

28 Delightful British Flowers (With Pictures)

Do you love British flowers? If so, there are so many beautiful ones, from wildflowers, annuals to houseplants.

British Flowers

Even if you don’t live in Britain, you can still nurture these gorgeous plants in a suitable climate, such as one that has quite a lot of rain! Who says a well-known place for bad weather can’t produce pretty blossoms?

If you want to liven up your flower bed, look at some lovely pictures, or simply learn more about some plants, you’re in luck. There are many British flowers in different variants, shapes, and colors, which means you can personalize your arrangement to suit your style.

These plants are super popular with botanists, florists, and horticulturists. Still, you don’t have to be a professional to enjoy them.

However, if you’re an amateur gardener, it can be tricky to work out the best British flowers to get. Not knowing what the species you’re getting and how to care for it can cause them to die on you.

We recommend thoroughly researching what plants you want to stop this from happening. So, to save you from spending ages educating yourself, we have collected information aplenty.

The following article will tell you tonnes about British flowers, what they need, and who they’re suitable for. So, read on!

1. Rose

This is a staple in traditional British horticulture, so much so that pretty native people from these countries are called English roses. You can get roses in many different colors, which produce delicate blooms popular in bouquets and have characteristic spiky stems.


2. Tulip

The Tulip can come in many fun colors, which create structure aplenty, making them ideal for planting in a neat flower bed. Also popular in the Netherlands, this pretty flower is grown from bulbs, eventually producing its rounded shape when appropriately nurtured.


3. Lily 

Lilies symbolize purity and have long soft petals, super fragrant and impressive in a bouquet. There are many different types, which are super gorgeous additions to any bride’s wedding arrangement.


4. Freesia

Naturally fantastic, the freesias have an informal structure, meaning they’re perfect for growing if you’re a laid-back person who wants to reflect this in their garden. This is a super popular item, bought in the millions yearly, so you can be sure that its beauty is almost universally liked.

British Flowers

5. Sweet Pea

As the name suggests, this flower has a sweet scent, so it’s ideal for adding to a sensory garden to bring fragrance. Whether you want them in orange, pink, cream, or purple, you can get them, and they will blossom in the summer months.

Sweet Pea

6. Orchid

The orchid is beloved by houseplant caretakers because it produces super vibrant flowers, which don’t need super regular watering. These plants come in every color imaginable, so you can enjoy those that complement your interior design.


7. Carnation

The carnation is traditionally in bouquets, which are bought in most British superstores so that you can gift them to loved ones when in this country. The frilly petals often have ombre designs, which sit atop a thin stem and gather together in a thick formation.


8. Sunflower

The sunflower is popular because it produces vibrant yellow petals with dark brown centers, which rise vertically upwards. These bold blossoms add structure to any landscaping scheme, can be bought in kits, and is a popular activity for guardians to do with the children in their care.


9. Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae)

The sweet-smelling honeysuckle is poisonous when eaten yet looks super lovely when it blossoms. Blooming from June to September, it can thrive in shaded spots near walls, using up that bare space that’s been annoying you when you look at it.

Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae)

10. Enchanter’s Nightshade (Circaea lutetiana)

The Enchanter’s nightshade (Circaea lutetiana) is a wildflower, which blossoms on super delicate stems. The flowers are light white and burgundy colored, which are small and bloom from June to August.

British Flowers

11. Columbine (Aquilegia)

The Columbine (Aquilegia) has light yellow and deep purple petals, with soft petals fanning outwards. The thin green stems produce these flowers from May to June and grow in Colorado.

Columbine (Aquilegia)

12. Kingcup (Caltha Palustris)

The Kingcup (Caltha palustris) is known for its bright yellow tiny flowers, central to many well-known traditional children’s games in playgrounds. You can enjoy these flowers for a super long period because they bloom from March to August, too!

Kingcup (Caltha Palustris)

13. Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus)

This is a super blue petal-dense flower with dark purple centers and adds a pop of color to any landscaping. In addition, this summer plant produces blossoms, which sit delicately atop thin green stems and is perfect for putting in flower beds.

Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus)

14. Water Avens (Geum Rivale) 

Loved by pollinators such as bumblebees, the Water avens (Geum rivale) grows downward-facing fluffy pink flowers. This is also a plant that’s known for being medical, as it produces loads of tannins, which are known to be an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substance.

Water Avens (Geum Rivale) 

15. Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis Arvensis) 

The Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) produces tiny orange blossoms with purple centers above rounded light green foliage. Known to some as a weed, this plant is a wildflower, a super pretty addition to a British landscape, even if it’s not strictly meant to be there.

Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis Arvensis) 

16. Ragged Robin (Lychnis Floscuculi) 

The Ragged Robin (Lychnis floscuculi) produces light pink and long messy flowers. It looks as though an adorable child has drawn them into reality. Blossoming from May to August, the unique petals would be a fantastic way to soften up an overly structured shape.

Ragged Robin (Lychnis Floscuculi)

17. Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis) 

The Forget-me-not is a romantic flower, which gets its name from a traditional German tragic story. The tiny blue flowers with white centers are super eye-catching a sprout from dark-colored thin stems, so it’s ideal for adding to a delicate wedding bouquet.

Related: 17 Stunning Spanish Flowers (With Pictures)

British Flowers

18. Dog Rose (Rosa Canina) 

The light pink Dog Rose (Rosa canina) has soft, delicate petals with dark green waxy leaves. This makes it a perfect shrub to add to a spot that’s looking neglected, as it has a bushy silhouette meaning it’s an easy space filler.

Dog Rose (Rosa Canina) 

19. Anemones

Making an appearance in early Spring, Anemones have fairytale-worthy soft petals in purple, with dark centers, which appreciate a gentle touch. These are beloved by flower arrangers as they can last for 10 days when put in water and are super showy additions to any home.


20. Astrantia

These are fluffy white blooms, perfect for adding to arrangements as they bring softness that balances out more structured flowers. To nurture these beauties, we recommend making sure they’re planted in moist earth and have at least partial sunlight.


21. Dahlias

If you’re searching for a vibrant, structured flower that has movement aplenty, the Dahlias are the one for you. These have neat petal formations when they’re looked after properly, which involves ensuring they’re in slightly wet earth and have at least partial sunlight.


22. Delphiniums

These are popular with vase arrangements because they add height and bold blue color. However, suppose you’re looking to attract more gorgeous pollinators to your natural space.

In that case, we recommend planting these because bumblebees adore them throughout Spring and summer when they bloom.


23. Sweet William

Sweet Wiliams is a great one to get if you want to start cutting flowers from your garden to put them in a vase. This is because they produce round delicate blossom formations, which are beautifully fragrant and can last 14 days when the cut blossoms are put in water.

British Flowers

24. Bluebells

Bluebells can be seen in countryside hedgerows, popping up in Spring and producing trumpet-shaped violet flowers. These are beautiful wildflowers and are often found in woodland spots so they can survive in shaded areas, which means it’s perfect for planting under trees.


25. Bramble

Even though it’s a pesky weed in many British gardens, the bramble grows gorgeous delicate flowers and deliciously juicy flowers. So if you love having a multipurpose flowering plant and don’t mind spiky species, the bramble is ideal as the fruit can be used to make tarts.


26. Common Dog Violet

Are you searching for a fun flower that attracts butterflies? If so, the typical dog violet will do just that and give you tiny purple flowers, too! 

Common Dog Violet

27. Cow Parsley 

Cow parsley is super typical in countryside areas, producing speckled bursts of tiny white flowers. You can see these blossoms when they’re in season, and you go on a countryside walk, or you might even observe a wild rabbit munching on them.

Cow Parsley

28. Cowslip

These flowers are yellow and, for that reason, are commonly associated with Easter. And, if you wander through a British meadow in springtime, you’ll highly likely catch sight of these frilly golden blossoms.



We’ve listed 28 different flowers, ranging from wildflowers, shrubs to bridal bouquet-ready blooms. Our favorites are bluebells because they are super common and a lovely surprise for us when we walk around in the country during springtime.

We recommend thoroughly researching the species before purchasing to work out which flower to choose.

And, if you can’t get enough, we have content aplenty here to help you develop your natural space! 

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