Types Of Fuchsia are beautiful flowers that come in a wide range of colors. They are also known as coral bells because they look like little corals.
There are over 100 species of fuchsias. The common ones include the pink, purple, red, white, yellow, orange, and blue varieties. Some of them are even grown commercially.
Fuchsias are very versatile plants. They can be grown indoors or out, and some of them can tolerate temperatures down to -10°C (-14°F). If you want to grow fuchsias, you should choose the right variety for your climate.
Tree Fuchsias

Tree fuchsias are an excellent choice if you want a plant that will last a lifetime. Tree fuchsias are easy and inexpensive to grow. You can get tree fuchsias from nurseries. Some of the most popular tree fuchsias include:
- ‘Tigerlily’
- ‘Wisteria’
- ‘Zigzag’
- ‘Sugar Daddy’
Standard Fuchsia

Standard Fuchsias are hardy perennials that require little maintenance. They produce beautiful flowers that are perfect for adding color to your home and garden. Standard Fuchsias have long stems with large blooms. They are usually sold at nurseries. There are many different types of standard Fuchsias including:
- ‘Alba’
- ‘Burgundy’
- ‘Garden Red’
- ‘Pallida’
- ‘Rosea’
- ‘White Beauty’
Variegated Fuchsias

Variegated Fuchsias are a great choice if you want a flower that is unique but still looks good year after year. Variegated Fuchsias are not true fuchsias. Instead, they are hybrids between fuchsias and other plants such as pelargoniums. The leaves on variegated Fuchsia are green, while their flowers are often bright red, pink, or white.
Some of the best variegated Fuchsias include:
- ‘Aurora’
- ‘Azure’
- ‘Blue Moon’
- ‘Dancing Angel’
- ‘Elegant Lady’
- ‘Goldie’s Gold’
- ‘Mauve Mist’
- ‘Pink Pearl’
- ‘Red Hot’
- ‘Ruby Gem’
- ‘Summer Snow’
- ‘Sunny Side Up’
- ‘Violet Queen’
- ‘Wildfire’
- ‘Yellow Gem’
Climbing Fuchsias

Climbing Fuchsias are ideal for hanging baskets. They climb up trellises and walls using tendrils. Climbing Fuchsias do well in partial shade. Some of the best climbing Fuchsias include
- ‘Angelina’
- ‘Autumn Joy’
- ‘Baby Doll’
- ‘Baby Lace’
- ‘Blushing Bride’
- ‘Chocolate Chip’
- ‘Cleopatra’
- ‘Crystal Bell’
- ‘Delightful Delphinium’
- ‘Double Delight’
- ‘Enchantress’
- ‘Firecracker’
- ‘Gemini’
- ‘Golden Glow’
- ‘Honeycomb’
- ‘Jasmine’
- ‘Lavender Rose’
- ‘Little Star’
- ‘Magic Carpet’
- ‘Miss Scarlet’
- ‘Narcissus’
- ‘Orange Charm’
- ‘Peach Blossom’
- ‘Pretty Petite’
- ‘Raspberry Ripple’
- ‘Scarlet Flame’
- ‘Sweet Dreams’
- ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’
- ‘Venetian Dream’
- ‘Veronica’
Trailing Fuchsias

Trailing Fuchsias are great for hanging baskets. They trail along the ground and hang off trellises and fences. Trailing Fuchsias need plenty of sun and lots of water. Some of the best trailing Fuchsias include :
- ‘Black Magic’
- ‘Carolina Blue’
- ‘Cheerful Charlie’
- ‘Diamond Lilac’
- ‘Dream Catcher’
- ‘Flame’
- ‘Glory’
- ‘Harvest Moon’
- ‘Kiwi Kisses’
- ‘Moonlight’
- ‘Neon’
- ‘Purple Majesty’
- ‘Rainbow’
- ‘Royal Velvet’
- ‘Silver Streak’
- ‘Starburst’
- ‘Superstar’
- ‘Tangerine Tango’
- ‘Velvet Glove’
- ‘Viriditas’
- ‘Wonderland’
- ‘Yukimi’
- ‘Zephyr’
Different Fuchsia Varieties
The following is a list of different types of fuchsias:
Pink Fuchsias

These are the most popular fuchsias. Pink fuchsias have long stems with small clusters of tiny petals. There are many different kinds of these fuchsias. Some of the most popular pink Fuchsia varieties include:
‘Bishop’s Crown’
‘Butterfly Kisses’
‘Dainty Delight’
‘Lemon Queen’
Purple Fuchsias

These fuchsias have large blooms with big petals. Purple fuchsias are usually more compact than pink fuchsias. Some of the most popular purple Fuchsia varieties include:
‘Garden Giant’
Red Fuchsias

These red fuchsias are great for cutting. Their blooms are large and bright red. Red fuchsias are easy to care for and do not need much water. ‘Ruby Princess’ is on of the most most famous red Fuchsia varieties
White Fuchsias

These white fuchsias are perfect for hanging baskets. They have long stems with huge blooms. White fuchsias are easy-to-care for and require less water than other fuchsias. Some popular white Fuchsia varieties are:
‘Aztec Charm’
Blue Fuchsias

Blue fuchsias are smaller than pink fuchsias but larger than purple fuchsias. Blue fuchsias have a lot of color and are good for cutting. Some of the most well-known blue fuchsia varieties are:
‘Blue Star’
‘Blue Velvet’
Orange Fuchsias

Orange fuchsias are similar to purple fuchsias. They have large blooms with orange petals. These fuchsias are often used for cut flower arrangements. Some of the most famous orange Fuchsias include:
Yellow Fuchsias

Yellow fuchsias are another type of fuchsia. They have large blooming stems with lots of petals. Yellow fuchsias are easy care and do not need as much water as other fuchsias.
Some of the best yellow fuchsia varieties are:
‘Golden Glow’
Other Types Of Fuchsias
There are several other types of fuchsias. Some examples include:
‘Ebony’ – A hardy fuchsia that has dark green leaves and flowers. It grows in USDA zones 8 through 10.
‘Painted Lady’ – This fuchsia has beautiful lavender blossoms. It is one of the easiest fuchsias to grow. It grows in USDA zone 4 through 9.
‘Raspberry Ice’ – This fuchsia has deep red blooms. It is a hybrid between a fuchsia and a raspberry. It grows in USDA zones 5 through 9.
‘Scarlet Flame’ – This fuchsia has hot pink blooms. It is also a hybrid between a fuchsia and a raspberry. The Scarlet Flame grows in USDA zones 6 through 9.
‘Strawberry Creme’ – This fuchsia has light pink blooms. It grows in USDA zones 3 through 7.
‘Summer Sunset’ – This fuchsia has deep pink blooms. It has been grown successfully in USDA zones 2 through 9.
‘Vivid Violet’ – This fuchsia has violet blooms. It grows well in USDA zones 1 through 9.
‘Wild Rose’ – This fuchsia is a hybrid between a rose and a fuchsia. It has very fragrant, double roses that bloom all summer long. It grows in USDA zones 1 through 9.
How To Grow Fuchsias
It is important to know how to grow fuchsias before you start planting them in your garden. Follow these steps when growing fuchsias:
1. Choose the right location for your fuchsias. If you live in a dry area, choose plants that like it dry. If you live in an area where there is plenty of rain, select plants that prefer moist soil.
2. Prepare the ground prior to planting. Dig up any weeds or grass around the base of your fuchsias. Remove any rocks and debris from the area. Add some organic matter such as compost or manure to improve drainage and add nutrients to the soil.
3. Plant your fuchsias. Take each stem and place it into a hole about two inches deep. Fill the hole with potting mix or dirt. Water your fuchsias thoroughly after planting.
4. Keep your fuchsias watered during the first year. After this time, they should be able to survive on their own without too much attention.
5. Mulch your fuchsias every few months to keep the soil cool and retain moisture.
6. Prune your fuchsias regularly. Cut back the flower stalks by half to encourage more blooms.
7. Repot your fuchsias every three years or so. This will help prevent disease and insects from damaging your fuchsias.
8. Feed your fuchsias once per month throughout the entire growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer formulated specifically for fuchsias.
9. Once your fuchsias begin flowering, deadhead (remove) spent blooms daily. Deadheading encourages new growth.
10. Enjoy your fuchsias! They make great cut flowers and can last for weeks indoors if properly cared for.
How To Care For Fuchsias Over Winter
Fuchsias are easy to care for over winter. You don’t need to do anything special to keep them healthy and happy. However, you may want to protect them from cold temperatures. Here’s what you need to know:
- • Do not plant fuchsias directly into the ground in fall. Wait until springtime to plant your fuchsias. This gives them enough time to establish roots before winter sets in.
- • Protect your fuchsias from extreme temperatures. Move your fuchsias inside during periods of below freezing weather.
- • Don’t let your fuchsias freeze completely. Allow at least one inch of air space above the foliage.
- • In spring, remove any mulch covering your fuchsias. A layer of mulch helps insulate your fuchsias against harsh winter winds.
- • As soon as your fuchsias begin blooming again, stop watering them. Let them go dormant until next year.
Fuchsias are beautiful additions to any home landscape. They are easy to grow and require little maintenance. The best part? They’re available in many different colors and varieties.
So, if you’re looking to inject some tropical color and architecture into your garden, fuschias are an excellent choice!