We will make things clear right away: pronouncing the name Philodendron Warscewiczii requires more work than caring for the plant does. If you don’t already have one, this low-maintenance plant is ideal for finishing your magical garden.

This particular Philodendron is ideal for novice gardeners with hectic schedules due to its low maintenance requirements as well as its aesthetic appeal. The Philodendron Warscewiczii will surely beautify your space in a manner that no other house plants can.
The history of this wonderful plant is covered in detail in this article, along with a wealth of advice on how to best take care of one so that it grows big and robust.
Read this article to know more about this gorgeous Philodendron plant.
Philodendron Warscewiczii Profile
General Information

The Philodendron Warscewiczii is a native of Central America, commonly found in the wild, growing over rocks in tropical jungles. The leaves of this plant emerge as slender, blade-like stems with feathery leaves on top of its trunk.
This substantial tropical ground runner has bipinnatifid leaves. This indicates that the leaf blades are deeply divided, with pinnules forming within each division. They are less leathery than many of their kin and collectively resemble feathers. The stems are stout and thick.
The blossoms of a Philodendron Warszewiczii are a gorgeous white if you are fortunate enough to see one in bloom. This particular Philodendron has been a popular tropical plant since it was discovered in 1855. However, it can still be challenging to find.
This uncommon Philodendron will win your heart with its snowflake-shaped leaves, low maintenance requirements, and distinction from other Philodendron plants.
Related: Philodendron camposportoanum: The #1 Care, Watering, and Propagation Guide
The specific epithet Warscewiczii is named after the Polish orchid collector Józef von Warszewicz.
On the other hand, the Genus, Philodendron comes from the words “philo” and “dendron” both have Greek roots; “philo” means “love” or “affection,” and “dendron” means “tree.”
The vast genus Philodendron, which is a member of the Araceae family, contains the Philodendron Warszewiczii. These are tropical flowering plants, which despite rarely blooming inside, undoubtedly do so in their natural habitat.
However, given the right environmental conditions and proper care, a typical inflorescence with white blooms can be observed from these plants.
Season Of Interest And Purchasing
This plant is well-liked and sought after by collectors because of its rarity. The best time to propagate this plant, if you ever have it, is in the spring because it is when the parent plant reaches its full, mature size.
More so, the period of active growth is from spring to late summer, which is also the best time to purchase it.
If the conditions are correct, they will flourish in a matter of weeks and continue to be vibrant and lovely all year long.
Depending on its environment, the Philodendron Warszewiczii can reach heights of 12 feet and has a very stocky and thick stem. In addition, it has leaves that range from 21 to 31 inches.
Philodendron Philodendron Warszewiczii Overview
Scientific Name | Philodendron Warszewiczii |
Common Names | Warscewiczii Philodendron, Snowflake-Leaf Philodendron, Snowflake Philodendron |
Family | Araceae |
Growth Habit | Herbaceous, Epiphytic Vine |
Height And Spread | up to 12 feet in height, and 21-31 inches in spread |
Classification based On life cycle | Perennial |
Origin And Distribution | Native to Tropical Regions in Central America |
Climate Zone | Generally mild climate |
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone | USDA Zone 9-11 |
Color | Long, large leaves that are deeply lobed and light green to green |
Care Tips
Light Requirement
When it comes to lighting requirements, Philodendron Warscewiczii, commonly referred to by the common name Snowflake Leaf Philodendron, is a philodendron like any other.
It will quickly grow if you place it in some medium to bright indirect sunlight. However, excessive exposure to direct sunlight will cause it to get sunburned, so take great caution while exposing it to light.
It’s simple to remember and adhere to the lighting requirements for these indoor plants. The best location for your Philodendron is close to a south or west-facing window, as this will provide exactly the right amount of light for it.
This is due to the fact that too much light will cause it to turn red or brown and wither, whereas too little sunlight will cause its mesmerizing green leaves to begin to deteriorate.
Temperature Requirement
Regarding Philodendron Warscewiczii’s ideal temperature, there are no surprises. While visiting your home, this live plant likes the warmth of its native tropical rainforest.
The minimum temperature that this Philodendron can tolerate is 50°F (10°C). Apart from that, it doesn’t need anything special as long as you keep the temperature between 60 and 86 °F (15 and 30 °C).
Just a reminder that it absolutely dislikes both sudden temperature changes and drafts, so pay attention to both of those things as well.
Water Requirement
Even if they are a little more challenging to remember than the sunlight requirements, this lovely houseplant’s water requirements are still very simple.
By inserting your finger 2-3 inches (5-7 cm) deep and feeling the dirt, you may determine whether the top layer of the soil is entirely dry. If all the soil is moist, you shouldn’t water the Philodendron Warscewiczii; but, if it is dry, you should. Instead, wait a few days and check the soil moisture again.
It is preferable to water aroids and tropical plants, like this philodendron plant, until the soil is totally moist before draining the extra water.
Simply wait till the topsoil is dry again, then follow the same procedure.
Outside of these periods, there is no need to water it because doing so will result in an excess of moisture, which causes the dreaded root rot. For this reason, it’s crucial to refrain from overwatering your Philodendron.
Humidity Requirement
Being a tropical plant, the Philodendron Warszewiczii thrives naturally in hot, humid climates. Give your plant between 50 and 70 percent humidity so it can maintain its typical shape and stay hydrated and healthy. Conditions with little humidity are also quite good for it.
To increase the humidity level, place the Warscewiczii plant next to your other plants. Another efficient way to grow a healthy Philodendron plant in your home is to install a humidifier.
Soil Requirement
The Philodendron Warscewiczii prefers soils that are light, nutrient-rich, have high amounts of organic matter, have adequate drainage, and maintain a constant moisture level in the soil without becoming wet.
It is ideal to have a well-draining soil with lots of perlites to prevent root rot problems that might occur with soggy, wet soil.
Peat moss can be put to the soil to delay soil drying in addition to using loose, fresh soil. Additionally, available options include perlite, charcoal, orchid bark, and coconut fiber. Keep the pH between 5.0 and 6.0 for the optimum growth (mildly acidic).
Fertilizer Requirement
This Philodendron doesn’t require any particular fertilizer. However, you won’t have too many problems if you use any fertilizer made for tropical plants.
Buying fertilizer is preferable than making your own because it can be challenging to provide all of your plants’ needs at home.
As a general rule, you should only fertilize your plants when they are actively growing. For example, a plant will grow taller and more lush if fertilized in the spring and summer; fertilizing in the winter is counterproductive.
The finest fertilizers are water-soluble, nutrient-rich, and high in organic material for tropical plants like philodendrons. However, you should be careful not to fertilize your plant excessively because this can create more harm than good.
To allow your plant to go through an adjustment period, fertilizer should be dissolved in water and added sparingly. After that, you can up the dosage and fertilize more frequently, but be careful not to overdo it as this could result in fertilizer burn.
Related: Philodendron Erubescens: The Best Care, Propagation, and Watering Guide
Space Requirement
Beautiful and unusual, the Philodendron Warszewiczii isn’t exceptionally large. However, there are several sizes of philodendrons, and this one can fit in a little area to flourish.
Growing And Planting Tips
There are numerous techniques to reproduce Philodendron Warszewiczii; you simply need to choose the one that works best for you. Any plant, not just philodendrons, can be multiplied at its optimum during its growing season, which is spring in the case of Philodendron Warszewiczii.
Here are the two methods you can employ to propagate your Philodendron plant:
Stem Cutting Propagation
A strong, vigorous stem should be chosen from the mother plant. Use a pair of precise garden scissors to cut the stem tip, leaving at least three nodes and a terminal. More reliably, the nodes close to the soil take root. If you can see aerial roots on the nodes, all the better.
Pinch the lowest node’s leaves. Prepare a container which has a 50/50 mix of sphagnum moss and perlite that are evenly and extremely moist but not dripping wet.
The cuttings usually root rather well, thus, you don’t need to purchase a rooting hormone.
Basal Branch Propagation
At the base, the mother plant will divide, and the young branch will send roots down into the ground. You can carefully prune the branch from the parent plant once the roots have taken hold. If you pull on the roots and they feel securely anchored in the earth, they have established.
Air-Layering Propagation
A 6″ plastic bag that is clear, twist ties, and some sphagnum moss are required for this method of propagation.
In your older leaf nodes, look for little extensions of aerial roots. Create a few small holes at the bottom of your clear, plastic bag, then fill it with a fistful of uniformly moist sphagnum moss. The plastic bag’s top end should be cut so that flaps are left that can be rolled around a stem.
Afterwards, hold the wet moss in the plastic bag against the aerial root on the stem using one hand. Your free hand should be used to wrap the plastic flaps around the stem. Attach this bag of wet moss to the stem using twist ties to create a cozy cocoon for the roots to grow in.
Keep an eye out for your peat moss cocoon slipping off the root node. You may keep the moss moist by misting it through the plastic’s perforations. When you see roots extending into the moss a few weeks later, carefully remove the plastic and the moss without damaging your new roots.
Cut stem found just underneath the new roots with a pair of sharp garden shears to remove the cutting from the mother.
The cutting should be potted according to the instructions in the section on Philodendron Warszewiczii care, and the soil should be kept moist until the new plant has grown and is already well-established.
Your amazing plant will look and feel better after being pruned. Pruning should be done on your Philodendron Snowflake-Leaf every few weeks, depending on how it is doing.
You might first be apprehensive about pruning, but done correctly, it can truly enhance the beauty of your plant.
You can prune it to remove any dead or dying leaves or to shape it so that the mature plant fits in the space you have designated for it (indicated by the change of color from green to yellow, red, and brown).
Potting And Repotting
You should be aware of a few factors before repotting this plant. Regardless of the container size, these plants grow quickly, thus you will need to repot them more than once. When you take up the Philodendron Warszewiczii, and you see the roots poking out of the pot, it’s time to repot.
Making sure that you repot the plant during a growing season—spring is ideal—and into a larger, fresh nursery pot is important. Once more, when repotting this philodendron plant, well-draining soil is your greatest friend.
However, you need to exercise caution because it could be challenging to remove the actual plant from its container.
Giving this plant just a little bit of time to adjust to its new surroundings will help you reap the rewards more quickly.
Related: Philodendron Florida Ghost: The Ultimate Care, Propagation, and Watering Guide
Philodendron Warscewiczii Care
Light | Bright indirect light |
Temperature | Intermediate to warm, 60-86 degrees Fahrenheit |
Water | Once a week, increased in summer, decreased in winter |
Soil | Airy, well-draining soil; not too loose |
Fertilization | Regular household fertilizer, once a month |
Space | Substantial amunt of space to spread |
Propagation | Via stem-cutting and air-layering propagation |
Blooming | Rarely blooms, enough sunlight and maturity needed |
Pruning | Regular pruning |
Potting | Regular potting mix, use of horticultural charcoal, orchid bark, perlite and coco coir |
Problems And Troubleshooting
The most frequent cause of death for this plant is overwatering. Indicators of incorrect watering include yellow leaves, stunted development, and drooping foliage, among others. As a result, check the soil with your finger once a week, and don’t water it again until the top half is completely dry.
You must be careful not to overwater it because they absolutely detest sitting in moist dirt. Depending on your environment, this may require weekly watering. Water the plant merely from the top, making certain that it covers the entire surface.
One of the most important aspects of caring for Philodendron Warscewiczii is watering. It can identify whether your plant needs extra water rapidly. It will show brown leaf tips, and the degree of browning is inversely proportional with the degree of dehydration.
The brown tips dry out and become crisp. The leaf eventually falls off the plant.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to save the dead leaves. You can, however, prevent the problem from getting worse by raising the water levels to normal levels. The well-known finger test will make it easy to find the problem. In case the soil is too dry, water right away.
Nutrient Deficiency
The common symptoms of nutrient deficiency in philodendrons, such as calcium and magnesium deficiency, are yellowing of the leaves and pale new leaves.
To ensure a healthy plant, feed indoor philodendrons with a balanced liquid fertilizer that includes nutrients. You can also purchase loamy, moist, well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients and has a pH range of 5.0 to 6.
Flowering Problem
Don’t expect your Philodendron Warscewiczii to blossom if you plant it indoors. Outside blooming is possible but highly rare.
You might glimpse its blossom, though, if you’re lucky and closely mimic its natural surroundings. Therefore, make sure that the utmost care and needs are given.
Drooping And Yellowing
If your plant’s leaves are yellowing or otherwise discolored, it is getting too much direct sunlight. You can thus choose to move it to a new location where it won’t get as much direct light or where sheer drapes would cast a shadow on it.
A lack of water or too much water might induce drooping. To correct this, modify your watering strategy accordingly, and always check your soil before watering your Snowflake Leaf Philodendron.
If your plant is experiencing irregular patches, this might be caused by bacterial infections such the Erwinia blight or Pseudomonas leaf spot, which are occasionally observed in Philodendron warszewiczii.
The plant typically emits an unpleasant odor, which can be used to determine whether the infection is bacterial. Large plants planted in the ground seem to be less severely affected by the illness than smaller plants, which are typically affected.
To spread, this bacterial illness needs dampness.
To control spreading, first isolate the plant from all other plants in your yard, remove the afflicted leaves, reduce watering, stop misting the plant, and keep the leaves dry or let them dry out very quickly.
Insects and pests are not a concern when growing Philodendron Warszewiczii. Scales, aphids, shore flies, moths or worms, mealybugs, thrips, and fungus gnat are some of the common houseplant pests of this plant species.
The most effective preventative measure is a regular monthly application of insecticidal soap and neem oil, or as directed on the box.
When you water your Philodendron Warszewiczii plant once a week for insect management, don’t forget to also wash the leaves with water and wipe them dry. Infestations that are severe call for more thorough care, usually using chemicals.
Problem With People And Animals
These plants, regrettably, contain calcium oxalate crystals that, if consumed, can be harmful to both children and animals. Additionally, this plant is poisonous in all forms. As a result, you must implement the necessary safety precautions,
Philodendron Plants Meaning And Symbolism
Philodendrons are thought to symbolize a love of nature, making them the perfect choice for people who are enthusiastic about gardening and eco-friendly living. They also represent personal growth, making them the ideal gift for anyone undergoing a major life transition or working to better themselves.
They stand for personal development, making them a fantastic present for someone going through a significant life transition or making changes in their own life.
General Meaning | love of nature, passion for eco-friendly living |
Symbolism | Personal growth |
Landscaping And Gardening Ideas

Companion Plants
Among fans of uncommon houseplants, the Philodendron Warscewiczii is a favorite. You can grow this plant with monstera or Pothos. Monstera deliciosa, Pothos, and other Philodendrons beside Paraiso Philodendron to add more interest to your space.
You should grow the following plants beside your Philodendron Warscewiczii:
They are fairly similar in both look and requirements. Additionally, because Pothos and philodendrons require similar upkeep, they can be successfully grown together.
Average amounts of light, humidity, and water are acceptable to Schefflera, and they even prefer them. Therefore, it can be a perfect match for your Philodendron Warscewiczii. In addition, Schefflera has extremely attractive, hand-shaped, glossy leaves. They combine to provide an easy-to-use and attractive air freshener.
Landscaping Ideas
When used as accent plants on a cozy deck or patio, a wet inside, or both, philodendrons look fantastic. Another option is to place an entire plant along the entranceway or in a house corner.
It can also be utilized as a filler plant outside in a garden corner, between the trunks of palm palms, or underneath big trees. It can even be positioned adjacent to swimming pools to add even more of a tropical feel, provided it won’t be splashed at.
This plant can be used as a floor covering, a trailing plant, or an indoor climber. You will therefore have a variety of alternatives for using it in your garden. Low-maintenance indoor gardening is necessary for all of them.
What To Plant With | Other Aroids, Bird of Paradise, Areca Palms, Fire Spike, Heliconia, Variegated Arboricola, Croton, Chenille Plant, Pentas, Most Tropical Plants |
What NOT To Plant With | Basically nothing |
Now that you are more knowledgeable about rare plants, you can go out and purchase your very own Philodendron Warscewiczii. Fortunately, it requires little maintenance.
The most crucial point to keep in mind when caring for this rare Philodendron is to never overwhelm it with water. You may get a long way by keeping the soil moist and then allowing it to dry.
Keep in mind that root rot is your plant’s deadliest enemy, therefore prevent it from happening in the first place.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can pets be around Philodendron Warszewiczii?
You should be cautious where you grow Philodendron Warszewiczii because the plant contains calcium oxalate crystals that are poisonous to animals and can irritate their mouths and bowels. Insoluble calcium oxalate crystals are present in the plant, just like in other members of the Araceae family.
Do Philodendron Warszewiczii plants purify air?
To benefit from Philodendron warszewiczii’s ability to purify the air, you can cultivate it. These plants make a healthy addition to your area by eliminating typical household contaminants like formaldehyde from the air.
How can I give my Philodendron Warszewiczii a broader appearance?
This variety of Philodendron, which is “almost” self-header, does not respond well to trimming intended to encourage branching. However, you can give it enough foliage-inducing fertilizer to make it look fuller. Additionally, Philodendron Warszewiczii has large leaves, so even a couple of them can completely occupy the area.
Is misting Philodendron Warszewiczii beneficial for the plants?
Because philodendrons are tropical plants, increased humidity will encourage lush growth and glossy foliage. Simply keep an eye out for bacterial illnesses that spread via moisture.
Is Philodendron Warscewiczii a rare Philodendron ?
It is true that the Philodendron Warszewiczii is a rare variety of the plant. To find this unique Philodendron, you might have to conduct a lengthy search. The price of this rare plant makes it appear much more unusual.
Don’t be shocked if you need to put down a little bit more money because it might cost you $100 in some stores.
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