We’re all aware that vegetables are crucial for our overall diet and some of us are very strict when it comes to our diet. In this article will discuss the Types Of American Vegetables.
In fact, some of us are very astute gardeners, and we love to grow our own vegetables and in America, the climate can be ideal for this.
America is full of a whole array of different vegetables, some are well known and some are lesser known.
Here’s our list of American vegetables!
1. Calabaza

The calabaza is a small and rounded green vegetable that resembles a differently colored onion in many respects, but some refer to it as looking more like a small squash or green pumpkin.
However you see it, it’s a very sweet vegetable that grows throughout Mexico and is ideal for certain foods, particularly the seeds which can be incorporated into things like soups, stews, and other savory dishes – but it’s also used in the opposite!
Due to its versatility, many use these seeds for cakes and candies which can provide the perfect crunch for those with a sweet tooth!
Although mainly found in the North American region of Mexico, these vegetables also grow in Central and South America and have soared with popularity over the last decade or so.
2. Jalapeños

Jalapeños have to be our very favorite peppers. They’re juicy, fruity, sweet and have the right level of spice that makes them a perfect staple to healthy foods.
They’re versatile and can be used to give food an extra kick, like nachos and cheese, pasta dishes and chili dishes. You can even put them in burritos and tacos, which makes perfect sense because of their origins.
They’re normally found in Mexico and this is why many Mexican dishes contain the beautiful pepper. Even though it’s a Mexican vegetable, you’ll find jalapeños all over America, more so in the hotter states of the US in the South and South-West including Texas and New Mexico.
3. Idaho Potatoes

Idaho is a state in the United States that produces many types of potato, and the rest of the US absolutely love them for that.
Potatoes are important in a healthy diet as they’re a huge source of potassium, vitamin D and carbohydrate energy. They’re incredibly versatile too which allows you to put these potatoes in whatever type of dish that you want!
You can use them for dinners like during the Holidays, you can mash them up, make French fries or simply eat them as they are!
To get the best out of them, they’re perfect to boil up and then serve with other vegetables.
4. Vidalia Onions

Originating in Georgia, United States, these onions are the perfect size and taste for most meals. These onions are incredibly good for you and provide an ideal addition to most meals.
You can add them to soups and stews, on top of hot dogs and burgers at a barbecue, or make them into a coleslaw.
Whatever you choose to do with these onions, you can be sure you’re going to get the best possible health benefits from them. They’re rich in sulfur, vitamins and minerals which help you to fend off the symptoms of things like the common cold and flu.
5. Tomatoes

Okay, so we’re kind of cheating here – most of us are aware that tomatoes are technically a fruit, but we treat them as a vegetable by adding them to a classic Waldorf salad or to add a bit of a vegetable type health spin on standard sandwiches.
Tomatoes are very useful food to have. Many Americans have taken to stuffing them with cheese or other sauces, or using them as a “bowl” for other foods depending on their size.
Whichever way you choose to enjoy your tomato, they’re very high in vitamin C and can assist us with our normal bodily functions!
Due to their high water content, we also rehydrate and vitalize the brain, and we can keep going for longer through its energy!
6. Carrots

These orange vegetables are a classic addition to a dinner and are very well known for being your household pet’s favorite treat – a rabbit, not a cat!
Carrots are a huge source of vitamin D, and that’s where the idea that they help you see in the dark comes from. Aside from these vegetables, the sun is the only other source of such a large amount of vitamin D.
You can enjoy carrots raw, fried, boiled, roasted or even grilled! However you’d like to get these into your diet, you’ll be enjoying some of the best vegetables you can possibly think of.
The best part is, carrots are simple to grow in most states, so you can even grow your own carrots at home, just be sure to keep animals away!
7. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are very popular across North America, from Mexico to Canada. They come in all different shapes and sizes and all taste a little different.
The Red and yellow peppers are usually much sweeter than the green ones, and the latter is normally used for a little spice.
Bell peppers are normally quite large, so they’re sometimes used and filled with other things like cream cheese or even chicken. Because of their variety, bell peppers can also be used in salads, spicy curries and chilies and sometimes on pizza!
What’s more, they can be used inside a side dish like salsa sauces or a dressing – giving that extra pop to a normal dish!
They’re also very good for you. They have plenty of vitamins and minerals in them and promote a healthy gut health.
8. Corn

Corn is a very recognizable vegetable when it comes to the United States. For centuries, farmers have grown corn to feed their families and their livestock – the only problem is, corn also feeds pests!
Corn is a very healthy vegetable and a classic addition to a barbecue if it’s on a cob. You can use corn for your favorite snack at the movies or to make noodle dishes even tastier!
The point is, corn has many uses and even someone who wouldn’t normally touch vegetables will enjoy this as part of their daily diet!
9. Tomatillo

Okay, so once again – we’re kinda cheating because this is also a fruit! But it’s used in many dishes as a vegetable.
They’re far less sweet than the red tomato, tasting much more acidic which normally can make certain dishes have a spice kick to it, when mixed with other peppers.
Tomatillos are green and round which sort of look like apples with an onion skin around them. Don’t let their appearance put you off though, they’re quite good for you!
10. Lettuce

Lettuce is easily grown throughout the United States in most areas, except the more difficult climates like Alaska.
Lettuce is a classic when it comes to a salad or a sandwich – and very few people dislike it. This is because it doesn’t really have a taste to it as such, but nonetheless can add a bit more to otherwise bland food.
Not only is it good for us, but it’s good for your livestock and animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.
If you’re looking to get a bit more from your lettuce, add some mayonnaise or garlic to it in things like a sandwich, and you’re eating the very best!
11. Cucumbers

Cucumbers, much like lettuce, are one of the most important things to put into a salad. They’re full of water and that makes them an excellent health benefit.
They can be used in basic foods like a sandwich but they can also be used for sauces or on things like crackers. If you buy or grow your own cucumber, be sure to use them quickly because they have a tendency to grow mold rapidly.
If you store them in your refrigerator, ensure you are tightly wrapping them when you place them in the salad tray.
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12. Cabbage

To some, cabbage is a sour tasting lettuce – but cabbage has long been a favorite in North America for the addition to stew and soup. They have a strong smell and taste and many people enjoy it when mixed with other flavors.
You can add cabbage to other ingredients and make coleslaw or sauerkraut for the most amazing barbecue side dish!
13. Cauliflower

Cauliflower has become much more popular in the United States through the rise of veganism. Cauliflower can be used as a substitute for meat products in rice dishes or in starter dishes in a restaurant.
It has its own unique smell and taste to it, and the texture when cooked becomes very soft – which is ideal for those with dental problems or the very young.
The Bottom Line
Vegetables throughout America grow abundantly and continue to be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet. However you enjoy your vegetables, be sure to get enough to keep yourself healthy – and check online for some new recipe ideas!
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