

Aleem Ahmed

Aleem holds an MS in Zoology/Animal Biology and a BS in Biology/Biological Sciences. He is an experienced biology lecturer and researcher, deeply involved in groundbreaking research on herbal product use in laboratory models. He focuses on oxidative stress, inflammation, hematotoxicity, and cardiovascular disease. He has a track record of research and thesis writing and previously moderated courses on Coursera. His broad knowledge spans biology, zoology, immunology, hematology, physiology, ecology, molecular biology, and biochemistry. Aleem's expertise, research dedication, and effective communication make him an invaluable resource for those seeking knowledge and support in biology.

In The Sky With Diamonds: 12 Different Types Of Tangerine Trees

Many people assume that tangerines only come in one variety. ‘It’s not an orange, so it must be a tangerine’ is often how people internalize what exactly this delicious fruit is. However, there are several types of tangerine trees, each offering unique flavors and characteristics. But tangerines are more than just oranges that are a

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E Is For Eggplant: Enchanting Veggies That Start With ‘E’

If someone were to ask you, right now about veggies that start with E; your thoughts may immediately go to the familiar ones: carrots, broccoli, or maybe even tomatoes (even though they are actually considered a fruit).  There are hundreds and thousands of vegetables in the world, all grown in different regions of our great,

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26 Different Types Of Greek Veggies

Renowned for its exceptional cuisine, Greece is celebrated for its diverse employment of herbs and spices, elevating Greek veggies to a status of both healthfulness and delectability. Since the early 1900s, Greeks have been sharing their distinct culinary treasures worldwide through exports.In contemporary times, Greece proudly boasts one of Europe’s most expansive export markets, showcasing

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