A Place In The Sun: 15 Different Types Of Sunflower

Sunflowers are beautiful flowers that come in various colors and shapes. They are also known as Helianthus annuus or common sunflower. The flower heads contain numerous tiny yellow florets.Sunflowers are native to North America. In the United States, they are found mainly in the central plains states. They are also grown commercially in Europe and Asia.There are several types of sunflowers. These include: single, double, and giant varieties. Single sunflowers are smaller than those with multiple heads.

Double sunflowers have two rows of petals. Giant sunflowers have large heads.The following is a list of the most popular types of sunflower:

1. Single-Headed Sunflowers

These are small, single-headed sunflowers. Some examples include:

A Place in the Sun: The Ultimate Guide to Sunflowers

Astrid – This variety has a very compact growth habit. It grows about 12 inches tall. Its color is dark green with light green edges.

Black Knight – This variety has black stems and leaves. It grows 10 to 14 inches tall. Its color varies from deep purple to white.

Blue Boy – This variety has blue stems and leaves. It can grow up to 18 inches tall. Its color ranges from pale yellow to orange.

2. Double-Headed Sunflowers

These are larger than single-headed sunflowers. Some examples include: 

A Place in the Sun: The Ultimate Guide to Sunflowers

Astrid – This variety grows about 15 inches tall. Its color range from dark red to pinkish red.

Coral Queen – This variety has coral colored stems and leaves. It is easy to grow. It grows up to 20 inches tall. Its color may be any shade of pink to salmon.

Dark Knight – This variety has dark stems and leaves. It has a compact growth habit. It can reach up to 16 inches tall. Its color can vary from dark brown to almost black.

3. Giant Sunflowers

Some examples include:

A Place in the Sun: The Ultimate Guide to Sunflowers

Coral King – This variety has coral-colored stems and leaves. It reaches up to 24 inches tall. Its color usually ranges from bright orange to reddish orange.

Dark Knight – This variety has darker stems and leaves than other sunflower varieties. It grows up to 30 inches tall. Its color typically ranges from dark brown to almost gray.

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15 Different Types Of Sunflower That You Can Easily Plant In Your Garden

If you want to plant your own sunflowers, there are many varieties available. If you like the idea of growing them yourself, then you should know what type of sunflower are best for your garden.

There are many types of sunflower that you can easily grow in your garden. Here are some of the most popular ones:

1. Single-headed sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)

This is one of the easiest sunflowers to grow. All you need to do is buy seeds and plant them in your garden. Once they start blooming, you will not be disappointed by their beauty.

2. Double-headed sunflowers (Helianthus annuas)

You can find these sunflowers at your local grocery store or nursery. The only difference between this types of sunflower and others is that it has more flowers per stalk.

3. Giant sunflowers (Heliocarpus americanus)

This sunflower is also called the American sunflower because it originated in North America. They are known for having huge heads that can weigh as much as 2 pounds!

4. Black Knight sunflowers (H. mollis)

This sunflower was named after its inventor, Dr. George F. Knight. He developed the first hybridized sunflower seed. These sunflowers have dark stems and leaves.

5. Blue Boy sunflowers (Hemizonia verna)

This sunflower has blue stems and leaves and grows up to 18 inches tall when mature.

6. Coral Queen sunflowers (Hemerocallis fulva)

This sunflower comes in various colors such as pink, orange, and salmon. When grown indoors, it can get up to 12 inches tall.

7. Dark Knight sunflowers (Helichrysum arenarium)

The stems and leaves of this sunflower are dark green. It grows up to 25 inches tall.

8. Golden sunflower (Heliotropium europaeum)

The golden sunflower looks similar to the sunflower we all know. However, it has a yellow center instead of a white one.

9. Helianthus tuberosus

This sunflower has long stalks with large heads. They are very hardy plants.

10. Hybrid sunflowers (Helicanthes lutea)

These sunflowers come in various colors including red, purple, and yellow. They are easy to grow and produce beautiful flowers.

11. Hybrids (Helianthus ×hybridus)

These sunflowers are hybrids of several sunflower species. Some common sunflowers include H. annuus, H. argophyllus, and H. petiolaris.

12. Lacecap sunflowers (Heteronychous arvensis)

These sunflowered have small heads and look similar to daisy flowers. They grow up to 10 inches high.

13. Marigold sunflowers (Tagetes patula)

Marigolds are commonly used as ornamental plants. This variety of sunflower is an annual flower that produces bright yellow flowers.

14. Monkshood sunflowers (Hymenocallis brevifolia)

Monkshood sunflowers are native to Mexico. They have thick stems and large heads.

15. Nodding sunflower (Helianthus ciliaris)

Nodding sunflowers have nodding heads that resemble dandelions. They grow up to 15 inches tall.

What Are Dwarf Sunflowers?

Dwarf sunflowers are smaller than regular sunflowers. Most dwarf sunflowers are not self-pollinating. You need a separate male and female sunflower to pollinate each other. If you want to save time and money, then planting dwarf sunflowers is a good idea. 

A Place in the Sun: The Ultimate Guide to Sunflowers

What Are Tall Sunflowers?

Tall sunflowers are taller than average sunflowers. They usually grow up to 20 inches tall. Tall sunflowers are often planted in gardens or parks.

A Place in the Sun: The Ultimate Guide Types Of Sunflower

How Do I Grow Sunflowers?

Sunflowers require full sunlight. Plant them in well-drained soil. Water regularly so they don’t dry out. To keep your sunflowers healthy, add fertilizer once every two weeks.

Sunflowers are best harvested before they bloom. Wait until their heads turn brown before harvesting. The seeds will stay fresh for about a month if stored properly.

Planting Tips

1. Choose a sunny location with rich soil.

2. Add compost to help improve drainage.

3. Don’t plant too close together.

4. Keep weeds under control.

5. Mulch around the base of the stem to prevent weeds from growing.

6. Use a garden hose to water your sunflowers.

7. Fertilize your sunflowers after blooming.

8. Harvest when the heads start turning brown.

9. Store seeds in paper envelopes or plastic bags in a cool place.

10. Propagation: Seeds should be sown directly into the ground. After germination, transplant seedlings into individual pots.

11. Transplant seedlings outdoors during the last week of April through the first week of May.

12. Pinch off side shoots to encourage bushing growth.

13. Cut back on flowering tops to promote bushier growth.

14. Provide plenty of light and water.

15. Feed your sunflowers twice a year.

16. Remove spent blossoms to prolong the blooming season.

What Is The Best Type Of Sunflower?

There are many types of sunflower available. It’s important to choose one that suits your needs. Here are some things to consider when choosing a types of sunflower:

1. Sunflowers can be grown indoors or outside.

2. Sunflowers come in different colors, shapes, sizes, and heights.

3. Some varieties produce more seeds than others.

4. Some sunflowers are edible.

5. Many sunflowers are decorative.

6. Some sunflowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

7. Some sunflowers provide pollen for bees.

8. Some sunflowers have medicinal properties.

9. Some sunflowers can be used for oil production.

10. Some sunflowers make great cut flowers.

11. Some sunflowers produce a lot of seeds.

12. Some sunflowers grow quickly.

13. Some sunflowers look attractive in flower beds.

Which Sunflower Should I Buy?

You can buy sunflowers at any grocery store. However, it’s best to buy organic sunflowers because they’re less likely to contain pesticides. Organic sunflowers may also taste better.

How Long Does A Sunflower Last?

A sunflower lasts approximately three months. When the head starts to turn brown, remove the dried stems. Then carefully pull apart the petals to expose the yellow seeds inside.

Spread the seeds on a tray covered with newspaper. Place the tray in a warm area (about 70 degrees) until the seeds sprout.

How Much Can You Get From One Sunflower Seed?

One mature sunflower produces between 50 and 100 seeds. Each seed contains an average of 1/8 cup of vegetable matter. This means you’ll get about 2 tablespoons of vegetable matter from one sunflower seed.


To conclude, there are many varieties of sunflower plants. They all offer their own unique benefits. The vast majority of sunflowers will be planted outdoors, however, indoor growers can enjoy them as well.

Sunflowers can grow in any soil type, but they do need full sunlight. Therefore you should ensure that your sunflowers receive enough direct sunlight throughout the day. Watering is essential too. 

Make sure you keep your sunflowers watered regularly so that they don’t dry out. If you live in a hot climate, you’ll want to protect your sunflowers from extreme heat by placing them under shade cloths during the hottest part of the day.

Finally, if you plant your sunflowers early in spring, you’ll be able to harvest them before summer arrives.