

11 Different Plants That Start With K (Including Photos)

Organizing plants by categories, so that it is easier to search through them, and go through as many as possible to discover new ones or learn about ones you already know, can be done in many different ways. Here is the list of 11 different plants that start with the letter k.

After all, you can categorize pants in different ways, with different forms of criteria! One of the easiest ways, however, is to do it by the letter their name starts with so that you can organize them alphabetically, and pick and choose which letter to go through.

11 Different Plants That Start With K (Including Photos)

Of course, some letters are harder than others when it comes to thinking about plants. For example, how many plants can you think of, off the top of your head, that start with the letter K?

It can be hard, right? But this also means that looking into it will provide you with new plants to learn about, that you otherwise might have never come across!

To help you out with this, we have compiled a list of some of the most popular plants that start with the letter K, with some basic information and interesting facts that you should know about them.

So if that sounds like something you might be interested in…keep on reading!

1. Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe plants that start with k

Kalanchoe is a genus of succulent plants, from the Crassulaceae family. It includes around 125 species, most of them native to Madagascar and the tropical regions of Africa.

They are mostly perennial shrubs, and the biggest one can reach 20 feet in height, although most others are much smaller.

The flowers have 4 sections and 8 stamens, the petals forming a sort of tube shape, and the colors are mostly bright pinks and reds.

Fun fact about the Kalanchoe, it was one of the first plants to ever be sent into space! It was sent to the Soviet Salyut 1 space station, in 1979.

Luckily, this plant doesn’t require a lot of watering and can survive in indirect sunlight, so it was able to survive!

2. Kalmia

Kalmia plants that start with k

The kalmia, better known as the Kalmia Latifolia, or popularly known as the mountain laurel, calico-bush, or spoonwood, is a type of flower plant from the Ericaceae family.

It is native to the United States of America, and it is actually a state flower for Connecticut and Pennsylvania. So it’s pretty well-known around those regions!

The plant is evergreen, and it can grow up to around 29 feet tall or so. The flowers are hexagonal in shape, and their color goes from light pink to white, with beautiful shades that make them look delicate and pretty.

They bloom between May and June, and be warned…they are completely poisonous!

3. Knotweed

Knotweed plants that start with k

Knotweed, more accurately known as Polygonum, is a genus of flowering plants from the Polygonaceae family, and it is sometimes also known as knotgrass.

The exact species included within this genus can vary, as there are many that are borderline in the traits required to be grouped as the same.

As a general rule, knotweed grows in places with temperate climates, although it is very adaptable, which is what leads to diversity in the different species.

It can be eaten by humans and can be used as a food source, but for most, it is too weedy to be of much use within the culinary world, and most animals avoid it for this very same reason.

Appearance-wise, knotweed has branched stems, with alternate leaves that are less than an inch in length.

The flowers have five petals, light in color, and the fruit they bear is three-sides, so this is what you should look out for to identify it!

4. Korean Evodia

Korean Evodia plants that start with k

The Korean Evodia, more accurately known as the Tetradium Daniellii, is a type of flower plant from the Rutaceae family.

You might have heard it being referred to by the name Bee-bee tree, as this is a popular nickname for it.

This is because the flowers bloom in groups that branch outward, small and white in color, and thanks to their strong sweet scent, they attract lots of bees!

So basically, you will often encounter bees around this plant, hence the name Bee-bee tree! They’re quite visually appealing too, and they bloom during the late summer.

Oh, and the Korean Evodia, much as the name suggests, is native to Korea, although it is also popularly found in the southwest of China.

RELATED: 19 Heart Touching and Joyful Korean Succulents for Gardens

5. Kudzu

kudzu plants that start with k

The Kudzu, also popularly known as the Japanese arrowroot, or the Chinese arrowroot is a type of plant that is essentially a group of climbing vines.

They are perennial, native to East and South Asia. However, they have been spread around the world, and have become a bit of a problem in some places, such as North America where they are classed as an invasive species!

The vines climb over other plants and trees, smothering and killing them, and they do so at a very fast pace, so they need to be carefully monitored and controlled, although they can look quite aesthetic.

Oh, and fun fact, they are actually edible! Just be warned that they are usually sprayed with herbicides (due to having to be carefully controlled), so you probably shouldn’t eat them.

6. Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi plants that start with k

Better known as the Brassica Oleracea, the Kohlrabi plant is a genus that includes common species such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and more.

When left to grow in the wild, it is also known as wild cabbage. It is primarily native to coastal regions of Europe. It is incredibly hardy and tough, and has a very high tolerance to harsh soil conditions, such as salt, meaning it can grow pretty much anywhere.

However, it is quite vulnerable to other plants. So that keeps it in check and stops it from ever becoming invasive.

And just like a normally cultivated cabbage, it is completely edible!

7. Kale


Kale, mostly known as leaf cabbage, belongs to the Brassica Oleracea family. And it is grown and cultivated all over the world for its edible leaves.

These leaves are green or purple, and they are more similar to the wild cabbage than to any other species within the brassica family.

You’ve probably come across plenty of kale in the grocery store. As it is popular within everyday cuisine in most parts of the world, and it’s pretty tasty!

8. Kalimeris


The Kalimeris, scientifically known as the Kalimeris Asters, is a genus of plants belonging to the sunflower family.

The discovery of it was in 1825, by a French botanist called Alexandre Henri Gabriel. Since then, it has become a popular flower loved by many.

Native to eastern Asia and Hawaii, it can grow up to around 5 feet in height. With herbaceous foliage that presents blue-green leaves.

As for the flowers, they are disc-shaped and vibrant in their yellow, white, pink, or purple colors. They are often used in gardens, for decorative purposes, or as cut flowers in bouquet arrangements.

9. Kentucky Coffee Tree

Kentucky Coffee Tree

The Kentucky coffee tree, officially famous as the Gymnocladus dioicus. A type of tree from the Fabaceae family, native to many different parts of the United States, and Canada.

The name comes from the fact that you can roast the seeds. And use them as substitutes for coffee beans, but be warned that it isn’t coffee.

Also, when unroasted, the seeds are toxic, so be careful! The wood is also useful, in use by carpenters around the world. Moreover, the tree itself is also popularly planted to decorate city streets.

This tree can grow up to 70 feet tall, give or take, and does so pretty fast. Which is why it’s so good for decorating spaces and providing shade!

RELATED: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee: 7 Different Types Of Coffee Trees

10. Knautia


The Knautia is a genus of flower plants from the Caprifoliaceae family. More popularly famous as the widow flower.

Some people also call it the scabious flower. But that’s a different flower that is easily confused with the Knautia, as they are from a very similar genus!

The proper name, Knautia, comes from Christoph and Christian Knut, two German botanists from the 17th century.

Appearance-wise, the Knautia is beautiful, often cultivated in gardens for decorative purposes. It is a perennial flower that blooms for a long time, light pink with shades of purple in color.

11. Katsura Tree

Katsura Tree

The Katsura tree, officially names the Cercidiphyllum. It is a genus that includes two different species, and they are the sole members of the Cercidiphyllaceae family.

The Katsura is native to both Japan and China.

It can grow to be up to around 148 feet in height, which is pretty impressive. But also, it is one of the biggest hardwood trees in Asia!

The flowers that bloom on this tree are small, almost unnoticeable, and they bloom during the early spring.

As for the fruit, it appears as clusters of small pods, matured during the fall. And an interesting fact about the Katsura tree. The leaves have a strong sweet scent during the fall that is often described as smelling like a cake!

It’s why in German this tree is known as the gingerbread tree or the pie tree.

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of other plants that start with the letter K if you want to discover and learn about more.

But hopefully, the ones we included in this list are interesting enough for you! It’s fascinating how much variety there is within the plant world, isn’t it?