Flowers undoubtedly make any garden better. They provide color, variation, and a haven for local wildlife that continue to spread the wonders of pollen to boost the ecosystem. These flowers that start with P will help with that.
However, in a world of hundreds of thousands of flower species, even the most experienced florists have a hard time naming them all. Sometimes, it’s easiest to start with a bunch of flowers that share the same starting letter.
Whether you’re an enthusiastic horticulturist or you’re desperate to remember the name of a particular flower in your garden, here are 34 flowers that start with P!
1. Pansy (Viola x Wittrockiana)
Pansies are a popular garden flower that derive from the hybridization of wildflowers. Due to the hybridization, pansies can come in a variety of colors, including combinations of white, yellow, red, purple, or blue.

2. Petunia
Petunia is a genus of flowering plants that originate from South America. Petunias are one of the most popular flower species found in gardens across the world, as they are prolific bloomers that can appear in a variety of colors.

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3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum Wallisii)
Peace lilies are a tropical flowering species that are most commonly bought as a houseplant. These are herbaceous perennials that produce a large ivory petal with a protruding spathe in the middle.

4. Primrose (Primula Vulgaris)
The common primrose is one of the most popular garden flowers in the world thanks to their delicate and satisfying pale yellow, white, or pink flowers. These flowers are native to northwest Africa, western and southern Europe, and southwest Asia.

5. Peony
Native to Europe, Asia, and parts of North America, the humble peony is a popular garden and bouquet flower. These plants produce large and fragrant flowers that range in color, but are most commonly found in varying shades of pink.

6. Paraguay Nightshade (Lycianthes Rantonnetii)
Also known as the blue potato bush, the Paraguay nightshade is an evergreen shrub native to South America. Producing vivid purple flowers, this plant is related to the eggplant, tomato, and potato – though it is poisonous.

7. Pincushion Flower (Scabiosa)
The pincushion flower is native to Europe and features one of the most unique flower structures in the natural world. These flowers are small and produce an intricate network of light pink to purple petals, making for a delicate yet dense-looking flower.

8. Poppy
Poppies are colorful and symbolic flowers that can come in a range of varieties – from the common red poppy to the yellow Californian poppy.
These flowers are most commonly associated with remembrance day in the United Kingdom and United States as they appeared in the fields of Flanders during the First World War.

9. Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis Margaritacea)
A member of the sunflower family, pearly everlasting is a North American and Asian flower that features clusters of small white flowers. The flowers look something like daisies thanks to their white densely-packed petals and a yellow stamen.

10. Paperbush Plant (Edgeworthia Chrysantha)
Native to Japan and China, the paperbush plant is – as the name suggests – grown to make high-quality paper. These deciduous small shrubs produce clusters of tiny yellow and white flowers.

11. Parrot’s Beak (Lotus Berthelotii)
As the name suggests, the flowers of a Parrot’s beak closely resemble the beak of a parrot thanks to the long and pointed orange petals. These flowers are native to the Cape Verde and Canary Islands.

12. Pineapple Lily (Eucomis Comosa)
Interestingly, the pineapple lily is not related to the pineapple. Instead, it is part of the asparagus family! These plants are endemic to South Africa and produce purple, pink, or white flowers that are organized in a pineapple-like structure.

13. Phlox
Phlox is a genus of flowering plants that are found in diverse habitats throughout North America. The flowers are fragrant and come in a variety of colors, including pink, bright red, white, violet, and pale blue.

14. Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus Asiaticus)
This species of buttercup is known for its common poppy-like appearance, thanks to its ruby red petals and black stamen. Interestingly, this is a protected species in certain regions such as Israel.

15. Pelargonium
Pelargonium is a genus of about 280 species of succulents, shrubs, and perennials that are often referred to as geraniums. These plants are known for their long flowering periods, producing mostly red, white, or orange flowers – though, thanks to hybridization, the species vary greatly in color, size, and leaf form.

16. Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla)
The pasque flower is commonly associated with Easter and spring, thanks to its name that derives from the Hebrew word for Passover (“pasakh”). These plants produce small lavender bell-shaped flowers and dissected leaves.

17. Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Pallida)
Part of the sunflower family, the pale purple coneflower is notoriously tricky to grow. Without the proper care requirements, these flowers can grow frail and scraggly. Still, these pale purple flowers are known for their use in herbal medicine.

18. Purple Poppy Mallow (Callirhoe Involucrata)
Also known as winecups, purple poppy mallows produce dramatic chalice-shaped flowers that are vividly purple or magenta. These flowers have trailing stems, making the flowers look great hung over walls or amongst a rock garden.

19. Papaver Alpinum
Also known as the alpine poppy, the papaver alpinum is a species of poppy found in the Alps. They are found growing in the meadows amongst mountains, standing out amongst the surrounding wildflowers for their distinctive lemon-yellow petals.

20. Pink Flowering Almond (Prunus Triloba)
Also known as a flowering plum, the pink flowering almond is a shrubby cherry tree that produces pink and white blossoms. While it originates from China, it is grown across the world as an ornamental shrub.

21. Pig Squeak (Bergenia Crassifolia)
Along with an array of other common names, the pig squeak is a heart-shaped thick-leaved plant that produces clusters of purple or pink flowers. The flowers grow on long red stalks that bear no leaves.

22. Peruvian Lily (Alstroemeria)
Also known as lily of the Incas, the Peruvian lily is a genus of flowering plants native to South America. These are hardy plants that are known to grow and spread fast without proper pruning. They will typically grow 18” per year, producing tropical lily-like yellow and orange flowers.

23. Perennial Pea (Lathyrus Latifolius)
Also known as the everlasting pea, the perennial pea is a sprawling flowering pea plant that is native to Europe and found in other western continents. They thrive in temperate and cold regions, happily growing primarily on roadsides.

24. Penstemon
Penstemon is a genus of around 250 species native to the Nearctic realm, and is the largest genus of flowers endemic to North America. These plants produce partly tube-shaped flowers that come in a variety of colors, including red and pink.

25. Passion Flower (Passiflora)
Passion flower is a large genus of flowering plants that are typically large vines found in North America. These flowers are easy to care for and stand out in any garden for their dramatic and showy flower colors and structures. They are also famous to attract hummingbirds.

26. Painted Daisy (Tanacetum Coccineum)
Painted daisies are perennial flowers that possess the classic structure of a daisy, except they are far larger and come in an array of vivid colors. They typically grow between 2-3 feet tall and can be in any garden to add a splash of vibrancy.

27. Philadelphus
Philadelphus is a genus of shrubs familiar as “mock-orange” for their distinctive flowers, which can often smell and look like oranges or lemons when grown in the wild. These flowers are native to North America, Central America, southeast Europe, and Asia.

28. Plumeria
Also known as frangipane, plumeria is a species of flowering plants, shrubs, and small trees. These are remarkable flowers that are deceptively fragrant to lure sphinx moths to pollinate at night, even though they possess no nectar.

29. Pandorea Jasminoides
Also known as the bower vine or bower of beauty, the pandorea jasminoides is a flowering species endemic to eastern Australia. This woody climber is mostly an ornamental plant thanks to the large cup-shaped flowers that are mostly white with a pinkish-red on the inside.

30. Paradise Lily (Paradisea)
The genus paradisea, also known as paradise lily, consists of two herbaceous perennial species. These are both elegant alpine plants that produce white, trumpet-like flowers with yellow anthers.

31. Puschkinia
A genus of three species, puschkinia is an ornamental bulbous plant native to the Middle East and Caucasus. These flowers are famous as striped quill, and feature bell-shaped flowers that are densely packed at the top of each stalk.

32. Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia)
Prickly pear cactus is a genus of flowering cacti that is across the world, most notably North America and Australia. The flowers that are on the cactus look something like a tropical fruit, making for an interesting addition to a garden.

33. Phyteuma
Native to Morocco and Europe, phyteuma is a genus of flowering plants that are commonly familiar to as rampion. These plants produce flowers that appear on erect panicles, producing mostly purple or blue flowers (though sometimes pink or white).

34. Purshia
Purshia is a small genus of flowering plants native to western North America that produce small pale yellow or pink flowers. These shrubs have adapted to desert life, making them ideal for those living in dry climates.

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