

21 Pretty Pale Pink Flowers (Including Pictures)

Pink is a cheerful colour, happy and calming. A blend of red and white gives pink, but just as red comes in a myriad of shades so too does pink.

In pale pink there is a smidgeon of red, just enough to create a beautiful gossamer sheen of pink.

21 Pretty Pale Pink Flowers (Including Pictures)

The pale pink flowers below will warm the heart with their beauty. These flowers grace any garden and add to its vibrancy. In floral arrangements, bouquets, posies and adorning celebratory events, pale pink flowers set the tone for meaningful repose or merriment, as the occasion demands.

Once you’ve had a look at the pale pink flowers below, I’m sure you’ll agree that nature looks good in pale pink!

1. Begonia


There are 1,800 unique species of Begonias: semperflorens, tuberous and perennials. Tuberous begonias look very much like roses. Did you know you can eat the leaves, stems and flowers of Tuberous Begonias?  Why would you, though. These flowers are just too beautiful on the eye for the mouth!

Begonias are said to be associated with being cautious.

2. Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus)

Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus)

Carnations are naturally pink or pinkish purple. Selective breeding and genetic engineering have greatly extended the range of colors you can find in carnations today, but pink carnations still reign supreme. Carnations are also edible and frequently used as garnishes.  

Carnations are considered to symbolize gratitude and being unforgettable. These flowers certainly are unforgettable.

3. Angel’s Trumpet (Genus Brugmansia)

Angel’s Trumpet (Genus Brugmansia)

There are seven species of small trees and shrubs in the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Angel’s trumpets are commonly grown as ornamentals. You can quite imagine an angel appearing around these wonderfully evocative blooms. The way the cream base of the flower slowly moves towards such a gorgeous pale pink at the tips is sublime.

4. Cherry Blossom (Prunus)

Cherry Blossom (Prunus)

These pretty flowers, and their scent, are bound to make you feel joyful. Originally from Japan, the Cherry Blossom symbolizes the sheer beauty of life and also the arrival of spring. Walking down an avenue lined with Cherry Blossom trees is a joy that few could resist.

5. Hoya (Hoya Carnosa)

Hoya (Hoya Carnosa)

Known as the Wax Plant, the plant has thick, green leathery leaves, sometimes flecked with silvery or creamy white. The flowers have a distinctive star-like appearance. The flowers are night-scented, have red-centers and white or pale pink flowers.

They are really quite unique in their appearance and would add stunning effect to any garden.

6. Dahlia 


There are 42 species of Dahlia, all originating in Mexico. They are part of the Asteraceae family and are related to chrysanthemums. The petal structure is ornate and has a sense of geometry to it. Some varieties have unique curved up petals. Dahlias are said to symbolize kindness and grace.

RELATED: Dahlias: The Number 1 Care, Propagation, and Watering Guide For Your Garden Flowers

7. Hollyhock (Alcea Rosea)

Hollyhock (Alcea Rosea)

A staple of cottage gardens, often seen standing like ornate sentinels alongside picket fences. The flowers appear on the top of long stalks. Many of the most common varieties are biennials, but there are also many varieties that behave like short-lived perennials.

These delightful flowers are said to symbolize motherly love and fruitfulness.

8. Meadowsweet (Filipendula Rubra)

Meadowsweet (Filipendula Rubra)

Delicate clusters of pale pink blooms that sit on long stems. They may seem fragile and whimsical. They aren’t. They can medicinally treat colds and digestive issues, so they have some clout! They are said to symbolize courtship. 

9. Orchid (Orchidacea)

Orchid (Orchidacea)

Orchids have 25,000–30,000 different species and all of them are exotic and beautiful. There’s a reason some people get hooked on orchids and set about collecting them.

There are a number of pink orchids to choose from, from pale pink to the more fuschia tones. Orchids are said to symbolize beauty and luxury.

10. Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium Purpureum)

Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium Purpureum)

Commonly known as purple Joe-Pye weed, this interesting plant has a number of other names; Kidney-Root, Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed and Sweet Joe-Pye Weed.

It’s an herbaceous perennial plant. The Joe-Pye Weed is actually a member of the sunflower family. It grows in the eastern U.S. The dusky pink buds blossoms are really rather pretty and a very becoming shade of pale pink.

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11. Pink Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis Rosea)

Pink Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis Rosea)

Bell-shaped blooms in the softest shade of baby pink with a sweet fragrance.  Who can resist these flowers? They bring to mind fairies or pixies and enchanted evenings. They are woodland flowering plants.

12. Mandevilla

These flowers are simple in design and the petals are delicate. They are tropical and subtropical flowering vines and can brighten up a garden space in a very understated way. Mandevilla belongs to the family Apocynaceae. A common name for the plant is Rocktrumpet.

13. Pink Amaryllis

pale pink flowers

Elegant looking flowers that demand attention. They have structure and grace and are designed to stand out. The Amaryllis, a small genus of flowering bulbs, is the only genus in the Amaryllidinae group of plants. There are only two species so it is a rarity indeed.

14. Arum Lily (Zantedeschia Aethiopica)

pale pink flowers

No one can possibly look at these flowers without stopping for a second look! A truly beautiful bulb flower, with an engagingly rounded form. The shape and the texture of the petals makes them superb for gardens and floral displays. Absolute stunners!

Another name for this plant is Calla Lily. It’s a species of flowering plant in the family Araceae.

15. Lotus

pale pink flowers

The Lotus is associated with many spiritual beliefs that seek inner peace and deeper wisdom. It’s also a beautifully symmetrical flower. It’s considered one of the most sacred plants in the world. The lotus life cycle is unique.

It submerges into mud every night and blooms anew the next morning; hence its association with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment. 

RELATED: A Whole Lot Of Loveliness: 10 Different Types Of Lotuses

16. Lathyrus

pale pink flowers

Lathyrus are colourful, and often sweetly-scented. pea-like flowers. They look like butterflies perched on a stalk and are eye-catching. Having these beautiful plants in your garden can only add pleasure. Lathyrus belongs to the legume family Fabaceae, which has approximately 160 species.

17. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii)

pale pink flowers

Colorful, daisy-like flowers that have the most gorgeous shade of pink to them. Gerbera originate in South Africa and have a fantastic petal pattern With a purple centre and then palest of pink building to a deeper shade of pale pink these are rather fabulous.

18. Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) 

pale pink flowers

Often used as a bonsai plant; thanks to its thick succulent trunk, thin and delicate leaves, and luscious, deep pink trumpeting flowers. The Desert Rose is an unusual plant and certainly a garden talking point.

19. Candelabra Lily (Brunsvigia Josephinae)

Candelabra Lily (Brunsvigia Josephinae)

Also known as Josephine’s Lily, this plant has the biggest bulb and inflorescence among the geophytes in South Africa. The flowers are large striking umbels. You can see why they are called Candelabra lilies.

20. Forget Me Nots (Myosotis)

pale pink flowers

A humble but glorious flower, with a simple but perfect design, the Forget Me Not should not be overlooked. The scientific name for this plant, Myosotis, means ‘mouse’s ear’ in Ancient Greek. The foliage used to be called Scorpion-Grass.

Other names for it include Bird’s Eye, Robin’s Eye, Mammy-floor, Snake-Grass and Love-Me so you decide what you think the flowers look like. There’s quite a choice!

21. Reine Hortense (Paeonia lactiflora ‘Reine Hortense’)


This flower is so pale pink it is almost white, but there is just that tiny shimmer of pink to keep you guessing. Reine Hortense is a member of the peony family and is color-shifting. This means that the color changes as the flowers mature. It is also wonderfully fragrant. 

In Conclusion

I hope this little foray into the world of pale pink flowers has intrigued you enough to want to go out and get yourself some pale pink plants for your own garden. The colour works well in floral displays because it is a gentle colour, unassuming and very easy on the eye.