Potting Snake Plants: The Best Pots For Growing Your Sansevierias

The most crucial objective, regardless of whether you have owned snake plants before or not, is to maintain the plant happy and healthy. When picking a pot and caring for your plant, numerous considerations come into play. In this article, let’s talk about the best pot for a snake plant.

best pot for a snake plant

Before buying, it is important to take into account the item’s size, material, and drainage capabilities. To ensure that your plant has the best possible health, we conducted an extensive study on the subject.

Terra cotta pots are the best kind of container for snake plants. This substance prevents excessive moisture from amassing and leading to root rot while allowing the plant’s root system to breathe. You need to choose a pot that is shallow enough for the root system to be somewhat congested.

A pot should be 1/3 the length and width of the roots as a general guideline. When you have all you need, you are left with a strong, flourishing plant.

So, how do you grow your gorgeous Snake Plants in pots? What do you look for in pots? You don’t have to look any further because we organized the research for you!

To learn more about growing Snake Plants in pots, keep on reading this article!

What Is The Best Pot For Snake Plants?

The ideal pot for snake plants is a terracotta pot. This material allows the root system of the plant to breathe while preventing excessive moisture from accumulating and causing root rot. Unfortunately, they may be impacted by root rot, which can be fatal to snake plants. 

Select a pot that is shallow enough to allow the root system to get slightly crowded. As a general rule, a pot should be 1/3 the length and width of the roots. On the other hand, a pot that is just large enough for the plant to flourish is ideal for a snake plant.

Your snake plant’s roots need space to grow and shouldn’t be confined, so you should take care to avoid doing that.

If you select deep pots with a too-small opening, root rot may result, which would destroy your plant. However, since snake plants suit the criteria given for its growth, you can use a self-watering pot to prevent root rot.

When everything mentioned is provided for, you are left with a robust, healthy plant.

Related: Yellowing Snake Plants: How To Treat Them and More Information

How Do You Choose The Right Pots For Snake Plants?

You should take into account the type of pot to be used when planting your Sansevierias, in addition to the pot’s size and depth. The most frequently disregarded aspect of Snake Plant gardening, especially for novices, is the type of pot to be used for potting them.

The following traits are the general qualities you should consider when selecting a pot for your Snake Plants:

  • Number of drainage hole
  • Pot size
  • Pot Material

You can use a variety of pot types with your Snake Plants. There are a variety of materials, including clay, glazed ceramic, fiberglass, and metal. However, terra clay and plastic plants make the greatest pots to utilize with your lovely Sansevierias.

The benefits and drawbacks of the two pot types will be illustrated below for your Snake Plants.

1. Terra Cotta Pots

Snake Plants thrive in terra cotta pots because of their particular qualities. Terra cotta pots dry out water significantly more quickly than other types of pots because they are typically porous. Because there is less chance of overwatering, your Snake Plants won’t be standing in too much water.

Proper root aeration is also made possible by its porous nature.

Terra cotta pots’ porousness, meanwhile, can sometimes be a drawback. You must water your plant more regularly in these containers because the dirt dries out faster. This could be a problem for you if you’re the kind of plant owner that doesn’t water their plants frequently.

Snake Plant’s roots also securely adhere to terra cotta pots. This is not a major issue until you remove your plant to repot it. When dragged out of their containers, plants with firmly attached roots frequently get harmed and have their roots ripped off.

2. Plastic Pots

For Snake Plants, plastic pots also work nicely. Roots in plastic pots do not truly adhere to the surface like they do in terra cotta pots, making repotting easier.

Plastic pots, on the other hand, keep more moisture in the soil and more water. You will have a problem if your potting mix does not drain correctly and dries out for an extended period of time. Overwatering is highly likely, and your Snake Plants will undoubtedly suffer as a result.

3. Ceramic Pots

The majority of indoor plants are grown in glazed or ceramic pots due to their stunning appearance. These pots come in a range of sizes and shapes, are robust, and work well for little plants. Plants that are heavy on top have enough weight to keep them from toppling over.

The disadvantage of ceramic pots is that they have fewer pores than terracotta. As a result, you need to monitor the soil’s moisture content. Larger ceramic containers can be difficult to transport and rather heavy.

They typically are more expensive than other pot materials as well. Additionally, it truly depends on the growth and comfort of your plant in its environment.

4. Wooden Pots

Large pots and individual planters are typically constructed of wood. It is easy, water-tight, and portable to create wooden pots and planters from scrap wood. In addition, they give off an actual, rural vibe.

All you need to do is make sure they are made of rot-resistant woods, such as mulberry, cedar, redwood, and many others.

Because they have the tendency to slightly expand or compress, choose high-quality containers. They are often covered using a clear toner or varnish that is non-toxic to prevent rot, splintering, and fading.

5. Concrete Pots

The unique appearance of a concrete pot might complement your design. Concrete is a great insulator, keeping the ground at a suitable temperature. They can be used to grow both small and large outdoor and indoor plants. Outdoor concrete pots can tolerate changes in the weather.

They won’t crack in the harshest winters or even the warmest summers. The weight of concrete pots might have been something you anticipated. This makes it challenging to utilize them inside houses for much larger plants. The porosity of various concrete types varies to some extent.

What Can You Do To Ensure Proper Drainage?

The deadliest enemy of snake plants, generally, is excess water. For your plant to survive in a pot, it must have proper drainage. You must inspect the bottom of the snake plant pot before purchasing it; there ought to be numerous little holes.

These holes prevent the water from merely sitting there by allowing any extra water to drain from the pot.

Making sure you have the proper soil is another effective approach to guarantee good drainage. Perlite must be added if you are using ordinary soil in order to facilitate speedier drainage and enhance soil aeration.

Pre-mixed soil for cacti is another option; these soils are designed for plants that require less moisture and more air.

Although drainage is crucial, you might find that your pot’s bottom holes are overly effective and cause the soil to leak out when you water. However, the soil can be kept in place while yet allowing for proper drainage by covering the perforations with a coffee filter.

Related: Snake Plant (Sansevieria): How To Get Your Plant To Flower and More

Do Snake Plants Thrive In Small Pots?

Snake plants require a pot that is 1/3 larger than the roots in order for the plant to grow properly without consuming too much space. An excessively large snake plant pot size could allow extra water to build up. If a plant is pushed out of its pot too quickly, it could feel shock.

If your plant is in a four-inch container, you should choose a pot no larger than six inches.

Furthermore, overly deep containers can obstruct drainage and allow water to stand for a long time. The plant requires room to grow even if it is still constrained in its pot. Rhizomes or roots of the snake plant grow outward as opposed to burying themselves deep into the ground.

The pot’s base may come into contact with the roots of your plant.

Your plant will best thrive in a shallow container that fits tightly.

Can Snake Plants Thrive In A Crowded Space?

As they all say, more is better, right? Snake plants enjoy the tight quarters. For the plant to receive all the nutrients it requires, the root system performs better when it operates as a big team. More roots are required to fill the container as more plants are grouped together.

Truly, one of the rare plants that enjoy being crowded and somewhat root-bound is the snake plant. 

When a plant is “rootbound,” the additional space in its container has been completely occupied by the roots. As long as the roots do not emerge from the pot’s drainage holes, it is OK that the roots will take on the pot’s shape that it is in.

When Is The Perfect Time To Repot Snake Plants?

Repotting plants

Snake Plants, or Mother In Law’s Tongue plants,  are slow-growing plants that can last a very long time in their own pots, as we well know. In reality, a root-bound Sansevieria flowers more forcefully. However, repotting will nonetheless eventually be required. How do you know it, then? 

You need to be aware of certain warning signs in order to determine when to repot Snake Plants. If you see even one of the symptoms, you might want to repot your plants into a larger container.

Here are the warning signs:

  • On the surface of the container, a dense mat of root systems begins to form. This is an indication that your Snake Plant has too many roots.
  • You typically discover that you need to water your plant more regularly since the soil or growing medium dries out more quickly than usual.
  • Many roots can be seen poking out of the drainage holes.
  • The plant appears to be larger than its container and its growth has significantly slowed or stopped.

The aforementioned indicators strongly suggest that your Snake Plant has to be potted again. Take your plant outside and check for root balls if you want to be absolutely certain. Of course, proceed with the utmost caution to avoid damaging the roots.

Related: 21 Types of Sansevieria – Indestructible, Exotic, and Elegant Air Purifiers

How To Repot Snake Plants

Snake Plants may be readily replanted, and the process just requires three easy steps. You must, however, be aware of a few guidelines in order to correctly repot your plant.

  1. Remove your plant, then untangle the compacted roots.

Unless you notice highly compressed root balls that require additional work to loosen them, this step is actually quite straightforward. You can water your plant before your scheduled repotting to simply dislodge the root balls.

  1. Always select the correct size pot.

You shouldn’t use a pot that is significantly larger than the one your Snake Plants were previously in because they do best in smaller pots. Repotting calls for pots that are one to two inches larger in diameter than the preceding container.

  1. Use a potting mix that drains effectively.

Again, Snake Plants enjoy a mix that is light, airy, and well-draining. As previously mentioned, think about adding organic materials like perlite, pumice, sand, and other potting mixes like succulent or cactus mix to your garden soil.

Where Should A Snake Plant Be Placed?

Proper place

Now that you have the plant and the proper container, where do you put it in your house? It can be difficult to determine the ideal spot within or outside of your house. Where your new plant goes depends a lot on your preferences and the climate.

Placing Snake Plants Indoors

Snake plants thrive in a space with indirect light. These plants must be maintained free from drafts from air conditioners and heaters because they prefer warm environments above 50°F (10°C). 

The snake plants can live in low-light sections of the house even though they prefer brightly lit spaces. They might grow more slowly than usual and require less frequent watering if placed in a low-light environment.

Placing Snake Plants Outdoors

The snake plant can be kept outside for longer periods of time in warmer climates as long as the temperature doesn’t drop below 50°F (10°C) or rise over 95°F (35°C). In addition, snake plants can thrive in a variety of outdoor lighting conditions, including both direct and indirect light. 

However, the plants still require proper drainage outside. If they are planted directly in the ground, the plant must be in a location that is constantly dry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What signs to observe if a snake plant needs water?

Snake plants can survive with little water, and the only way to determine whether they actually need water is to feel the soil. Test it with your finger on the top two inches, if the soil is still moist, then repeat the test two days later until the top inch appears to be dry. Water your plant and repeat. 

Generally speaking, depending on sunlight and wind exposure, snake plants require watering every 4 to 6 days.

When is the right time for my snake plant to be repotted?

Repotting your indoor plant is best done in the latter period of winter or early spring. This time works well because your plant is in dormant phase during the winter season and it is right before the active growing season.

Should I fill the bottom of my repotted snake plant with rocks?

Yes, before placing the dirt and snake plant in the pot, add some pebbles to the bottom. By employing the rocks as a water tray, the soil may release more water and avoid root injury. Given how tough the snake plant is, everything should be OK.

Final Thoughts

There is a reason why snake plants truly are popular houseplants. They love being slightly crowded and need pots that are appropriate to the size of the real plant; if repotting, pick a pot that’s just slightly bigger.

Definitely, snake plants are simple to maintain because they need little watering and do well in environments with dim lighting.

Almost anyone can take care of these beautiful plants. However, you should match the snake plant’s pot to its needs and the environment in which it will be kept. We sincerely hope the information we provided above was useful for you and allayed your concerns about the containers for the snake plant.

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