So, you love rose of Sharon flowers. Who can blame you, they are stunning. The brightly colored petals and the vast variety of shapes and sizes make this plant a great choice for people with all different tastes and needs. In this article, we are going to look at several types of rose of Sharon flowers out there. So, without further ado, let us get started.
1. Purple Heart – Hibiscus Syriacus

This variety of rose of Sharon is a classic, the vibrant striking purple petals are just one reason this is such a popular flower.
They tend to have a lovely deep purple-colored center with lighter-colored petals. The flowers can be about four inches across. That’s pretty big for a flower!
So, if you would like a beautiful, flashy, purple flower in your garden this might be the variety for you.
To spice things up, you could plant another rose of Sharon variety next to the Purple Heart, maybe planting a pink rose of Sharon nearby will cause some spectacular color combinations.
2. Red Heart – Hibiscus Syriacus

The Red Heart rose of Sharon is similar to the flashy Purple Heart, but it is sadly not as well known.
Both flowers are quite similar, other than the petals of the Red Heart having a reddish tinge instead of purple.
If you want a rose of Sharon variety that will last a long time this might be the perfect variety for you.
3. Bluebird – Hibiscus Syriacus

If you want a rose of Sharon that is super vibrant the bluebird will suit you. The petals are a shockingly vibrant blueish purple with an even deeper purple center.
Some people describe the bluebirds coloring as electric and when you see one of these flowers you can see why.
The bluebird flower is about three inches wide and the plant itself will grow between six and eight feet tall.
If you would like your summer garden to be more vibrant than usual, look into getting some bluebird rose of Sharon planted. You will not regret it.
RELATED: Make The Most Of Your Roses: How To Make Your Flowers Last
4. Marina – Hibiscus Syriacus

This variety is also known as blue satin, they have a beautiful deep purple center that fades into striking royal blue petals.
If you want a flower that takes the stage, this rose of Sharon variety will certainly do the job.
This particular plant is a little more drought-resistant than some of the others so if you need a plant that will handle less water this will be a good fit for you.
5. Diana – Hibiscus Syriacus

Some people call this flower ‘Snow White’ and it is easy to see why. Diana is a beautiful pale white flower with no extra color on her petals.
The flowers on this variety are large, coming to about six inches across at most.
If you are looking for a beautiful flower that is not brightly colored but rather exudes an elegant presence make sure to consider the Diana.
6. Minerva – Hibiscus Syriacus

Minerva is another classic rose of Sharon. With brightly colored magenta and pink petals with a shocking red center, these flowers are sure to grab your attention.
The flowers on this variety are quite small, only three inches across. But the Minerva plant can grow up to ten meters tall, so this is by no means a small plant.
If you are looking for a delightful and colorful flower for your garden you should consider purchasing a Minerva. You are not likely to regret the choice.
7. Aphrodite – Hibiscus Syriacus

The Aphrodite, as the name might suggest, is another of the romantic-looking rose of Sharon plants. The large four-inch flower heads are a beautiful pink with large yellow stamens in the center.
If you want a brightly colored flower with a romantic air, this is a good option. They are also ideal if you have a small area to plant your rose of Sharon.
8. Lucy – Hibiscus Syriacus

This bright magenta rose of Sharon flower is without a doubt one of the most showy varieties. The double flower really makes it look like a real rose from afar.
So, if you like roses but don’t have the time to care for them, the Lucy rose of Sharon is a fantastic option. They are brightly colored, flashy, easy to look after, and even look like a real rose.
9. Pink – Hibiscus Syriacus

As the name might propose, this rose of Sharon variety is a beautiful shade of pink. These flowers are quite big, about 4 inches across to be exact.
On top of being a beautiful pastel pink, these flowers have almost fuzzy petals which give them a unique look and feel.
If you are looking for a rose of Sharon flower that is romantic and striking, the Pink is a great choice.
10. Pink Chiffon – Hibiscus Syriacus

If you thought that pink was a romantic flower you will be surprised to find that the pink chiffon rose of Sharon is even more so.
The beautiful baby pink and delicate semi-double petals work seamlessly to create this perfectly elegant rose of Sharon variety.
The plant itself will grow between eight and twelve feet tall. So you will have a fairly large rose of Sharon plant chock-full of beautiful light pastel pink flowers if you go with this variety.
11. White Chiffon – Hibiscus Syriacus

The white chiffon rose of Sharon is a delightfully beautiful flower. With pure white petals. Some people find the lack of vibrant colors to be a bit boring, but there is an ethereal beauty in the white chiffon.
The elegant look of these flowers would certainly suit most gardens. So, if you want an elegant flower for your garden you may want to consider the white chiffon rose of Sharon.
12. Blue Chiffon – Hibiscus Syriacus

Striking. That is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a blue chiffon rose of Sharon. They have a semi-double grouping of petals which makes them look a little frilly.
The beautiful pastel baby blue petals are quite striking and certain to catch your eye.
The blue chiffon plant grows up to twelve feet tall, so they are quite large. you may need a sizable spot in your garden to adequately house one of these amazing plants.
13. Lavender Chiffon – Hibiscus Syriacus

These pink rose of Sharon flowers have beautiful subtle red veins that spread over the petals. They are quite large plants that are well known to enjoy environments that have high humidity.
They also enjoy air that is a little salty. These flowers were originally from China and India. SO, if you want a beautiful, flashy oriental rose of Sharon this might be the perfect flower for your garden.
14. Blueberry Smoothie – Hibiscus Syriacus

These flowers are very rose-like in the way that the petals organize themselves. But the unusual bright purple color makes the blueberry smoothie rose of Sharon a very flashing flower and one that is sure to impress all of your friends.
The flowers grow up to four inches across in diameter and the plant can grow up to eight feet tall. So, if you want a flashy, beautiful -rose-like flower for your garden you should definitely consider the blueberry smoothie rose of Sharon.
15. Rose Mallow – Hibiscus Syriacus

This woody shrub rose of Sharon variety produces amazing flowers that are a stunning vibrant pink.
The double layer of petals makes the rose mallow look very much like a real rose which is an absolute delight if you love the look of roses.
If you are looking for a rose of Sharon that is strikingly beautiful and gives off a romantic feel, the rose mallow might be a good fit for you.
16. Orchid Satin – Hibiscus Syriacus

This variety is a relatively new rose of Sharon, the flowers are about five inches across. They are a beautiful pastel pink with a bright red center and rays extending nearly to the end of the flower.
If you want an exotic-looking flower in your garden the orchid satin is a great choice. The flashy, brightly colored flowers are sure to turn heads.
17. Sugar Tip – Hibiscus Syriacus

This variety of rose of Sharon is a double flower which means that it has two layers of petals. On top of that, the bright-colored center and pale petals really make it stand out in a subtle kind of way.
But, the flowers aren’t all that is attractive about this plant, the foliage is also stunning. Overall, the sugar top is just a gorgeous flower and would make a perfect addition to your summer garden.
18. Purple Pillar – Hibiscus Syriacus

These flowers are a beautiful pinkish purple, the bicolor petals are stunning when you first see them. This particular rose of Sharon variety attracts a lot of pollinators like bees and butterflies.
So, if you want a flower that helps your local ecosystem this is a great slower to consider for your garden.
19. Oisaeu Bleau – Hibiscus Syriacus

This variety is beautiful, striking, and elegant in every way. The petals are a beautiful blueish purple with a darker purple center.
The Oisaeu Bleau rose of Sharon is about three inches across and the bush itself can grow up to eight feet tall.
So, if you want a rose of Sharon with an almost soothing yet elegant look, this variety will suit you perfectly.
20. Lil Kim – Hibiscus Syriacus

The Lil Kim is a smaller variety of rose of Sharon, some people refer to them as a dwarf variety. Despite being small, the Lil Kim plant has very showy flowers and ones that are sure to impress you.
These flowers have a very similar pattern to the Purple Heart variety, the main difference is the rays that extend further down each petal.
The plant grows up to four feet tall which makes these the perfect variety if you have a smaller spot in your harden.
If you want a flashy rose of Sharon that is sure to spark conversation make sure to consider the Lil Kim.
Final Thoughts
That is all for this article, we hope that you have enjoyed learning about these different rose of Sharon varieties. There are plenty more besides the ones we have mentioned here.
So, there is the potential to learn more, as is the way with life. You are always learning and discovering different things even when you think you know it all. Goodbye for now and have a fantastic day!
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