniums

These bi-color blooms are incredibly striking, and with their six-foot height and dense leafy green foliage, they are a great (and hardy) species to have as a way of filling up a garden. 

15. Delphinium Strawberry Fair

Strawberry Fairs have large, showy flowers that are usually red, salmon, or pink, but they can be found in a wide variety of other hues as well.

types of delphiniums

They grow up to five feet tall, and because of their height, they can be placed in the middle of a border or in the front yard of a home – although you should bear in mind that their thin stems may not be as hardy or durable as other Delphinium species. 

16. Delphinium Planet Blue

The Planet Blue flowers are bright blue, and they often have beautiful yellow centers that make them stand out from the flower crowd.

types of delphiniums

You will mainly find them blooming between June and August, but they will only grow to a fairly small height of 1 and a half feet which is particularly short for a Delphinium species! 

17. Delphinium Galahad

Galahads are a type of Delphinium that has been bred specifically for their unique look and hardiness. The flowers are a very pale white, and they can bloom anytime from early summer towards the end of summer.

types of delphiniums

As well as this, the blooms last longer than most other Delphinium species, making their white flowers and dark, leafy vegetation (all at a height of five feet) one of the best choices for your garden. 

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18. Delphinium Flamenco

Flamencos are another popular choice for gardens, and they are known for their vibrant inner magenta petals, which contrast beautifully with the deep burgundy exterior.

types of delphiniums

The double rosette blooms and foliage grow up to four feet tall and are designed to be very disease-resistant, so they are perfect for planting in any area of your garden. 

19. Delphinium Princess Caroline

Princess Carolines are a hybrid form of Delphinium and their flowers are a soft salmon color, which looks stunning when contrasted with the subtle streaks of red that you might find hidden amongst their petals.

types of delphiniums

They grow up to around five feet high and have a thick stem, so they are ideal for growing in containers or hanging baskets. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know What Kind Of Delphinium To Buy?

A good rule of thumb is to choose a Delphinium that suits your style of gardening. If you want something that’s going to fill an entire space, then you need to go for something like the Delphinium

Grandiflorum. But if you prefer to keep things simple, then you could opt for a smaller-sized plant such as the Delphinium Luteum. 

Do Delphiniums Require Much Watering?

This depends on the season. During the summer months when they are blooming, they do need regular watering and the soil should never become dry.

However, they do thrive better in drier conditions during the winter months. It’s important to remember that Delphiniums are sensitive plants, and they do need regular attention.

So you shouldn’t leave them unattended for long periods of time. 

To Sum Up…

There are hundreds of species of Delphinium, and while we have only named a few here, there are many more available on the market today.

Each species has its own characteristics and benefits, and they are all designed to fit perfectly into your garden without being too difficult to care for.