Blackbody radiation creates flames in colors of red, orange, yellow, blue, or white, depending on the intensity of the heat and the wavelengths of the light.
When we talk about Flame Flowers we’re referring to flowers in these colors, or to plants having petals or foliage that brings to mind the shape of flames.

In wonderful hues and with names that evoke the spirit of the flower, Flame Flowers are worth ogling. Here are a few to whet your appetite!
1. Flame Lily

A captivating bloom that looks like flames dancing in the air, the Flame Lily is the national flower of Zimbabwe.
This incandescent beauty is a perennial herb found growing wild in tropical and southern Africa, in savannah woodlands, on sand dunes, and through the grassland.
It uses the tendrils at the end of its leaves to climb and ramble. Flame Lilies can be found in dark pinkish-red, red, orange, and yellow.
All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous, can cause skin irritation if touched, and can be fatal if eaten, so keep children and animals away.
2. Dahlia Summer Flame

This utterly beautiful blossom, in the softest shade of salmon, apricot and tangerine cannot help but set your heart aflame!
The blooms play with the light and make their surroundings just that little bit more wondrous.
3. Orange Flame Wildflower (Phemeranthus Aurantiacus)

Orange Flame Flower is a succulent perennial. Its yellow-orange or copper-colored, flowers appear after summer rains. The flowers open one by one in leaf axils.
The leaves are linear and fleshy. Native Americans were known to cook fleshy roots.
The Narrow-Leaved Flame Flower (Talinum angustissimum) is not considered distinct enough from the Orange Flame Flower to warrant separate status.
4. Blaze Orange Asiatic Lily

This sumptuous Lily’s blooms set their surroundings ablaze! The petals have a deep peachy-orange hue that is beautiful. The hue becomes a burnt orange at the tips.
The colors and the enchanting lily design make this flower perfect for its name and will brighten any garden or floral arrangement.
5. Cyclamen Midori Wine Flame

A potted plant with wonderfully patterned dark green leaves from which springs an uplifting series of flame-shaped blooms. The shape of the blooms and their incandescent violet-blue coloring brings to mind the flames of a hot Bunsen burner!
6. Campfire Flame Bidens Hybrid

This plant has gorgeous shades of scarlet, dusky pink, and yellow blooms in the summer which become a muted orange in spring and fall.
They cannot help but cheer up their surroundings.
7. Blood Flower

This is definitely an eye-catching plant. It’s an Asclepias variety.
The distinct and vibrant primary colors pop out at you and the shape of the blooms makes you look harder. A showstopper!
8. Pansy Swiss Giant Flame

Large and decidedly flame-colored flowers give this pansy a fiery glow and warm up their surroundings.
9. Carpet Lilies ‘Hot Flame Mix’

If you want a low-growing carpet of flame florals, then this is the plant mix for you.
Such a sumptuous array of beautiful lilies in hot flame shades will get the pulse racing.
10. Flaming Red Freesia

A flaming red, trumpet-shaped bloom, with a scorching yellow center. The petals are subtly painted with streaks of fluorescent pink.
11. Flame Peony (Paeonia)

There are hues of deep coral in these fiery red, cup-shaped, blooms. The yellow central stamens make for great contrast.
All in all, this is a wonderful plant that will fire up your garden or windowsill.
12. Gazania Frosty Kiss Orange Flame

This utterly stunning, geometrically perfect, the bloom is complemented by silver foliage. The blooms look like the finest of cut glass shot through with flames!
13. Golden Flame Heliconia

Heliconia is a tall, thick flower, with long, orangey-yellow spikes called bracts that alternate up the stem, seeming to set the stem alight with golden flames.
14. Nasturtium Orchid Flame

The flowers of this Nasturtium plant resemble orchids and come in flame colors. The colors change from red with yellow splashes and veining, to fully yellow.
As the yellow coloring moves across the flower, patterns are created, making each flower different. It is stunning in hanging baskets or on a trellis.
15. Delosperma Pink Flame

For cascading or ground cover, this plant is fantastic, with its large deep pink-red flowers. The foliage is delicate. Great in alpine, border, or container gardens.[product-gallery]/1
16. Flame Flower (Tropaeolum Speciosum)

A perennial variety that is a great climber. The plant produces many tiny scarlet flowers.
Flame flower really comes into its own when grown through evergreens, because the contrast between the strong green and red makes a bold statement.
Known as the Scottish Flame Flower because it’s easier to establish in Scotland.
17. Festive Fireworks Mini Amaryllis

Like a firework in full bloom, you can see why this flower is named after fireworks. The mini-blooms have thinner petals and a more delicate texture than standard Amaryllis.
The orange petals, with a red center and a lime-green back. are the gentlest of hues.
18. Pieris Forest Flame (Pieris Japonica)

A compact, rounded, evergreen shrub that has pretty bronze foliage, giving the plant the name, Forest Flame. It’s perfect for growing in a shrub border or woodland area.
Pieris Forest Flame explodes with new red leaves in spring. The leaves gradually mature to pink, cream, and then green.
19. Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia Uvaria)

Looking just like a poker that’s had its tip in a fire, the Red Hot Poker flower is not easily ignored. Fiery redbuds produce tubular orange flowers that fade to a bright shade of yellow.
It’s a popular cottage garden choice. The flowers are carried on tall stems above evergreen strap-like foliage. It’s also great for summer borders.
20. Twisted Orange Fringed Tulips

These medium-sized blooms have tapered heads that open into fringed cup-shaped blooms.
The jagged fringe effect makes their yellow foundation and orange highlights look like a sultry wildfire.
21. Flame Flower (Tropaeolum Majus)

Tropaeolum majus is the common annual Nasturtium. The flames of red on the yellow petals give this Nasturtium the name Flame Flower.
22. Heart Of Flame (Bromelia Balansae)

A tropical plant that is vibrant. Native to Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, it has spiky dark green leaves that resemble those of pineapples.
The inner leaves turn a fiery red and this is what gives the plant its name. Small, fragrant white and burgundy flowers appear in the center from late spring to early summer.
Later, small, orange, edible fruits appear. So, a gorgeous plant that produces flowers and fruit! The plant works well as ground cover, in borders, and as an accent plant.
Heart of Flame can also be grown as an indoor plant.
23. Flaming Sword (Vriesea Splendens)

Vriesea splendens is a houseplant bromeliad.
There are 250 varieties varying in bract color and foliage. The flaming sword houseplant has red bracts that appear when the plant is three to five years old and resemble … flaming swords.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Care Of Vriesea Plants: How To Grow Flaming Sword Plants Indoors:
24. Blood Lily (Scadoxus Multiflorus Or Haemanthus Multiflora)

An African plant that brings a buzz to the garden, conservatory, or windowsill. A striking red pom pom of frizzy-looking flowers erupt like sparks above architecturally upright foliage.
The compact banana-like leaves are very attractive. This exotic plant will definitely attract attention, resembling, as it does, a blood corpuscle.
25. Kisses Of Fire Rose

A miniature flowered rambler that produces a lot of lateral shoots, so it can be trained against a wall or fence. The blooms are small but they come in large clusters and are bright red in color.
You’ll feel like you’ve been gently kissed by fire every time you stroll past them!
26. Eternal Flame Plant (Calathea Crocata)

With brightly colored, flame-shaped, orange flowers you can see why this is called the Eternal Flame plant. The leaves are dark, making a brilliant contrast.
An eternal flame is a form of a Calathea plant. Native to Brazil and tropical America, it makes a sumptuous household plant for both its blooms and lush foliage.
27. Gazania Orange Flame

With daisy-like flowers in a gorgeous deep orange with golden edges, this is a stunning plant. The divided leaves are shiny green. It looks like a living sculpture.
28. Dancing Flame (Trollius) Globe Flower

A vivacious plant with large orange flowers from multi-headed stems. It works exceedingly well in bog gardens, on the edges of ponds, or gracing the banks of streams.
This plant flourishes in watery conditions.
29. Mexican Flame Vine (Senecio Confusus Syn. Pseudogynoxus Confusus, Pseudogynoxus Chenopodiodes)

What a difference a burst of bright orange color can make!
The dark green foliage against the deep orange color of the blooms is striking. The vine can climb a trellis or other support, or it can cascade over a wall.
Butterflies and hummingbirds are very drawn to the plant, so all in all it brings with it a sense of verdancy.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Mexican Flame Flower Info: Tips On Caring For Mexican Flame Vines:
30. Illumination Flame Digiplexis

This beautiful plant resulted from a cross between the common Foxglove and Isoplexis, which is a Mediterranean shrub with unusual orange flowers.
Illumination Flame has bushy basal branching, a woody trunk, and spikes of flowers that have a rosy orange hue.
The blooms really are illuminating and will give so much pleasure to the eye.
31. Flame Spider Flower (Grevillea Kennedyana)

This is a threatened plant in its native Australia, where there is a recovery plan to try and save it. It certainly does have something of the floral arachnid about it!
32. Big Kiss White Flame Gazania

Huge, perfectly uniform, blooms that are white with a bold rose stripe.
To Conclude …
Flame Flowers are incandescent and light-up gardens, floral displays and anywhere they grow.
If you want your garden or house to seem kindled with burning embers you should consider getting some or all of these wonderful flowers.