Burnt Orange Flowers are a wonderful addition to any yard or room in your home. They give spaces a pop of color and have been proven to encourage creativity and focus.

There are an array of beautiful colored flowers and choosing one can be overwhelming.
This article is going to provide you with a list of flowers in a burnt orange color, reminding you of those gorgeous fall tones!
1. Rosa ‘Fellowship’
This rose is a floribunda, which is a rose that flowers in clusters. Their deep burnt orange flowers are cup-shaped and carry a pleasant fragrance within them.

They have a long flowering period and are perfect for small yard areas.
2. Flame Freesia, Orange Tritonia
This striking freesia produces reddish-orange flowers in the shape of flower sprays along with lance-shaped leaves. They are best planted in autumn and will flower during the spring.

As long as they are in full sun and receive light watering, they are an easy to care for option that will look lovely wherever you decide to plant them.
3. Pocketbook Plant

This gorgeous little flower earned its name by resembling a pocketbook by growing pouch-shaped flowers. These come in shades of orange, deep-red, and yellow. They also have speckles of shades in contrasting colors.
Native to Central and South America, these plants don’t like too much water, so monitoring this is key. They need light, but not direct sunlight, so placing them near a bright window with a sheer curtain will provide you with good results.
4. Oriental Poppy
This poppy plant, also known as ‘Prince of Orange’ grows some large, cup-shaped deep tangerine-colored flowers. They have a papery texture and a dark center.

The best time to plant them is during the fall season, and they will bloom from late spring to early summer. They have strong stems to support them and will add vibrancy to your place of choosing.
5. Crocosmia ‘Babylon’
Native to South Africa, these showy plants produce star-shaped downward-facing flowers that are rich red-orange in color, giving them that burnt orange look.

They bloom from midsummer to early fall with their blossoms in full show during the summer. They can be grown in warmer climates as they are drought-tolerant, heat and humidity tolerant, and rabbit and deer resistant.
6. Impatiens ‘Sunpatiens Compact Orange’
This mound-forming plant produces some deep, bright orange flowers that are striking in appearance against its foliage of dark long leaves.

They thrive outdoors and can tolerate all kinds of weather, including the heat and humidity. They prefer moist, well-drained soil and can grow up to 16-30 inches tall.
7. Orange Nasturtium
These flowers are not only wonderful to look at, but they also have a delicious scent! They produce semi-double deep orange flowers and their vines can reach 60 inches long.

They prefer full sun and will bloom from midsummer to fall. They thrive in well-drained soil, and an added bonus is they are deer resistant!
8. Orange Gerbera Daisies
Orange Gerbera Daisies produce highly attractive daisy-like blooms. They come in several colors, but orange is the favorite for the intensity of its shade. They can grow in a variety of shades of orange, from peachy salmon to dark red-orange.

These flowers grow on slim, slightly fuzzy green stems. They thrive in well-drained soil and morning sunlight along with afternoon shade.
During their blooming period, it is vital to keep watering them to ensure the soil is always moist. This will prevent their roots from drying out.
9. Chrysanthemum ‘Burnt Orange’
There are several varieties of Chrysanthemums, but this ‘burnt orange’ option carries some wonderfully deep, burnt orange colors. These colors stand out against the green-grey leaves among its foliage.

Native to China, these are hardy plants and will add some great charm to any area of your choosing.
10. Camano Buz Dahlia
This variety of Dahlia resembles a sunrise, with burnt orange petals and light candy orange highlights around them. The petals form around the stem in a perfectly circular shape, giving off a neat and tidy appearance.

They prefer full sun and have strong stems, which are great for cutting into bouquets of flower arrangements.
11. Orange Daylily
The flower on the Orange Daylily only lasts for a day, but it really is a show when this happens. The flower on this plant is star-shaped and has a variety of shades of orange on each flower, making it very vibrant and attractive.

These range from a deep, burnt orange in the middle to some warmer yellow tones along the edges.
Native to Asia, the foliage surrounding the flowers resemble oriental grasses, so they are lovely even when not in bloom. They should be planted during the spring or fall and will thrive in full sun.
12. Aloe Castanea (Cat’s Tail Aloe)
This distinctive plant is tree-shaped and produces inflorescences that are snake-like in appearance and can be seen as unusual. They are deep, burnt orange in color, with shades of brown.

They can be grown in containers and can tolerate extreme weather conditions. They prefer full sun and soil that has been well-drained.
13. Climbing Penstemon
Native to the coastal mountains of southern California and northern Baja California, this plant is a flowering shrub that reaches heights of two meters.

They produce hairy flower clusters containing many flowers ranging from shades of deep orange to red. They are tubular in shape with an open mouth.
As a shrub, they like shady slopes with natural groundwater that have quite a bit of sun.
14. Celosia Cockscomb (Orange)
This slightly unusual plant produces vibrant flowers that range in colors from red, yellow, gold, and pink.

Their orange flowers have a deep, burnt tone, and when many flower blooms are together they are said to resemble fire, which explains the name ‘celosia’ which means burning in Greek.
Their shape resembles a rooster comb which is where it earned its name ‘cockscomb’. They are easy to care for as long as the soil is well-drained, and they are planted when temperatures are above 60 degrees F when planting them outdoors.
They require a minimum of 8 hours of sunlight, so be sure to place them in an area where this is possible.
15. Crocosmia (Montbretia)
The exotic-looking flowers produced from this plant are tubular in shape and fiery red and deep orange in color. They have a blooming time from 5 to 8 weeks during mid-summer through to the middle of the fall season.

They attract butterflies and hummingbirds which are great pollinators, an added bonus!
They are easy to grow as long as they are in moist but well-drained soil and enjoy full sun and partial shade. If looked after properly, they will multiply quickly so you’ll find yourself with a nice array of these pretty little flowers.
16. Snapdragon
Snapdragons can be grown in a variety of colors, including a warm, dark orange color. These will stand out in any garden due to their tall frame and an attractive cluster of flowers that grow a the top of their stems.

The flowers are usually tubular, with a closed lip-like mouth that can be opened by some strong bees. The stems can grow from 39 to 60 inches and do well placed in a sunny location with well-drained soil.
17. Canna ‘Orange Beauty’
This plant really earned its name from the beautiful flowers it produces. They are huge and deep orange in color, sometimes with faint yellow streaks among the petals.

The flowers grow on top of the plant’s tall stalks, which grow among large foliage and blue-green leaves.
They bloom from mid-summer to the fall season and prefer direct sunlight with well-drained but moist soils. They are suited to container growing and will look wonderful on balconies by your front window.
The only downside to these is they are very sensitive to frost, so if you are in a cool area and would like to plant these, their bulbs will need to be dug up before and stored indoors before the first frost. They can then be replanted in the spring time.
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18. Zinnia Elegans ‘Queeny Orange’
This plant is deserving of its nickname ‘queeny orange’ as its flowers carry a vibrant deep orange color, royal in their nature. Adding to this, they grow double flowers, making them large and eye-catching.

They form around the stem in a circular shape boasting a compact and tidy look. Zinnias are easy to grow as they love the sun and well-draining soil. They are also popular with butterflies, birds, and hummingbirds.
It is advised to not crowd them when planting, this will avoid disease, air circulation is a must!
Final Thoughts
Orange is a lovely vibrant color, and a deep, burnt-like orange color boosts feelings of warmth and comfort. If you are a fan of the fall colors, having some of these flowers in and around your home will really have you feeling autumnal in spring and summer!
If you’d like to start growing your own deep orange flowers, take your pick from this list and go for it! If one doesn’t work out, just choose another!
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