Persimmon Fruits are popular edible fruits that are classified as a member of the Ebenaceae family. They are often recognized for their unique and distinct sweet, sometimes tart flavor and jelly-like texture.
However, persimmon fruits can’t be generalized as each variety consists of unique characteristics.
From persimmons containing high tannins and lots of seeds, to seedless persimmons with low tannins, the diversity of persimmons is extensive. To give you an idea of the broad variety of the persimmon world, we’ll explore some of the most amazing types of persimmon fruits.
1. Chocolate Persimmon
Chocolate persimmons, also known as the black sapote, is a unique species of persimmon native to South America and Central America. Chocolate persimmons are classified as edible fruit. It has thick skin and grows up to 15 centimeters long.
Chocolate persimmons are usually dark purple with light-colored flesh. Chocolate persimmons are considered to be rich in vitamins A and B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. They also contain high levels of antioxidants.
Chocolate persimmons are said to taste like a combination of banana, pineapple, and dates.

2. Eureka Persimmon
Eureka persimmons are a common variety of persimmon. Eureka persimmons are found in Japan growing in the wild, along roads and farms. This type of persimmon is also called Japanese persimmon because it originated from Japan and was introduced to the USA.

Eureka persimmon fruits are smaller than other varieties of persimmons. They are very juicy and soft when ripe. Eureka persimmon fruit can be recognized by its round orange-red skin, and are commonly used for making jams, jellies, pies, cakes, and candies.
3. Fuyu Persimmon
Fuyu persimmons bear resemblance to a tomato with their distinct shape and color. This fruit is one of the most commonly grown persimmons in China but is not widely cultivated internationally.

Fuyu persimmons are available all year round. They are harvested during their peak season between November and December.
They are considered to be highly nutrient-rich containing great amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, copper, manganese, zinc, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and thiamine.
4. Giombo Persimmon
Giombo persimmons are considered to be a high-quality persimmon variety due to their large size, smooth texture, and sweet taste. Giombo persimmons are said to produce a distinct sweet and slightly spicy flavor.

The giombo persimmon tree is recognized for producing fruit alternate years when it is young and then annually once it has fully matured. Giombo persimmons are believed to grow well in temperate climates and are often planted in tropical regions such as South America.
5. Great Wall Persimmon
The Great Wall persimmon is considered to be an astringent fruit. When ripe, the fruit is said to have a sweet flavor.

Great wall persimmons are known to be good sources of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They are also rich in anthocyanins which are antioxidant compounds that help protect against heart disease.
Great wall persimmon trees are said to thrive best in warm climates.
6. Hachiya Persimmon
Hachiya persimmons are the largest variety of persimmons. The Hachiya persimmon is classified as a Japanese cultivated fruit that contains a high tannin content which makes for a bitter, astringent taste before the fruit is ripe. When ripe, the fruit features a thick and jelly-like pulp.
The Hachiyas are also known to be rich in vitamin C and fiber. They are also said to contain high levels of antioxidants including polyphenols and flavonoids. Hachiyas are typically grown in Japan where they are available all year round.

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7. Izu Persimmon
Scientifically known as Diospyros kaki, the Izu persimmon is classified as a non-astringent variety of persimmon fruit that produces a sweet and slightly floral flavor.
The Izu persimmon bears a close resemblance to a pear with its oval shape and yellow flesh. It is a popular fruit in Japan and Taiwan and is widely cultivated commercially across East Asia.
Izu persimmons are usually eaten fresh or made into preserves, and are considered to be highly nutrient-rich, containing a great amount of fiber, as well as vitamin A and C.
8. Jiro Persimmon
Jiro persimmons are classified as descendants of Eastern Asian persimmon varieties. Jiro persimmons are one of the most common non-astringent varieties of persimmon fruit as they are considerably low in tannins.

Jiro persimmons are known for being very juicy and sweet-tasting fruits and can be eaten fresh from the tree. They are also said to have a distinctive aroma and a distinct crunchy pulp and chewy flesh.
Jiro persimmons are typically used to make jams and jellies. They are also used to make alcoholic beverages like sake.
9. Maekawa Jiro Persimmon
The Maekawa Jiro persimmon is another common non-astringent persimmon fruit that grows in Japan. Maekawa’s are generally smaller than other types of persimmons and feature a deep orange color.

Like the Jiro persimmon, the Maekawa Jiro persimmon also has a firm and crunchy texture. As a non-bitter variety, this persimmon fruit is known for its exceptionally sweet, sugar-cane flavor. Maekawa Jiro persimmons are commonly sold dried or canned.
10. Midia Persimmon
The Midia persimmon fruit is a cultivated variety of non-astringent persimmon. The Midia persimmon is characterized as a small round fruit that is similar in size to a cherry tomato.

It is mostly grown in China and Japan and is often consumed raw as part of sushi dishes. Midia persimmons are also used in making preserves.
11. Saijo Persimmon
Saijo persimmons are native to China and are widely cultivated across Asia and have also been introduced to the USA. Saijo persimmons are classified under the species Diospyros kaki and are known for their sweet and fruity flavor.
They are also noted for having extremely soft and tender skin. Saijo persimmons are typically eaten fresh or preserved. The fruit is recognized as an astringent persimmon variety with a distinct oblong shape.
When unripe, the Saijo persimmon contains high tannins which break down to leave a sweet flavor once the fruit is ripe.

12. Sheng Persimmon
Sheng persimmons are a cultivated variety of persimmon that is classified as an astringent fruit that produces a sweet and unique nutty flavor. Sheng persimmons have considerably firm flesh that can sometimes be grainy.

Sheng persimmons are available year-round in many forms, and they are considered to be a popular choice when it comes to desserts and confectionery.
The sheng persimmon tree is considered to be a hardy tree as it can withstand cold temperatures and thrives in a variety of soil types.
13. Suruga Persimmon
Suruga persimmons are classified as a non-astringent fruit that is considered to be smaller and flatter than the Hachiya variety.

Suruga persimmons are found in abundance in Japan and are well known for their sweetness, slight sharpness, and crispiness. They are also considered to be a good source of Vitamin C.
The Suruga persimmon tree is said to come from the common American Persimmon fruit, Diospyros Virginiana.
14. Tanenashi Persimmon
Tanenashi persimmons are astringent cone-shaped orange persimmon fruits. This persimmon fruit is considered to contain few seeds and consists of a thick, soft, and sweet pulp.

This fruit is commonly used for culinary purposes due to its rich flavor. Tanenashi persimmons come from a self-pollinating tree that is a vigorous producer.
15. Triumph Persimmon
Triumph persimmons originate from South Africa. Like the Taneshi persimmon, triumph persimmon is seedless.

Triumph persimmons are considered to be a large and oval-shaped fruit that is more compact than the Hachiya persimmon.
Triumph persimmons have a bright orange hue and are usually harvested during the autumn months. They are also known for being very juicy and easy to eat.
16. Sharon Persimmon
Sharon persimmons are classified as a cultivated variety of persimmon fruit. The Sharon persimmon fruit is recognized for containing barely any tannins and very few seeds. The fruit is also noted for its sweet flavor and soft texture.
Sharon persimmons are widely grown internationally and are highly sought after by consumers who enjoy eating them fresh. Sharon fruit is round with yellow-orange skin. The fruit is considered to be nutrient-rich containing high levels of potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

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17. Tamopan Persimmon
Tamopan persimmons are native to China and Japan and are an astringent variety that is commonly used for culinary purposes. Tamopan persimmons are recognized for their sweet flavor when they are ripe.

Though delicious, this variety of persimmon is known to bruise easily and has a considerably short shelf-life, hence, it is rarely cultivated commercially.
Tamopan persimmons come from a tree that is considered to be easy to grow as it is self-pollinating and significantly disease-resistant.
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it, some of the most unique varieties of persimmon fruit. Each variety of persimmon fruit is unique in its own right varying in size, color, and texture. Edible persimmons stand to be nutrient-rich containing vitamin C, A, potassium, and antioxidants.
Besides its health benefits, the fruit is also valued for its distinct flavor and texture which is significantly valued hence why the fruit is widely cultivated commercially.
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