How To Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig: What You Need To Know

These small, brownish-green, evergreen trees have an interesting and rare growing habit. Do you know how to propagate fiddle leaf fig as they grow on long, bare roots that branch off their main trunk or base of the tree.

Fiddle leaf figs also grow in clusters (sometimes called “clutch”) of two or three fruits, each with six smaller leaves around its edges.

The fruit is actually a capsule containing seeds. All these characteristics help make this plant one of the easiest deciduous hardwoods to propagate. 

Fiddle leaf fig plants can grow up to 50-feet tall in their natural environments, but when kept indoors only reach heights of around 10-feet.

These plants have attractive leaves that are deeply lobed and dark green in color. It is not uncommon for them to be overgrown by vines and other vegetation in the wild.

How To Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig

In order to keep your fig from getting too large, prune back after flowering when it has reached 3/4ths the length of its container. 

Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation

Fiddle leaf figs are easy plants to propagate, making them the perfect choice to try out propagating. There are two ways to propagate these plants – the water or the soil methods.

Deciding which method to use is up to you, but both have high success rates. Fiddle leaf figs require acidic soil with good drainage and some shade from direct sunlight.

They prefer semi-shade conditions, but do well in full sun when moisture levels are high. The plants can also grow in pots, but they need a larger container (at least 20 cm deep).

Whichever method you would like to try out (why not try both?), you can read through the processes below. Let’s get started with our fiddle leaf fig propagation!

Getting A Cutting From The Mother Plant

To get a cutting to propagate from a mother fiddle leaf plant, you need to first figure out where to cut.

You should pick a place where there are three nodes from a growing point, and cut below the last, or third node.

Of course, you don’t need to have three nodes, but having more than one increases the number of possible growing points for the new plant. 

You can choose to take longer or shorter cuttings, as long as they have nodes.

If you aren’t sure what a node is on a cutting, let’s cover that. In botany, a node is any point at which leaves or branches join or terminate.

Nodes can be counted in different ways depending upon the type of plant being studied.

For example, nodes may be counted along every branch (whole-plant counting), along each leaf blade (leaf blade counting) or along certain stems only (stem counting).

When you pick a good place for a cutting, you can use a sterile blade to take the cutting. You can either cut it at an angle or straight.

If you cut at an angle, you are likely to end up with more roots, but you also put the plant at greater risk of experiencing bacteria-related problems.

However, this typically isn’t an issue for gardeners, so you should be fine with an angled cutting.

If a cutting from a diseased or sickly mother plant isn’t properly cared for, it will become weak and won’t grow well.

A cutting taken from a healthy mother plant should be strong enough to survive until springtime. Cutting off a branch from a mature tree is a great way to propagate plants.

Fiddle leaf figs like moist soil, full sun, and regular fertilization. Cut back the pruned branches to two nodes above the graft union at least six weeks before they flower.

What Soil Should Be Used For Propagation?

how to propagate fiddle leaf fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig should be grown in a container in order to create healthy plants.

To start, use a 1″ deep nursery pot filled half way full of a peat moss based growing medium such as sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite, or a mixture of any two or all three.

You may also want to add some sand to help retain moisture. Water the plant thoroughly after transplanting from the pot into a larger pot.

When you propagate a fiddle leaf fig plant, you should use soil that is 

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Water Method

To do the water method for your propagation, all you need to do is follow the steps written out below:

  1. Take a cutting from the healthy mother plant.
  2. Choose a cup, pot, aquarium or similar container. Place the cutting in the container and add water. The bottom of the cutting must be submerged in the water so that the roots can begin to grow.
  3. Place the water container in an area that is warm, but with no direct sunlight.
  4. Leave the cutting in the container for ten days or more. You need to wait for the cutting to start developing roots. If the water gets murky or cloudy, get clean water.
  5. Once the cutting’s roots have reached 1-2 inches long, you can plant them in a pot.
  6. Plant the rooted cuttings into a small plant pot, trying to keep them upright. If the cuttings need it, you can use a stake to help them remain upright.
  7. Allow the planted cuttings to adjust to their new environment for 3-4 weeks.
  8. After 4 weeks, the young plants are ready for a sunny window or balcony placement.
  9. Keep the cuttings watered regularly for the first few months, then less frequently as time goes by.
  10. When watering, make sure there are not any weeds around the base of the plant. This will prevent the roots from getting too dry.

Soil Method

To propagate the plant, cut off the top bud cluster using sharp pruning shears, and place the cuttings into individual containers filled with peat moss mounded slightly above roots level.

Water thoroughly and wait until new growth appears. After 2 weeks, remove the sprouts and replant them in a bigger container.

To propagate fiddle leaf fig cuttings in potting mix, follow the steps written out below:

  1. Take a cutting from a healthy parent plant.
  2. Prepare a pot or container for your cutting to be planted in.
  3. Plant the cutting on its side in the prepared pot. Make sure you don’t bury the cutting root ball. Make sure the surface of the root ball is exposed to air and light.
  4. Fill the pot about ¾ high with fresh potting soil. Firm down the planting material creating a little mound. Then sprinkle with fertilizer.
  5. Water the cutting thoroughly, then water daily for the next week or two.
  6. As the cutting grows, the soil should be kept damp and aerated, yet not soggy when wet. Potting containers usually contain enough drainage holes to allow excess moisture to escape.
  7. Once the cutting has developed roots, repot in smaller pots and continue to feed every other week. 

Caring For Fiddle Leaf Figs

Like all plants, fiddle leaf figs require light, water, a potting medium, and fertilizer. We will go through these points below, so you know exactly what your fiddle leaf fig’s needs are.

If you want a healthy plant, you need to be able to give your plant all of these things.


Fiddle leaf fig plant like at least 6 hours of sunlight every day. However, they can survive in relatively shaded areas for some time.

If you want a healthy and happy plant, you should pick a spot in your home where your fiddle leaf will get plenty of sunlight.


how to propagate fiddle leaf fig

Your fiddle leaf fig should never sit in standing water for very long at a time. Standing water may cause your leaves to rot away, especially if the plant is sitting in stagnant water.

If fiddle leaf figs do spend an extended period of time without water, they will begin to wilt quickly. Even though fiddle leaf figs like water, it is best to let them dry out completely before re-watering.

Because fiddle leaf figs grow in tropical climates, their soil should be constantly moist. The amount of water needed depends on many factors, such as what size pot it lives in, how much sun it gets, etc.

Generally speaking, a new fiddle leaf fig plant will need between 1-2 inches of water per week. Once the plant starts growing, that number should decrease.

Bone dry soil will not be good for your plant, so try to stick to a watering schedule. Avoid root rot by ensuring that there are adequate drainage holes in the pot.

At least one drainage hole should be present to get rid of excess water.

Potting Medium

Fiddle leaf fig plants like a potting medium of loam, peat, or composted pine bark.

A mixture of equal parts of each of these three types of materials will provide a good foundation for any new fiddle leaf fig.

You should use freshly mixed potting soil rather than old garden soil. Old soil might have held onto nutrients better than freshly made potting soil, but that doesn’t mean it is necessarily bad.

It just means more work.


These plants thrive with fertilizers that have a 3-1-2 N-P-K ratio. There should be or 3% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 2% potassium.

Remember, this is only a general guide. If you see the number written on some package, please make sure to check the label because sometimes fertilizer manufacturers change formulas.

If you see the words “complete” or “composted” or anything similar near the 3 part of the ratio, then you probably don’t need fertilization.

However, if you find yourself adding fertilizer once or twice a season, consider reducing the dosage.

In other words, increase the percentage of nitrogen by decreasing the percentages of phosphorous or potassium.

When it comes to fertilizer, it should come in liquid form. Many people prefer organic fertilizers; however, even non-organic fertilizers can be used with some precautions.

Some of these products include fish emulsion, blood meal, bone meal, guano, kelp meal, rock phosphate, and super phosphate.

Keep in mind that too much fertilizer will kill the plant. Too little fertilizer results in weak growth and slow death.

Fertilizers typically take about six weeks to fully penetrate into the soil. Therefore, most fertilizers must be applied about 6 weeks before flowering begins.

Final Thoughts

how to propagate fiddle leaf fig

Fiddle leaf figs are great plants to propagate, and result in incredible additions to any home. They require no special care during propagation, and will thrive in almost all environments.

They are beautiful houseplants, and b=can become very impressive when they get everything they need to thrive.

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to share it online! I hope this information has been helpful. Please leave comments below if I missed something, or if you have additional questions. Thank you!.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Big Do Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees Get?

Fiddle leaf fig trees can reach heights of 50 feet in the wild, but only 10 feet when they are indoors.

What Is The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree’s Scientific Name?

The scientific name for this houseplant is Ficus lyrata.

How Long Does It Take To Grow Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants From Seed?

Seedlings usually emerge between two and four months after sprouting seeds appear.

What Is A Ficus Lyrata?

A fiddle leaf fig tree.

Do Fiddle Leaf Figs Like Indirect Light?

These plants prefer direct light but can live with indirect light.

What Are Stem Cuttings?

 Stem cuttings are cutting you take from a plant’s stem to propagate.

Is The Fiddle Leaf A Tropical Plant?

This plant prefers warm weather climates.

Can You Propagate A Fiddle Leaf In A Glass Of Water?

Yes you can! Just leave it in the water until it forms 1-2 inch long roots.

How Do You Take A Cutting?

You can take a cutting by using a pair of scissors or a sharp knife.

Is Water Propagation Easy?

Yes, water propagation is very easy to do. 

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