Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is a beautiful evergreen tree native to Africa. The leaves are dark green and glossy, and they turn red in autumn. Although, struggling with fiddle leaf fig limp has gained popularity because of its attractive foliage and lovely fall color.
Fiddle leaf fig trees are very common throughout the United States. They are also found in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Asia.
This popular houseplant is not the easiest plant around to keep alive, and many owners experience the same problems when it comes to caring for these plants – droopiness.
If you have a fiddle leaf fig and are struggling with a droopy or limp plant, you’re in the right place! Here, we are going to take a look at what causes these beautiful plants to look sad, and what you can do to help. Ready to get into it? Let’s go.

Why Your Fiddle Lead Fig Is Limp
Your fiddle leaf fig could be looking limp because there might be something physically wrong with it. You should check if your plant has any physical damage.
If so, fix the issue before continuing down this list. Here are some other reasons why your fiddle lead figure might be limp. Physical problems that fiddle leaf fig could be facing include :
Drought Stress
During drought conditions, a fiddle leaf fig will try to conserve water by closing up their leaves. As a result, you may see them appear limp and weak. Drought stress can cause more severe issues as well.
It can make leaves yellow and die off prematurely. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly provide your plant with enough water.
Dry soil will cause green leaves to turn into limp leaves. Healthy plants should have rich green foliage rather than drooping leaves, and drought will destroy the leaves of fiddle figs.
Excess Water
Excess water could also turn the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig tree droopy or cause yellow leaf. You need to ensure that your fiddle leaf fig tree’s pot or container has drainage holes so that proper drainage can occur.
Too much water will cause root rot and could kill your plant. You should water your fiddle leaf fig plants infrequently and only when the soil gets dry. Plants shouldn’t sit in standing water for more than one hour each time.
When you do water them, a gallon of water may be too much, depending on how large your plant is. If you are concerned that you have given your plant too much water, allow it to drain as much as possible. Do not water the plant again until the soil has dried out enough.
Bad drainage and other drainage issues are one of the most common problems experienced. Using a well-draining soil and all round efficient drainage will ensure that your plant remains happy and healthy.
If you think you have drainage issues, you could try adding rocks and pebbles to the bottom of the plant pot to help drain. Make a point to get well-draining soil for your plant to minimize future drainage issues.
Moldy Soil
The leaves on your fiddle leaf fig plant could also become damaged due to mold growth on the soil surface. Mold produces an odor. If you notice this smell emanating from your fiddle leaf fig, you must remove the mold as soon as possible.
Remove all debris from around the plant to ensure that no pests crawl underneath the roots. After removing the debris, soak a towel in white vinegar.
Place the towel over the area where the mold was located and wait about 30 minutes for the vinegar to absorb the odor. Once the odor dissipates, rinse your plant thoroughly.
Mildew is most likely the reason behind your fiddle lea figs drooping. Mildew cannot actually be seen on the plant. Therefore, spotting mildew among your plants requires a lot of trust and knowledge about how to identify it.
Mildew is a fungal infection which starts near the roots and gradually spreads through the plant. Usually, if you notice symptoms such as brown spots on the leaves, drooping branches, twig dieback, and wilting, you’ve probably got mildew present within your plant.
If you notice brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig leaves, you may need to seek help on how to save your plant. Unfortunately, this can be a serious problem and limp fiddle leaf fig leaves may only be the start.
RELATED: Laid Up In Lavender: How To Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig: What You Need To Know
Poor Soil Quality

To maintain healthy fiddle leaf figs, you’ll need a soil mix that’s rich in nutrients. Your plants should get plenty of air circulation throughout the growing medium. The amount of fertilizers you add to your soil should match what your plant needs.
Make sure there aren’t dead areas within the pots where moisture collects. These spots can cause root rot. Moisture buildup can create an environment which encourages bacteria to grow.
Unhealthy Fertilizer Addition
If you find yourself using fertilizer without testing the results, it could harm your plant. When adding fertilizer, it is important to use high quality products derived from natural sources.
Read the labels carefully. Always check the expiration date before purchasing any type of seed starter or fertilizer product labeled “grow”. This will help ensure the health of your plants.
If you suspect that your plants have been fed low-quality fertilizer, give them a change period. Wait at least four weeks after applying fertilizer before watering or feeding your fiddle leaf figs.
Not Enough Sunlight
If your fiddle leaf fig tree is not getting enough sunlight, its green leaves may begin to die or turn yellow. These plants should get six hours of direct sunlight every day.
You should take note of when exactly these bright rays come into contact with each leaf. Don’t forget to account for shadows that fall across the foliage during the course of a single day.
By noting when the sun strikes down upon one side of the plant, you will know whether that side receives adequate light exposure.
Unlike many types of indoor plants, these plants prefer to get a lot of direct sunlight, rather than indirect light. A lack of sunlight and inferior light conditions will lead to drooping leaves. Droopy leaves can easily turn to dead leaves.
Root Shock And Moving
Another reason your fiddle leaf tree’s leaves could be drooping or looking sad is because of root shock. This can happen after a plant has been repotted (planted into new containers) or moved from one location to another.
Plants that are uprooted often suffer from root shock. If you notice your free is looking a little different after relocating it – leave it alone. It probably just needs some time to get used to its new location and get over the shock it experienced.
This issue takes longer to rectify, but with some patients, your plant will slowly recover.
New Growth
New growth can be alarming at first, as the leaves will look too large and droopy. However, this issue will correct itself as the plant becomes more accustomed to having more foliage.
You simply need to have some patients in this case and leave the plant be.
Lack Of Humidity
A lack of humidity can also be a big problem for your plant. Fig leaf plants like levels of 40%-60% humidity, but will do well in 30%-65% humidity.
If the air humidity is not high enough, you should mist your plant and avoid placing it near heating vents where the humidity is lower. If you can keep a consistent humidity level, your plant will be much happier and better off.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Fig Leaf Plants Toxic To Cats?
Yes, fig leaf plants are toxic to cats, so please keep them away from your cat’s food and water bowls. Make sure that your cats do not nibble on them.
Are Fig Leaf Plants Toxic To Dogs?
Yes, fig leaf plants can be toxic to dogs, so you should make sure that your pets do not eat this plant or even nibble on them. The sap in these trees can be irritating to dogs, too.
Is The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Easy To Care For?
Yes, the fiddle leaf fig is a pretty low maintenance houseplant. Just remember to give it ample amounts of direct sunlight and water regularly. Mist your plant if needed.
Some plants are much easier to care for, but because of this plant’s preferred humidity levels, it can prove to be more challenging than many other popular houseplants.
Are Fiddle Leaf Figs Easy To Grow?
The fiddle leaf fig is actually quite easy to grow. These houseplants thrive indoors, whether they are potted up or planted in soil.
But, the best way to ensure a healthy plant is to provide it with a lot of light and lots of moisture.
How Big Do Fiddle Leaf Figs Trees Get As Houseplants?
Fiddle leaf fig trees can reach heights of around 10-feet when they are kept as houseplants. In the wild, however, these trees can reach up to 50-feet.
Final Thoughts
Fiddle leaf figs are fantastic plants to have in your home. They grow to be decent sizes, perfect for that centerpiece spot, and are also very attractive. As long as you keep your plant in a bright spot with plenty of direct sunshine, it will do well and have a beautiful green color.
Water your plant enough, but not too much, and keep an eye out for any signs of distress or disease. As long as you care for your plant well, you will not have to say goodbye to that gorgeous green color any time soon.
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