Having a diet that consists of eating fruits with low Glycemic index can work to keep your blood sugar under control.

For many, eating fruits is seen as a way of incorporating healthy food into their diet.
However, though healthy, there are many fruits such as pineapples and watermelon which stand to have a high glycemic index (70 and above).
There is a common misconception that people who have diabetes are unable to eat fruit due to its natural sugar content.
However, though many fruits contain sugar, they also contain a host of other beneficial compounds and nutrients.
Hence, the most effective way to incorporate fruit into a diabetic diet is to eat low glycemic index fruits (55 or below) as these fruits will raise your blood sugar slowly to control blood sugar levels.
With so many fruits out there, it can be difficult to know which are considered to be low GI and which are high.
To give you a helping hand, this glossary will give you all the information you need on the best low glycemic index fruits.
1. Blackberries

Blackberries are the perfect low GI fruit.
Not only do they score an incredibly low 25, but they are also packed full of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and most importantly fiber.
Blackberries are known for being high in fiber with a single cup of blackberries containing around 8 grams of fiber. Hence, they make the ideal guilt-free sweet treat.
Their high amount of fiber is known for its ability to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates which is ideal for those who are diabetic or looking for something that won’t spike their blood sugar level.
Hence, blackberries are considered a superfood for no reason… They are highly beneficial and have a great low carb and high fiber solution.
2. Strawberries

Strawberries, along with many other berries are a great addition to a diet as they are highly nutritious.
Though sweet, strawberries are considered one of the best low GI fruits as it is rich in antioxidants and contain a host of other beneficial nutrients such as being high in fiber and magnesium.
Whilst we know the benefits of fiber in reducing a sugar spike, magnesium is known for improving insulin resistance which makes it an ideal fruit for anyone who is diabetic.
Strawberries score a low GI of 41.
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3. Tomatoes

Though often misconceived as a vegetable, tomatoes are a fruit, and they stand to be one of the best Low GI fruits around scoring a low 15.
Tomatoes range in variety producing a range of flavors. They stand to be a significant part of many people’s diets used for adding to salads and cooking.
But what are the health benefits of tomatoes?
Though they contain levels of natural sugar, tomatoes are recognized for their ability to increase blood sugar slowly which works to manage blood sugar levels.
4. Oranges

Now we know that oranges are considered to be one of the best natural sources of vitamin C.
But, did you know that oranges are also fibrous? They are a great low GI fruit for keeping your blood sugar levels controlled.
Oranges are considered a low GI fruit as they score 40.
5. Apples

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world and they have a significantly long history of consumption.
There are over 30,000 varieties of apple that exist in the world and each provides a unique flavor.
Apples are widely cultivated as they are considered to be a highly nutritious source. Not only are they significantly high in vitamin C, but they are also packed with antioxidants which provide great health benefits.
Apples are known for their glossy skin. The skin is said to be the key source of all the goodness it has to offer.
So, the next time you eat an apple, be sure to keep the skin on.
Apples also contain a large amount of water, and they are a rich source of fiber which is known for slowing down the absorption of carbs and therefore regulating sugar levels.
Apples are considered to have a minimal effect on a person’s blood sugar level as it scores a 39 on the low GI scale.
6. Bananas

Though considered a low glycemic index fruit, bananas fluctuate in their score depending on their level of ripeness.
Whilst a newly ripe banana is considered to be on the moderately low level of 42, a ripe banana is considered to be on the higher end of the low scale at around 62.
However, bananas also contain a great amount of fiber which is known for slowing down the rate of the body’s absorption of carbohydrates and therefore reducing blood sugar spikes.
If you’re looking to incorporate bananas into your low GI diet, be sure to look for bananas that are either still quite green, or have just turned yellow.
Avoid fully or overripe bananas as they can contain a higher GI which may raise your blood sugar level.
7. Mangoes

Mangoes are not only delicious, but they are also loaded with all the vitamins and minerals you need.
Mangoes are considered to contain a host of beneficial compounds that work to improve the regulation of blood sugar as they contain a great amount of fiber.
Though significantly sweet, mangoes on the surface may seem like a no-go for those with diabetes.
However, though 90% of the calories in a single mango are from its natural sugar content, mangoes are considered to be rich in antioxidants and high in fiber.
This effective combination works to reduce the impact of blood sugar by minimizing the chances of a spike. Hence, mangoes are considered a low GI fruit as they score a 51.
8. Dates

Though you may not have thought dates would be suitable for someone on a low glycemic deity as they are considered to contain a high level of fructose (natural sugar).
However, eaten in abundance, dates may cause concern.
Though, dates also contain a considerable amount of fiber which is great for slowing the rate of carb absorption.
Hence, eaten in moderation, dates are unlikely to cause a spike in sugar levels and are considered a healthy choice for those with diabetes as they have a low GI with 2 dried dates having a GI of 49.
9. Pears

Pears are slightly higher on the low scale as they score a 38. However, they are still considered low GI fruit and are therefore a great addition to a diet.
Besides their low GI score, pears are unique fruits that are widely consumed for their distinctive sweet, floral flavor.
They are considered to be healthier after they have been peeled and are a great addition to salads.
Pears are also considered to be a great source of fiber as they stand to contribute about 20% of your daily fiber intake.
10. Cherries

Cherries are considered to be a low GI fruit as it has a GI score of 20 which is significantly low.
Besides their low GI score, cherries are considered to be a significant source of nutrients such as vitamin C.
Cherries are rich in antioxidants and contain a host of bioactive compounds which are associated with offering great health benefits due to their ability to manage oxidative stress.
Hence, cherries are known for their ability to boost the immune system and other bodily functions. However, getting a hold of cherries can be difficult as they are available for short periods of the year.
Whilst canned cherries may be a suitable substitute, be sure to check they aren’t packed with sugar as they already contain a higher GI score of 41.
11. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a great low GI fruit as they stand to score 25.
Widely consumed for its distinctive tart flavor, grapefruit is considered to also provide great health benefits. It contains a great source of vitamin C.
However, for some grapefruit may be too effective as it is known to interfere with several prescription drugs.
Hence, if you are taking any medication, be sure to check with your doctor how grapefruit may affect it.
12. Dried Apricots

Dried apricots are a great snack as they keep well unlike fresh apricots which are known for bruising easily. There is a common misconception that dried fruit isn’t as good for you as fresh fruit.
However, as dried fruit contains less water, the fruit essentially is more concentrated and there offers a greater amount of nutrients.
However, they also contain more calories. Hence, be sure to eat dried apricots in small amounts.
Dried apricots stand to be a great source of nutrients as they are high in vitamins E and A.
Dried apricots are considered a low GI fruit as they score a 32.
13. Peaches

Though delicious, peaches should certainly be eaten in moderation as they have a low GI score of 42.
Peaches are recognized for their unique fuzzy skin and are widely cultivated as a popular fruit.
Containing only 68 calories, peaches are a highly nutritious, guilt-free addition to both a low calorie and low GI diet.
Peaches contain a great number of vitamins and minerals with a high level of vitamin C and A.
14. Grapes

Grapes are a great low GI fruit.
The source of their goodness is mainly packed in their skin as it holds a great amount of fiber.
Though containing a sweet juicy pulp that holds a high natural sugar content, its high fiber skin makes it a great fruit for balancing blood sugar levels.
15. Plums

Despite their sweet taste, plums are considered a low GI fruit and a great addition to a diabetic diet as they will not spike blood sugar levels.
Not only are plums a low GI fruit, but they are also considered a low calorie and low carb fruit, making it an all-rounder.
Each of the fruits listed contains a low glycemic index and is ideal for incorporating in a low GI diet as they will not rapidly increase your blood sugar levels.
Whether you’re diabetic or simply looking to manage your blood sugar level, these fruits are a great choice.
However, whilst the fruits listed stand to contain a rich amount of nutrients, due to their natural sugar content, it’s important to monitor your portions to ensure that you’re getting the balance right.
A large bowl of low glycemic index fruit may equate to a high glycemic index fruit, hence, portion control is critical especially if you’re diabetic.
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