16 Fruits With Protein (Including Pictures)

We can hear you right now “Wait, fruits have protein?” They do indeed! And some fruits have a lot more protein than you would think.

In fairness, fruit may not be the first food that comes to mind when you’re looking for sources of protein.

16 Fruits With Protein (Including Pictures)

But, if you’re wanting to add more protein to your diet, eating certain fruits may be the best method.

Adding some of these fruits to your diet can be a sweet way to enjoy an additional dose of this nutrient.

It is probably because of most fruit’s sweetness that many of us do not think of protein when biting into them.

Although the level of protein shouldn’t be considered your entire source of protein, there is no reason why you shouldn’t add them to your meals and snacks. 

All plant foods, such as fruit, contain some level of protein. From bananas to blackberries, some of your favorite snacks are giving you an extra dose of protein without you knowing it. 

To help you understand what fruits contain healthy amounts of protein, we have compiled a guide below for you to enjoy and, probably, be surprised. 

1. Apples 


We had to start with one of the most popular fruits in the world.

As for the level of protein in apples, it is pretty low with around 0.5 grams of protein in one large apple on average.

Ever enjoyed apples with peanut butter or almond butter? This delicious combination is partly down to the fact that both apples and these kinds of butter contain protein.

The butter also contains fat making it a more balanced snack. 

2. Guava 


From one fruit that is low in protein to one that is one of the most protein-rich fruits in the world. In every cup of guava, you will get an astonishing 4.2 grams of protein.

This tropical fruit is also high in fiber and vitamin C and can be enjoyed when sliced up or bitten into like apples.

And, don’t worry if you eat the seeds and skin as these are edible. Nutritious, delicious, and nothing to clean up.

What a win! 

3. Dried Cherries 

Dried Cherry

For every ¼ cup of dried cherries, you will be consuming around 0.5 grams of protein.

Okay, dried fruits may not be the best source of protein, but they make for a great addition to trail mix.

We recommend adding these fruits to a homemade mix of your favorite nuts and seeds. This will make for a very healthy and balanced snack throughout the day. 

4. Avocado 


The Instagram king makes our list as a fruit that bears a good deal of protein. A cup of sliced or cubed avocado can have up to 3 grams of protein in it. If you mash it, you will get 4.6 grams.

For fruits, this is pretty high in terms of protein content. Avocado is also full of healthy fat, potassium, and fiber. No wonder it is hailed as a superfood and is a popular addition to all kinds of meals.

You can also eat it sweet! Mix it with sliced peaches and a drizzle of honey, and you may find your new favorite snack. 

RELATED: A Complete Guide on How To Grow An Avocado From Seed

5. Grapes 


Another very popular fruit, a cup of regular grapes can contain up to 0.58 grams of protein. While this is only a small amount of the nutrient, you can not argue the sweet taste of this convenient snack.

If you’re aiming to build up significant levels of protein in your diet and grow muscle, you will probably need more protein than what grapes offer.

However, if you pair them with other protein-rich foods such as cheese or a hard-boiled egg, then you could be well on your way to reaching your daily protein goals. 

6. Jack fruit 


Next up is a spiky, funky fruit that is related to the more famous fig. In recent years, jack fruits have become very popular with vegans as a meat substitute.

These are truly versatile fruits as you can roast pulled jack fruits and then season them just as you would with pork or chicken.

In the mood for a vegan curry or some vegan tacos? Jack fruit should be a mainstay in such recipes.

Although the protein content is much lower in jack fruit than in meat, it is relatively high in terms of fruit protein with 2.8 grams per cup. 

7. Strawberries 


It doesn’t get much better than lazing back on a summer’s afternoon, under the dazzling sun and eating a box of delicious strawberries.

If you end up eating the equivalent of 1 cup (0.24 l) of strawberries, you will be gulping down 1.03 grams of protein.

Again, this content is not very high but strawberries are a great source of fiber and also contain vitamin C and potassium.

We recommend adding some sliced strawberries to your yogurts or smoothies to ensure you’re getting a good amount of protein in your diet. 

RELATED: Juicy Secrets: A Guide To Growing Strawberries In Pots

8. Kiwi


If you had a cup of kiwis, you would have the equivalent of approximately 2 grams of protein.

The best part of preparing a kiwi is that you don’t need to spend much time preparing it. You can safely eat the skin as long as you have cleaned it thoroughly beforehand.

Then, you just need to slice away and enjoy.

9. Dried Apricots 

Dried apricots hold around 1.10 grams of protein in just ¼ of a cup.

For such a small serving size, this is pretty impressive. A full cup comes in at 2.3 grams of protein.

If you like the taste of candy but want to go easier on the calories, try dried apricots. These make for great treats when you’re in the mood for something super sweet.

You can go even further and pair dried apricots with cheese for a more balanced snack or even add it to salad for a taste of sweetness. 

10. Blackberries and Raspberries 

Blackberries and Raspberries 

Generally speaking, not all berries are very good sources of protein. However, blackberries and raspberries are a little different.

Blackberries tend to have around 2 grams of protein per cup while raspberries are relatively high in nutrients too with around 1.5 grams of protein per cup.

These are great and tasty to snack on alone, or you can add them to your yogurts for a more protein-packed treat. 

11. Oranges 


Another very popular fruit snack, fresh oranges have around 1.29 grams of protein in every cup.

Although this amount is quite little, oranges are full of vitamin C and calcium. This makes them super healthy snacks.

But, if you want to really hike your protein levels, you should pair oranges with another source of protein to keep your meals more balanced. 

RELATED: 16 Awesome Types Of Orange Plants (Including Photos)

12. Raisins 


We come back to dried fruits again. If you can’t get enough dried fruits, then you’ll be happy to know that raisins also contain some protein. One ounce (around 60 raisins) holds almost 1 gram of protein.

Best of all, you can snack on these as if they were nuts, toss them into a salad for extra sweetness, or place them over your oatmeal for breakfast. Raising your protein levels with raisins all day long! 

13. Cantaloupe 


1 cup (0.24 l) of cubed cantaloupe contains about 1.34 grams of protein.

Yes, this may not meet your daily requirements, but if you’re a fan of melons, then cantaloupes will probably become a new favorite of yours!

With almost one and a half grams of protein in one cup, this is pretty respectable for a fruit. 

14. Bananas 


You were waiting for these, we know it!

Did you know that bananas are technically berries? Well, now you know!

Bananas are also very high in potassium and wonderfully convenient to eat when you’re on the go.

These are renowned for giving your body fuel to power through your days or workouts and, compared to a sports drink, are generally the healthier option.

Furthermore, just one medium banana is the source of approximately 1.3 grams of protein. 

15. Peaches 


Life’s a peach when you find out that just one cup of this fruit contains 1.4 grams of protein. Okay, this may not be a large amount.

But when you consider how tasty peaches are and how easily you can pair them with other protein-rich foods like yogurt or cottage cheese, you are on to a winner!

16. Grapefruit 


This citrus fruit is not only a star in terms of vitamin C content, but just one medium-sized grapefruit can give you up to 1.6 grams of protein.

Yes, we understand that the taste of these is not for everyone.

If you’re not a fan, try to heat half a grapefruit under your oven’s broiler for around 5 minutes. This should caramelize its top. Then, add a sprinkling of ground cinnamon on top and use a spoon to dig in.

You may be surprised by how tasty this fruit you hated five minutes ago has become!


All fruits have some amount of protein in them.

However, some have such low protein content, it’s hardly worth mentioning.

Above are just some fruits that are both tasty and relatively rich in protein. Others worth mentioning include prunes and tomatoes.

To build up your protein content but keep a healthy balanced diet, try adding some of these fruits into your diet.

If you get creative with a few, you should get the perfect daily intake of protein on a regular basis.

We hope you learned something from this article, here are other articles that you can learn from:

14 Fruits With Seeds (Including Pictures)

Pumpkins: Growth Time and Stages of Development From Seeds To Fruits