If someone were to stop you on the street and ask you how many types of Veggies that start with y, how many varieties would you be able to name?
It’s exactly the same as when someone asks you what your favorite book or film is – your mind goes blank! Can you even remember the different names of vegetables, let alone ones that start with the letter Y?
There’s no need to panic! We’ve put together this list of vegetables that start with the letter Y to help you on your quest, and to save you from being put on the spot.
So the next time someone asks you how many vegetables start with the letter Y, you can confidently recite the list below.
So let’s take a look at what vegetables have names that start with the letter Y!
1. Yacon

This is perhaps one of the more unusual vegetables on our list, as you’re likely more familiar with its flowers, a variety of daisy.
However, several countries actually enjoy eating the tubers of the plant itself. Yacon is a vegetable that has a sweeter taste than other types of root vegetable.
The yacon vegetable is a particular favorite in South America, with several varieties to choose from. There are red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, and white yacon vegetables that each have unique flavors.
This vegetable has a range of different health benefits, including lots of antioxidant properties, as well as other helpful compounds that are thought to help prevent cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
2. Yam

The yam is a tasty root vegetable that is also known by the name sweet potatoes, although this is simply a variety of sweet potato.
They typically have yellow flesh when sliced open, whereas sweet potatoes tend to have orange flesh, and are super tasty when roasted or diced and turned into a mash.
Yams are a wonderfully versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.
This starchy root vegetable is sweeter in flavor when compared to ordinary potatoes. Yams are typically available in a range of knobbly shapes, and you can either peel their skin, or keep the skin on the flesh for an excellent source of fiber.
If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, then you should try to incorporate yams into your daily diet. This versatile root vegetable can be used for a variety of dishes
3. Yam Bean

Now this is where things may get confusing at first glance, but yam beans are actually a completely different vegetable to yams. These tend to be grown in South America, and can be eaten both cooked or raw.
Similar to other vegetables we’ve included on this list, the yam bean can also be known by other names. It is often called the Mexican turnip or jicama, which literally translated means “something tasty” in the language of Native Americans.
The yam bean has a brownish, golden skin that is papery in appearance. If you slice open the tuber, it has a starchy white interior.
It’s important to remember to only eat the tuber of the yam bean. This plant can produce beans which appear similar to lima beans in appearance, however, these beans are actually poisonous.
4. Yao Choy

If you were to see yao choy in the grocery store, you would be forgiven for mistaking it for the leafy green vegetable spinach.
The two have a very similar appearance, with the yao choy being a leafy vegetable that are usually around 20 cm to 30 cm in length.
Yao choy is generally used in both Southeast Asia and Chinese cuisines, and tends to be treated just like any other leafy green vegetable. It is typically included in stir fries and other dishes, and tends to have a tender, crunchy consistency.
In terms of flavor, yao choy has a similar flavor profile to baby spinach, with noticeable peppery notes and a subtle bitter finish. Interestingly, both the flowers and stems of the yao choy plant are edible, so are typically used in a range of dishes.
The yao choy plant is a member of the Brasicacecae family, making it a relative of the mustard and cabbage plants.
5. Yardlong Bean

Another tasty vegetable that begins with the letter Y is of course the yardlong bean. This vegetable features a long, slim body, similar to string beans or broad beans, hiding tasty legumes within its pods.
These green beans are often known by different names, including the asparagus bean or snake bean.
Interestingly, you can eat this vegetable both cooked or raw. It will taste better if cooked similar to other green beans such as runner beans.
The yardlong bean is a fantastic source of protein, as well as various other essential vitamins and minerals. It is particularly good for magnesium, folate, manganese, and vitamin C. They are also very low in fat.
RELATED: Veggies that start with R.
6. Yarrow

This is one of the more unusual vegetables beginning with Y that we have included on our list, as in modern times, not many people tend to eat yarrow all that much anymore.
The plant used to be commonly used for medicinal purposes to aid with fighting infections, as well as aiding stomach cramps.
This is a vegetable that has been used for edible purposes in both drinks and food dishes over centuries. Both the flowers and leaves are edible, and can be used as part of salad dishes, stews, soups, or even as a garnish for other types of dishes.
Yarrow has a similar flavor to tarragon and anise.
Nowadays, you may find yarrow listed as the ingredient in an alcoholic drink. It is usually used to flavor beer as well as other types of bitters.
7. Yellow Pear Tomato

Ever wondered where the yellow pear tomato got its name? The clue is in its appearance, of course! This particular variety of tomato looks very similar to pears at a first glance, so it’s easy to see where they get their name from.
The yellow pear tomato is bright yellow in appearance, and thanks to its teardrop shape it looks just like a pear at first glance. It has a typically sweet flavor profile, and it is also available in both orange and red varieties.
This delectable vegetable can be enjoyed both cooked or raw. You can add it to salads to give it a sweet bite as well as a splash of color, or you can roast them to enjoy with your favorite main dishes.
These yellow pear tomatoes originated from Europe, but are now a firm favorite across tables in America.
8. Yellow Squash

Of course, this is a name that applies to several varieties of squash that are yellow, varying from winter squash to squash that’s available all year round.
The main type of yellow squash that we’re going to examine is the straightneck squash, which is often simply called yellow squash because of its appearance.
This yellow squash has a sweet flavor, and is wonderfully versatile. It can be either steamed, fried, microwaved, or boiled. The yellow squash can be used in a wide variety of dishes, both sweet and savory, depending on the flavor combinations that you’re trying to achieve.
Even though the yellow squash is similar in appearance to zucchini, the two are actually different vegetables. You can, however, use them interchangeably in recipes if you don’t have one to hand.
9. Yokohama Velvet Bean

The yokohama velvet bean is a vegetable that is known by several names, most notably the velvet bean. This is a vegetable that is typically harvested to feed to animals for food, but it is also safe for humans to consume, too.
The velvet bean is edible either as the beans themselves or the shoots of the plant. Velvet beans can be boiled so that they can be eaten as they are, or you can even grind them down to use as an alternative to coffee if you don’t have much of your favorite beverage to hand.
Interestingly, the velvet bean is often consumed as a dietary supplement by many, too.
This is because the velvet bean has a whole wealth of health benefits, including reducing cholesterol levels, helping to maintain blood sugar, and also giving you an energy boost when you need it most.
10. Yucca Root

Ever heard of the yucca root? This is perhaps another niche choice to include on our list of vegetables beginning with the letter Y, but seeing as there is evidence that it was consumed as a food stuff, we thought it was worth including.
The yucca root is native to South America and Central America, and is often used in classic dishes.
Yucca root is a tuber that needs to be prepared and cooked before you can eat it. This is because the peel of the root vegetable itself contains a portion of cyanide, which could prove lethal.
So if you want to give this fascinating tuber a try, you will need to ensure that you peel it first.
Interestingly, certain derivatives such as tapioca and cassava come from the yucca root. Once cooked, this tuber has a sweet, mild taste.
11. Yukon Gold Potatoes

One of the most obvious vegetables that begin with Y that we need to include on our list is of course Yukon gold potatoes! The Yukon gold potato is a classic variety of potato that is golden brown in appearance, with a golden interior flesh.
The Yukon gold potato is a rather large potato variety, and is incredibly versatile. The best way to enjoy this tuber is to cook it – you can choose to either peel that brownish skin, or leave it on.
Interestingly, the Yukon gold potato was a variety that wasn’t developed until 1966. It wasn’t actually released for general consumption in grocery stores until 1980.
In summary
So there you have it! You now know at least 11 types of vegetables that start with the letter Y. There are so many types of vegetables to decide from, with a whole range of different purposes.
Some of these are used in everyday cooking, whereas others are a little more niche and only typically used in certain cuisines around the world.
How many of the above vegetables had you heard of before? Are there any that you think we’ve left off our list? We’d love to hear all about it in the comments below! Let us know your thoughts.