Greetings to our fellow string of dolphins owners out there. You are probably here because you want more of these delightful plants around your house.
It is that, or you have a string of dolphins that is close to death, and you need to propagate in order to save the plant.
Regardless of your reasons, you are here to learn how to propagate a string of dolphins. We have you covered. We have a basic guide on how to propagate these plants and much more. So, let us get started.

When Is The Best Time To Propagate A String Of Dolphins Plant?
To answer this question you will need to decide for yourself why you have decided to propagate your string of dolphins.
Is the mother plant dying and propagation is the only option to save the plant? If this is the case you should start the process immediately.
This is because when you propagate you can only use the healthy parts of the plant.
On the flip side, if you simply want to create more plants for your home you have all the time in the world to decide when to take the cutting and start propagating.
So, if you have a choice you should always propagate in summer or spring as this is the main time for growth for the majority of plants.
The winter months are not ideal as this is not the season for growing, and you may spend longer waiting for your succulent plant to sprout.
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What Do You Need?
Before you can start propagating you will need to make sure that you have the proper tools available to get the job done.
Below you can see a basic list of what you will need:
- Gardening Clippers, Sharp Knife, or Scissors – Make sure that the cutting implement you use is clean and very sharp. This is so that the mother plant is not damaged by jagged cuts.
- Plant Pot – You will need a plant pot that is ideally made of clay or terracotta. Please also make sure that your pot is the ideal size for your plant.
- Potting Soil – You will need to have well-draining potting soil at the ready. Using a succulent soil mix might be a good place to start.
- Burlap or Net – If the place you intend to put your new plants is too sunny you might want to consider using a burlap or net so that there is not too much direct sun.
- Root Hormone – This is not always necessary. But it is good to have on hand in case your new string of dolphins plant struggles to take root.
There Are A Few Ways To Propagate A String Of Dolphins
There are a few ways to propagate a string of dolphins plant, in this article we are going to cover the soil method and the water method of propagation.

The process of propagation is just about replicating a plant from its seed into its own adult form. Propagation is used to grow numerous similar plants.
The main difference between soil and water propagation techniques is the medium you use to replicate your plant.
By the end of this article, you should have a rough understanding of how to propagate your string of dolphins using either of these methods. So, without further ado, let us start.
Soil Propagation Method
The soil method is one where you keep your cuttings in small pots with soil over them to create a little mini-plant.
As you can imagine, the better prepared your soil mixture is then the easier it is to maintain.
For example, if you use composted horse manure mixed with some peat moss then this would provide nutrients for the plant as well as increase moisture levels for the plant.
With that in mind, let us take a look at the below basic step-by-step guide on how you can propagate your string of dolphins using the soil method.
Step 1 – Your first job is to select a healthy stem cuttings from your mother plant. Or if you are trimming your string of dolphins you can use any of those cuttings.
You will need a vine with healthy leaves that are between three and five inches long. Make sure that you are using sterile and sharp scissors so that you avoid making jagged cuts to the mother plant.
Step 2 – Before you can plant your vine you have to wait for a scab to form where you made the cut. Sometimes the vine will just rot but if you have selected a healthy vine there should be a callus or scab that forms over the cut area.
This process usually happens in about two days, but it can take a little longer or shorter depending on the health of the vine.
Step 3 – Once you have a vine with the scabbed edge you should put the cutting in a plant pot that is filled with an appropriate soil mix.
You will need soil that is well-draining. A succulent mix might be a good place to start with soils for the string of dolphins plant.
Step 4 – If you are worried about your plant developing roots you can dip the end of your plant cutting in a ‘root hormone’ that will help it to grow faster and better. But this step is not always necessary.
Step 5 – Now all that is left to do is wait. Make sure that your plant is in a bright spot with enough indirect sunlight and water your cutting when the soil is dry.
A sunny window will be ideal. Make sure to water your plant as well but not too much, otherwise, you will have waterlogged soil and this can be detrimental for the new plant as you run the risk of root rot occurring.
Water Propagation Method
With water replication, you carefully snip off the part of the mother plant which will become your next dolphin plant.
Then you would use fresh cuttings to bring this part of the mother plant into another container of water to help it recover and thrive.
Water replication is often the best method as it makes sure that the mother plant still gets enough nutrients through the roots.
However, this can be difficult to do if you’re dealing with some strange species such as a cactus. Also, the mother plant could die after being removed from her container.
Fortunately, most plants don’t need any special care during their recovery period in order for them to successfully reproduce. Once they’ve recovered they’ll go right back to reproducing and multiplying.
Below you can see a simple step-by-step guide on how you can propagate your string of dolphins by using the water propagation method.
Step 1 – The ideal time to propagate your string of dolphins is if you are giving your plant a trim. But if you just want to propagate without cutting all your plant’s gorgeous leaves short, all you need to do is find a suitable string of dolphins.
All you need is a three to five-inch string with healthy shoots.
Using your sharp scissors or clippers, make a clean cut. Next, remove any leaves that are on the cut end of the plant cutting, this is to reduce the risk of rot happening.
Step 2 – Once you have your string of dolphins strand, place it in a jar that is filled with filtered or distilled water.
If you use tap water you run the risk of harsh chemicals like chlorine negatively impacting the whole process.
Step 3 – Once you have your cutting in the jar, find a window that faces west. This is so that the cutting does not get too much direct sunlight.
Step 4 – Now all you have to do is leave your cutting to do its thing.
In a week’s time, you will need to throw out the old water and then add fresh filtered or distilled water so that the cuttings’ source of nutrients and oxygen is replenished.
Step 5 – After a few weeks, you should start to see tendrils developing on your cutting.
These are your new plant’s roots, and it is a sign that you now need to move your plant to a plant pot that has well-draining soil so that it can begin its new life.
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Optimal Conditions for Successful String Of Dolphins Propagation

Whether you have successfully propagated your string of dolphins plant or you want to know how to care for the mother plant. In this section, we are briefly going to go over the best conditions for these plants to thrive.
Light is very important in helping your plant thrive. But us is even more essential for your string of dolphins cuttings. If the light is too harsh your new shoots may become discolored or even wither away.
The best light you can give this type of plant is bright but indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn your plant, so you can use a net to give your dolphin succulent partial light.
If you get the wrong soil for this plant it can result in your poor string of dolphins getting root rot or other illnesses. What you want for this plant is a succulent mix or other soil that is well-drained.
The string of dolphins is a succulent which means that they can go without water for long periods of time. Because of this, you need to be extra careful about overwatering.
The best thing you can do is water your plant every week in the summer when the soil is dry to the touch. In the winter you can water your plant less, some say once a month.
But just make sure that you are only watering when the ground is dry. Too much water can result in root rot for his plant.
These plants ideally enjoy temperatures between 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. But, the string of dolphins also likes average temperatures and even prefers them.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, we are going to answer a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the beautiful string of dolphins plant. So let’s dive right in!
Does Your String Of Dolphins Need To Be Healthy To Successfully Propagate?
While a healthy string of dolphins is more ideal it is not necessary. In fact, propagation is a tool that is used by many gardeners to salvage plants that are failing or have been damaged by something.
With this in mind, if you want to take leaf cuttings you should only do this from parts of the plant that are undamaged.
In short, if your mother plant is in danger of death you will need to move fast. Find the healthiest tendril you can and use it to propagate a whole new plant.
How Long Does It Take To Propagate A String Of Dolphins?
You should start seeing results after about three or four weeks. At this point, there should be small leaves you can see sprouting from the vine and there should be roost forming.
But you can only transplant your string of dolphins after a few months when the plant is strong enough to handle a transplant.
Your new plant needs strong roots to handle being transplanted to be patient and wait for your plant to be ready.
Is It Possible To Propagate A String Of Dolphins From Just The Leaves?
You cannot actually propagate a string of dolphins from leaves. Your main options will be to get a cutting and use the water or the soil method.
How Often Should I Water My String Of Dolphins?
When you are watering your string of dolphins you will need to make sure that the soil has completely dried out between watering.
Your plant should need water at least once a week, but this may vary depending on your climate. The best advice we can offer is to watch out for that dry soil and water when your plan needs it.
Is String Of Dolphins Toxic To Pets?
Yes, this plant is toxic for cats, dogs, and other pets. This means that you will need to make sure that all your pets stay away from this plant.
On top of that, this plant should be kept out of reach of young children as this plant is mildly toxic to humans as well.
Do A String Of Dolphins Go Dormant?
This depends on what part of the country you live in. If you live somewhere where winters are cold then this plant might go dormant during winter.
If you live in an area that is always hot there will be less chance of your plant going dormant.
Final Thoughts
That is all for this article, we hope that you have enjoyed learning about how to propagate your string of dolphins plant.
It is a truly simple process and with the right care, you are sure to have a whole hoard of little strings of dolphins plants around your home in no time.
Good luck with your gardening and have a fantastic day.