

25 Different Fruits That Start With S (Including Photos)

We live in a world that is abundant in fruits and vegetables, which can sometimes make it hard to understand what you are purchasing. And while all fruit is nutritious, there are many fruits that start with s and are still important to know exactly what you are consuming. 

25 Different Fruits That Start With S (Including Photos)

Unfortunately, it can be hard to find this information at your local supermarket, which means you have to search elsewhere to learn such details. Because of this, many exotic fruits often get overlooked in favor of better-known names. 

Aside from strawberries and satsumas, it can be hard to name a fruit that begins with the letter S, which is why we have decided to help. So if you want to know more about fruits that start with this letter, then you have come to the right place. 

In the following article, we have compiled a list of fruits that start with the letter S, so that you can learn more about the different varieties available. We have also included important information about each fruit and its characteristics. 

So if you want to read more about every fruit that starts with S, this article has everything you need to get started… 

1. Safou (Dacryodes Edulis)

Dacryodes Edulis

Originating on the African continent, safou fruit is a popular ingredient in African cooking and is said to take on a creamy texture once it has been baked. 

Aside from the fruit, the safou tree also yields edible seeds that can be used as a seasoning, while the strong wood is used to build houses and other structures. 

RELATED: 43 Delicious Wine Grapes (With Pictures)

2. Saigon Mango (Mangifera Saigon) 

As the name would suggest, this mango originated from eastern Asia before it was introduced to the United States over a century ago. 

Nowadays, the fruit is known for its bright yellow hue and mild taste, with it commonly being eaten as a light and nutritious snack. 

3. Salak (Salacca Zalacca) 

It has been estimated that over thirty different kinds of salak tree grow in Indonesia, where the fruit remains a popular food crop for the native people. 

The fruit is known for its teardrop shape and can often be identified by its bright red skin and yellow scales, which are said to have a sweet and acidic taste. 

4. Salal (Gaultheria Shallon) 

Gaultheria Shallon

When these berries have reached maturity, they are almost identical to blueberries and can be eaten fresh or dried into cakes. 

Some people believe that the leaves can also be made into medicinal teas, which can be used to treat indigestion, fevers and heartburn. 

5. Salmonberry (Rubus Spectabilis) 


Salmonberries first originated on the west coast of North America, where native tribes gathered the fruit to make desserts and other dishes. 

Nowadays, the bright red fruit is known for its bitter taste and can be eaten raw or used to make preserves and candies. 

6. Santol (Sandoricum Koetjape)


This exotic fruit is said to resemble a banana-colored pumpkin and is commonly eaten in the Philippines as a cool and refreshing snack. 

To harvest the fruit, people must climb up the trees and twist it from the branches using a special stick with a sharp split end. 

7. Sapodilla (Manilkara Zapota) 


The next fruit on our list can only be found in some tropical regions, where it remains a firm favorite of the local people. 

When the sapodilla has reached full maturity, it will take on a golden brown color that resembles baked pastry, with the fruit also boasting a sweet and floral taste. 

8. Sarvisberry (Amelanchier) 


While it is possible to consume sarvisberries raw, the plant itself is particularly important to the native wildlife. 

If you ever get a chance to sample this fruit, you will find that it tastes like blueberries, which makes it a wonderful addition to baked goods and desserts. 

9. Satsuma (Citrus Unshiu)


Satsuma is a small round fruit that grows in China and Japan, which is considered to be one of the sweetest members of the citrus family. 

The orange fruit bears a strong resemblance to tangerine and will need to be thoroughly peeled before it can be consumed. 

10. Seagrape (Coccoloba Uvifera)


While not technically a grape, the name still makes sense once you see these small green fruits growing in their tight clusters. 

Just like grapes, you can eat this fruit fresh from the vine or use them to make a variety of preserves, such as jellies and jams. 

RELATED: 17 Types Of Orange Fruits (Including Photos)

11. Seville Orange (Citrus Aurantium) 

Seville Orange

Otherwise known as the bitter orange, this variety is often described as a mix of pomelo and mandarin, with the fruit commonly being used to make marmalade. 

However, it is important to note that if the fruit is raw, the pulp will not be suitable for human consumption. 

12. Shonan Gold (Citrus Shonan Gold) 

Shonan Gold

This citrus fruit was originally cultivated in Japan, where it was born from the combination of a golden orange and satsuma. 

The fruit can be easily identified by its beautiful yellow skin and is known for its sweet and refreshing taste. 

13. Soncoya (Annona Purpurea) 

Soncoya (Annona Purpurea) 

The soncoya fruit can look quite intimidating once it has reached maturity, as the large yellow fruit boasts a hard exterior and sharp green spines. 

However, once the fruit has been cut open, you will be greeted with a soft flesh that bears a similar taste to soursop – which is another tropical fruit that starts with S.  

14. Sour Cherry (Prunus Cerasus) 

Sour Cherry

As you have probably guessed from the name, these cherries are notorious throughout the world for their sour taste, which is said to be lip-puckeringly good. 

Nowadays, sour cherries are grown in countless countries, although Turkey remains the largest producer of the vibrant fruit. 

15. Splendor Apple (Malus Domestica) 

Splendor Apple

The splendor apple first originated in New Zealand, where they are still well-loved for their dessert-like taste and bright pink color. 

While it is possible to use these apples in countless recipes, it is recommended that you eat them raw, as they make a delicious and crispy snack. 

16. Star Apple (Chrysophyllum Cainito)

Star Apple

Otherwise known as a tar apple, this tropical fruit bears a strong resemblance to an apple that has been dipped in ink, with its dark exterior earning the fruit its name. 

The star apple can be found across Central America, where the purple-white flesh is commonly sliced and served cold. 

17. Star Fruit (Averrhoa Carambola) 

Averrhoa Carambola

If you have ever encountered a star fruit, then you know that once the fruit has been cut its deep ridges will present the appearance of a star. 

While the fruit is known for its yellow-green skin and sweet taste, it can also be used to make a range of preserves and sauces, such as a sweet and spicy relish. 

18. Stinking Bishop Pear (Pyrus Communis) 

Fruits that start with s

Fortunately, the stinking bishop pear did not get its title because of its odor, as the name refers to Frederick Bishop – the original grower of the fruit. 

Unlike common pears, this variety can be identified by its yellow-green skin and red blush, with the fruit commonly used to make cider and other ales. 

19. Strawberry (Fragaria Ananassa) 

Strawberry (Fragaria Ananassa) 

Of course, a list of fruits that start with S would not be complete without strawberries, which remain one of the most popular fruits in the world. 

While many can identify a strawberry by its iconic appearance, the species itself is not actually a berry, as the seeds are located on the fruit’s exterior. 

20. Strawberry Guava (Psidium Cattleyanum) 

Strawberry Guava (Psidium Cattleyanum) 

While traveling through a tropical rainforest, you may encounter a strawberry guava, which is a small red fruit that is entirely edible. 

In fact, the fruit itself is known for its delectable flavor, as the leaves can also be used to make a sweet herbal tea. 

21. Sugar Apple (Annona Squamosa) 

Fruits that start with s

The sugar apple is a green apple-shaped fruit with a bumpy exterior, which is known to thrive in tropical climates such as those found in the West Indies. 

While the outside of the fruit may look somewhat brain-like, the flesh inside is said to be sweet and indulgent, although it does come with a grainy texture. 

22. Sunberry (Solanum Retroflexum) 

Fruits that start with s

While sunberries can be delicious, it’s important not to eat them while they are still green and unripe, as they can be extremely poisonous at this stage. 

As the berries begin to mature, they take on a dark purple hue and can be sweetened with sugar to make desserts and jams. 

23. Sunset Apple (Malus Domestica Sunset) 

Fruits that start with s

As the name would suggest, the sunset apple is known for its beautiful red and gold skin, which can look particularly attractive in a fruit bowl. 

It is said that the apple produces a rich and aromatic flavor, which is best consumed when the fruit is as fresh as possible. 

24. Sunset Mango (Mangifera Indica Sunset) 

Fruits that start with s

Like sunset apples, sunset mangoes can be identified by their rose-orange exteriors, which are said to mimic a picturesque sunset. 

When sampling this particular fruit, you will notice its lush and radiant smell, which gives way to its sweet and refreshing taste. 

25. Sweet Orange (Citrus Sweet) 

Fruits that start with s

Although this orange is known for its sweet flavor, it is closely related to the bitter orange and can be eaten raw or made into juice. 

The fruit itself is smaller than the common orange and boasts a fiery color that is particularly beautiful when the fruit is ripe. 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are countless fruits that start with the letter S and we have only covered a small number. 

While each of these fruits is unique in its own way, it is still important to understand the produce you are buying and consuming. 

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