If you are curious about what types of Cambodian veggies might find in Cambodia. You are in luck. Today we are pleased to share with you a list of vegetables that you can find in Cambodia.
You might be surprised at just how many types you are not aware of. So, without further ado, let us dive right in.
1. Water Spinach

The name “water spinach” comes from the fact that it resembles watercress, which also grows in wetland areas, but this resemblance isn’t really accurate.
Water spinach is a type of edible aquatic plant (hence its name) and can be found throughout Asia. It’s actually native to Southeast Asia and has been cultivated for thousands of years.
2. Yardlong Beans

Yardlong beans are another common Asian vegetable. They’re very popular in Thailand and Vietnam. The main difference between yard-long beans and regular green beans is the shape of the bean itself.
Yardlong beans are usually much longer than regular green beans and have an elongated appearance.
3. Oriental Squash

Oriental squash is actually a type of winter melon, although it’s not as commonly used as other types of winter melons. Winter melons are vegetables with very thick skin and a hard shell on them.
They have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, so they’re great for your diet. The taste of oriental squashes varies depending on what region you buy them from. Some varieties may have a stronger flavor while others may be sweeter.
4. Winter Melon

Winter melon is also known as chayote. This is a tropical fruit that’s grown all over Southeast Asia and Central America. In Vietnam and Thailand,
people often eat this by grating off the peel. The flesh inside looks similar to cucumber and tastes sweet.
5. Drumstick Tree

Also known as moringa, this is a fast-growing tree that is native to some regions in Southern Asia. It is most typically grown for the seed pods and leaves which are edible and often used as vegetables in Cambodian cuisine.
These pods contain many nutrients, including protein, iron, calcium, vitamin A, B1, B2, C, D, E, K, P, zinc, and folic acid. They’re also rich in antioxidants.
6. Water Mimosa

Water mimosa is one of the few plants that can grow in both fresh and saltwater. It’s a type of flowering plant that’s native to Indonesia and Malaysia.
The flowers look like small white daisies, although there are more variations in color. There are different ways to prepare this vegetable: They are normally stir-fried, boiled, or steamed.
7. Garlic Chives

Also known as Asian Chives this vegetable is a type of onion that is frequently used in Cambodian cuisine. They originated from China and have since been cultivated in various countries around the world.
8. Thai Celery

Thai celery is a leafy vegetable that’s often eaten raw. It’s a member of the carrot family and has a milder flavor compared to other members of the same family.
It’s also called Chinese parsley or Japanese parsley because it was first introduced into Europe through China and Japan.
9. Chocolate Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds come from pumpkins that are native to Mexico and are now being grown in North America. They are typically ground up into flour and then baked into bread.
However, these pumpkin seeds are a good source of fiber, magnesium, and selenium. They’re also high in antioxidants.
10. Bok Choy

This is a type of cabbage that comes from China. It’s usually cooked before eating and is sometimes served with rice dishes. Bok choy contains lots of vitamins, especially vitamin C and several other healthy vitamins.
11. Sawah Lettuce

Sawah lettuce is an Asian green vegetable that grows in hot weather. It’s found in South East Asia and is often eaten raw but can also be pickled. When fermented, it becomes a popular condiment in Cambodia.
12. Broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable that’s native to southern Italy. It’s considered a superfood due to its high amounts of antioxidants and cancer-fighting agents.
Broccoli is often steam-cooked or stir-fried and may be combined with other vegetables such as carrots,
13. Pennywort

Pennywort is a perennial herb found throughout Europe and in some parts of Asia. It’s commonly used in salads and soups. It’s high in minerals,
including potassium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, calcium, copper, manganese, iron, and zinc. Pennywort is also rich in vitamins, including biotin, thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin.
14. Bean Sprout

This is a type of Asian sprout that grows best in warm climates and can be eaten raw or cooked. It’s especially popular during the summer months.
Bean sprouts are very nutritious and full of energy. They’re also high on the list of foods that contain protein.
15. Climbing Wattle

The climbing wattle is a vine that originates from Australia. Its leaves and stems can be eaten raw or steamed. This vine is also known for its medicinal properties. It’s believed to boost immunity and help prevent the common cold.
16. Agati

Agati is that’s native to Indonesia and can be eaten when they ripen. Agati is high in potassium and low in sugar making them ideal as snacks. They can be bought fresh at markets or frozen and defrosted.
17. African Cabbage

This cabbage originated in Africa and is also grown in India. It’s been cultivated for thousands of years and is still widely grown today.
African cabbages have become more popular than traditional white cabbages since they’re available year-round and taste just like regular cabbages.
The leaves of the African cabbages are very tasty and can be added to any dish where you’d add a leafy green vegetable.
18. Taro

Taro is a root vegetable that originated from Madagascar. Taro is extremely starchy and was once used as food by Native Americans.
Today, taro is mostly grown commercially and is a staple part of the diet in Hawaii. Taro has a unique flavor that’s not too sweet, so it makes a great addition to savory dishes.
19. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are native to Central America and were first introduced into the United States through the slave trade. Sweet potato is a popular winter vegetable because it stores well and thrives even with cold temperatures.
20. Galangal

Galangal is a rhizome that originated from Southeast Asia. Galangal is one of the most important spices in Thai cooking and is usually used in curry powders. It’s an essential ingredient in Thai cuisine and is also used in Indian and Chinese cuisines.
21. Chinese Ginger

Ginger is a plant native to China. It’s thought to date back to prehistoric times. When ginger is harvested, the top 2 inches of the stem and roots are removed before it’s sold.
This allows the ginger to keep growing without being damaged. Fresh ginger is always peeled before eating but if you’re using dried ginger, there’s no need to peel it.
You should cut off the ends of the root and chop it up before adding it to your dishes.
RELATED: Growing Ginger: Key Information on How to Grow Hydroponically
22. Plai

Plai is a tropical fruit that originated in Malaysia. Plai is often served with ice cream and custard which gives it a creamy texture. Plai is very versatile and can be used in desserts and baked goods.
23. Daikon Radish

Radishes are another member of the mustard family and originate from Europe. Daikon radish has a milder flavor than other types of radishes and is perfect for salads.
24. Jicama

Jicama is a tuberous root vegetable that originated in Mexico. This vegetable is sometimes called Mexican turnip due to its appearance. Jicama is higher in fiber and lower in calories compared to other root vegetables.
25. Bamboo Shoot

Bamboo shoots are actually young bamboo plants and come from South East Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand. Bamboo shoots are usually cooked until tender and then seasoned with salt and chili powder.
26. Bottle Gourd

The bottle gourd is a large vine-like vegetable that originates from parts of Africa and Asia. Bottle gourds are often considered a “poor man’s pumpkin”
because they grow in abundance during the rainy season and are easy to harvest. They’re high in vitamin A and C.
27. Wax Gourd

Wax gourd is a long thin squash that grows on vines and originated in Africa. Wax gourds are high in nutrients and low in carbohydrates making them a healthy snack or side dish.
28. Lufa Gourd

Lufa gourd is a round, orange squash that originated in Africa. Lufas are very high in iron and potassium. They’re also good sources of vitamin A and beta-carotene.
29. Winged Bean

Winged beans are a type of bean that comes from Southeast Asia and are commonly known as mung beans.
Winged beans are extremely nutritious and have been used as both a source of protein and starch throughout history. Mung beans contain more protein than almost any other legume.
30. Ivy Gourd

Ivy gourds are a type of gourd that resembles a cucumber and originated in India. Ivy gourds are rich in vitamins A and C and are a great addition to any salad.
31. Water Lilly

Water lilies are aquatic flowers that originate from Asia. Water lilies are often found near ponds and lakes. In Cambodia, the young leaves and unopened flower buds are sometimes cooked or eaten raw and used as vegetables.
32. Eggplant

Eggplants are a member of the nightshade family and were originally grown by the Egyptians. They are available year-round, although they tend to peak between May and August.
These vegetables are popular all over the world and are used in many cuisines.
RELATED: 17 Different Types Of Eggplant Plants (Including Photos)
33. Tamarind

Tamarind is a sour fruit that originates from West Africa. Tamarind pods are often soaked in water and crushed to create tamarind juice.
The pulp left after straining the liquid is what’s used in cooking. Tamarind is an important ingredient in Khmer cuisine.
34. Okra

Okra is a green pod-shaped plant native to Southern Africa. Okra is most well known for its use as a thickener and flavoring agent in soups and stews. It contains a lot of vitamin A which helps protect your eyesight.
35. Banana Flower

Banana flowers are a kind of bromeliad originating from Central America. These flowers are most famous for their bright yellow petals, but they can be found in other colors too.
Banana flowers are considered a delicacy and are typically fried and served with coconut milk.
36. Green Chili

Green chilies are a small pepper originating from Mexico and are typically dried before being sold. Green chilies are frequently ground into powder and added to sauces and dishes.
Red chilies are thought to be hotter tasting, so people might prefer using them in dishes where heat isn’t necessary.
37. Yellow Corn

Yellow corn is a sweet variety of corn that originated in South America. Yellow corn has a different flavor than white or red corn, but it’s still delicious! You can find yellow corn at Asian markets.
38. Frisee Lettuce

This is another type of salad green that grows in hot weather and resembles mâche lettuce. This type of lettuce is found throughout South East Asia.
There are manyl varieties of this lettuce including radicchio, puntarelle, and many others.
Final Thoughts
That is all for this article, we hope that you have enjoyed learning about vegetables you can find in Cambodia. Have a fantastic day. Bye for now!
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