Hello! If you are here you are most likely curious about how propagate mint works, or you are eager to try it out for yourself.
This guide will teach you everything you need to know in order to successfully propagate your own mint plants.
Mint is a very easy plant to grow and maintain. It’s one of the easiest herbs to grow and to top it off it is a delicious accompaniment to many drinks and dishes which is why it is the perfect addition to your herb garden.
But enough of that, let us get started learning about how to propagate mint from cuttings and everything else you will need to know.

When To Propagate Mint
As with many plants, the best time to propagate mint is during the spring when most plants enter their time of growth.
So, if you start in early spring or early summer you shouldn’t really have any issue propagating your mint plant. As long as you have a healthy mint sprig you should be successful.
How To Propagate Mint
Mint is a really easy plant to propagate, and it’s also very forgiving about the conditions in which you do so.
It can be propagated from seed or cuttings, but we prefer to use cuttings because they are much easier to grow and maintain than seeds.
You’ll need to have at least one cutting of your mint for each new plant that you want to grow.
But before we get into how you propagate mint, you will need to know what exactly you will need
What Do You Need?
Mint is an amazing plant and super easy to propagate. But, what do you need to be able to do it? Let’s take a look.
- Mint Sprig – You will, obviously, need a mint sprig or stem cutting. You can cut a stem off an existing mint plant, or you can use mint you bought from a grocery store.
- Scissors – You will need a pair of sharp and sterile scissors, so you can cut your sprig of mint from the plant.
- Growth Hormone – This is an optional requirement. But if you have an appropriate growth hormone to help your sprigs produce roots you can certainly make use of it.
- Soil – You will need well-draining soil for your mint plants once they develop roots or if you have used the growth hormone.
- Plant Pot – You will need a selection of small pots for your mint so that they can have time to develop their roots before they are transplanted into their permanent home.
- Glass Bottle – You will need a glass bottle so that you can place your mint cuttings in it while they develop roots.
- Distilled or Filtered Water – if you use water from your tap you may be using water that has abrasive chemicals like chlorine in it which can affect your mint plant’s growth.
- Plastic Bag – This is an optional requirement depending on whether you have a greenhouse, or live in a naturally warm climate.
Step-By-Step Mint Propagation

Okay, it is finally time to take a more in-depth look at how to propagate mint. So, let’s dive right in and start learning about how to propagate mint.
- Step 1 – Let’s start at the top, get yourself some sprigs of fresh mint. If you have an existing plant all you need to do is chop off a few sprigs off the top of the plant and make sure they are about four to six inches long. All you need to keep in mind is that the sprigs you pick must be healthy and not flowering.
If you find yourself lacking a mint plant to get a clipping from you can easily find fresh mint at your local grocery store. While this is not the best solution, you can make do with some fresh mint from one of these stores if you need to.
- Step 2 – Okay! You have your mint sprigs, now you need to strip off some leaves on the bottom end of the stem. You should strip about two inches of leaves off the mint sprig, this will be the base for your new mint plant.
If you intend to propagate your sprig immediately you should snip the end of your mint sprig at a 45-degree angle. You do this so that the center of the sprig is fresh when it is exposed to the spring to the soil.
- Step 3 – This step is not compulsory, but if you happen to have a growth hormone you can certainly make use of it for this project. All you need to do is dip the stem into some growth hormone so that your new mint plant sprouts roots a little quicker.
- Step 4 – You have two options now. If you have opted to use a root growth hormone you can plant your mint sprig directly into the soil. You should use a smaller pot if you are immediately planting your mint in soil.
For those of you that have not used a growth hormone, you will need your sprig to have a root system before you plant it in soil.
Instead, you will need to put your mint in a glass or bottle with water in it. The two inches of stem you have removed the leaves from will need to be submerged for about three to four weeks.
At this point, you should start to see little roots forming. When you see those roots you know that your mint plant is ready to be planted in soil.
When you plant your sprigs make sure that you are doing it when it is between sixty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit. If the weather is too cold your little mint plant may struggle to take root.
- Step 5 – The rate at which your new mint plants take root and start to grow will depend on when you have planted them. But in general, after six to eight weeks you should see some growth taking place.
Mint likes warm and humid places So, depending on where you live you may need to take precautions to make sure that your mint thrives.
If your climate is cooler you can use a plastic bag to achieve that warmth and humidity. Better yet, if you have a greenhouse, you can be sure that your mint plants will thrive.
- Step 6 – Your mint should be well on its way to maturing into a high-producing plant. Make sure to water it a lot, these plants like the soil to be damp and lots of sunlight.
Just be aware that your mint is likely to outgrow its pot quite quickly, so you may eventually need to plant them in the ground where you will have mint growing back year after year.
Tips For Propagating Mint

Before we continue, we would like to share a few tips to help you with your mint propagating project. So, let’s take a look.
- Trim Your Mint – If you are growing your mint alongside other herbs like basil, rosemary or oregano you should make sure to trim these plants back fairly often. This is because mint grows quite aggressively and can easily overcrowd other plants around them.
- Rooting Hormone – This is not always needed, but in general it can be a very helpful step to take and will make it more likely that your mint will survive the propagation and replanting.
- Trim After Planting – If you want your mint plant to produce more and be bushier it is recommended that you trim the new leaves off your mint when you plant them in soil. This will encourage the plant to grow more leaves which in turn makes the mint denser.
What Else Can You Do With Fresh Mint?
Okay, you have propagated your mint and everything is going swimmingly. But what if you have a whole lot of extra clippings left over? You can’t throw them away.
Mint can be a delicious addition to your meals or drinks. The question is…what can you do with them?
Oh…you don’t have any ideas? Lucky for you, we know of a few things you can do with your fresh mint clippings.
You Can Make Mint Tea
Mint tea is a delightful and fresh drink you can enjoy using fresh mint clippings. Add a few sprigs into your mug with some hot water and honey.
Voilà! You have a perfectly delicious and refreshing drink to enjoy.
You Can Make Mint Ice Cubes
If you want to add an extra kick to your lemonade, water, or other fresh juice you can add some mint ice cubes.
All you need to do is freeze some tea and use the ice cubes when they are completely frozen. Easy and tasty.
You Can Dip Your Mint Leaves In Chocolate
Would you like a fresh, sweet morsel? Try dipping mint leaves in chocolate and enjoy a delectable sweet treat at a moment’s notice.
You Could Make A Watermelon Salad
If you have never tried watermelon salad with fresh mint leaves you are missing out. It is a delicious treat that is sure to have you coming back for more in no time.
You Could Make A Mint Pesto
Pesto is a pretty amazing condiment and one that is super flexible. You can use fresh mint clippings to make a delightful fresh batch of mint pesto to use in a wide array of dishes.
Frequently Asked Questions

You might have some questions about the marvelous mint plant. Well, you are in luck. Because we have answered several of the most commonly asked questions below. So, let’s take a look.
Is It Better To Propagate Mint In Water Or Soil?
Neither water nor soil is better. Both methods of propagation are equally effective. It all depends on the type of mint that you want to propagate and how much space you have available.
If you’re growing mint as a houseplant, then you can use either method. However, if you’re trying to grow mint from seedlings, then you should be using soil because roots will not develop properly in water.
Does Mint Need Full Sun?
Mint will do best if it is planted in a location that gets full sunlight. You just need to worry about keeping the soil moist and your mint will thrive.
In fact, mint is an invasive plant. This is because they send out runners which helps them spread aggressively.
Do I Have Enough Space For Mint?
If you don’t have enough room for your mint plants, you can always try dividing them. This is a great way to expand your plant collection without having to buy more plants.
To divide your mints, simply take a cutting and place it in a pot with fresh soil. The new plant will begin to grow immediately.
After the new plant has grown into its own healthy plant, you can move it to another container.
Does Mint Keep Bugs Away?
Mint is a very pungent plant and because of these bugs are deterred from making their home around these plants.
All manner of pests including mice, mosquitoes, ants, roaches, spiders, and flies will try to avoid this amazing little plant.
Does Mint Grow Well In Pots?
Mint plants grow very well in most settings and pots are no different. So, yes! Mint is a wonderful addition to any indoor garden. It is easy to care for and grows quickly.
Just make sure that you keep it watered regularly. Also, be careful when watering your mint so that you don’t overwater it. Overwatering can cause root rot.
Final Thoughts
Well, you know everything you need to know about propagating mint. Plus a few more fun tidbits like what you can do with excess mint clippings.
There are many varieties of mint you can try propagating. So get out there and start!
We hope that you enjoyed our article. Mint is a super easy plant to care for and propagate. So, if you love this little plant there is nothing holding you back.
Good luck gardening!
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