When it comes to the Holiday season, nothing shouts Christmas more than a real Christmas tree, right? Well, teal trees are the overarching name for Christmas trees, and they come in different types and variants.
We’re going to look at some different Christmas trees with some other handy pieces of information for you!
1. The Nordmann Fir
The Nordmann fir tree is the epitome of Christmas and is a fantastic addition to your home during the Holiday season.

It stands mighty and tall with dark green branches that hold its needles into the center of the tree. This means that if you choose a Nordmann fir, you don’t have to keep vacuuming around the area for bits that come off the tree!
Native to Southern parts of Russia and Georgia, this tree lives healthily in cold environments and sub-zero temperatures and does not have any aroma unlike some other Christmas trees, which means your feline friends are more likely to climb it.
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Due to the shape of the branches which point and bend upwards, it provides a perfect height space for the presents that sit lovingly underneath the tree.
2. The Norway Spruce
The Norway spruce is probably the most classic and traditional of all Christmas trees. It was introduced from Norway to Europe and grew heavily all over the colder European nations.
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Prince Albert, the husband to Queen Victoria, introduced it to the United Kingdom during the 19th century as a gift to the Queen and this is likely where the tradition of having an indoor tree at Christmas came from.
The tree has huge significance and ties to the Norwegian capital of Oslo and this city sends these trees all over the globe to the most witnessed places like Trafalgar Square in London, New York City, Edinburgh and even Washington, D.C.
It’s a much brighter green than the previous fir tree and is known to shed a lot of its needles, so most people would prefer to keep this teal tree outdoors.
But, if you can handle the cleaning – some others will bring it inside to feel the passion of the Holidays.
It has a colorful red bark underneath the outer foliage and presents a very coniferous aroma – which detracts to cats indoors sometimes! However, it can also attract wood critters – so be careful bringing this one inside.
3. The Serbian Spruce
This type of teal tree is more of a new one on the scene when it comes to the Holiday tree.

It is much more droopy than the others on this list, which is a problem for putting your presents under the tree and is a very good playground for your pets!
Due to its thin and slender stature, it’s a perfect addition to porches or outside the front door of your home. It needs a lot more water than the other trees on this list too and will likely die out quickly if it’s in a home warmed by a fire or radiator.
This tree doesn’t shed as much as the spruce, but it’s not without its mess, so be wary of this too. It has a strong, fragrant smell to it which is appealing, but the appearance is not so much.
On the outside, it looks very prickly and similar to a cactus in many respects. However, due to the branch shape, it’s simple to decorate with Christmas lights – so if you’re the type of person to have a tree project in December – this is a perfect tree for you.
4. The Alberta White Spruce
This teal tree is a type of conifer that grows extremely slowly and does not grow as mighty as the other trees we’ve seen. It’s sort of the dwarf version of the Norway spruce.

Native to North America, likely Canada, it was first discovered in the 18th century and traveled around Europe soon after.
Due to its size, it makes the perfect plant pot Christmas tree for a small table or as a collection out in the yard. It begins with a lighter green color in the spring but by December, it has developed into a darker green shade.
To keep this tree from its early demise, ensure you keep it in sunny conditions with a lot of water – it does not need to be in warm climates, but it does need sunlight and hydration.
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5. The Balsam Fir
This type of evergreen fir tree grows out in most places around the United States and Europe and can reach scarily tall heights of around 65-70 feet!

They give off a spicy, cinnamon type of fragrance and bring about a real memory of the Holidays. If you bring it indoors (if you can!), you’ll have a high quality tree with plenty of room at the bottom for presents.
However, the needles on this tree are long and pointy and go all the way around, so be careful!
6. The White Pine
This type of teal tree, instead of having singular, pointy needles, has more “bunches” of needles together as one. It has a high level of flexibility with its branches, which makes it ideal for decorating.

Despite being a pine tree, it does not have any noticeable smell to it. It also does not have strong branches to hold things, so be aware of this before you hang things off it.
These trees can live for around 400 years too!
7. The Scotch Pine
As its name suggests, this is a Scottish tree that in fact, is the national tree of Scotland. It has a medium to high aroma to it and is a much softer tree to handle.

Instead of sharp and pointed needles, there is more of a “blanket” of greenery around the tree. This is ideal for decorating, but also better around animals and children.
8. The Blue Spruce
The blue spruce comes from the Rocky Mountains and is a highly visually striking tree. It’s the state tree of Colorado too, perhaps unsurprisingly.

It can grow up to an astonishing 75 feet tall and gives off a very strong, fresh aroma. It’s been described by many Americans as the ideal Christmas tree due to its shape. It stands with its arms raised, allowing for plenty of base space.
Not only is this good for your presents, but it means that lights can hang and wrap around the tree safely and easily.
9. The Arizona Cypress
You can probably guess where this one is from! This tree heartily grows around Southwestern areas of the United States and has a blue to gray color hue on it.

In its branches, you may notice what appear to be nuts or grapes – these fruits attract birds!
This tree can grow quite tall and is more suited to be in outdoor areas.
10. The Red Cedar
The Eastern red cedar is a much different shape to the other trees on this list. In a much more of a pyramid shape and the needles much closer together, standing tall – you would be confused if someone put one of these in their living room at the Holidays!

Surprisingly though, some states do! Typically, people in Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma will opt for this tree at Christmastime.
11. The Fraser Fir
The Fraser fir is a very common Christmas tree in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom. Its needles stick out in different positions and typically, one points vertically at the top, allowing for an Angel or star to be placed on it.

It doesn’t have a particularly strong aroma to it when it is cultivated, but in the wilderness it smells incredibly strong and fragrant. Outdoors, it can grow to around 50 feet tall!
12. The Virginia Pine
Hailing from warm areas of North America, this teal tree grows differently to others. The branches and needles grow in pairs and stick out, allowing for extra strength for decorations.

These trees love to be trimmed down and will grow back stronger and more dense. This is another perfect tree for gifts due to its vertical points at the bottom of the tree towards the base.
13. The White Spruce
Otherwise known as the Canadian spruce, this Holiday tree has a green, blue and snow-white appearance to it and exhibits the perfect idea of Christmas.

This is one of the tallest trees when growing out in the wild, up to heights of 140 feet!
14. The Douglas Fir
The Douglas fir is a perfect triangle shape with strong foliage.

It’s an ideal tree for the home when chopped into size as it has no fragrance and can be easily decorated by you or even safely by your children, as the needles aren’t as sharp as some others on this list.
Final Thoughts
Christmas is a special time of year for so many people and one of the best ways to enjoy the Holiday season is by introducing one of these teal trees to your home and decorating it!
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