

L Is For Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

If someone were to put your brain to the test and ask you to name as many Veggies that start With L, how many would you be able to name?

It may surprise you to learn that there are actually much more vegetables that have names beginning with L than you first think. In fact, there are as many as 15 different vegetables that start with L!

To save you from having to scratch your head too much, we’ve put together a handy list of vegetables that have names starting with L.

So all you need to do is peruse the list we have collated below to find out all you need to know about vegetables starting with L!

Let’s take a look at all the different varieties of vegetables that have names starting with L.

1. Lagos Bologi

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Native to Mexico, America, and West Africa, as well as being popular in a whole range of Nigerian cuisine, lagos bologi is a leafy vegetable that can be eaten both cooked and raw.

Lagos bologi is a type of spinach, and is best lightly steamed or stir-fried.

Make sure to only steam it for a couple of minutes, because the leaves can become slimy if cooked for too long.

Lagos bologi is also known by a whole range of other names. It can also be called Florida spinach, cariru, sweetheart, or purslane.

Lagos bologi is typically high in several essential vitamins and minerals, so is often used for medicinal purposes too.

2. Laver

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Chances are that you have seen laver at the beach without even knowing it. This is a type of seaweed, and is a delicacy in Wales, UK.

It is often harvested from the seaside, washed, then boiled for several hours before being transformed into a green purée.

It can also be steamed before being turned into the Welsh dish known as laverbread.

Laver can be made into flat cakes, which are then fried with crispy bacon for a truly tempting dish. You can also add a dash of lemon juice, better, as well as season with salt and pepper to bring out the best in your laver.

3. Lemongrass

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

A favorite for flavoring Asian dishes, lemongrass was originally discovered on tropical islands. This woody herb is very popular in both Vietnamese and Thai cuisine, or even in lemongrass tea.

Lemongrass is a particular favorite flavoring in curry dishes, and can also be used in a variety of salads and sauces.

This tasty vegetable can be used either whole, chopped, or as a ground powder. It is often minced into a paste, too, to make it easier to add to dishes like curries.

4. Lettuce

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

There are so many varieties of lettuce to choose from that we included it as its own entry! This leafy green vegetable is typically used to add some more flavor to sandwiches, and can also be used to make salad.

Did you know there are more than 1,100 varieties of lettuce? The main cultivars can be narrowed down into 7 different categories, with the most popular being romaine, head, and leaf.

This herbaceous plant can reach as high as 12 inches tall if left to grow to its full height.

5. Lakota Squash

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Originating from America, Lakota squash was first cultivated by the Native Americans in the Lakota region.

This variety of squash is typically shaped like a pear or a great drop, and has a striking appearance. The outer shell is orange, with green stripes slicing down the Lakota squash.

This is a type of squash that has a sweet flavor profile, and can be used for a wide variety of cooking applications. Similar to zucchini, it can be used for both sweet and savory dishes.

6. Lebanese Cucumber

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Looking for an alternative to the standard cucumber? Then the smaller Lebanese cucumber could be just the thing that you’re looking for.

Unusually, the Lebanese cucumber is typically sweeter than its cousin, and has a smoother skin.

Interestingly, the Lebanese cucumber is considered to be a seedless variety of cucumber.

7. Lo Bok

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

The lo bok is a variety of radish that is often very popular in Asian cuisine. Lo bok is shaped similar to a carrot, but is white in appearance instead of orange.

This cultivar tends to be rather large, measuring as much as 18 inches when allowed to grow to its full length.

Lo bok can also be called by several other names. These can include daikon, white radish, Japanese radish, or oriental radish.

This fascinating vegetable is typically used to add a certain crunchiness to salad dishes or relishes.

It is typically added to soups, stews, or stir fries, and can even be pickled as well. It is safe to eat both cooked and raw.

8. Land Cress

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

A particular favorite in Europe, land cress is typically used in salads or even as a substitute to watercress. This is partially because land cress is easier to grow and cultivate than watercress.

Land cress can be eaten both cooked and raw. It has a similar flavor profile to watercress, but tends to be more peppery on the tongue.

This leafy green vegetable is packed full of vitamins A, C, B, and E, as well as calcium and iron.

9. Leek

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Another fantastic vegetable to have on your table is of course the leek. This is a versatile root vegetable that is actually closely related to onions.

These have a milder flavor than their cousin, and make a wonderful addition to a variety of dishes.

Interestingly, they are also known to be the national vegetable of Wales in the UK. Leeks are often worn on the day of their patron saint, St David, on the 1st March.

10. Lentil

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

One of the most popular legumes consumed around the world, the lentil is actually known to be the smallest of this type of vegetable.

There are so many varieties of lentils to choose from, including red lentils, yellow lentils, brown lentils, black lentils, and green lentils.

Just like other types of legumes, lentils are considered to be an excellent source of fiber and protein. They also have a whole wealth of essential vitamins and minerals, so pack a healthy punch.

They are used in a wide variety of dishes, most notably soups and stews.

11. Lima Bean

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Another popular legume is of course the humble lima bean. This bean is typically smaller than other types of common bean.

In fact, you can even use lima beans as a substitute for other types of beans in your recipes, such as kidney beans.

Lima beans are similar in flavor to kidney beans, and pack lots of healthy fiber and protein into their small forms. They are also very rich in iron as well as a whole number of other essential vitamins and minerals.

Interestingly, the lima bean is also known as the butter bean. It is wonderfully versatile and can be used in a range of different dishes, most notably casseroles, soups, and stews.

12. Lacinato Kale

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Fancy giving your diet a healthy dose of greenery? Then why not opt for lacinato kale, which is a popular variety of kale!

This leafy green tends to be tender when compared to the hardier curly kale, and is green-grayish in color. It tends to have a more earthy flavor than standard kale.

Another name for lacinato kale is dinosaur kale, all down to the bumpy appearance of the leaves.

13. Legumes

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

If you want to up your intake of protein without eating too much meat, then legumes are a great place to start.

There are also lots of different varieties to choose from when it comes to legumes! Virtually any type of bean is considered to be a legume.

Legumes are very rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B and protein.

14. Lotus Root

L is for Leek: Lavish Veggies That Start With ‘L’

Perhaps one of the more unusual vegetables on our list of vegetables starting with L, the lotus root is actually a fascinating tuber that ranks in the same area as potatoes, beetroot, and carrots.

It is a popular choice in African and Asian cuisines, and is a particular favorite for those living in Sri Lanka.

The lotus root is packed full of a number of essential vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin B6 and A, and the lotus root is also considered to be a fantastic source of iodine.

Interestingly, the lotus root can also be made into a type of tea. It is a popular addition to stir-fry dishes thanks to its crunchy, starchy texture. In terms of flavor, the lotus root tends to feature a slight sweetness.

In Summary

So there you have it! We’re sure that you have learned about a whole range of different L named vegetables.

There may even have been a few vegetables that we included on our list that you hadn’t actually heard of before!

It’s surprising how many vegetables from around the globe actually begin with this fascinating letter. Who knew that a list of vegetables starting with L could contain so many vegetables?

How many of the vegetables that we covered in more detail above have you ever heard of before?

Are there some other vegetables beginning with L that you think we’ve missed off our list? Let us know in the comments below!