

14 Varieties Of Strawberry Fruits (With Pictures)

The average person shopping for their fruits and vegetables at the grocery store probably doesn’t realize that there are actually over 600 different varieties of strawberry plants in the world!

14 Varieties Of Strawberry Fruits

They all stem from about 6 original species that grew in the wild, all over the world.

These species then developed and traveled across the globe and branched off into new varieties, leaving us with hundreds to choose from in the modern-day.

For this listicle, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common strawberry fruit varieties you can find in the United States.

1. Albion


We’re starting our list off with one of the most recently developed strawberry hybrids in the US.

The Albion strawberry was developed as a very convenient fruit for farmers to grow in mass quantities, without having to worry too much about poor weather or disease ruining their harvest.

They are known to withstand very high temperatures, making them perfect for the climate of California, where they were first originally grown.

In terms of the fruit itself, the Albion strawberry is said to have a distinctly sweet flavor and a conical shape.

The fairly high levels of sugar in the fruit make them very easy to eat and you should definitely give these a try if you can get your hands on them.

2. Allstar

Allstar strawberry fruits

This strawberry variety was actually named after its all-around good performance when it comes to growing them as crops, so you know they must be pretty good!

The fruit grows to a fairly large size and produces a lot of berries, giving farmers a great return on each plant.

The fruits are also pretty sweet and hold plenty of juice, two things you definitely want to find in your strawberries.

In fact, the only problem you might have with growing Allstar strawberries is keeping birds and insects from eating them all!

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3. Alpine

Alpine strawberry fruits

While this strawberry may be French in origin, it’s certainly popular across the pond, in the United States too.

They tend to grow higher up on the plant, keeping them away from the wildlife on the ground that may be tempted to eat them.

Their tiny size also makes it easy for plenty of fruits to grow on each plant.

Alpine strawberries were originally discovered growing in the Alps, enduring some pretty cold and treacherous conditions.

This makes them very resilient to a lot of bad weather and makes them perfect for growing in farms around the world.

4. Aroma

Aroma strawberry fruits

The Aroma strawberry grows into a gorgeously bright red fruit that is firm in texture and doesn’t hold a tremendous amount of juice.

This lends them very well to cooking, and many people make these into jams or jellies, as well as plenty of other fruit-based desserts.

The plant it grows on is also really resilient to a variety of potentially harmful growing factors such as bad weather or disease.

For this reason, they not only make a farmer’s life much easier but they can also make a wonderful addition to anybody’s backyard.

5. Camino Real

Camino strawberry fruits

The Camino Real strawberry plant produces fruits that are slightly darker, firmer, and larger than the average strawberry.

In fact, the plant usually produces a great yield, with plenty of fruits on each plant and a very healthy size for each.

They are also very resilient to bad weather, enduring frost, intense rain, and even intense sun.

This makes them a very useful plant to have around a farm or backyard, as it requires fairly little maintenance to produce healthy fruit.

6. Diamante

Diamante strawberry fruits

One of the first things you’ll notice about a Diamante strawberry is that it has a fairly large size and that each fruit looks so gorgeous and unblemished it’s like they’ve been Photoshopped!

They are grown commonly all over California, not just in commercial farms but in plenty of peoples’ homes and backyards.

This is because they can grow in very compact setups, with several plants often growing in the same box.

The fruit also has a wonderfully sweet flavor which makes them great for eating on their own or paired with cream and chocolate.

7. Earliglow

This particular strawberry variety gets its name from the earliness in which they are produced during the season.

It’s a very popular variety for growing in the United States.

It requires very little maintenance compared to other strawberry plants and has extensive runners, meaning you’ll have even more plants to grow in subsequent seasons.

They are also known for having a delicious flavor, making them very popular sellers at farmer’s markets, especially if customers are given the chance to taste one first.

The only downside to this type of strawberry is that they tend to decrease in size throughout the season, meaning the later-harvested fruits won’t sell as well.

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8. Fragaria Virginiana

Fragaria Virginiana

Sometimes referred to as a ‘wild strawberry’ or ‘common strawberry’, these fruits can be found growing all over North America, often outside of farms or backyards.

The fruit itself grows to a very small size, suiting them poorly to commercial farming.

However, they are said to produce a gorgeous flavor and hold plenty of juice which encourages some home gardeners to plant some in their own backyards.

They are very versatile in terms of growing conditions and can endure a great range of heat and soil conditions.

9. Garden

Garden Strawberry fruit

This variety is easily the most common in the United States and is probably the variety that most people are familiar with.

They are sold in grocery stores and supermarkets all over North America and there’s a very good chance you’ve tried one before without even realizing it!

They have a decently large-sized fruit and can withstand a great variety of growing conditions and, as the name suggests, will grow pretty easily in a home garden.

They were originally produced in France but have since spread out across the world and are commonplace in a variety of countries.

10. Hood


These strawberries are native specifically to Oregon in the United States.

They have a wonderfully sweet, juicy flavor that makes them a favorite to eat on their own or to be made into jams or jellies.

Interestingly, this is also the strawberry that is used as a standard to make strawberry-flavored ice cream in the Pacific Northwest.

At full ripeness, they tend to be slightly darker and softer in texture than the average strawberry but just as delicious, if not more so!

They might be pretty difficult to grow but they’re certainly worth the effort.

11. Rosa Linda

Rosa Linda

The name of this strawberry plant translates from Spanish as ‘pretty rose’. This is an indication of the aesthetic beauty of the fruit and the fact that all strawberries are members of the rose family.

In general, these fruits are known to be quite flavorful and grow to a decent size, though they tend to get smaller as the season progresses.

They all have decent resistance to disease and rot, making them fairly easy to grow without much hassle.

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12. Seascape


One of the best strawberry varieties for the roadside fruit vendor, the Seascape strawberry can grow in a great variety of conditions.

For example, they can withstand a great deal of heat in the hotter regions of the United States and are resistant to a lot of diseases.

They are said to produce a strawberry with a very desirable shape, looking ‘picture-perfect’ every time.

They’re also not too sweet but have a good enough flavor to make them popular at markets.

13. Sweet Charlie

Sweet Charlie

Known for being the most popular commercial strawberry grown in Florida, the Sweet Charlie variety will also grow prosperously in any of the southern states of the US.

The plants do require a lot of sunlight and moist, well-drained soil to grow at full effectiveness but are also resistant to a great number of diseases, making them a pretty safe bet for farmers.

The fruits themselves grow to a pretty average size but are said to have a deliciously sweet flavor and low level of acidity, meaning they’re definitely worth trying if you can.

14. Ventana


The last variety on our list is the Ventana strawberry, a June-bearing plant that is sold all over the United States.

This is mainly because of how firm it is. This makes the fruit pretty resistant to bruising and can easily be shipped from one side of the country to the other, with minimal damage to the fruit itself.

It’s said to have an excellent flavor and grows in a slightly lighter color than the average strawberry.

In general, this is another good, all-around strawberry fruit for farmers and consumers alike.

Final Thoughts

Those are the 14 most commonly grown and sold strawberry fruits across the United States, though they aren’t the only ones.

In fact, there are believed to be over 100 different species and subspecies of strawberry plants growing in the US alone!

These tasty little fruity treats are super versatile, making an excellent snack on their own or working well in a variety of desserts.

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about the different varieties of strawberry fruits in the US.

We hope you learned something from this article, here are other articles that you can learn from:

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