There’s no doubt that flowers make life better. They are pretty, brighten up the world and smell glorious, what’s not to love. In this article, we are going to look at flowers that start with B, of which there are thousands! But we are only looking at 21.
1. Begonia
The humble begonia is a perennial plant that flowers in late winter, and early spring. The flowers have a trumpet shape and come in various bright colors such as yellow, red, and orange. Their foliage is glossy and green, and they grow very well as vines.

2. Bougainvillea
This plant is a perennial that blooms throughout the year at different times. They come in many colors such as orange, white, pink, yellow, and purple. The flowers aren’t actually flowers at all but are modified leaves.

The bougainvillea vine is a hardy plant that thrives in sunny spots, giving you a wonderful display all year round.
3. Buttercup
The gorgeous buttercup is another perennial and blooms from May until August. They are tiny flowers with yellow or white centers and have 5 petals. In addition, they have several stamens with anthers that are yellow with a green center.

4. Bush Morning Glory
This bright and vibrant flower is an annual and blooms from early in the summer until the first frost, making it a great option for those wanting a long flowering period.

They produce a beautiful fan of brightly colored blooms and are perfect if you want a large sprawling vine. They belong to the bindweed family but won’t grow out of control like a typical bindweed.
Furthermore, they grow in soft mounds and are easy to control.
5. Blue Stars
Blue stars are a summer blooming plant and originate from the Midwest. They grow quite tall, up to 3-4 feet and 1-2 feet wide.
RELATED: 50 Fantastic Different Types of Blue Flowers (Including Pictures)

The flowers are pink, yellow sky blue with white centers. They are reminiscent of tiny stars, hence the name. They bloom in small clusters and provide a wonderful array of color for several weeks.
Furthermore, they grow well with little interference needed and will grow 2-3ft tall depending on the variety.
6. Blueweed
This wildflower is a perennial and will bloom from May – September. The flowers are bright blue and funnel- shaped. The flower grows with minimal care required but prefers to be in well drained soil along with full sunlight.

7. Butterfly Bush
The butterfly bush belongs to a species originating from Japan and China. It produces beautiful blue/purple flowers and looks great in a container on a patio.

It’s super fast growing and produces masses of flowers with long spiked trusses from summer through to Autumn. Butterflies love this plant, especially lavender pink, So if you’re fond of butterflies, this is the plant for you.
8. Blue-Eyed Grass
Despite its name, this isn’t grass at all. The plant produces blade shaped leaves and belongs to the iris family.

It’s really easy to grow and often self-seeds, so it’s common to see it sprouting up anywhere. It doesn’t get affected by disease or insects and can be left alone to do its thing and be enjoyed by any who stumble across it.
Although it grows well in all conditions, it does better in full sun and well drained soil, so if you plan on growing it yourself bear this in mind.
9. Bleeding Heart
Bleeding heart is a perennial that grows throughout the summer. The flowers are a glorious pink color, shaped like a heart. They also possess gorgeous green foliage that compliments the pink shade. There are also white varieties.

It can be challenging growing bleeding hearts as they need consistently moist soil. They also thrive when soil is organic, and they are planted in semi shade. Adding compost also helps them flourish.
10. Bluebells
Bluebells are a well known wildflower and produce a wonderful blanket of blue in forests and open areas during Mid-April to late May. They are a sign that spring has sprung, and they produce pretty bell shaped petals.

Bluebells attract many species of butterflies and bees, and bees take nectar from the flowers by biting at the bottom of the bell. It is referred to as ‘stealing’ because the bees don’t help in the pollination process.
11. Blazing Star
The blazing star is a perennial that flowers from July to August. It’s from the sunflower family from North America and will produce a dramatic display of color in any backyard.

They grow tall with ornamental plumes of white or amethyst, which look awesome along with their grass-like foliage. It’s really easy to grow and propagate and requires little maintenance.
12. Buckbean
The pretty Buckbean is a perennial that flowers from Spring to summer and produces clusters of frilly, star shaped, white flowers. It’s a wildflower often found residing near ponds or in marshes. The buckbean grows about 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) long.

13. Blanket Flower
The blanket flower is native to the US and Mexico. It loves heat and attracts butterflies and other wildlife. They need full sunlight to thrive, as well drained soil. As their name suggests, they provide a blanket of flowers and are great for ground cover.

14. Baby’s Breath
Originally from South America, baby’s breath is a popular flower and produces a beautiful array of small pink and white flowers. They are typically used in wedding bouquets accompanying roses or other colored flowers. The plants can be used to cover rock borders or on the ground.

15. Bachelor’s Button
This perennial flower belongs to the cornflower family and has a staggering 260 different species. It’s typically found in Asia, Africa, and Europe in the mountainous regions. The flowers are typically used for ornamental purposes due to their attractive blooms, and they last for ages in water.

They have deep purple centers and are encased in lots of deep blue petals that form a complex dome shaped bloom.
16. Balloon Flower
Balloon flowers are herbaceous climbing vines and ground cover. They do need looking after, but when done correctly they grow easily. They tolerate most conditions and can grow in partial shade or full sun. Furthermore, they do prefer fertile soil that is moist with lots of organic matter.

The flowers bloom early in the morning when it’s cool and wilt around midday. The flowers smell glorious and have purple trumpet shaped blooms.
17. Bee Balm Flower
Bee balm is a herb that’s easy to grow. It is also known as horsemint, bergamot, or monarda and is super aromatic. It attracts hummingbirds and bees with its attractive flowers.

Bee balm is the state flower of Maine, where bees are plentiful. It’s a useful herb to grow and has been used for many years to help build the immune system in preparation for the winter.
18. Buddleja
This stunning plant is also known as a summer lilac, orange eye or butterfly bush and is a species of a native plant from China and Japan. It’s mostly used as an ornamental plant and grows well in full sun and well drained soil.

The shrub is fast-growing and great for large coverage or patio pots and borders. The flowers come in a variety of plants such as pink, blue, purple and white. The plant flowers continually for 4-6 weeks in late summer.
19. Baby Blue Eyes
Baby blue eyes are native to California and are an annual that produces a spectacular display of white or soft blue flowers. They attract a plethora of wildlife such as bees and butterflies, which are important for pollinating.

The plant is low spreading and can grow 6 – 12 inches (ca. 30 cm) high and a foot wide. They are perfect for a wildlife garden and they flower in late winter until late spring, early summer.
20. Ball Cactus
The ball cactus is native to South America and is a popular indoor plant. They have a round appearance and can grow a foot wide. They thrive in dry climates but are fairly adaptable and some do ok in colder moist environments. However, it’s good to bear in mind that they dislike direct sunlight, so position them in a shady spot.

The cactus produce flowers that are red, pink, orange and yellow. To encourage more flowers, to fertilize during the growing season.
21. Basket Of Gold
Basket of gold is an ornamental perennial plant and comes from the mustard family. It has a beautiful array of golden yellow flowers and attractive green gray foliage. You will find them in central and Southern Europe growing amongst thin rocky soils. It forms a dense evergreen mat that’s low to the ground and is often used in rock gardens.

The plant is a fast grower and can reach a height of 4 – 12 inches (ca. 30 cm). The plant flowers from mid to late spring and can cover a large area. Each flower contains four petals and stays on display for 4 – 6 weeks. The plant enjoys direct sunlight but can tolerate all weather conditions.
There we have it, 21 plants and flowers beginning with b. Enjoy!
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