Lawn Edging Techniques For A Professional Finish | A Comprehensive Guide

Lawn edging can be as simple as clipping the grass where it meets the patio, stone pavers, and other non-lawn structures. However, it may also involve the installation of physical edgings, such as stone borders or metal sheeting, which keeps the grass contained.

Lawn edging

Grass edging increases curb appeal and give your grass a manicured appearance.

Even if you mow your lawn consistently along with watering and fertilizing it adequately, if the boundaries of your yard are messy, it will still appear like a poorly managed lawn.

That is where grass edging comes in! Grass edging is surprisingly a simple, easy, and straightforward task that will set your lawn apart from the rest when done correctly. 

Also, if you think grass edging is done solely for aesthetic purposes, you are mistaken.

Although, keeping grass neatly separated from other garden materials (such as gravel, bark chippings, or dirt) will keep your lawn tidy and distinct from its surroundings. However, it will make your time with the mower easier and more fun.

So, let’s get ahead and look at how you can edge your grass, the tools and techniques you can use, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to improve your landscape design.

Benefits Of Lawn Edging

Benefits Of Lawn Edging

Lawn edging can keep your lawn surrounding tidy by keeping the mulch in.

Investing in lawn edging is one of the ways you can enhance the aesthetics of your landscape. It effectively divides grass from flower beds, vegetable gardens, trees, or paths in a way that can add to the aesthetics of your outdoor space.

There is something intrinsically satisfying about crisp, precise cut lines. If you don’t already regularly edge your grass, you should seriously think about including it into your lawn care routine. Nevertheless, here are some benefits of edging your lawn:

Helps Contain Mulch & Dirt

Having a clear boundary between the grass and the garden, defined in a clean and precise manner, can assist you in retaining the topsoil on the lawn. This is especially handy when you have a playground or swing set covered with mulch or wood chips. 

Lawn edging creates a physical barrier that helps prevent weeds and undesired grass from invading nearby vegetable and flower beds.

Reduces Unwanted Foot Traffic

In addition to acting as a physical barrier between your lawn and garden, grass edging can create a visual separation between the two spaces.

The presence of the visual barrier is beneficial since it prevents unwelcome foot traffic on your grass

When undesirable foot traffic is reduced or eliminated, unnecessary soil compaction is also reduced. All in all, this will result in healthier soil and blooms.

Provides A Root Barrier

Defining a neatly trimmed line on your lawn does more than just improve its appearance. The grass will not be able to spread into the flower garden if it is surrounded by an edging material.

It is essential to prevent this from happening since the root system of your grass has the potential to take over the nearby flower beds. 

Your flowers will develop into more vigorous and healthier plants once they are no longer forced to compete with the grassroots for water.

Makes Lawn Easier To Maintain

Adding a physical border to your lawn, such as one made of brick or stone, can help you work faster and more efficiently.

For instance, you don’t even have to trim the edges when you mow your grass. Moreover, to keep your edges looking nice, you only need to do this once a month or more frequently if you think it’s necessary. 

The benefit of having additional free time, which was previously spent performing yard maintenance, is small but still very significant.

Increases Curb Appeal

When it comes to lawn edging, a little bit goes a long way. Curb appeal is without a doubt the most noticeable benefit of having grass edging. And lawn edging almost certainly offers the most benefit in terms of enhancing the aesthetic value of your home

Since the boundaries are so clearly defined, it can also give the impression that there is more grass there than there actually is. The heightened curb appeal brought about by your grass edging will definitely have your neighbors’ heads turned.

It Saves Time

Weeds can use a significant amount of water and nutrients intended for your plants. As a result, your plants will become weaker and appear more sickly. 

The time you spend weeding and grooming your yard daily can be significantly reduced if you have installed landscape edging around your lawn.

As a result, your plants will remain healthy and have a better chance of flourishing.

Gives The Lawn A Professional Look

When you start to do various landscaping jobs in your yard, you probably do so with a particular aesthetic or feel in mind.

Investing in lawn edging of a high enough grade will go a long way toward enabling you to accomplish that objective.

If your yard is edged correctly, it can improve the overall visual attractiveness of your landscaping, which you’ve already spent a lot of money on.

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Lawn Edging Basics

Basics of lawn edging

Use mow strips if you want to edge your lawn using your lawn mower.

Even if you have raked, mowed, and pulled weeds in your yard, you are not quite finished yet. No matter how immaculate your grass is, it will look untidy if you don’t pay attention to the edges.

Unfortunately, your standard lawn mower will not do the trick when it comes to taking care of the grass along these edges of the lawn. 

The method of lawn edging is far too delicate to be accomplished only by relying on your lawn mower. Mowers, because of their size and lack of precision, are unable to produce a crisp edge.

It would help if you began the year by re-edging all the grass borders on your property and making it an essential part of routine lawn maintenance

Depending on the size of your yard, this may be a significant undertaking; however, it is worth the hassle.

At the start of the growing season, it’s a good idea to use a motorized or half-moon manual edger to remove about a half-inch of grass off the edge of your garden bed. Let’s now discuss different edger types and which you should use.

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Lawn Edger Types

Lawn Edger Types

A rotary lawn edger.

Many individuals have the impression that if they purchase a string trimmer, they can just use it to edge their lawn and flower beds.

Well, that is not really true. In my opinion, a string trimmer is one of the most essential tools for maintaining a lawn, but just because you have one doesn’t mean you don’t need an edging tool as well. 

The true purpose of a string trimmer is to cut grass in places that are awkward or difficult to access (under fencing, around trees, around your mailbox, and rock walls, etc.).

In essence,  it is more effective for any sharp edges and working around elements such as rocks obstructing the workflow. 

In light of this, let’s take a more in-depth look at how lawn edgers work as well as the many kinds of lawn edgers that are on the market today.

Manual Lawn Edgers

Since they are so easy to use, manual edgers continue to be a popular option. However, for individuals unfamiliar with lawn edgers, some manual lawn edgers unit might appear to be a torture device used during the medieval ages. 

However, manual lawn edgers are convenient tools that may be used to create neat boundaries between your grass and other surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways.

A manual edger has a sharp blade that is contained within a covering. This blade is used to cut accurate gaps between the edge of a lawn. 

Manual lawn edgers come in various configurations, but one of the most common is an edger with a wheel that rolls and has spikes attached to it. This wheel is held in place by a wooden handle. The design is simple but functional enough to fulfill its purpose.

The most common types of manual edgers are described in brief below:

Spade Edgers

Spade Edgers - lawn edging

These appear to be shallow spades with a sharp edge on one side.

Using a spade to edge a bed is a reasonably straightforward process. Simply place it where you want your edge to be, and then step down onto it to remove the turf you do not want.

On the other hand, edging with a spade can be a laborious and time-consuming process

Also, spades typically have a curved edge, and it can be challenging to attain the straight edge you’re going for.

Edging Shears

Edging Shears

Edging Shears trim the lawn’s margins, while Lawn Shears trim the top.

Edging shears feature vertical blades that are oriented similarly to scissors. Their function is to provide a clean cut along the perimeter of your lawn and other grassy areas. 

These shears are designed to cut down creeping grass stems and grass blades that are growing horizontally.

If you have a large garden, look for shears with edges that are at least 21 centimeters long; this way, you won’t have to spend the entire day trimming the grass.

If you own a lawn, it is essential to have a nice set of lawn edging shears since using them will always make the edges of lawns near borders, patios, and other areas seem very neat, giving your yard a perfect, head-turning, pristine look.

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Rotary Edgers

Rotary Edgers - lawn edging

If you pick a rotary edger, use a flat-edged shovel to remove vegetation from the edges first.

These lawn edgers use a blade that is coupled to a rotary wheel that spins, thereby slicing through the grass as the tool is being moved. 

These are straightforward instruments that do what needs to be done. One thing to keep in mind: just because this has a mechanical component does not mean that it is simpler to operate than an edger with a spade or a half-moon shape. 

You can use the hard surface that is adjacent to the lawn as a guide to assist you in maintaining a straight line as you edge the lawn. Some of them just have one wheel, which makes maintaining balance more difficult. 

Others simplify the process by having a cutting wheel and a guide wheel at their disposal.

How To Use A Manual Lawn Edger?

1. Rotary Edger

Manual rotary edgers typically consist of a roller and a cutting wheel with spikes attached to the wheel, and they are most effective when used along a driveway or sidewalk.

2. Locate Your Edge

If you decide to go with a rotary edger, you’ll first need to grab a shovel with a flat edge and clear away any foliage that has climbed over the borders of your walkways. This will assist in locating the edge so you can stay on course.

3. Position The Rotary Edger

Next, position yourself so that you are standing at one end of the walkway or driveway. Maintain a tight grip as you set it and align it so that the wheels are on the path or driveway and the cutting spikes are in the space between the grass and the hard surface.

4. Drive Down The Spikes

After that, you will need to apply pressure to the rotary edger’s handle to drive the cutting spikes into the ground. Maintain your downward pressure while you roll it back and forth for about a foot. It can take a few attempts before you have a crisp edge.

5. Rinse & Repeat

Then, continue on to the following section, and do it again. Carry on along the border of the path or the driveway all the way up until you reach its end. After that, using your shovel, clear away the weeds. Finally, wash any clippings or dirt from the hard surface with a hose.

Using Spade Or Half-Moon Edger

The most basic edge is one you carve yourself with a sharp spade or a long-handled edger. A sharpened spade slices through turf with ease and leaves a crisp edge. 

When you keep the margins of your flowerbeds trimmed with an edging tool, you won’t need any black plastic garden edging at all.

1. Mow The Grass

Mowing grass should always be the first thing you do when edging your lawn. This way you will be able to determine whether the grass near the edges of your lawn should be trimmed short or left longer.

2. Plan The Path

Delineating your set path with rope, hose, and tape to indicate where you’ll make your edging cuts is a smart idea, especially if this is your first time edging. 

If, on the other hand, you are only edging along sidewalks and do not believe that this step is necessary, you can completely omit it.

3. Edge The Perimeter

The use of a manual edger is very similar to the use of a shovel. The lip at the bottom should be brought into contact with the ground as you drive it directly into the soil with your boots. Make sure it is straight, as this will help your edge stand out more. 

4. Check For Jagged Areas

Occasionally, as you move along the path, use a shovel to scoop up any loose turf or mulch that you encounter and remove it from its place.

Once you have done this, you will have a better idea of your edging, and you will be able to determine if there are any jagged places that will require you to go over them again.

5. Clean Your Edger

Once you have performed the task of edging, take a brush with a firm bristle to remove any remaining debris, such as dirt and grass clippings, from your edger or grass border trimmer.

If debris is left behind and allowed to dry and solidify, it will be more challenging to use the equipment in the future.

Motorized Lawn Edgers

If manually edging the grass sounds like a difficult operation or the aim is to not restrict the war on weeds by human endurance, then the best lawn edger may be a motorized version of the tool.

There are two categories of motorized lawn edgers: those powered by an electric motor and those powered by a gas engine.

1. Electric Lawn Edgers

Electric Lawn Edgers - lawn edging

The high-torque motor in the Electric Edger makes it simple for users to cut through complex lawns.

Electric lawn edgers may appear to be an item you do not require on your property; however, they can serve a variety of really useful functions. For example, it can be challenging for me to prevent the grass from growing in the walkways

Electric lawn edgers are typically more cost-effective and are better suited for use in yards that are not too large. They are either powered by batteries or can be plugged into an electrical outlet via a cord.

2. Gas-Powered Lawn Edgers

Gas-Powered Lawn Edgers

Gas edgers are heavier and have more power, while electric models are quieter to operate.

Most gas-powered household lawn edgers have a 4-cylinder engine, which may require you to mix oil and gas before use.

An edger that operates solely on gasoline will have the instruction “No Mixing” printed on the label of its container, and it is considerably simpler to use. 

When buying a gas-powered lawn edger, the edger’s weight is another factor to take into account; the bigger the fuel tank capacity, the heavier the edger will be. This is especially important if the gas edger is hand-held.

Things To Consider When Buying A Edger

If you want to landscape the garden and yard, you shouldn’t rush into choosing the best edger for the job.

The device’s power, the blade type, the cutting width and depth, and the integrated safety features are some of the major factors that should be considered when shopping for a lawn edger.

1. Edger Blade

The edger blade on a lawn edger needs to be able to be changed instantly and without much difficulty. A blade guard is another vital component because it stops debris from flying around and potentially injuring someone or causing damage. 

Additionally, the edger ought to come equipped with a blade disengagement mechanism, which would allow you to halt the rotation of the blade in case of an emergency.

2. Size Of The Lawn

Your lawn’s size will also significantly affect the type of lawn edger that’s best for your land. The more space you have for your lawn, the more power you will need in your grass edger.

Homeowners with a large yard and grass area should go with a gas-powered lawn edger rather than a manual or electric one. 

Whereas smaller yards won’t require a highly powerful alternative and may benefit from a lawn edger that is either manual or electric.

3. Multi-Purpose Or Just Edger

There are many reasons why you should seriously consider investing in a multi-tool system if you don’t already have one.

Since the multi-tool attachments are typically more compact than separate tools, they also make it simpler to store the equipment. 

If you already have a multi-tool, it is probably more cost-effective to purchase an edger attachment for that tool rather than buying an entirely new piece of equipment.

4. Power

When choosing the best lawn edger for the yard, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the power potential of the various available instruments.

For example, the power output of gas and electric models is roughly equivalent. However, the output of a manual lawn edger is dependent on the force that the operator applies.

5. Blade Type

 A simple yard can be mowed just fine with a straight, no-frills blade, but a property with many flower beds and other specialty features may benefit more from an edger with multiple positions and angle settings.

For instance, star-shaped blades are helpful when cutting yards with clear borders, such as lawns that terminate at a wall or a robust fence, because they provide a more precise cut. 

On the other hand, the majority of lawn edgers with rectangular and flat edges are only adequate for simple edging tasks.

Similarly, flat rectangular blades with scoop-cut edges manage the perimeter of more delicate landscaping elements, such as flower beds, which might otherwise be disturbed by debris when rough cutting.

6. Safety Features

When selecting a lawn edger, one of the most important considerations to make is one related to safety.

Lawn edgers of more recent versions are simpler to use and come with an increased number of safety safeguards. Trigger locks, for instance, stop the edger from being activated by mistake when it’s being used. 

Debris guards, on the other hand, stop grass, mud, and stones from being thrown back into the legs and feet of the user. Additionally, cushioned grips on the shafts and handle of the edgers work to dampen vibrations caused by the tool.

Other Features To Look For

Many manufacturers include additional product features in their products in addition to the fundamental design to enhance the lawn edger’s functionality and make the instrument more appealing to end customers.

For example, the cutting blades on edgers are typically positioned at a fixed angle that is perpendicular to the surface of the ground. However, some edgers have blades that can be adjusted to a variety of angles.

In a similar fashion, some edgers come with accessories, which can contain a wide variety of things that can be bundled together with the edger. Some examples of these products include extension cords, extra batteries, and chargers.

Types Of Lawn Edgings

The last touch on a garden is the neatness and orderliness of the grass and the boundaries of the flower beds, but maintaining this appearance can be challenging. Fortunately, ready-to-use grass edging is an option. 

Installing physical lawn borders to divide your grassy areas from the flower beds and walks around your property is one way to significantly improve the appearance of your lawn and make it far easier to take care of your entire property. 

We understand that there are many different materials and designs available, which is why we have compiled this list of lawn edging ideas to assist you in making your choices. 

We have ideas for anything from eco-friendly lawn edging to brick-style lawn edging made of metal and everything in between. So, let’s go ahead and look at them one by one!

1. Plastic Lawn Edging

Plastic Lawn Edging

Plastic lawn edging makes it simple to create straight lines or gentle bends between your flower beds and lawn.

Plastic edging can either be purchased as individual panels that do not require any digging for installation or as big reels that must be installed by digging a trench.

It is not as subtle as metal because the topside of plastic edging often protrudes beyond the surrounding soil. 

In most cases, the lawn edging made of plastic is sold as part of a kit that is already assembled and ready for installation.

It is not expensive, has a long lifespan, and when correctly laid, it does a wonderful job of defining individual spaces within your yard and lawn.

You should be able to locate basic dark plastic edging in any home improvement store, online retailer or garden store that carries landscaping supplies.

Thickness options often include ordinary and heavy-duty varieties. If you have the option, go for the thick ones because they are more robust and can survive the bumps caused by your mower. 

Your kit will provide you with interlocking components and a bolt to use when installing them. Simply set them where you want them and use a rubber mallet to secure the locking parts.

Be sure to dig the edges of the pieces themselves into the ground as well so that you can more easily mow around it and that it will remain secure.

2. Brick Lawn Edging

Brick Lawn Edging

On a lawn, brick edging keeps edges in place, reduces labor requirements, and adds a tidy finish.

Bricks that have been carefully laid out in a band and attractively arranged create an attractive boundary between the grass and the garden. 

You can run the wheels of a push mower directly on top of the border edging, and the bricks will also serve as a convenient mowing guide.

Brick edging for your lawn can be the best investment you can make if you already have a brick house, a noticeable brick chimney, or red tones in your home or landscape design. 

This particular kind of landscaping edge is regarded as a design element rather than a functional barrier for the purpose of landscaping.

It may need more effort to install than edging that is held in place by stakes, but it usually lasts far longer and may be a more permanent component of the landscaping around your home. 

Ensure that you are aware of the distinction between regular bricks and brick pavers before going to the store to purchase bricks for your landscaping. 

You can make use of typical bricks to edge your landscaping, but they are more likely to crumble and shatter than other types of bricks.

Before installing a brick edging, you will need to dig a trench, cover it with a layer of concrete, and then fill the channel with gravel. 

After that, you lay the brick in a pattern that has already been planned out. You can put them side by side in a regular pattern, either horizontally or vertically or in alternate for a diagonal arrangement.

3. Metal Lawn Edging

Metal Lawn Edging

Usually, there are two options for metal edging: steel or aluminum.

In general, installing metal lawn edging is about as simple as installing plastic lawn edging. It is not only gorgeous but also long-lasting, and it can withstand wear and tear.

Metal edging, in addition to being capable of seamlessly blending in with your environment, can also be simple to install.

Metal lawn edging kits are available the same way as plastic edging kits, and the only equipment required to install your new edging is a shovel and a rubber mallet.

Some of them come in panels called “no-dig,” meaning that you just have to pound them into the ground to install them rather than digging a hole as many other kinds of edging need you to do. Aluminum and steel are two materials that can be utilized for the metal edging.

Aluminum edging is more difficult to come by, but it is the superior material to use since it does not rust and is lighter than steel edging, making it simpler to transport.

In addition, edging made of aluminum and steel is available in various colors that can be selected to complement the color of the mulch already in your flower beds.

Edging made of aluminum or steel is an excellent choice for regions with straight lines because it does not rust, degrade, or become brittle.

When installing metal lawn edging on your lawn, I strongly suggest you leave at least half an inch of the edging above the ground. This will not only ensure that your edging is efficient, but it will also make your borders invisible and make mowing much simpler.

4. Stone Lawn Edging

Stone Lawn Edging

Stone lawn edging is not only practical but also extremely beautiful

When you use edging stones, you can help maintain your road, lawn, or flower beds looking fantastic, with clean lines, and you can also help limit the number of weeds that grow there, which is beneficial to your general health.

In addition, your garden will have a clean and well-defined border thanks to edging, which will also help keep mulch and other materials in their proper places and deter people from walking in particular areas. 

If you want your landscaping to have more of a natural appearance, natural stones make an excellent garden border. When you edge with stones, you have a wide variety of rock varieties from which to choose.

Some examples of this type of rock include river rock and cobblestone. They will prevent the grass from overgrowing your flower beds without giving the impression that they are overly formal. 

When positioning the stones, pay special attention to detail. It is essential not to leave open spaces where weeds or renegade grass could grow.

To embed the rocks into the ground, dig a trench along the edge of your garden or walkway, and then cover it with gravel or sand. This will serve as the base for the rocks.

This lets you check that the stones are even with one another and increases drainage simultaneously. You can set them into the soil using concrete, but they look just as magnificent when they are set up as a rock wall barrier above ground. 

This kind of landscaping edging is regarded as a design element just as much as a functional barrier. This type of edging installation can involve more labor than stake-installed edging, but it usually lasts far longer and can be a permanent feature of the landscape around your home.

5. Wood Lawn Edging

Wood Lawn Edging

Wooden garden edging is available in timber, bamboo, and many other wood types with various designs.

The use of wooden edging in American landscapes is not as widespread as in other parts of the world.

Still, it is an excellent material to pick because it is inexpensive and offers a warm and natural look that cannot be achieved with any other material. 

There is a wide variety of styles available to choose from when it comes to wood garden edging.

Wood’s natural texture and earthy brown tones make it an ideal complement to the greenery of a landscape, and the material’s unrefined neutrality allows it to mix in seamlessly with floral arrangements of any color. 

Although wood is more cost-efficient, it is less durable than other materials. It, however, creates a wonderful, rustic (or modern, depending on how it is installed) look at the boundaries of your lawn.

The key to successfully installing timber edging is to ensure that the ground is level and that the line that the timber will follow is straight. 

Wood does not bend or dip quickly to fit the ground’s contours. The type of wood that you use for garden edging is determined by the overall aesthetic you want to achieve.

Regardless of your option, you need to acquire treated wood that won’t decay. Treated landscape timbers are available for less than $7 per 8-foot wood at any box store you choose to shop at. 

These may be set in place around your lawn, and garden beds flush with the grass of your lawn using galvanized landscaping spikes to create some low-cost lawn edging that can be mowed over.

6. Concrete Lawn Edging

Concrete Lawn Edging

Concrete edging is a terrific method to add a unique touch to your home’s landscape.

Concrete edging is landscaping work that intends to create a boundary between two distinct types of ground lines, specifically between a garden and a lawn.

Concrete edging can serve a practical or an aesthetic purpose depending on its intended use. Concrete garden edging is an effective means of defining garden beds, tree surrounds, and driveway curbs.

Its adaptability makes it possible to meet any landscape contour. Concrete garden edging is always economical, and it is both decorative and practical at the same time.

The fact that concrete garden edging can be used for decades upon decades is probably the feature that appeals to people the most. When you have finished this project, you won’t have to worry about the wear and tear that occurs over time. 

You may use concrete pavers that have already been cast, or you could pour your own concrete if you want a unique shape.

However, if you go with a border made of poured concrete, you will almost certainly require the assistance of a qualified landscaping expert. In addition, the edge of your garden will be immovable after you pour concrete along it. 

A homeowner with some experience in the realm of do-it-yourself projects can create delightful concrete edging in a weekend with some hard work, careful planning, and careful attention to detail.

Concrete allows for the creation of even more stunning results if one employs a professional’s assistance or puts in additional work.

Final Thoughts

There are very few things that can make an already nearly beautiful lawn look even better, but freshly cut edges are one of those things. A distinct contrast will be created between the green of your yard and the surrounding areas.

Whether you install a physical barrier or use a lawn edging machine to create a unique edge in your garden to differentiate your grass from flower beds and sidewalks, lawn edging will set your yard apart and give it a beautiful and professional appearance. 

This can be accomplished in one of two ways: by installing a physical barrier or using a lawn edging tool. If this is your first time edging, it is recommended that you get help from a professional. They will be able to get it done much faster.

Also, they will leave you with a solid growth guide if you choose to keep up the edging yourself after they are through. And you are not restricted to choosing just one of the available alternatives!

When you combine and contrast several options, you usually have better outcomes. So, be creative with your choices, and Happy Gardening!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best edging for lawns?

Aluminum or steel makes the best edging material for straight areas. It won’t corrode, degrade, or weaken. For curving lawns, natural or manufactured stones can make a beautiful decorative grass border. Plastic may also be a good, more affordable alternative, but it can look a little drab and frequently pops out of the ground as it loses shape.

How can I edge my lawn cheaply?

Using an electric lawn edger is the best and most affordable way to create a neat border around your grass. These machines are reasonably priced and simple to use. You can also use a cheap edging material, like plastic, to define the edge of your lawn as well.

Is lawn edging good?

Edging isn’t necessary to maintain your grass healthy, and lawns can look beautiful without it. However, edging your grass will make it appear neat and orderly. Additionally, it will stop your grass from encroaching on surrounding spaces like flower and garden beds. Furthermore, it has outstanding visual appeal.

What is the easiest edging to install?

The installation of no-dig edging is often as simple as driving stakes into the ground, making it the simplest and easiest type of edging to put in place. It accomplishes this by utilizing spikes, which are pushed into the earth to achieve a secure hold without digging.

Does edging stop weeds?

Garden edging creates a crisp edge for a flower or vegetable bed, reducing the number of weeds that grow in the bed. In addition, the border will serve as a barrier, preventing grass from expanding into your flower bed as it rises over the edge of the yard.

Sources for Further Reading

Edging and Mulching Landscape Beds – University of Illinois Extension Service

Edging makes landscape beds pretty, easy to keep – Mississippi State University Extension Service

Tips for edging your lawn – Utah State University Extension Service

Garden Edging – University of Florida Extension Service

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