

Jose Viacrucis

Jose holds a Plant Biology degree, specializing in Plant Natural Products and Plant Biotechnology, from the University of the Philippines Los Baños. He is genuinely passionate about plants and their rich symbolism. He loves to share his expertise and passion with others who share the same love for the world of plants. He finds immense joy in merging his botanical knowledge with his writing skills. This unique blend allows him to thrive in the realm of content creation, particularly when it comes to crafting engaging articles related to plant symbolism. Jose has written about various topics, such as the meaning of roses, the symbolism of orchids, and the significance of bamboo.

Grab Some Brownie Points: 16 Different Types Of Brown Colored Veggies

There aren’t too many types of brown colored veggies that we often see – it’s mostly just the green veg that we think are going to be tasty and healthy! However, brown vegetables do contain a huge amount of nutrients that our bodies need, and they taste amazing too.  What Kind Of Nutrients Do Brown

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Lean, Mean, and Dark Green: 15 Different Types Of Dark Green Veggies

There are lots of Types of dark green veggies out there, and each has its own benefits. Some contain high amounts of fiber, some are rich in vitamins, and some even boost brainpower. Vegetables are packed with nutrients that help us stay healthy. They also provide essential minerals and antioxidants that fight diseases such as

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A Is For Artichoke: Amazing Veggies That Start With ‘A’

There are an incredible amount of different types of vegetables, but only a handful veggies that start with ‘A’. Some examples include artichokes, avocado, and asparagus.  These vegetables can be found from all over the world, and they all have different nutrients that make them very useful to the human diet.  If you would like

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Tomato, Toh-Ma-Toe: 11 Different Types Of Tomato Trees

Since people first found this distinct little fruit, there has been no end to the massive number of different types of tomato trees grown out there. Tomatoes aren’t a single species of plant; instead, their many varieties include everything from cherry tomatoes to spaghetti sauce-filling monsters known as beefsteaks. Each variety is identified by its

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Masarap Na Gulay! 18 Different Types Of Philippine Veggies

The Philippines is home to some amazing cuisine and very interesting vegetables. Types Of Philippine Veggies From exotic fruits like lychee nuts, durian fruit or mangosteen, you can’t go wrong with Filipino food. If that’s not enough – there are also many types of rice, noodles and other tasty dishes you should try when visiting

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