Red flowers are a popular flower and for good reason. Red flowers, especially blood-red represent life and vitality and can provide excitement, energy, and positivity. In addition, red flowers are a sign of passion and love and are often used as a gift to romantic partners.

Red blooms also are representative of strength and courage and are used to send to friends when they have overcome some hardship or been through an illness.
There are a variety of red flowers in nature, so let’s consider some of the most popular.
1. Roses

Roses are a very popular blood-red flower. They come in lots of different varieties such as bushes, ground cover, wild varieties or hybrid roses. Roses are native to Europe and are a perennial shrub.
Roses are popular not only for their gorgeous colors but also for their unique and fragrant smell and are a stunning addition to gardens and perfect for cut flowers.
They can be tricky to grow and are prone to diseases. It’s useful to do some extensive research on the variety of roses you wish to grow.
2. Haemanthus Coccineus

This is a coastal shrub typically found on rocky slopes and coastal scrubs. The stems are red and leaves have stripes or dots on them.
If you decide to grow these, ensure they are planted in well-drained soil with full sun and plenty of water during the growing season.
3. Begonia

Begonias are a popular plant and ideal for beds and borders. They add vibrant color and enjoy being shaded by other plants.
They also grow fantastically in pots. Begonias have tropical origins and offer patterned and asymmetrical foliage.
Begonias are annuals and can be grown inside or out. Varieties differ, but they can grow from 6 to 12 inches, although some plants have been known to grow 5 feet (1.52 m) tall.
Most Begonias bloom from early summer until frost, but occasionally certain varieties will bloom all year, especially those kept indoors.
4. Pentas

Pentas are tiny shrubs that often flourish during the winter months. They are perennials or annuals, with some varieties bringing vibrant color each year in tropical areas.
They are great pollinators and bloom all through the summer and into winter. Furthermore, they attract all sorts of wildlife such as bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies.
You can grow Pentas in the ground or containers, and they also thrive indoors if provided with enough light. They grow neatly and can be contained with regular pruning to allow them to rejuvenate themselves.
The flowers grow in clusters on the tips, making a great stopping place for pollinators. Pentas are super easy to grow but look out for spider mites or aphids.
5. Carnations

Carnations are a popular gifting flower. There are lots of color varieties, including stunning blood-red options.
They are perennials that are easy to grow, and you can get them as tall plants, climbing, or ground cover.
When planting, space them 6-12 inches apart. Add lots of compost to help keep in moisture and help control weeds.
They aren’t fussy plants but research the variety you choose to plant to ensure you take care of them correctly.
6. Poinsettia

This vibrant blood-red plant is native to Mexico. They are common during Christmas time and brighten the home with festive cheer. They have stunning dark green leaves and attractive flowers.
You can grow Poinsettias indoors in light areas, but without direct sunlight. They should be kept in a draught-free area at a temperature around 13-15 degrees c.
You should lightly spray the leaves and water sparingly. To increase the lifespan, feed them with liquid and tomato feed.
7. Orchids

Most people think of orchids as white plants but there are red varieties that look stunning and are a symbol of rare strength and beauty.
They are also referred to as “moth orchids” as they appear like moths flying.
Orchids make wonderful gifts and are easy to grow indoors and offer arching flower spikes that are long-lasting.
They are best grown in clear plastic pots and kept at a minimum temperature of 15 degrees C. Best watered with rainwater once a week.
They don’t like direct sunlight, so place them near a window but in a humid atmosphere such as a bathroom or kitchen.
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8. Azalea

Azaleas are gorgeous little red flowers that are uniquely shaped like a trumpet. They are shrubs that are easy to grow and can thrive in any outside space.
They work well when planted alone and work wonderfully when placed in front of large green trees such as pines and conifers, producing a complementary effect.
Azaleas should be planted in the spring in shaded and cool spots.
Full sun should be avoided as their leaves don’t respond well and growth will be limited.
It’s also vital the plants are planted in acidic and well-drained soil; if that isn’t an option, then raised beds to provide a good solution.
9. Poppies

Poppies are well known for their association with peace, sleep, and even death. They are part of the Papaveraceae family and amongst their species are annuals, biennials, and perennials.
They are very toxic and best enjoyed from a distance in their natural habitat. Most poppies reside in the Northern Hemisphere. They have lobed leaves with 4-6 flowers and look beautiful in the wild.
If you do decide to grow, then they will offer a gorgeous display of red during May and June.
Oriental poppies are the easiest to grow and have hairy foliage and flower stems. They need full sun, and moist, well-drained soil. If planting field poppies, they thrive pretty much anywhere.
10. Petunias

Petunias are the ultimate blood-red flower and often represent anger and fury. Native to South America, Petunias are recognized for their unique star-shaped flowers.
They are super versatile and look beautiful as ground cover or in hanging baskets. They produce a stunning display throughout summer and into Autumn.
To grow Petunias successfully they require rich high-quality soil, so if using in borders, mix in soil conditioner or well-rotted compost.
For containers and pots, use multipurpose and peat-free compost. In addition, they also require lots of sunshine and shelter from wind, they can also tolerate a little shade.
11. Amaranthus

Amaranthus is a frost-tender plant that’s quite short-lived and produces both ornamental and edible flowers. They are popular as summer bedding and really easy to grow.
Amaranthus adds some drama to the garden and is immensely exuberant with huge tassel-like crimson flowers and intense colored foliage.
If growing Amaranthus in a frost-free country can be invasive so will need cutting back and regular maintenance, however in countries such as the UK this isn’t an issue.
Furthermore, birds love this plant as they feed off its seeds.
It’s pretty easy to grow amaranthus and it;’s a half-hardy, sun-loving plant. You can grow directly from seed undercover in early spring or summer.
They look great as part of a border or in a garden created for edibles.
12. Anthurium

This beautiful flower boasts gorgeous crimson petals along with a glossy and smooth texture. They are quite sensitive to sunlight and work well as a houseplant.
It thrives in areas with indirect light but struggles with low light, so a bright area is vital. Soil should be free draining but retain moisture.
If growing indoors, mix with half-potting soil and add in some orchid soil.
The plants should be kept well watered but not overly so as they don’t like getting too wet and may produce root rot.
If you create the right environment then the anthurium will provide breathtaking long-lasting flowers.
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13. Red Trumpet Creeper

This unusual crimson trumpet creeper is native to North America. It is a lovely vine that produces a wonderful array of flowers for a stunning display.
It does need regular pruning to stop it from taking over. As a fast-growing perennial, it can cover areas of trellis or gates pretty swiftly.
The flowers bloom throughout the summer and into autumn.
They are a great addition to the garden and attract hummingbirds and other wildlife.
Their woody vines are able to get through winter and can reach 30 – 40 feet. They thrive in shade and full sun and are really resilient.
The main thing to remember is that the red trumpet creeper requires a sturdy support fence or trellis which is attached to strong poles.
14. Peony

Although Peonies come in several colors, there are some striking flowers that are blood-red.
They are a favorite amongst gardeners as they make a dramatic display in flower beds, bringing life and vibrance to outside space.
They are native to China but available worldwide. Furthermore, they bloom gloriously throughout April, May, and June.
You should plant peonies in the Autumn in a sunny location that is rich in fertile soil that is more alkaline than acidic.
Final Thoughts
So, if red is your favorite color then why not use the above information and create a sensational red display either in your garden or in the home.