Peace lilies are popular indoor plants recognized for their classy white blossoms and deep green foliage. They are often offered as condolence gifts because of their reputation for bringing a peaceful atmosphere to a room. Even the reputation of these plants as air purifiers exists. But, how do you care for a peace lily indoors?

Although peace lilies are native to the tropics, they like warm, muggy climates. Yet, given that it’s unlikely that you live in a rainforest, how can you assist this plant in adjusting to your indoor environment? It’s simpler than you would imagine.
A peace lily may be easily maintained indoors. Give your plant filtered sunshine, a relatively wet soil, and regular temperature changes.
Keep on reading to have a more detailed care guide for indoor Peace Lily plants.
Advantages of Putting Peace Lilies Indoors

Sometimes it may appear as if all houseplants are the same. Beyond its attractiveness, growing peace lilies indoors has a few advantages:
- They sanitize the air.
Like many other plants, peace lilies tend to remove certain air pollutants from your house, including benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene. They’ll assist you in getting to a more pristine and revitalized area
- Acetone may be absorbed by them.
All those chemicals you employ may release hazardous fumes into the air, despite the fact that they keep your house looking its best. Together with other contaminants, peace lilies are able to filter out acetone and alcohol vapors from items like paints, rubbing alcohol, and varnishes.
- They get rid of mold spores.
The benefit of peace lilies helping to remove mold spores from your house may be the finest of all, which is nice if you live in a particularly damp climate. Exposure to mold may make people cough, sneeze, and have itchy eyes and throats, particularly those who have allergies or asthma. A peace lily in your residence could mitigate negative impacts.
How Is A Peace Lily Cared Indoors?

Despite the fact that peace lilies may reach their full height in three years, they can be challenging to coax to bloom when cultivated inside. Even the happiest, healthiest potted peace lilies don’t produce blossoms, primarily due to the fact that they are not in their native environment.
When you live in a temperate climate and keep the plant inside, it is much tougher to mimic the circumstances of a tropical environment.
Providing a constantly optimal environment is the greatest approach to aid in encouraging your peace lily to blossom its gorgeous petals. What you should do is:
- During chilly weather, keep your peace lily inside.
Throughout the summer, if desired, you may relocate them to an outside area like a patio or balcony; however, you should bring them back inside before the weather begins to cool. Low temperatures may harm peace lilies since they are quite sensitive to the cold.
- Set up your Peace Lily wherever it can grow.
Peace lilies have a slow growth rate and need at least three years to mature. When you get a new one, you will have time to choose the ideal location in your house, which should either be one that can fit the plant’s mature size or one you can relocate it from quickly when your peace lily needs more space to expand.
- Keep your peace lily away from direct light and in a bright, indirect area.
When planted inside, peace lilies prefer bright, filtered light. You should position them next to a window that receives some sunlight. Due to their dislike of direct sunlight and the risk of the leaves being burned, take caution while placing them on the windowsill.
Plants dislike sunburns just as much as people do! The optimal location for your peace lily is next to a window that faces south.
- Water only when top soil is dry.
If you’re unsure, err on the side of caution. Overwatering is less beneficial than underwatering.
Peace lilies are more troubled by overwatering than by being underwatered. It would be best if you water a peace lily, depending on the size of the container and how rapidly the soil drains. Still, you should generally water peace lilies when the top inch of soil has become entirely dry.
Water less throughout the winter, but ensure the soil doesn’t completely dry up. It’s a good idea to use distilled or filtered water if your home’s water is severely chlorinated. Let the chlorine in tap water to settle for a few days.
- Choose a potting soil that is rich, loose, well-draining, and contains a lot of organic matter.
The ideal potting soil for peace lilies is rich, loose, and full of organic ingredients. With soil that closely approaches the tropical canopy conditions where these flowering plants will typically flourish, you’ll have the best success when the soil is packed with decaying plant debris. Employ a mixture that drains effectively since the plant is also quite sensitive to too-wet soil conditions.
- Maintain a high-humidity atmosphere for them.
Peace lilies like warm, muggy weather. Avoid cold winds and temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit since the plant will die if exposed to prolonged cold weather. The ideal temperature range for your growing peace lily, is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
During the summer growing season, spray the peace lily leaves with softened or distilled water once a week to enhance humidity. Peace lilies enjoy humidity.
- Fertilize your peace lily.
Regular feedings are good for peace lilies as they give the healthiest plant and the finest seasonal blooming. As recommended by the manufacturer, feed your plant once per week throughout the summer. You may also use slow-release pellets at the beginning of the growing season. You don’t need to fertilize the plant all winter long.
- Repot as necessary.
The happiest state for peace lilies is when they are slightly root-bound. Early in the spring, the plant may be potted up to a bigger container if it has obviously outgrown its current one.
Repotting peace lilies is necessary if roots are emerging from the soil and coming out of the drainage holes. The plant should be potted in a clay or terracotta container that can drain away extra moisture. Use only premium potting soil in well-drained containers.
RELATED: Peace Lilies: Top Reasons Why Their Leaves Turn Brown and How To Fix Them
Can Peace Lilies Be Propagated?

If you decide you want more than one of these wonderful plants, you may propagate them. Peace lilies may be duplicated by detaching the offshoots from the parent plant during repotting, which can be done at any time of year. The plant will have plenty of time to continue developing roots and growing strong if you can hold off on repotting until the growth season has begun.
The parent plant’s branch should be removed as follows:
- The offshoot should first be carefully separated from the parent plant.
With just a little pull, some offshoots may separate, but take care not to tug too hard, or you risk injuring them. If they don’t separate with a gentle tug or if you’re worried about destroying the plant, go on to step 2.
- Cut the sprout from the parent plant with a sterile knife.
- Select a sprout with at least two leaves and independent roots.
If not, it is best to wait until the offshoot has grown more before removing it. Do not worry, doing so won’t harm the parent plant. You may need to carefully dig around the base of the plant to see whether a sprout has roots.
- The offshoot should be placed in a 6-inch pot with fresh soil and watered.
- Place the freshly potted plant in a location similar to that of the parent plant where it will get the same amount and kind of light.
How To Make Your Peace Lily Bloom

Peace lilies are famously difficult to grow when they bloom. Even the happiest, healthiest plants sometimes fail to bloom outside of a rainforest. Your greatest chance if you want your indoor peace lily to bloom is to continually offer it with the perfect settings, especially when it comes to humidity, continuous fertilizer, and diffused and indirect light throughout.
The four floral phases of the peace lily are budding, blossoming, going to seed, and withering. The relatively little buds unfold like leaves. Please be patient, as they may take some time to blossom. Deadhead the spent flower when the bloom is no longer there. Under ideal circumstances, the peace lily plant will bloom twice a year in the spring and the autumn.
Typical Problems With Peace Lilies

With the correct growth circumstances, peace lilies often survive without difficulties. But, if the setting needs to be corrected, various issues may develop.
Curly Leaves
Curled, light-colored leaves often indicate an excess of light for the plant. Moreover, burnt leaves are a sign of too much direct sun. The plant should be relocated to a more shaded area in either scenario.
Brown Leaves
Brown leaf tips may be the result of inadequate soil drainage, excessive or insufficient water use, or both. Peace lilies wilt and have brown tips as a result of inadequate humidity.
Additionally, the development of salts in the soil can be a factor. Make sure your plant receives enough watering and that the soil drains. If that doesn’t appear to be the problem, try flushing the soil to get rid of the salts by watering it until you see water running out of the drainage holes.
Know more on how to save your peace lily with brown leaves.
Some Peace Lily Varieties You Can Plant Indoors
Owing to considerable hybridization, peace lilies come in a number of popular types. They come in a range of shapes and sizes, from little to large, and from lush plants with golden leaves to ones with deep green foliage and snow-white peace lily flowers. The following peace lily varieties are common:
- Spathiphyllum’ Power Petite’
A small type that only stands 15 inches tall
- Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’
The biggest peace lily variety that grows up to 6 feet tall and has wide, 20-inch leaves.
- Spathiphyllum’ Mauna Loa Supreme’
A very common variety with leaves up to 9 inches broad and a height range of 3 to 4 feet.
- Spathiphyllum ‘Golden Delicious’
A variety with stunning new growth that is golden-green.
- Spathiphyllum’ Starlight’
A type with tiny leaves that have wavy edges. It is noted for having several flowers as well, with up to 20 blooming on a single plant.
- Spathiphyllum “Mojo”
An eye-catching, substantial variety with vivid dark green leaves and foliage
RELATED: How To Save An Overwatered Peace Lily From Dying? A Comprehensive Guide
Propagating Your Peace Lilies
The peace lily is generally propagated by dividing clumps during repotting attempts, which may be done throughout any season. Look for little branch crowns adjacent to the parent plant to tell whether the plant is ready to be split. The procedures are listed below:
- The surrounding crowns should only be split or cut off once the whole plant is removed from its container. You might also chop off a portion of the main root ball. Each element has a decent probability of thriving if it has at least two leaves and related roots.
- Pour new potting soil into a 6-inch container; it should be moist but not soggy.
- Put the clumps in the container immediately away, and give them lots of water.
- Keep the plant in a cozy, well-lit space. The roots won’t begin to develop again for a month.
Read detailed steps on proper Peace Lily propagation.
Are peace lilies hard to care for?
Although peace lilies are not difficult to care for, it is important to pay attention to their developing circumstances. Peace lilies need some attention, including ensuring they get enough bright, indirect light, feeding them, and providing the right amount of water.
How quickly do peace lilies grow?
Peace lilies mature in three to five years and grow at a modest rate.
Can you cultivate a peace lily indoors?
Certainly, caring for peace lilies inside is possible. They are typically considered indoor houseplants since it is uncommon to find a tropical setting in the United States where they may flourish outside year-round, partly because of their potential air-purifying advantages.
How long do peace lilies bloom?
A peace lily takes between three and five years to reach maturity, but after that, it may survive for many more years and continue to bloom.
What should you do with a dead peace lily flower?
Depreciated blossoms may be removed once the flowers have died since they will just drain the plant’s energy. Until the plant blooms once again, keep caring for it as usual.
Final Thoughts
Plants like peace lilies are lovely and soothing. They are easy enough for beginners to grow, even if they are pickier about their habitats. A peace lily takes time to bloom, but it is well worth the wait. If you offer them the proper care and attention, you can care for peace lilies and keep them alive and happy for many years!
So, how do you care for a peace lily indoors? Share it with us in the comment section. Also, check out our other articles:
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