Thinking of extending your plant knowledge? In this article, we cover everything you need to know about plants that start with R.

From Rain Lily to Rockrose, we’ll take a look at what makes these plants interesting and unique and the different conditions each plant needs to flourish and bloom.
Ready to find out more? Read on to make a start on your ‘R’ plants!
1. Rabbits Foot Fern

This plant, native to China, has furry, creeping rhizomes that look similar to rabbit’s feet – hence the name. Each leaf of this fern can grow up to 819 inches long and tend to be finely cut.
Typically used to cover ground in cold, hard conditions this plant is slow to grow.
2. Rain Lily

Native to Texas, these plants are bulbous and tend to sprout and bloom following a summer rain. With trumpet-shaped blossoms, these plants are great for planting at the front of borders, throughout rock gardens, or in naturalized areas.
For best results, bulbs should be planted in spring or summer, and in areas where the ground commonly freezes, it’s best to grow them in pots or containers.
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3. Ratibida

This plant has flower heads similar to those of a black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Hirta), however, there are some differences between the two. The Ratibida has fewer ray flowers and a tall central cone that’s a lot more prominent than the Black-eyed Susan.
It’s also a stiffly erect plant covered in rough hair with deeply cut leaves.
4. Rattlesnake Grass, Quaking Grass

This plant is delicate and graceful and can grow up to 12 feet high. Its leaves can reach 14 inches wide and up to 6 inches long and it makes an attractive addition to fresh or dried arrangements.
It has papery, straw-colored clusters of seed-bearing rattles that can reach up to 4 inches in length and scatter wherever the plant is.
5. Red-Hot Poker, Torch Lily

These dense clumps of grass-like foliage are topped with tubular flowers that are grouped in tight overlapping clusters. These flowers attract hummingbirds thanks to their colors which range from coral orange and yellow to peach, near-white, and light green.
The blossoms open from the bottom to the top of the plant across several days, changing in color as they age. The size of these plants can vary from 1 foot to 6 feet giants.
6. Redbud

During early spring, the sweet pea-shaped flowers of this plant begin to appear on twigs, branches, and even the main trunk of the plant. Ranging in color from lavender-pink to deep purple, the blossoms are followed by clusters of bean-like pods that can survive through to winter.
The leaves of this plant are sometimes broad, rounded, or heart-shaped and throughout fall the color changes from leaf to leaf.
7. Reed Grass

The Reed Grasses have feathery flower plumes that are considered among the most effective ornamental grasses. The plume colors range from faded purple-tinted green to yellow and can survive through the fall season whilst maintaining their color.
Perfect for both fresh and dried flower arrangements, these Reeds are a great addition to any bouquet.
8. Rhaphiolepis

Rhaphiolepis are incredibly dependable shrubs that work extremely well around the beachy area thanks to them tolerating high winds and salt spray. Their leaves are glossy and leathery, which makes them a perfect plant to use in low hedges and or when grown in containers.
This plant blooms from fall until late spring with colors ranging from white, pink, and a faded red. You can also find dark blue fruit accompanying the flowers on this plant.
9. Ribbon Grass

This grass, native to North America, can reach up to 3 feet in height and is known for spreading aggressively by underground runners.
Its deep green leaves are adorned with white stripes slightly age in color during the fall season, with its airy white flower clusters following suit.
To prevent the spreading of this plant, many people find it easier to grow Ribbon Grass in large containers.
10. Rice Paper Plant

This plant is incredibly fast-growing and can easily reach up to 1015 feet tall and wide. Its leaves are big, bold, and long and can often reach up to 12 feet in width. The leaves are a gray-green color above while the underneath of each leaf is white and felted.
Clusters of big creamy white flowers sit atop furry tan stems in winter with the fuzz on new growth often irritating eyes or skin. The name of this plant comes from the pith of the stem which is thick and used to make Chinese rice paper.
11. River Oats

This plant has broad, almost bamboo-like leaves and is considered ornamental grass from the east of the U.S. During the summer the leaves form a 2 feet-wide clump which is topped with flowering stems reaching around 2-5 feet in height.
The stems carry green spikelets that turn copper in the fall and resemble flattened clusters of oats – hence the name. During the winter, the spikelets dry to straw color and make this plant another perfect option for dried arrangements.
12. Rockcress

This plant is a perfect choice for rock gardens, pattern plantings, or edgings thanks to the fact that it’s a low-grower and only reaches heights of around 12 inches. The foliage is attractive year-round, again making this a great option for the keen gardener.
During spring you can often find clusters of small white, pink or purple flowers decorating this plant and along with the leaves, the flowers of this plant are edible.
13. Rockrose

These shrubs are fast-growing evergreen plants that need very little care. They can stand up to heat, strong winds, drought, and salt spray without any issues.
Native to the Mediterranean, rockrose plants tend to have large, fragrant flowers that bloom profusely for just over a month in spring/early summer.
Each blossom lasts just a day with colors ranging from pink, rose, yellow, or white. Growing to around 3-5 feet in height makes these plants a great addition to any hedgerow.
14. Rodgersia

These large plants have imposing leaves and tiny clustered flowers which bloom in early to midsummer. One of its most notable features is the handsome foliage which often dazzles with bronze tones in late summer.
Native to China and Japan, these flowers come alive in moist woodland or bog gardens, so if you have a pond in your garden, this plant would be a perfect addition to its border.
15. Roman Chamomile

This plant blooms in the summer, and if you’re lucky occasionally into the fall. The blooms are bright yellow and look like small yellow buttons.
This plant is perfect to use as part of low edging to map out a path or as a colorful diversion between stepping stones. The aromatic leaves and soft texture are what make this garden plant sweet and delicate.
16. Rosemary

Rosemary is typically found on seaside cliffs, especially in the Mediterranean region. This plant grows just above the tide line and is incredibly tough and resilient. These plants are covered in long, aromatic leaves that are usually dark green above and white beneath.
Small blossom clusters in shades of blue bloom throughout winter and spring and occasionally bloom in fall. Typically used as a seasoning, both the leaves and flowers are edible.
These plants make a great attraction for butterflies, birds, and also bees who use Rosemary as a source of excellent honey.
17. Royal Palm

Royal Palm’s are tall and smooth with fast-growing feather palms and are generally used to line streets or avenues and to give an area an exotic, stately feel to it.
The trunk is marked with rings and topped with long luscious green leaves. These plants love moist, well-drained soil and have good wind and salt resistance.
18. Ruellia

These plants are most commonly found in Texas where in recent years, their popularity has grown. This is in large part to their pretty blooms and the fact that they are very easy to care for.
The flowers on these plants are around 2 inches long, funnel-shaped, and are usually either purple or blue. They bloom from mid-spring through to the first frost of fall and thrive in very warm climates.
19. Rush

This plant resembles grass with its cylindrical stems and tiny clustered flowers near the stem tip. Many stems hold a rigid, upright position while others may be twisted into almost a spiral shape.
This plant is perfect for planting around the edge of a pond or stream, or even in water as they love and thrive in moist, shady locations.
20. Russian Sage

This plant is neither Russian nor a Sage, but instead is the combination of fine-textured foliage and colorful summer flowers.
Reaching 34 feet tall and wide, this graceful plant is incredibly aromatic with lavender-blue flowers making an appearance from late spring through summer. It can also withstand heat, drought, and infertile soils.
As you can see there are a huge number of ‘R’ plants out there, each with its distinguishing features. One of our favorites is the Rockcress as it’s a year-round plant, but even better than that, the leaves and flowers are edible! We love a plant that tastes as good as it looks!
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