Mulberry trees are a considerably popular species of fruit tree that is widely cultivated around the world due to the unique fruit that it bears.

The mulberry tree is native to China and was first cultivated thousands of years ago but today it can be found growing across the globe in several environments.
Though recognized for their fruit, the fruit they produce is often confused for the common blackberry due to its shape, texture, and coloring.
However, there is a multitude of mulberry trees that produce a range of fruit that significantly differ from one another. Each tree stands to be unique in its own right. To give you a glimpse of the broad variety of mulberry trees, we’ll explore some of the most exciting varieties.
1. Four Seasons Mulberry Tree

The four seasons mulberry tree is a hybrid between the black and white mulberry trees. It has all the characteristics of both varieties. The four seasons mulberry tree is native to Taiwan.
It is a tree that grows very quickly and produces fruit within three months after planting. The fruit can be harvested from May through December.
This variety of mulberry trees produces large quantities of sweet berries that have high sugar content. These berries make excellent jam, jelly, pie filling, and wine. The four seasons mulberry tree also makes an attractive ornamental plant.
In addition to its beautiful foliage, it produces small clusters of fragrant flowers. This variety of mulberry trees requires full sun and fertile soil. It does best when planted in groups with other plants such as roses, magnolias, and rhododendrons.
2. White Mulberry Tree

Also known as Morus alba, the white mulberry tree is considered to be a fast-growing mulberry tree that produces plenty of fruit. It is a relatively small to medium tree that grows between 10 to 20 meters.
Classified as a native species of central China, the white mulberry tree is believed to have been around for a significantly long time as it is a species that has been around for over 250 years.
Due to the unique white berry fruit it bears, the white mulberry tree is widely cultivated and can be found across the globe from the United States to India.
Originally cultivated to feed silkworms, the white mulberry tree is also used for medicinal and culinary purposes.
3. Black Beauty Mulberry Tree

The black beauty mulberry tree is known for producing large and thick berries that taste similar to a blackberry. The black mulberry tree is a slow-growing but sturdy tree that is relatively small and shrub-like. It tends to grow up to 15 ft.
Today, black beauty mulberry trees can be found in most parts of the world. There are two main types of black beauty mulberry trees: Chinese and Japanese. Both types produce dark purple fruits that are rich in antioxidants. They are commonly used for juice production and making wine.
4. David Smith Everbearing Mulberry Tree

The David Smith everbearing mulberry tree is a cultivated variety of mulberry trees that is recognized for growing vigorously and producing a large amount of fruit. David Smith everbearing mulberries are able to produce fruit throughout the year.
This variety of mulberry trees can be grown in areas where there is little or no rainfall. Other than being drought resistant, these trees are also resistant to disease and pests. The David Smith mulberry tree is available in several colors including red, pink, yellow, green, blue, orange, and brown.
5. Downing Mulberry Tree

Downing mulberry trees are classified as an incredibly old variety of mulberry trees from the 1800s. Downing mulberry trees are often referred to as the “mother” of modern-day mulberry trees.
Downing mulberry trees were originally developed by English horticulturist John Downing who was responsible for introducing many new varieties of fruit trees into England.
Downing mulberry trees tend to grow tall and wide and produce a large quantity of fruit. Moreover, these trees are typically sold as bare root trees and are considered easy to care for.
6. Florida Giant Mulberry Tree

The Florida giant mulberry tree is recognized for producing distinctly long and narrow fruit that can be as long as two inches. This variety of trees is classified as vigorous growers. The Florida giant mulberry tree can withstand extreme weather conditions such as heat, cold, wind, rain, and snow.
These trees are very popular among commercial growers due to their ability to thrive under harsh environmental conditions. As an everbearing tree, the Florida giant mulberry tree is ideal for growing at home as it is known for producing fruit all all year round.
7. Hick’s Everbearing Mulberry Tree

The Hick’s everbearing mulberry tree is an incredible variety that can live up to 126 years. It is known for producing long and thick juicy fruit that looks similar to blackberries.
Whilst sometimes grown as an ornamental plant, the Hick’s everbearing mulberry tree is commonly considered to possess an invasive character.
The Hick’s everbearing mulberries are native to China and Japan and have been introduced to other countries including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. It is most commonly cultivated for consumption.
8. Black Mulberry Tree

The black mulberry tree, also scientifically known as Morus nigra, is a variety of mulberry tree that produces a delicious fruit that can be found in black and red.
Though not widely cultivated commercially, the tree is admired for its sweet and slightly acidic flavor that makes it an ideal ingredient for culinary use.
Black mulberries are one of the oldest types of the mulberry tree that has been cultivated for food purposes. In fact, they were used as early as the 15th century in Europe and Asia.
Today, black mulberries are still highly regarded for their nutritional value and medicinal properties as they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C.
9. Illinois Everbearing Mulberry Tree

The Illinois everbearing mulberry tree possesses many characteristics of an everbearing tree as it is self-fertile, cold hardy, and fruit-bearing several times throughout the year once it is mature. However, the Illinois everbearing mulberry is unique in that it bears fruit only after three to five years.
The Illinois everbearing tree is native to North America where it is found in the Midwest region. It is also known to be tolerant of drought and frost. The tree is classified as a hybrid of the white mulberry and the North American varieties.
10. Kokuso Mulberry Tree

The kokuso mulberry tree is characterized as a semi-dwarf mulberry variety. The Kokuso mulberry tree features distinct leaves that are dark green in color and have a distinctive shape.
Kokuso mulberries are known to produce large quantities of sweet and slightly tart fruit which makes them suitable for commercial cultivation. This variety of trees is also considered to be easy to maintain.
11. Oscar Mulberry Tree

The Oscar mulberry tree is recognized for its unique berry-like fruit that is edible both in its unripe red stand and its ripe black stage. When unripe, the fruit is said to taste like a raspberry with a blackberry texture, whilst, when ripe, it is said to offer a sweeter and more aromatic floral flavor.
The Oscar mulberry tree is known to start bearing fruit at the age of 2 to 3 years. It’s a relatively small tree that grows to around 25 ft. This variety of trees is ideal for growing as an ornamental plant as it is disease and pest-resistant.
12. Persian Mulberry Tree

The Persian mulberry tree is a relatively small tree with a thin trunk but an exceptionally dense canopy of large heart-shaped leaves. Originating from Persia, the Persian mulberry tree is recognized for producing thick black-purple fruit similar in appearance to a large blackberry.
These fruits are commonly eaten fresh or dried. They are also a popular ingredient in jams and jellies due to their high sugar content. The Persian mulberry tree is often grown as an ornamental plant because of its attractive foliage and flowers.
13. River View Russian Mulberry Tree

Scientifically known as Morus alba tartarica, the river view Russian mulberry tree is classified as an incredibly hardy variety of mulberry trees that can thrive in several weather conditions and soil types.
This variety of mulberry trees has been known to grow up to 70 ft tall. It is recognized as a highly productive tree and, hence, is widely cultivated. Besides its hardy nature, the tree is also harvested for the deliciously sweet and flavourful fruit it bears.
14. Rupp’s Romanian Mulberry Tree

Rupp’s Romanian mulberry tree is a cultivated variety that produces sweet berry-like fruit that is said to taste similar to the Illinois mulberry but slightly sweeter and more delicate in its taste and texture.
Rupp’s Romanian mulberry trees are considered to be easy to grow as they thrive in several soil types and only require partial sunlight. Therefore, Rupp’s Romanian mulberry trees are typically sold as bare root plants so they can be planted directly into the ground without any previous planting experience.
15. Russian Mulberry Tree

The Russian mulberry tree is a very fast-growing and vigorous variety of mulberry trees. Its roots are extremely deep and strong meaning this variety of trees is able to withstand extreme temperatures and heavy winds. As such, this variety is well suited for use in colder climates where other varieties may not survive.
The Russian mulberry tree can reach heights of over 50 feet. In addition, the Russian mulberry tree is also known to bear abundant quantities of delicious berries that are rich in antioxidants.
16. Shangri La Mulberry Tree

The Shangri La Mulberry tree is known to produce a large amount of fruit that is considered to ripen a lot earlier than many other mulberry varieties.
This variety of mulberry tree is also known to have a higher yield rate compared to other varieties making the tree a great choice for commercial growers who want to harvest their crops early.
The Shangri La mulberry tree is also very tolerant of cold weather making it ideal for areas that experience harsh winters.
17. Sweet Lavender Mulberry Tree

The sweet lavender mulberry tree is widely recognized for the distinct white berry-like fruit it bears. Though assumed to be sharp in flavor, the sweet lavender mulberry produces a distinctly sweet and floral taste with a blackberry-like texture.
Like most other mulberry trees, the sweet lavender variety of mulberry trees requires full sun exposure during the day and partial shade at night.
However, unlike other varieties of mulberry trees, the sweet lavender mulberry tree doesn’t need to receive regular pruning or fertilization making it one of the easiest mulberry varieties to maintain.
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18. Weeping Mulberry Tree

Scientifically known as the Morus alba, the weeping mulberry tree is a unique variety that was first used as a source of food for silkworms. The weeping mulberry tree is native to China but is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its long and drooping branches.
The weeping mulberry blooms have a distinctive fragrance when crushed which makes them popular among people who enjoy fragrant flowers. The weeping mulberry is also capable of producing large amounts of tasty mulberry fruits.
It is also highly resistant to pests and diseases making it suitable for use as a houseplant. Though delicate in its appearance, the weeping mulberry tree is a hardy plant that has thick and strong roots.
19. Beautiful Day Mulberry Tree

Beautiful day mulberry trees are a unique mulberry variety that produces white-pink fruit. This variety of mulberry trees is characterized as a productive tree that produces relatively small but sweet fruit.
Unlike other varieties of mulberry tree, the beautiful day mulberry tree does not require any special care nor does it require any maintenance. Once planted, the beautiful day mulberry will grow naturally without needing any additional attention.
From dense mulberry trees to weeping mulberry trees, not one tree is the same. Some are valued for their unique appearance, whilst others are valued for the delicious fruit they bear.
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