With a rough center spike emerging from the base of a single big petal, the spectacular blooms of anthuriums and peace lilies are very similar in form, and both plants flourish in very similar growth environments. Are they separate species, perhaps? Or is the anthurium a less common variation of the peace lily?

While having strong evolutionary ties, the anthurium and the peace lily are separate kinds of plants. Both plants are aroids, which belong to the Araceae family, which also contains many well-known indoor houseplants. Spathiphyllum is the genus that includes the plant species known as “Peace Lilies,” but Anthuriums are a separate genus. In short, they are not the same plants.
In this article, we’ll compare and contrast anthuriums and peace lilies. Since these are commonly confused, it is important to comprehend the differences between these two plants. We’ll go over all the details between the two Aroid plants.
Is an Anthurium a Peace Lily?
No, a peace lily is not an anthurium. They don’t even belong to the same plant genus.
Theoretically, peace lilies and anthuriums belong to the same plant family, the Araceae, sometimes known as aroids. Peace lilies belong to a separate genus than anthuriums, which have the same genus name (Anthurium) (Spathiphyllum).
Although they are both members of the same family tree, that is the extent of their similarity. We’ll go over the similarities and the differences of the two plants below.
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What is a Peace Lily?

The peace lily, or spathiphyllum, is a perennial favorite of most plant enthusiasts, with and without a green thumb. It grows lovely indoor foliage and displays stunning white flowers. They are evergreen tropical plants from the Arum genus and are found throughout tropical Central and South America. Even their name implies, a peace lily plant is not a true lily.
The most striking feature of the bloom is the pointed white spathe, or bract, which contrasts with the glossy green leaves and creamy white spadix. A white or light yellow spadix, which is the actual flower, is found inside the spathe. The majority of types reach heights and widths of 1 to 3 feet.
But if you only consider how pretty it is, you’ll be underestimating this flower. The Peace Lily is more than just that. As one of the best indoor plants for cleansing the air, peace lilies are a popular choice for houseplants due to their ease of maintenance.
What is an Anthurium?

A stunning genus of tropical plants called Anthurium is indigenous to Colombia and Ecuador. The plant belongs to the Araceae family and is an epiphytic tropical perennial herbaceous evergreen. Due to their epiphytic nature, they grow in tree crevices.
Anthurium features simple, glossy, big, leathery leaves in a stunning dark green hue that are grouped spirally to form a rosette on a very short stem. Its leaves are heart-shaped and lustrous. The inflorescence is made up of a cream-yellow, tail-like spadix, and a waxy red spathe, hence they are called red peace lilies. It will grow to be about 14-18 inches tall and 12 inches broad when fully grown.
Furthermore, it is also a popular houseplant because it is the plant of tranquility. This low-maintenance plant is lovely and full of intriguing features. It has a beautiful appearance that improves both the interior decor and the air quality. The Anthurium is one of the most gorgeous and easy-to-grow indoor plants.
Anthurium and Peace Lily – Similarities
Despite the fact that these two species of plants are distinct from one another and have certain significant differences, they also share numerous traits in common. Here, we’ll examine a few of these similarities—though by no means all of them.
The behavior of these plants is fascinating. They first appear as slender, tightly curled spears that widen as they get older. Periodically, these plants will also bloom with white, delicately fragrant flowers that resemble calla lilies. As they ripen, the perennial, pure white blossoms will change to a pale green color.
Additionally, peace lilies and flamingo flowers can bloom all year long under the best conditions and often last two months longer than most houseplants. Epiphytic plants, such as anthuriums and peace lilies, grow on top of other plants. Your plant will burn if the light source is too strong, such as a hot, west exposure close to a window.
Plants are able to adapt to changes in their environment because of their growth toward the light and other tropisms.
Growing Conditions
Growing conditions of Anthurium and Peace Lily include giving these plants the right amount of light, temperature, humidity, and soil. These growing practices contribute to the survival of the plants and, as a result, the overall beauty of your garden. Learn how to properly care for your plants and pay attention to them.
Both Anthuriums and Peace Lilies thrive in medium to indirect light, therefore keeping them away from direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burns. Place the plant in a window that faces south or east. When exposed to enough light, they grow well and flourish.
Both peace lilies and anthuriums thrive in moderate environments. Temperatures should be maintained between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant must not have a temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Additionally, these plants thrive in conditions with high humidity levels of at least 40%, but ideally 50% or higher. Use a humidifier, mist, or pebble tray to your advantage. It produces a more humid environment, which is ideal for growing these plants.
Soil Mix
Another thing to consider is that the similarities between peace lily plants and anthuriums go beyond the surface. These plants flourish in the same potting mix. A loose, well-draining combination of coarse materials that drains well is essential for controlling moisture and supplying oxygen and avoiding root rot.
Given its moisture preferences, the optimum soil combination will have a high amount of orchid bark, pumice, or perlite to allow appropriate drainage. By doing so, you can avoid being muddy or flooded. The pot will not become saturated if extra moisture is allowed to drain.
Keep reading about growing Peace Lily indoors and caring for them outdoors.
Both anthurium and peace lily flowering plants are extremely toxic. Their flower carries a toxic substance called insoluble calcium oxalates in all of its parts. If taken accidentally, it can cause severe burning of the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. The effect is determined by the plant type, the animal’s size and weight, and the amount consumed.
Although it is a beautiful plant, it must be handled with care. Keep it out of the reach of children and pets. This will be fine as long as you wear gloves when cutting the plant and don’t ingest it. On the other hand, those with pets or small children should keep these plants out of reach of their pets or children.
RELATED: Can Peace Lilies Grow Outside?: Answers and More Information
Anthurium and Peace Lily – Differences
Aside from the similarities, let’s go deeper and define the differences between peace lilies and Anthurium. Check out the details below!

Both of these plants are distinguished by their flowers. In full bloom, the spathes of a peace lily are normally white, whereas those of anthuriums can be vivid red, purple, or pink flowers. That’s why they’re also known as Flamingo Flowers or Red Peace Lily Plant.

Peace lilies, on the other hand, have a white spadix with a yellow top. It measures 8 to 12 cm long and 0.4 to 0.6 cm wide at the top, and 0.6 to 0.9 cm wide at the bottom.
Anthurium flowers are also typically larger. Peace lilies are often narrow and less curved, with a heart-shaped form. The anthurium blossoms are also considerably brighter and often have veiny webs covering their whole surface. Because of their vivid red or pink coloring, they nearly seem to be made of plastic. The red spathe are also the reason why they are also called red peace lily.
You can tell the difference between a peace lily and an anthurium’s leaf simply by comparing them side by side. Anthurium leaves are often shaped like hearts, with shallow veins running through them. A peace lily’s leaves are often thinner and more ovoid than those of a flamingo flower. It is elliptical rather than heart-shaped, with pronounced ridges along the length of each leaf.
Furthermore, the Anthurium’s leaves grow at the top of the stem, tipping it downward by their weight, whereas the peace lily’s leaves tend to grow upward, following the curve of the stem, and growing along its length.
Another myth about peace lilies is that they are drama queens. They will display a dramatic drooping of their leaves and a refusal to bloom if they are being overwatered, underwatered, have poor soil, are not receiving enough fertilizer, or are being attacked by pests. These dramatics don’t often occur with anthuriums.
One of the key distinctions between anthuriums and peace lilies is how the plants react to efforts at propagation. Both plants can be propagated, although only anthuriums may be multiplied by cuttings.
Anthuriums are propagated using stem cuttings, whereas peace lily root division is being used. The propagation techniques for peace lilies and anthuriums are provided below. You can also check and follow the propagation-related steps.
Stem cutting is done by taking cuttings from mature plants. This procedure is mostly used to create new cultivars. Propagation is most effective during active growth seasons.
Choose a mature plant with healthy stems and one to two nodes, as well as aerial roots. Immerse the stem in rooting hormone or powder after cutting it just below the node. In the soil mixture, plant the stem. Make sure the roots are completely buried in the mix, about 2-3 inches deep.
Place the plant in a location with plenty of medium-to-bright, indirect light, and then properly water it. In three to six weeks, new growth will occur. By gently pressing on the base of the plant’s stem, you may detect if roots have begun to grow. Roots are beginning to sprout there.
Root division is performed to propagate plants at the repotting stage. It is often performed at the start of the growing season. So if your peace lilies have grown too large, trim them down and save the cuttings for additional plants.
Before removing your peace lily from the pot at the roots and stems for repotting, dust off any extra soil. Even though it might be necessary to cut the roots, take care not to damage the main root balls. Replant the mother plant in its original container with fresh soil, making sure that the roots are covered and that the plant is leaning against the soil rather than resting on top of it.
To develop separate plants, there must be a number of stems. Repot the whole plant in containers about the same size as the one from which the peace lily has just emerged. The tiny plants can then be separated, and the plant can be taken out of its pot and soil. Then, plant each one in a different pot.
Read more about Peace Lily propagation.
Peace Lily
Tropical rainforests are where peace lilies are found in their natural habitat. This indicates that it does best in warm climates. The best location for a peace lily is as close to the ground as it can tolerate. Additionally, it needs to be close to water sources. Bogs, streams, and valleys next to riverbeds are just a few marshy locations where peace lilies thrive.
Anthuriums are subtropical plants that thrive in warm, humid environments with bright, filtered light. They are epiphytes that grow in the cracks of trees in the rainforests of Colombia and Ecuador. It favors the drier soil that is nearer to the sun. Anthuriums can grow on hills or trees as long as there is enough drainage there. An anthurium plant also can grow woody stems.
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Final Thoughts
There are similarities between peace lilies and anthuriums; therefore, it is not surprising that people frequently connect the two. However, the two Arum plants are truly not one and the same, and it is necessary to recognize their varied features and needs.
Both plants are stunning additions to most such houses. These are also fantastic choices for low-maintenance indoor gardening. A few houseplants here and there will undoubtedly improve your home.
Thank you for reading this article on Is an Anthurium a peace lily what are the differences between the two. Also, check out our other articles:
Peace Lilies: Top Reasons Why Their Leaves Turn Brown and How To Fix Them
How To Save An Overwatered Peace Lily From Dying? A Comprehensive Guide