There are not a lot of well-known veggies that start with the letter M, but after reading this rundown of the ones that do,
you may come across some vegetables that you’d like to add to your dishes in the future.
1. Mushrooms

Nutritionally, mushrooms have a lot of the same qualities as vegetables which is why a lot of organizations classify them as such,
but mushrooms have no seeds, leaves, or roots and, unlike vegetables, do not require a light source to thrive which makes mushrooms a fungus instead of a vegetable.
Fungus is a type of edible plant that sounds unpleasant but actually tastes delicious and is excellent for you. Mushrooms grow in the dark and produce spores to produce new mushrooms.
Though many mushrooms in the wild are extremely nutritious, delicious, and also safe to consume, others pose a significant threat to your health can potentially result in death if swallowed.
As a result, it’s critical to only go mushroom hunting with someone who is well-versed in identifying both edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Related: Mushrooms In Houseplants? This is Why They Are A Good Sign
2. Mung Beans

Since ancient times, the gigantic mung bean has been farmed. You may have also heard it called the green gram, moong, or mash.
Mung beans, another option in the list of veggies that start with M, are originating from India but have grown in popularity in Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines over the years.
Mung beans have a somewhat sweet flavor and can be purchased fresh, dried, or sprouted. They are classified as a legume and are an extremely adaptable culinary component for soups and salads, stir-fries, and curries.
3. Moth Bean

The seeds of the Vigna aconitifolia plant are known as moth beans. They are produced in arid regions of Asia,
where they are immensely popular in recipes like curries, and they are also occasionally used in Western cuisine, particularly as a garnish.
Moth beans have a deep, nutty taste that complements a wide range of meals and one of the popular veggies that start with M.
4. Marrow

Marrow is a mature, thick-skinned cousin of zucchini. Because it is larger and harder than other summer squashes, it is frequently stuffed and baked.
In this dish, we’ll use giant zucchini that has been chopped and packed to look like bone marrow.
Marrow can be steamed, baked, boiled, or roasted and has a stripy skin that is edible. However, there are seeds and stringy bits in the marrow that you should remove before frying or roasting it.
5. Mozuka

Mozuku is a type of Japanese seaweed that grows brown in the sea but becomes green when passed through the boiling water. When you touch it, it feels slimy, unlike the other forms of seaweed.
Seaweed is becoming increasingly popular in cuisines all around the world. It is the finest source of iodine, which aids with thyroid gland maintenance.
Other vitamins and minerals found in it include vitamin K, B vitamins, iron, and zinc, as well as antioxidants that help protect your cells from harm.
6. Mizuna Greens

Mizuna is a leafy green vegetable native to East Asia. It is also known as Japanese mustard greens or spider mustard.
Mizuna is related to broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables.
It has serrated dark green leaves with narrow stalks and a spicy, slightly bitter taste. Although it is typically farmed for commercial salad mixes, it may also be eaten cooked or pickled.
Mizuna leaves have a mild peppery flavor and work best when cooked quickly, such as by steaming or stir-frying.
Turnip greens, on the other hand, pack a punch and are delicious cooked with ham hocks and other pig components, or in a savory broth.
7. Mustard Greens

They’re the leafy green of the mustard plant that’s related to collards, cabbage, and, yes, kale.
Mustard greens exist in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes, but the most common bunches are brilliant green with ruffled, frilly leaves.
Mustard greens are high in vitamins and minerals that your body requires to keep healthy. One serving provides nearly half of your daily vitamin C requirements.
Vitamin C helps your body’s immune system defend itself, so it’s critical to obtain enough of it throughout the day.
8. Malabar Spinach

Out of many veggies that start with M, Malabar spinach is a climbing vine in its own right, not real spinach. Vine Spinach, Red Vine Spinach, Creeping Spinach, and Ceylon Spinach are some other names for this plant. Even though it is not actual spinach, it has a similar flavor.
Malabar spinach is abundant in vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium. It has a high protein content for a plant and is also abundant in magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.
9. Manoa Lettuce

Another nutritious addion in the list of veggies that start with M, the Green Mignonette, also known as the Manoa lettuce in Hawaii, is a form of semi-head lettuce. The hardness and size of the lettuce head will vary depending on the temperature at which the plant grows.
The leaves of the lettuce are glossy, medium to dark-bright green in color, somewhat wrinkled, soft, crisp, and sweet-tasting, and may grow up to 15 inches tall.
A mature Manoa lettuce may grow to be 8 to 10 inches tall and weigh around one pound, although the heads are best plucked while they are smaller.
10. Miners Lettuce

This little, brilliant green plant is most commonly found in shaded, frequently wet parts of a wide range of vegetation types.
The plant is easily identified by its leaves, which are fused into a circle and fully surround the stem. The beautiful white blooms emerge from the leafy collar at the top of the stalk.
The leaves are edible, as the name says, and are frequently used fresh in salads or cooked like spinach.
Because the plants are strong in vitamin C, gold rush workers ate them to avoid scurvy, giving rise to the species’ popular name.
11. Melokhia

Molokhia is a vegetable that has been consumed in Egypt, India, and other parts of the world since ancient times.
In Arabic, Molokhia means “king’s vegetable.” It is thought to have been given that name because it is so nutritious that it even treated the kings’ ailments.
The bitter, mild flavor is reminiscent of okra and cruciferous vegetable leaves such as kale and bok choy. It is mainly eaten cooked due to its bitter and earthy flavor, as well as its leafy texture.
12. Maca Root

Maca is produced from a Peruvian plant that has been grown for over 2000 years. Maca has been used for generations as a nutritious supplement, and it is also known to boost fertility (in both animals and humans).
There are many forms of maca that may be distinguished by their color, each with a somewhat different advantage. Maca is traditionally dried after harvesting so that it may be stored for a number of years.
Maca root is a natural and high-quality source of vitamins and minerals, as well as carbohydrates, protein, and fiber.
It is low in fat and includes amino acids as well as bioactive substances. Although research is limited, maca root shows promise as an adaptogen,
which means it may help increase the body’s ability to tolerate bad health through physiological changes.
13. Malanga

Malanga is a starchy vegetable that is prominent in African, South American, and Caribbean cuisines. The malanga plant is native to the tropics and has thick, meaty leaves.
Malanga root has fleshy skin that is dark and hairy. It has a mild earthy or nutty flavor that is similar to yuca and can be cooked, fried, mashed, grated, steamed, or baked. Malanga is high in fiber and antioxidants,
which aid in the regulation of blood cholesterol levels and the promotion of heart health. Malanga’s potassium content helps to manage blood pressure, and its magnesium content helps to regulate heart rhythm.
14. Mashua

Mashua is an edible vegetable native to the Andes that is farmed mostly in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia, but on a limited scale.
This vegetable is often yellowish white, but red and purple variations are available; its flavor is softer than potatoes, with a flowery and spicy aftertaste.
Aside from having a pungent, peppery flavor evocative of spicy radishes, mashua is high in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
15. Mangetout

Mangetout is a variety of garden pea that is collected when the pod is still flat, and the peas are still developing. Snow pea and sugar pea are two more names for the same plant.
Mangetout is a good source of vitamin C which not only strengthens the immune system but also helps to generate and preserve collagen, a protein found in hair and skin.
In addition, one cup of mangetout offers 33% of the daily necessary amount of vitamin A which keeps hair healthy and hydrated.
Even though a lot of these veggies starting with M, are unfamiliar to most of us, they have lots of nutritional benefits that can enhance our meals and give us more energy.
Some of them also have tastes that we are already used to such as spinach and radish so if you’re a bit unnerved by the names or look of these vegetables,
it’s good to give them a chance, and who knows – maybe broccoli and cucumber will be things of the past.
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