

14 Different Brown Fruits (Including Photos)

You can find fruit in just about every color imaginable, all over the world, but when it comes to thinking about brown fruits you might struggle. There aren’t too many fruits that come to mind when you think of the color brown, but you may be surprised when you find out just how many there are. 

Brown fruits come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, offering different flavors and more often than not great health benefits.

14 Different Brown Fruits

To show you just how many there are, we have put together a list of all the fruits we could find that are brown in color. Our list should help you discover brown fruits you know well and others you never knew existed. 

Whether you simply want to learn something new or introduce new flavors and tastes to your life there will be something on our list for you. 

Without any further ado let’s get stuck into the list!

1. Kiwi

The kiwi might be the only fruit you can think of that is brown in color. Often referred to as the green kiwi thanks to its green flesh, the kiwi originates from China.

Oval in shape, the kiwi has a light brown, smooth, hairy skin, bright green flesh, and tiny, edible seeds that are black in color.

With its tangy taste, the kiwi can be eaten on its own or in a range of desserts such as Eton mess or a fruit salad. To eat the kiwi cut it into two halves and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

Kiwi Brown Fruits

2. Durian Fruit

When fully ripe the durian fruit looks like a huge yellowy-brown porcupine or hedgehog. Growing up to 30cm long and 15cm in diameter the durian is best known for its quite horrific smell. The fruit smells so bad it is actually banned from most hotels and public transport around Asia.

Durian Brown Fruit

Despite the unpleasant smell the pale yellow flesh that is found inside the tough husk tastes incredible. You get a strange, yet deliciously creamy, savory, and sweet taste all at once. 

The taste is supposed to be like caramel, garlic, and whipped cream in one bite which sounds odd but tastes great. People eat the fruit as a snack, in ice cream, and even on pizza. 

3. Dates

The next brown fruit on our list is dates. Dates are dried fruit that comes from a palm tree. They are arguably one of the sweetest fruits in the world.

Dates Brown Fruits

High in antioxidants, fiber, and magnesium dates can improve your overall health in regards to your digestive system, immunity, and protection against diseases. They make a great superfood snack so why not try them on their own or in a cake.

4. Sapodilla

Also known as Manilkara zapota, sapodilla is an egg-shaped fruit with soft but rough brown skin when ripe. The brown skin protects the vibrant yellow fruit found within. When ripe the sapodilla fruit is soft, juicy, and super sweet. Some compare its taste to that of a pear.

Once the fruit is brown all you need to do is scratch the skin off. Then you can eat the sweet fruit, put it in a cake, or make a delicious crumble.

Sapodilla Brown Fruits

5. Bosc Pears

The Bosc pear is a great example of the saying never judge a book by its cover. On the outside, this pear has unsatisfying, bland, pale brown skin. However, they taste phenomenal.

Bosc Pears Brown Fruits

They are crisp, fresh, and full of juicy goodness. With lovely sweet, fruity aromas, and a hint of spices like cinnamon, the Bosc pear is the perfect winter snack.

Best suited to frying, baking, and poaching, the Bosc pear tastes unbelievably good served as a dessert with some ice cream and toasted walnuts. The highly nutritious pear will also promote gut, and heart health so what’s not to like?

RELATED: 30 Perfect Pear Trees (Including Pictures)

6. Passion Fruit

Bursting with intense tangy flavor, this seed-filled fruit is an absolute delight. Though the passion fruit is usually purple, it turns a rich mahogany brown color once it has matured and ripened. Peak ripeness has been reached when the brown skin begins to crinkle.

Passion Brown Fruits

Packed with key nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber, passion fruit has an abundance of great health benefits so it’s a good idea to include some in your diet. You can scoop the juicy goodness out, make some delicious cake, or even serve it with a refreshing pornstar martini.

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7. Coconut

Coconut is something we have all enjoyed at some point in our lives. Whether it be knocking it over at the coconut shy or indulging in some refreshing coconut juice on holiday.

Coconut fruits

Coconut is the fruit of tropical palm plants. Its most noticeable feature is its hard fibrous brown shell. On the inside of the coconut is where the white edible flesh and clear liquid are found. The liquid in coconut has a nutty, sweet taste. The flesh has a similar taste in the form of a firmer bite.

This fruit is used to add unique exotic flavors to meat and fish dishes. It also tastes awesome in a range of desserts.

8. Longans

Longans are another brown fruit that may not look appealing but taste magnificent. Often compared to the lychee, longans are fruity, juicy, and sweet. Like other fruits that are brown in color, the color is limited to its thick skin.


Inside the round thick skin, the longan has pale, translucent flesh. This flesh wraps itself around a large black seed. The sweet, tart taste of this Asian fruit makes it a lovely addition to a fruit smoothie or tasty fruit cheesecake. Longan can also be addictively eaten raw.

9. Cupuacu

Native to the Amazon, the cupuacu is consumed by many of the region’s indigenous folk, not just because of its unique taste, but also because of its supposed healing properties.


Many people believe the cupuacu acts like the fountain of youth. While it may not guarantee ever-lasting life, it does contain plenty of antioxidants to help your body fight off disease.

In terms of taste, the cupuacu has an interesting one. The flavor of the cupuacu is said to be chocolaty with hints of pineapple and melon. We don’t know about you but that sounds pretty awesome. 

10. Baobab

The chances are you will never have had the chance to try baobab before. Native to Madagascar the baobab fruit is hard to come by. In fact, around the world, we can only really get hold of this fruit in powder form. The powder has a strange texture similar to that of flour that sticks to the top of your mouth.


When it comes to taste, baobab is quite pleasant. It has a creamy flavor that combines brilliantly with sweet and savory dishes or beverages such as tea, or a smoothie. It is also rich in vitamin C, prebiotics, and iron. 

11. Medlars

Medlars are sturdy fruits that have an appearance that can be compared to a cross between a rosehip and a small apple. They are typically harvested green, but they are only edible once they have turned brown.

The texture of the medlar is squishy and the taste is very sweet. The sweet and slightly acidic taste of the medlars goes nicely in a medlar tart, with walnut, or in jelly. 

Medlars Brown Fruits

12. Tamarind

The pulp gathered from this edible fruit has a truly one-of-a-kind taste. The legume tree produces bean-like brown pods filled with seeds that are surrounded by the fibrous pulp.


The pulp from the fruit is green in color and sour. As it ripens the pulp becomes juicier and more paste-like, which results in a more sweet and sour taste.

Tamarind also contains an array of antioxidants that help support the immune system so why not give it a try. You could make gorgeous tamarind and prawn curry or tamarind and apple chutney. 

13. Kumato 

Kumato is actually the name given to a patented type of tomato grown in Spain. Also called “Olmeca” the kumato fruit looks just like any other traditional tomato but instead is brown in color. This color can vary from green to red, and even purple but brown is the most common color.

The flavor of this weird and wonderful tomato also varies massively. It can be a sweet delicacy or have no flavor at all, making it a real hit-and-miss fruit.

You can use the kumato the way you would any other tomato so it could be a good fruit to try out. Mix the fruit into a fresh salad, tasty paella, or maybe even top your pizza with it. 

Kumato  Brown Fruits

14. Chocolate Habanero Peppers

Many people, including us, took a long time to realize that peppers are actually a fruit. These chocolate habanero peppers are perfect for adding a hot, spicy kick to your food.

Chocolate Habanero Peppers

As the name suggests these peppers have a dark rich chocolaty color to them. Originating in the Caribbean, they take a lot longer to grow than other habanero varieties but oh boy are they worth the wait. 

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Final Thoughts

As you can see from our list there is actually a surprising amount of fruits that are brown in color. We have included as many as we could in our list but we may have even missed some out. How many of the brown fruits on our list did you know? 

Brown fruits all vary in shape, size, the shade of brown, and taste. Some are sweet and fruity while others are more earthy and nutty. Some brown fruits are perfect for cooking with, while others can even be used in medicine. 

With the fruits that we have presented, you can now start exploring new ways to include exciting exotic flavors in your food. You could use some of the fruits as ingredients in your cooking to spice things up to impress your party guests so why not get out to the store now and see what you can find? 

We hope you learned something from this article, here are other articles that you can learn from:

14 Fruits With Seeds (Including Pictures)

Pumpkins: Growth Time and Stages of Development From Seeds To Fruits