

Jose Viacrucis

Jose holds a Plant Biology degree, specializing in Plant Natural Products and Plant Biotechnology, from the University of the Philippines Los Baños. He is genuinely passionate about plants and their rich symbolism. He loves to share his expertise and passion with others who share the same love for the world of plants. He finds immense joy in merging his botanical knowledge with his writing skills. This unique blend allows him to thrive in the realm of content creation, particularly when it comes to crafting engaging articles related to plant symbolism. Jose has written about various topics, such as the meaning of roses, the symbolism of orchids, and the significance of bamboo.

V Is For Vine Leaves: Various Veggies That Start With ‘V’

Ever wondered how many vegetables start with the letter V? It’s one of those weird questions that you never think about, but equally can’t ignore when you start wondering! Various Veggies That Start With ‘V’. Keep reading to get the ultimate list on all V veggies. No more head-scratching for you – we have done

V Is For Vine Leaves: Various Veggies That Start With ‘V’ Read More »

The White Is Over: 11 Different Types Of White Veggies

Most of us will be well-informed that fruits and vegetables are incredibly essential in keeping with a healthy diet. When we think of vegetables though, we usually think of green vegetables and this makes plenty of sense.Typically, vegetables are shown on television and other media as greens, so we often overlook other colorful vegetables, but

The White Is Over: 11 Different Types Of White Veggies Read More »