We all need a certain amount of fiber in our diets.
Dietary fiber helps regulate our body’s use of sugars by keeping our blood sugar levels in check. It also helps keep hunger at bay, helping us not overeat.
There is a startling issue, however. Today, most of us do not get enough daily fiber.

One study found that, on average, Americans only consume around 15 grams of fiber on a daily basis. This equates to about 40 to 60 percent of the recommended daily intake of 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.
If you’re one of the many people looking to boost the amount of fiber in your diet, then you are in the right place.
There are many foods you can incorporate into your daily meals and snacks that can also increase fiber intake.
While traditional grains have long been considered the best source of fiber, this isn’t always the case. Some fruits provide high fiber content with some offering more than any loaf of bread.
So, read on as we guide you through a range of fruits that contain fiber.
By the end of this blog, you should be able to pick and choose what fruits you want to add to your diet to increase your fiber intake.
1. Mangoes

Mangoes are a great source of fiber. Each mango has approximately 5.4 grams of fiber making it one of the highest-fiber fruits out there.
On the flip side, it also contains a very high amount of sugar, so you need to keep a check on how much you eat. In general, most colorful, exotic fruits have high fiber contents.
So, try to make your salads and smoothies as bright as possible if you want to get more fiber.
2. Passion Fruit

These South American natives may not be the most common fruit you’ll find but in terms of fiber content, they rank very high.
Often found in stores alongside other tropical fruits such as papaya and guavas, passion fruit’s exterior is covered with a thick yellow or purple layering.
The inside is yellow and fleshy with edible seeds. This sweet-tasting fruit is pretty low in calories and fat but pleasingly high in vitamin C and fiber.
Just one cup offers around 24 grams of fiber.
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3. Raspberries

Raspberries are always high on the list when it comes to nutritional benefits. This is mainly down to their high amount of vitamins and antioxidants.
Also stacked in these little berries is a high volume of fiber. For every 100 grams of raspberries (that’s about one cup), there is a mind-boggling seven grams of fiber.
We recommend mixing raspberries in with yogurts for a delicious, well-balanced snack.
4. Guava

Here, we have another tropical fruit with high fiber content. As with other tropical fruits, guava has one of the highest levels of fiber with approximately nine grams per cup.
On top of this, guavas are also excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, and folate. Found in a vast array of colors such as red, purple, and yellow, guavas can be cut and peeled like apples.
Even the seeds found in the yellow, pink, or red flesh are edible!
5. Pears

Pears have always been a popular fruit to snack on. But, in recent times, they have been used in new ways such as in cocktails, desserts, and a range of seasonal dishes.
What many may not know when biting into a pear is the amount of fiber they are getting.
Just one pear holds about 5.5 grams of fiber and when you consider you can add these to both sweet and savory dishes, pears should be one of the first items on your grocery list every week.
6. Blackberries

Just like raspberries, blackberries come with a high volume of fiber.
One cup of blackberries contains about eight grams of fiber meaning both blackberries and raspberries are some of the highest-fiber fruits available.
Moreover, blackberries are also a great source of vitamin C and vitamin K. We suggest mixing some blackberries into a smoothie for a delicious treat. Just remember to wash them before eating.
7. Figs

Next up is another fruit packed with healthy nutritional value.
When it comes to fiber, figs should be on the A list as there are around 2.9 grams of fiber per 100 grams of fruit.
Just one large fig can make up about 10 percent of your daily recommended intake of fiber. We recommend baking figs into pies or tarts to enjoy divine tastes and build up your fiber intake.
8. Strawberries

Yep, that’s right, here is another berry that is high in fiber!
This popular fruit contains about two grams of fiber per 100 grams. And, considering you can add strawberries to most desserts, your recipe possibilities are almost endless.
We love eating them on their own too, especially on a warm, sunny, summer’s day.
RELATED: Juicy Secrets: A Guide To Growing Strawberries In Pots
9. Avocado

Avocados are the superheroes of healthy foods.
Oh, and some of the most photographed pieces of food on the internet.
This is a unique fruit due to its high volume of healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats. Furthermore, just one-half of an avocado contains around five grams of fiber.
Add this up with the fact that this fruit is also a great source of folate, vitamin K, pantothenic acid, and copper, avocados should be a big part of any diet.
One more thing – the two antioxidants, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are responsible for the bright green color of avocados, are very beneficial for your eye’s health. Superfood!
10. Pomegranate

Pomegranates have long been hailed as healthy fruits, especially the delicious juice. As for fiber, there are over 11 grams in each fruit. And, it gets better.
Even the seeds are nutritious and beneficial for your health. These can be added to salads for additional nutrition and contrasting flavors.
11. Kiwifruit

Kiwifruits are another tropical variety that packs a punch in the fiber department. Known for their delicious sweet taste, kiwifruits are also pretty tart.
These fuzzy brown fruits that boast a vibrant green hue on their inside contain about five grams per cup.
As well as fiber, kiwifruits are also packed with three main nutrients that many Americans lack – vitamins C and E and potassium.
12. Apples

One of the most widely eaten fruits on the planet, one apple a day really could keep the doctor away. Just one medium-sized apple can hold 4.5 grams of fiber.
That means you can achieve around 20 percent of your recommended daily intake with just one apple. And, how you eat these fruits is entirely up to you. Eat whole or slice these bad boys up.
The only recommendation we have is to leave the skin on as this is where most of the fiber is found.
13. Blueberries

We’re not done with berries yet!
Thanks to the many seeds in berries, most are typically high in fiber.
While blueberries contain less fiber than raspberries and blackberries, they still offer around four grams per cup. Their health benefits don’t stop there, either.
Their iconic blue hue is mainly down to an antioxidant called anthocyanins. This may help prevent certain cardiovascular diseases and cancer as well as boost brain function.
Better put them on your grocery list today!
14. Oranges

You probably already know about oranges’ immunity-boosting levels of vitamin C, but did you know that they are also a great source of fiber?
As a matter of fact, just one medium-sized orange contains approximately three grams of the filling nutrient fiber.
Oranges are versatile snacks that can be eaten on the go or added to certain dishes. And, thanks to their thicker skins, they are less prone to bruising and bumps helping them last longer.
15. Grapefruit

If you want to get a healthy start to your day, sitting down and tucking into a grapefruit is a great place to start. Just one-half of a grapefruit has about 2 grams of fiber.
When paired with toast and nut butter, you can enjoy a protein and fiber-rich start every day.
16. Pomegranate

Pomegranates are another unique fruit as they can be stored in your refrigerator for many months.
Best of all, when going back and forth to enjoy this fruit, you will be getting around four grams of fiber for every half a cup of pomegranate juice.
However, some people find it hard to break through the tough arils on its exterior.
To open effectively, cut off the fruit’s crown and then cut it into four to six separate sections along its membrane. Then, place the pomegranate in a bowl of water to crack open.
You can then move on to removing the arils from the skin, so you can sit down and eat away.
17. Starfruit

There are many superstars on this list but only one is called a Starfruit. These contain around three grams of fiber per fruit which is pretty high for such a small fruit.
If you have kids, try cutting these into stars for a more fun dining experience. And, if you’re feeling a little sluggish halfway through the day, tuck into a starfruit for a delicious burst of energy.
As you can see, many fruits contain high fiber content. Adding any of these to your diet will have beneficial effects on your health and wellbeing.
Best of all, most of these can be combined with other foods to create well-balanced, healthy meals throughout each and every day.
We hope you learned something from this article, here are other articles that you can learn from:
14 Fruits With Seeds (Including Pictures)
Pumpkins: Growth Time and Stages of Development From Seeds To Fruits