Lithuania is a country that’s famous for many things – a fascinating history, a rich cultural heritage, a great language, and an absolutely beautiful country full of amazing people and beautiful Lithuanian Flowers!

Of course, Lithuania also has some of the most beautiful flowers in the world! In fact, it’s rather famous for its flowers – considering just how attractive some of them can be, that’s no surprise at all!
You’ll find many of the most attractive flowers in the world growing natively in Lithuania. Not all of them are entirely native to Lithuania – many of them were introduced from much further away, and have now made a home in Lithuania.
Here’s a list of some of the most beautiful flowers that you can find in Lithuania!
1. Lilium Candidum – White Lily

This flower is native to Europe and Asia.
It was first introduced into Lithuania in 1884.
Its name means “white lily”.
It is also known as “Madonna lily”.
This plant grows up to 3 feet tall.
The white petals have a sweet smell.
2. Geranium Sanguineum

Native to Europe and Asia. This plant has been cultivated for centuries.
It is also known as Bloody Cranesbill.
It was first brought to Lithuania in 1772.
They grow up to around 25 inches high.
Their leaves are dark green with red veins.
3. Hellebore (Helleborus Officinalis)

Native to Europe and North America. It is an herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family.
It can be found growing wild throughout Lithuania.
In Lithuania it is known as “kvapėlis” or “kvapištis”, which literally means “hellebore”.
It’s known as other names in other languages – for instance, “Winter Rose”, or “Christmas Rose.”
However, it’s not actually a rose at all!
4. Narcissus Tazetta – Tazetta Narcissus

Native to Europe and Japan.
Tazetta narcissus is a bulbous plant that grows up to around 20 inches high.
It is also called “bunch-flowered daffodil”.
It blooms from April to May.
They actually contain an extremely rare scent, too!
They’re one of only a handful of plants that make the chemical orcinol dimethyl ether.
Humans can’t smell it very well, but honeybees can!
5. Iris Germanica – German Iris

Native to Europe and China.
German irises grow up to around 6 feet tall.
However, it can take between 2 years and 5 years for them to reach this height.
They’re also known by the name “bearded iris”.
They bloom from June to August.
6. Primula Vulgaris – Common Primrose

Primroses are very common in Lithuania.
They’re herbaceous, semi-evergreen plants.
They grow up to 4 inches high.
It can actually take up to 5 years before they’re fully grown!
Bees absolutely love primula vulgaris – as do caterpillars!
As such, they’re not just great looking plants, but can also be really good for wildlife!
7. Viola Odorata – Violet

Violets are very common in Lithuania too.
They’re perennials, and they flower in late winter and early spring.
They have really pretty heart-shaped leaves, in addition to their attractive flowers.
Their flowers can be violet or white-colored.
The flowers have a pleasant smell too!
They grow up to 4 inches high.
8. Daphne Caucasica

These can be either deciduous or evergreen shrubs.
Caper daphnes grow up to 6 inches high.
They’re usually extremely fragrant.
They produce colorful berries too.
They bloom from March to May.
9. Crocus Sativus

These plants are also known as saffron crocus, or autumn crocus.
The spice saffron comes from these plants.
However, only a very small part of the plant makes saffron. This is why saffron is so expensive!
The petals of these flowers are a beautiful light purple color.
They’re just one of many types of crocus – and they’re all exceptionally beautiful plants!
They were first introduced to Lithuania in 1885.
10. Anemone Coronaria – Wood Anemone

These beautiful plants come in so many colors.
They exhibit really beautiful, vivid colors too – particularly the red ones!
The flowers are just a few inches in diameter – but they pack a lot of beauty into that small space.
Wood anemones can grow over 6 feet tall, but it’s more common for them to top out at around a foot and a half.
They bloom from April to June.
11. Iris Sibirica – Siberian Iris

Siberian irises grow in Siberia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea, and North America.
This plant is native to Eurasia.
It was first brought to Lithuania in 1883.
It grows up to 6 feet tall.
It’s called “iris” because its leaves resemble the Greek word “iris”, meaning rainbow.
12. Rosa Rugosa – Rugosa Rose

Rugosa roses are native to Europe and Asia, growing wild in the mountains of Central Asia.
They were first introduced to Lithuania in 1885.
They grow up to 6 feet tall.
The word “rugosa” comes from Latin. It means “wrinkled” – a reference to how the leaves of this plant look!
They have rich, vibrant colors that are an absolute joy to look at.
The smell of these flowers is extremely attractive.
That’s why they’re actually often used for pot-pourri.
13. Tulipa Gesneriana

Tulips are native to Europe and northern Africa.
They were first brought to Lithuania in 1886.
Tulips arrived in Europe in the 1500s – originally coming from Constantinople in the Ottoman Empire.
The Netherlands has been famed for its tulips ever since.
In fact, tulips played a massive economical part in the development of the Netherlands!
Tulips are famed for the beauty of their flowers.
Most tulips are descendents in some way of tulipa gesneriana.
14. Narcissus Poeticus

Narcissus poeticus is native to Europe and western Asia.
They’re also known as “poet’s daffodil”, “pheasant’s eye”, and “pinkster lily”, amongst other names.
They were brought to Lithuania in 1888.
They’ll grow up to around a foot and a half tall.
15. Achillea Millefolium – Yarrow

Yarrow is native to Europe and central Asia.
It was introduced to Lithuania in 1891.
Not just a beautiful flower, they’re actually used as a feed for livestock in New Zealand and Australia too!
16. Echinacea Purpurea – Purple Coneflower

Echinaceas are native to North America and Eurasia.
They grow up to around a foot in height.
The flowerheads have beautiful colored petals that can be hairy!
The flowers can be up to around 5 inches wide.
17. Armeria Maritima – Sea Hollyhock

Armerias are native to Europe and eastern Asia.
They grow up to about a foot high.
They’re often found on cliffs, and also on the seashore.
However, they also make for really attractive flowers for your garden!
18. Lysimachia Nummularia

These beautiful plants are native to Europe and western North America.
They grow between 1 foot and 2 feet tall.
The word “nummularia” comes from Latin.
It means “like a coin” – a reference to the shape of the leaves of this plant.
That’s why it’s also known by the name “moneywort”.
19. Geranium Macrorrhizum

Geraniums are native to Europe and North America, where they grow wild.
They bloom in summer.
They produce beautiful flowers that are brightly colored with a magenta-pink hue.
These attractive flowers are around half an inch across.
20. Dianthus Barbatus

Dianthuses are native to Europe and southern Asia.
They grow up to a few feet tall.
They’re also known by a much more famous name – Sweet William!
They have extremely rich colors, ranging from white to rich reds.
They grow about 5 feet tall.
21. Galanthus Nivalis – Everlasting Snowflake

Galanthus nivalis is native to Europe and North Africa.
They grow to around 5 inches tall.
They have narrow green leaves, with a slightly dull, grayish-tint.
The flowers are pleasant smelling, and attractive despite being only around 2.5 cm long.
22. Ficaria Verna

Buttercups are native to Europe and temperate Asia.
Ficaria verna is also known as fig buttercup.
Between late February and May is when these flowers are at their most beautiful.
23. Campanula Rotundifolia

Campanulas are native to Europe and east Asia.
They’re also known as harebells, and Scottish bluebells.
In late summer and autumn is when this plant produces the beautiful flowers that it is famed for.
24. Helianthemum Apenninum

This flower is also known as the “white rock-rose”.
They grow to around a foot and a half tall.
The flowers have white petals, and yellow stamens.
The flowers grow in clusters of between 3 and 10 flowers on each stem.
25. Salvia Officinalis – Sage

Sages are native to Europe and central and south Asia.
They grow to over a foot and a half in height.
They have a strong smell.
They’ve been used as ornamental plants for a very long time!
However, members of the sage family are also used as herbs for cooking.
Also, some members of the sage family are also psychoactive!
26. Thalictrum Aquilegifolium

Thalictrum aquilegifolium is also known by the name meadow-rue.
They’re commonly found in moist woodlands.
The flowers are often an extremely attractive light pink color.
Lithuanian flowers are some of the most beautiful that you’ll find anywhere on Earth! Of course, many of these are native not just to Lithuania, but to many other nearby countries in Europe.
Others have actually been introduced to Lithuania from further abroad – but, of course, since then, they’ve settled in perfectly in Lithuania!