

36 Beautiful Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen) Varieties You Must Have

Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreens are very popular and sought-after houseplants for their fabulous appearance and relatively easy care. They are the perfect plants for plant newbies or beginners and, at the same time, beloved by many plant enthusiasts due to their magnificent diversity and beauty.  Let’s take a look at the different Aglaonema varieties.

Aglaonema varieties

The popularity of Chinese Evergreens naturally resulted in many hybrids and cultivars. They go with a myriad of colors, variegations, and patterns that will surely leave you with only one dilemma–choosing your favorite! 

In this article, we will feature 30 variants of Aglaonema, which will help you find your perfect match. So, if you’re interested in getting your first or your nth Chinese Evergreen, keep reading!

1. Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor

Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor

This Chinese Evergreen will surely amaze you, even just at first sight! Just like what its name is suggesting, this variety prides its tricolor shades of green in a striking camouflage-like pattern. Unique and quite cartoony, this plant is a slow-growing Aglaonema that needs plenty of bright filtered light in order to maintain its exotic coloration. 

This cultivar is definitely stunning and more rare and pricey compared to other Aglaonemas that you can see on the list. 

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2. Aglaonema Silver Bay

Aglaonema Silver Bay

This Chinese Evergreen variety has stunning variegations in its foliage of light and deep green and silver. This distinct foliage makes it easily one of the most beloved among the Aglaonema varieties. Its leaves are oval-shaped and glossy, which start to unfurl at the center. Given the right conditions, the leaves can grow to a maximum of 12 inches in length. 

The Silver bay is one of the relatively fast-growing Aglaonemas, unlike other cultivars. However, this one is also the most popular and most available cultivar, so finding them shouldn’t be a problem. 

3. Aglaonema Chocolate

Aglaonema Chocolate

When you think of chocolates, you think of decadent and irresistible sweet delish. This plant is not only attractive in its foliage which is combined with dark chocolate and green and vibrant red venations, but it also prides itself on subtle but delicate leaf patterns. Indeed, it can give life to any lonely corner or desk. 

Unfortunately, this is quite rare and not as readily available as compared to the other varieties. So when you get your hands on one of them, make sure to hold tight and take good care of it!

4. Aglaonema Prestige

Aglaonema Prestige

This plant does not only hold “prestige” on its name but on its appearance as well. It comes with waxy, large gorgeous green leaves splattered with hues of pink, red, and cream. This plant will surely add that missing pop of color to that white/plain room. 

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5. Aglaonema Silver Queen

Aglaonema Silver Queen

The Aglaonema Silver queen has green and silver variegated foliage, a classy and fancy plant that is perfect for regal people! This is also perfect for adding more tropical and summer vibes to your space. 

This mesmerizing plant is also sometimes called the Painted Drop Tongue, as its leaves are long, slender, and lance-shaped. This plant can grow to a maximum of 24-inches tall, while its pale green stems grow in clusters making it a heavy foliage plant. 

6. Aglaonema Creta

Aglaonema Creta

The Aglaonema Creta adds a little bit more drama to the table. It has beautiful oval-shaped green foliage that has distinct cream spots and a vibrant pink outlining its center and borders. 

This plant is definitely effortless in making a statement–the perfect statement you can add to your bedroom, study, living space, or office. Besides, it’s never a bad idea to bring a little more color to the table sometimes!

7. Aglaoenema Pink Dalmatian

Aglaoenema Pink Dalmatian

The Pink Dalmatian Aglaonema can only get as charming and adorable as the name it bears. It has leathery, shiny, and thick leaves in the shade of a deep, rich green plus splatters of bubblegum pink spots all over. 

I don’t know about you, but green and pink really go well together, making this plant a striking beauty. Naturally, this plant is among the sought-after varieties, if not the most, across the globe. 

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8. Aglaonema Red Valentine

Aglaonema Red Valentine

When you thought the idea of pink leaves was beautiful, you have yet to see the Aglaonema Red valentine. From its name, it has enormous, oval-shaped foliage with dark green outlines and splashes of hot pink and vibrant red on the insides. This plant indeed looks exquisite! 

To add, its leaves usually start out as pink and turn red as it matures. Under the right conditions, this can live and beautify your space for years. Is this finally your one true love?

9. Aglaonema First Diamond

Aglaonema First Diamond

This plant rightfully owns its name, for it is precious and one of a kind. It can easily attract anyone’s attention through its white and green foliage, which is heavily variegated. This variant is one of the taller ones that can grow to 20 centimeters. It is perfect for that lonely corner in your home. 

Contrary to its name, the First Diamond is not as tough to care for. In fact, it does not demand constant attention. Instead, just make sure to water it correctly because, just like other Evergreens, it can be susceptible to root rotting and yellowing leaves

10. Aglaonema Cutlass

Aglaonema Cutlass

This is an entirely unique and bold Aglaonema apart from the rest. It prides its long, narrow, and lance-shaped foliage that is similarly looking to daggers. Add to that their striking pale silver-green color and the intricate dark green patterns on them. 

The leaves in this plant grow in clusters which makes them look lush and abundant. This one is a particularly slow-growing variety. However, it can reach a height of 50 cm. This is perfect for placing beside accent tables, bookshelves, or countertops.

11. Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah

Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah

This Aglaonema is called Sparkling for a reason. It has thick, vibrant, and variegated leaves with pink in the center, and green and cream hues distributed gracefully in the middle and along the sides. It kind of looks sparkling due to the contrast of its beautiful colors. Indeed, this plant can transform the feel of any room!

12. Aglaonema Maria

Aglaonema Maria

Another Aglaonema with a beautiful and intricate pattern, this gem comes with lengthy, lance-shaped foliage that also forms in dense clusters, giving you major tropical energy. Its deep green foliage also features light green or cream markings that make it more eye-catching, just like plants in rainforests. 

Since this plant is not as bright as other variants, it can tolerate lower light conditions as compared to other pink, red or white variants. However, take note that discoloration can happen if extremely low light is received by the plant.

13. Aglaonema Red Anjamani

Aglaonema Red Anjamani

Another eye-catching red plant on the list, Aglaonema Red Anjamani, works perfectly as tabletop centerpieces or focal accents to your small garden. With its dashing vibrant red foliage and its dark green borders and spottings, it can turn anything dull into festive.

In addition, this plant also retains its vibrant coloration all year long. As long as it receives enough light, it will happily transform any ambiance for you!

14. Aglaonema Siam Aurora

Aglaonema Siam Aurora

Another sassy,  colorful, and distinct variant, Siam aurora, captivates a lot of hearts, whether plant enthusiasts or not. This plant prides its deep green foliage that is patterned with hot pink or bright red hues. 

This plant is usually placed in bathrooms or near windows for that extra pop of vibrant color. Plus, this plant super loves high humidity!

15. Aglaonema Bidadari

Aglaonema Bidadari

The Aglaonema Bidadari has another yet exquisite variegation. It comes with huge, glossy, oval-shaped foliage marked with stunning colors of green, pink, and cream. 

Usually, pink is its dominant color which makes it so pretty and artsy. However, it also has short, slender, and pink-colored stems, which hold the leaves and gives a dense, lush, thick look. 

This is a simple decorative plant that is also low maintenance. This means this is an excellent plant for owners that are pretty busy bees and have lesser time to cater to the needs of their plants every now and then. 

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16. Aglaonema Diamond Bay

Aglaonema Diamond Bay

If your collection already has many colors in the red and pink spectrum, this plant will give a great palate cleanser, if you will. It has a distinctly subtle yet regal variegation that adds extra tropical vibes to your space. It also has long, lance-shaped foliage with dark green edges and silvery centers. 

It is a relatively young and new cultivar, but it is already highly sought after for its beauty. This plant has both a miniature version that you can put on your desk and a fully grown version that you can place on your home’s corner. 

17. Aglaonema Modestum

Aglaonema Modestum

One of the most popular varieties, Aglaonema Modestum, is known for its big, waxy and shiny dark-green foliage. It comes with both variegated (with a hint of cream) and non-variegated varieties. 

18. Aglaonema Green Papaya

Aglaonema Green Papaya

Aglaonema Green Papaya is another effortless elegant variant that goes well in living rooms, studies, bedrooms, and even offices. In short, they are versatile and fit almost anywhere. It has beautiful deep-green leaves with a stripe of hot pink running on its leaves’ centerline. Its leaves are also oval-shaped, glossy, and sprout in clusters making it a dainty, lush gem. 

Another pro of this plant is that it thrives in both bright and dim environments but, of course, would still prefer bright, indirect light. You might even spot occasional blossoming flowers from time to time. 

19. Aglaonema Super White

Aglaonema Super White

This is for the minimalists and admirers of everything clean, pure, and white. Its oval-shaped leaves have an almost entirely white color with delicate green veinations. It’s perfect for any space as white almost always looks good with any color. 

Just make sure to keep this in places with bright, indirect sunlight to keep its light coloration. It is quite a rare gem, so make sure you don’t ever take for granted the opportunity once you get a hold of them!

20. Aglaonema Pink Moon

Aglaonema Pink Moon

Another rare variety, Aglaonema pink moon, features its oval-shaped, large, deep dark green foliage that has pink veins in the centerline. In addition to that, the glossy leaves also have tiny, pink moon-like specters that make them even more exquisite and charming. 

This variety of Aglaonema is known to grow in environments with slightly lesser than ideal light conditions. They do not need too much attention for them to grow. They can do with weekly watering during the summer, occasional feeding, and average humidity. 

21. Aglaonema Prosperity

Aglaonema Prosperity

This variety is, of course, always a blast. Literally, the Aglaonema Prosperity has a cute, eye-popping pink color that is as famous as other varieties, with pink and red coloration to their foliage. 

They just need as much bright, indirect light as they can get to maintain their stunning coloration. Aside from that, these babies are pretty low maintenance, in contrast to their bold and striking appearance. 

22. Aglaonema Burmese Evergreen

Aglaonema Burmese Evergreen

The simple-looking but classy Aglaonema has an upright growth habit that can reach up to 60 cm. in spread and height. It boasts of its tapering leaves that are primarily white and shiny and bordered with green and irregular patterns. The leaf also has a yellow-green tinge, adding to the beauty of this silver queen.

The Burmese Evergreen Aglaonema hails from South Indo-China to West Malesia. They are widely cultivated as ornamental houseplants. They are proven to be a good choice for spaces with low-light like homes and offices because they stay lush even in minimal sunlight.

23. Aglaonema Red Peacock

Aglaonema Red Peacock

 The Aglaonema Red Peacock, scientifically known as Aglaonema widuri, is one of the most commonly used Aglaonema species as landscape plants. Its light green foliage, marked with pink streaks and veins, is a great color display that makes it an eye-catching houseplant.

This particular Aglaonema is undemanding, but it is best to keep it in bright light for maximum growth. The colors will stay vibrant under the best light conditions.

24. Aglaonema Emerald Bay

Aglaonema Emerald Bay

Another Aglaonema that is an excellent addition to almost any interiorscape. The Emerald Bay Aglaonema has an alluring blend of deep green edges coupled with a grayish silver center. This is tropical foliage that is at its best!

This variety of Aglaonema is tolerant to low lighting conditions compared to the other varieties. They also require minimal care and attention to be fully beautiful.

25. Aglaonema Harlequin

Aglaonema Harlequin

The stunning Aglaonema Harlequin is an Aglaonema that changes its appearance depending on the light conditions. In the shade, this Aglaonema will have a darker green foliage that is splashed with yellow splotches and pink veins. However, the leaves will have a uniform yellow tinge in brighter light conditions, and the pink becomes more pastel in color.

No matter where you decide to place this Aglaonema, for sure, this will make any space premium and more vibrant.

26. Aglaonema Georgi’s Ruby

Aglaonema Georgi’s Ruby

This particular Aglaonema variety is award-winning. The foliage has a distinct dark and lighter green color, which is variegated with darker pink and chartreuse hues. The Georgi’s Ruby is a classic ornamental houseplant, but it is slow growing, so you will have to wait for a little bit longer to have a full and lush specimen.

27. Aglaonema Black Lance

Aglaonema Black Lance

The Black Lance Aglaonema is an upright and tall variety. It has large and narrow leaves that are glossy and have variegations. The leaves have a distinctive deep green color that has gray markings.

This variety of Aglaonema is slow-growing but requires little care and maintenance. They are popular indoor plants but do not prefer subtropical environmental conditions.

28. Aglaonema Tigress

Aglaonema Tigress

The Tigress variety of Aglaonema is a full, bushy plant due to its long leaves. The leaves are olive-green that have white and green stripes, hence the variety name “Tigress”.

This variety is considered rare. They need plenty of water to grow and thrive best in moderate light conditions. They should be placed less than six feet from windows.

29. Aglaonema Wishes

Aglaonema Wishes

The Aglaonema Wishes has a foliage that easily stands out in your greens. This variety has foliage that ranges from shades of red to pink. It is considered as one of the best varieties of Aglaonema.

The Wishes Aglaonema is not a huge type of Aglaonema. Hence they are suitable for interiors with limited spaces and for tabletops.

30. Aglaonema Rotundum

Aglaonema Rotundum

The Aglaonema rotundum is a species of Aglaonema that is highly decorative due to the wide varieties to choose from. Their leaves have glossy green color on the upper side and dark red on the lower side. The veins are distinctly white or pink.

Like many Aglaonema types, it also thrives in minimal care and attention. To maintain its best colors, make sure to keep it under bright, indirect lighting conditions.

31. Aglaonema White Rain

Aglaonema White Rain

This variety of Aglaonema is another beautiful and elegant variety due to its attractive foliage and stems. The foliage is green with variegations, while the stem is cream or white colored. This particular cultivar is fast growing.

This Aglaonema is easy to care for and does well in shaded conditions. Thus, it is an excellent plant for offices and homes.

32. Aglaonema Golden Madonna

Aglaonema Golden Madonna

The Golden Madonna Aglaonema is an excellent plant for tabletops due to its wonderful foliage. This variety has distinct stems that are cream-colored and has a foliage that is green with golden spots. 

With its simple yet dashing look, the Golden Madonna will surely entice all visitors to ever look at it.

33. Aglaonema Lady Valentine

Aglaonema Lady Valentine

The Lady Valentine Aglaonema is distinct since it sets itself apart from mostly green varieties of Aglaonema. The Lady Valentine has a pink foliage, making it bright and vibrant. 

Although the color is unique, this variety has the same care as its green counterparts, just with minimal changes.

34. Aglaonema Silverado

Aglaonema Silverado

The Aglaonema Silverado is among the most popular choices of Aglaonema, especially for those who have dark spaces. The bright flashes of silver and white variegation on its leaves provide an excellent contrast to a dark room. Undoubtedly, the color of this variety will brighten up any office or living space.

The Aglaonema Silverado is one of the varieties of Aglaonema with silver and green coloration. The others are Aglaonema Silver Bay and Aglaonema Sterling. All of them are great indoor house plants.

35. Aglaonema Sumatra

Aglaonema Sumatra

The Aglaonema Sumatra hails from the island region of Sumatra, thus the name. It comes in a glamorous shade of red-burgundy-maroon. The Sumatra Aglaonema is named as one of the best Aglaonemas to grow due to its striking appearance.

They are evergreen perennials, and best thrive in humid and shady environmental conditions. They are also adaptive to low light conditions.

36. Aglaonema Red Emperor

Aglaonema Red Emperor

This specific Aglaonema variety is a new addition to the world of houseplants. The Red Emperor Aglaonema is attractive due to its dark green leaves that have a dazzling splash of bright, deep red color. In addition, it is a strong variety that is fast and relatively easier to grow.

The Red Emperor Aglaonema hails from Thailand and is considered as one of the easiest houseplants to grow.

Final Thoughts

Aglaonema plants are very excellent houseplants, as time has proven. They are already adaptive to indoor environmental conditions, which have lower lighting and humidity. Their low maintenance and care also make them the best for offices and spaces where the hustle and bustle go.

Although there are other Aglaonema varieties not included in this list, hopefully, this article has managed to showcase the very best of this wonderful genus. It is definitely harder to choose now since you’ve gotten to know more of them, but keep in mind that you can have as much as you want–beginner or enthusiast–as long as you take care of them and you give them the proper care and minimum requirements they need!

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