Lime green is a jazzy color, with verve and vigor. It gives a whammy of green to its surroundings and wakes the eyes up! Although some people may find the color just a little too demanding and bright, others will really appreciate its burst of freshness and unashamed boldness.

When mixing lime green with other colors in the garden, or in a floral arrangement, there is the potential to clash with other colors. The more chartreuse shades of lime green are a little easier to blend in because the yellow is more pronounced and chartreuse is a very calming hue.
Chartreuse works especially well in dark, shady corners. You can also use lime green perennials as a backdrop for other perennials. Lime green flowers can be used to draw attention to a focal point, such as a sculpture, water feature or similar.
Let’s have a look at some lime green flowers that might just make you decide to risk the color in your own garden designs. In a bouquet, these lime green beauties will definitely grab attention!
There are also an array of shrubs and plants that have lime green foliage. These plants can be very attractive in borders or containers to add further dimension and color to a garden.
1. Hummingbird Lemon Lime (Nicotiana Alata) Or Lime Green Tobacco Plant

A vigorous but short-lived tender perennial, bearing broad, spoon-shaped leaves and large, funnel-shaped, lime-green flowers. The flowers are gorgeous; simple and perfect.
The blooms tend to wilt in the daytime but come into their own at night, when their scent really is alluring for both humans and night-flying moths. The blooms make wonderful cut flowers but what a shame to deprive the night-flying moths!
2. Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla Sericata ‘Gold Strike’)

Lady’s Mantle is a low-growing border plant. It produces clusters of tiny yellow-greenish flowers and has greyish green foliage. In bouquets, this flower looks wonderful intermingled with other flowers, linking all the other colours together in a green mist.
3. Envy Zinnia (Zinnia Elegans)

Having large fully-double flowers held on stout stems on tall plants, Zinnias are striking blooms. There is something so opulent about the arrangement and depth of petals in Zinnias.
This green Zinnia, with lime green undertones, certainly will make the other flowers in any bouquet green with envy!
4. Annual Lime-Green Coneflowers (Echinacea Purpurea ‘Coconut Lime’ Or ‘Green Envy’)

What a great shade of lime green this flower has! The plant has frilly flowered double pom-pom like flower heads of pure lime-green florets surrounded by rings of greenish white ray-florets, on tall branching stems. The design of the flowers is wonderful and will certainly draw attention.
5. Limelight Hardy Hydrangea (Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Limelight’)

Long, cone-shaped flower heads open in a soft shade of pea green, becoming creamier as they mature, then deepen in colour. Eventually, they develop delicate soft pink tones.
The three-toned effect is gorgeous. Such magnificent blooms make elegant cut flowers but why cut them when they provide exceptional colour in woodland gardens and mixed borders?
Nurture your plants guide: how to grow hydrangeas.
6. Green Lace Primrose (Primula x Polyanthus ‘Green Lace’)

The blooms are lime-green, have yellow throats and red veining and frilled edges. They are extremely pretty and grow in profusion.
This plant is a cultivar of the polyanthus group. There is no doubt whatsoever that the intricacy of the blooms is eye-catching.
7. Polyanthus Primrose (Primula-francisca)

With pale jade green, star-shaped flowers that have a yellow heart, and wavy edges, these undeniably attractive blooms cheer up any space they’re in. The blooms grow profusely, blanketing the foliage in the prettiest of ways.
8. Solar Yellow Lamb’s Tail (Chiastophyllum Oppositifolum ‘Solar Yellow’)

Known as Golden Lamb’s Tail this succulent perennial produces chains of pea-like flowers that are reminiscent of lambs’ tails.
The leaves have scalloped edges adding to the attractiveness of the plant. It grows well on walls and rocks where the trailing blooms come into their own.
9. Bells Of Ireland (Moluccella Laevis)

Multiple cup-shaped blooms grow on a single stalk. The blooms have a thin papery texture. These flowers are great in flower arrangements because they add height to the arrangement. Bells of Ireland flowers are beautiful as cut or dried flowers and, most splendid of all, growing happily in the garden.
10. Mediterranean Spurge (Euphorbia Characias Wulfenii)

This compact evergreen shrub has bottom leaves of a darker green, while the bloom clusters of chartreuse flowers rest on stems of spirally arranged leaves of a blue-green sheen. The flowers are eye-catching in their simply perfect design.
11. Cockscomb

Looking rather like ocean coral and a strong chartreuse color, this little green cockscomb is striking. Its uniquely shaped blooms bring boldness to a garden or flower arrangement. The two-toned effect of the greens, with the almost electric lime green in the center, makes this a very interesting plant.
12. Green Star Gladiolus

Gladiolus blooms are tall and very attention grabbing. The blooms of this lime green variety are bright and saturated in a green that is almost electric. A wonderful plant for the garden and in flower arrangements, where the blooms give height and dimension.
Making a superb companion for brightly coloured blooms in the border and the vase, the Green Star certainly is a floral star!
13. Evergreen Gladiolus

Five or six flowers of an intense shining green in colour are displayed on each stem, opening together with no hint of yellow. The blooms are magnificent growing proudly in the garden and make fantastic additions to floral arrangements.
RELATED: Bells And Whistles: 16 Different Types Of Coral Bells
14. Benary’s Giant Lime Zinnia

Benary’s Giant Lime Zinnia is more consistently double than other Zinnias. The plant has long, thick sturdy stems on which magnificent, fully double blooms, erupt. Brilliant for borders and splendid for cutting.
15. Green Trick Temarisou Dianthus

Dianthus Green Trick has spherical heads packed with a mass of frilly green bracts instead of petals, making this perennial Sweet William eye-catching. The plant goes well with pastel and stronger colours and has an exceptional vase life.
16. Coral Bells (Heuchera ‘Electra,’ ‘Key Lime Pie,’ Or ‘Pistache’)

This is a low growing flowering perennial. It provides valuable winter interest, can be grown in containers and has an attractive form of foliage. It doesn’t thrive in exposed or sunny locations and prefers moderately wet soil.
A summer flowering herbaceous plant that is great for borders and informal cottage garden style planting.
View all the plants listed in Genus Heuchera
17. Hellebore (Helleborus Foetidus ‘Gold Bullion’)

An outstanding evergreen plant that’s grown for its foliage. It has tall stalks of golden, occasionally variegated, leaves. The foliage becomes more chartreuse, with red staining on the stems. In winter it produces large green candelabra-type flower heads.
18. Castle Gold Holly (Llex ‘Castle Gold’)

With compact, pyramidal and glossy leaves, this is a good-looking plant. The narrow form of the plant makes it perfect for hedges, foundation plantings, or as a dramatic showpiece. Castle Gold has yellow foliage and produces bright red berries, that are not edible, in fall and winter.
19. Limelight Licorice Plant (Helichrysum Petiolare ‘Limelight’)

A trailing evergreen shrub with rounded velvety leaves in a lovely gentle shade of soft lime green. It has loose corymbs of pretty cream flower heads in summer and autumn.
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20. Wintercreeper (Euonymus Fortunei ‘Goldy’)

With leaves that turn from a sort of lime green to gold this plant is very attractive. It has tiny greenish flowers in early summer that add to its beauty.
21. Japanese Forest Grass (Hakonechloa Macra ‘Aureola’)

Grown for its ornamental foliage this is a stunner. With long up-pointing fronds of chartreuse with gold stripes, Japanese Forest Grass is a magnificent addition to the garden.
22. Ogon Japanese Sedum (Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon’)

Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’ is an ornamental plant and it’s easy to see why. With succulent, tiny leaves of a rich lime green and bright gold mix, it typically forms a dense mat. The tiny, star-like, yellow-green flowers appear in summer.
23. Little Lime Hydrangea (Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Jane’)

Conical, lime green flowers fade to cream and then blush-pink as the season progresses. A colorful and interesting addition to any garden. The flower-heads work magnificently in dried flower arrangements.
Having had a look at these wonderful lime green flowers and plants, I’m sure that you’ll be considering adding a splash of lime green to the palette of your garden.
A refreshing and invigorating color, lime green will embolden your floral designs and arrangements. It’s a good idea to consider how well the lime green color of the flowers or foliage of the plants will work with neighbouring plants.
You can really let your imagination fly on whether you want to tone the lime green down with pale shaded neighbours or add to the boldness with neighbouring plants in bold colors of their own.
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