You are watering your magnificent philodendron plant. You have been on the ball, watering your plant daily, and you are quite proud of being a responsible plant parent.
Ugh oh! today you have noticed that the leaves are turning an unsightly yellow. You are doing everything right as far as you know, and now your philodendron is changing color. What should you do, and why is this happening?
Luckily for you, we have written this article just for you. We are going to discuss the reasons for your plant’s leaves turning yellow and what you can do to remedy this problem. So, without further ado, let us begin.

Reasons Your Philodendron Is Turning Yellow
There could be many reasons why your philodendron plant has yellowing leaves. A pest infestation, poor lighting condition, improper soil moisture, over watering, these are just a few reasons you might be seeing such leaf discoloration in your plant.
So, let’s take a look at some reasons your philodendron is changing color and could be turning yellow.
1. The Humidity Level
If your humidity is too low and your soil is too dry your philodendron’s leaves can turn brown or yellow.
The best way to increase the humidity is to moisturize the leaves of your plant to decrease the yellowing of your philodendron’s leaves.
2. Over Watering Or Under Watering
Your philodendron could have yellow leaves because you are giving it too much or too little water. The main reason a philodendron is changing color is from over-watering.
If you keep misting and watering the plant, your leaves will eventually turn an unsightly yellow. You should only need to water your philodendrons every third day, if not less often.
That’s two times a week max. If you give your philodendron plant too little water the leaves can also turn yellow. If you see clear dry soil, then it needs more water.
3. Inappropriate Lighting Levels
Another thing that causes your philodendron plants to get darker leaves or turn yellow is using improper lighting levels.
A lot of people who live in houses with small windows do not know how to properly set up their philodendrons. Most philodendrons like bright light which comes through big windows.
The problem though is that some philodendrons don’t grow as fast, and they require at least ten hours of light per day. If you use just five hours of light for your philodendron then by the time it’s 8 am it has turned dark.
And the opposite direction too. So make sure you know what type of lights your philodendrons require. Your plants may be able to adapt but if it’s too dark it might die off.
4. Pests
Some pests cause your philodendron is changing color. For example, aphids like white flies can cause the same effect.
Ants will eat away at the roots of your philodendrons causing them to rot, so you’re better off removing them instead of letting them chew away at your plant.
5. Fertilizing Inadequately
You may think that to fertilize your philodendron correctly all you need to do is feed it once or twice a month. But this isn’t always true!
Make sure you’re providing your philodendron with enough nutrients during your entire growing period. This means feeding your philodendron once every couple of weeks until your final harvest.
6. Root Rot
Sometimes when your philodendron’s roots become infected they start rotting. If this happens then the whole plant dies.
If you notice any signs of root rot such as yellowing of the leaf tips, or black spots on the bottom of the stem. Then immediately cut down the affected part and dispose of it properly.
7. Sometimes Times They Just Have Yellow Leaves
Sometimes a philodendron plant just has yellow leaves, this will be the case when they are growing and new leaves are starting to shoot out. You might notice yellow leaves on the bottom of the plant and this can be perfectly normal when your plant is in its time of growing.
Related: Philodendron Florida Ghost: The Ultimate Care, Propagation, and Watering Guide
How To Fix Yellowing Philodendron Leaves

Assuming that you know why your philodendron is changing color; you will probably want to know how you can fix this problem. Below we have highlighted a few things you can do to remedy the issue.
1. Fertilizer
Use a natural food-rich fertilizer – It’s important to feed your philodendron regularly. The best way to provide your philodendron is to buy a high-quality organic food fertilizer that contains nitrogen.
When buying fertilizer make sure that it doesn’t contain sugar so avoid products like granulated sugar, molasses, etc. If you feed your philodendron with regularity it’ll prevent your plants from turning yellow.
Cut back on the amount that you fertilize – As mentioned above if you notice that you are fertilizing more often than needed try cutting back the amount that you’re giving your philodendron.
By doing this you won’t overfeed the plant. Overfeeding will lead your philodendron’s leaves to eventually turn yellow while underfeeding will slow down the process.
When you get the balance right you will notice that your philodendron is not turning yellow anymore.
2. Watering
Change your watering routine – If you notice that your water is becoming stagnant after about 3-4 hours then it would be advisable to change it up. We suggest using fresh filtered water and changing it every 2 days. This will help keep your plant healthy and prevent brown spotting.
You should water your philodendron one to two times a week. Make sure that the soil gets dry between watering. On top of that, you should mist your plant twice a week.
If you are attentive and do not overwater your philodendron you should see that your plant is starting to look much happier and healthier.
Excess water in the tray of your pot can also be a problem that causes soggy soil which in turn may affect the roots to rot and add to the yellow leaf problem.
So make sure not to give your philodendron improper watering as this can cause severe issues for your philodendron. Adjust your watering schedule and be careful to water only when the soil is dry.
You can check this by sticking your finger in the soil about an inch or two and only watering when it is dry that deep.
3. Sunlight
Increase sunlight – Remember that your philodendron needs 10-12 hours of direct sunlight. Even during the winter months if possible make sure that there is still sunshine coming into the room where your plant resides.
You should try moving your plant into a place where it can get bright but indirect sunlight (if possible). If you are unable to move the plant then you should use a sunlamp. The light emitted by these lamps mimics what your plant receives naturally.
After a few weeks, you should start to notice that your plant is looking much happier even if the leaves are still yellow. You can trim off the offending color if you so wish, or you can wait until they fall off on their own.
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Frequently Asked Questions
It is time for us to answer some of your most frequently asked questions. So, let us begin.
Should I Remove Yellow Leaves From Philodendron?
Once you have fixed your problem, whether it is overwatering, root rot or a pest, your philodendron plant should start doing much better and the leaves should not get more yellow.
You can remove the yellow leaves if you want to, or you can wait for them to drop off on their own. It is your personal preference.
Will Philodendron Leaves Turn Back Green?
Sadly no, when the leaves start turning yellow they are actually dying and usually cannot be saved. Your only option is to cut away the affected leaf or to leave them to fall off on their own.
Is A Philodendron A Good Indoor Plant?
Yes! A philodendron is an ideal indoor plant. They thrive indoors in temperatures ranging from 50 °F to 80 °F, but they also require good air circulation.
In addition, you should make sure that your plants have adequate space because they need plenty of room to grow.
What Does “Philodendron Leaf Spot” Mean?
Leaf spot or foliar spots on your philodendron could indicate a fungal infection. These types of infections may cause your philodendron to appear palely colored.
Foliar spots typically disappear once the fungus has been removed. However, if those spots remain, you might want to seek professional advice as that could signify a serious problem.
Related: Philodendron gloriosum: The Fail-proof Care, Propagation, and Watering Guide You Need
Final Thoughts
The philodendron is a popular houseplant and quite easy to look after. As long as you are careful about the moisture level of the soil, vigilant against pest attacks and fungal disease, give them plenty of bright but indirect light, and of course watch out for excessive watering.
Just make sure to watch out for the yellowing of leaves and of course try to find out why your plant’s leaves are turning yellow. Otherwise, you will not know how to stop the issue from getting worse.
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