If you are someone who enjoys keeping plants and has a green thumb, then there is a high chance you own a Spider Plant. Discover essential tips for saving your spider plant’s tips and ensuring vibrant growth.
The Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is one of the most popular houseplants in the world. You may have been told that Spider Plants are one of the most adaptable plants. In fact, many would go as far as saying they are one of the easiest indoor plants to grow.
So, when you see that the leaves of your Spider Plant are turning brown around the edges, you might feel a little disappointed. After all, it is meant to be the easiest plant to grow indoors.
Well, don’t worry! We are here to tell you this happens to a lot of people who grow Spider Plants.
If your Spider Plant’s leaves are turning brown around the edges, then you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we are going to look at what causes this to happen and how to prevent it.

What Is A Spider Plant?
The Spider Plant is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. A delicate-looking plant that adds beauty wherever it goes—from a tabletop or even from a hanging planter as its leaves dangle down.
The spider plant is also known to be an air-purifying plant, making it perfect for being indoors. It is also a pet-friendly plant.
Spider plants are native to tropical and Southern Africa. They’re known for their hardiness. If you are just starting out, these are fantastic plants to start your plant growing journey.
Related: What are the Causes and Solutions for Spider Plant Brown Tips?
Why Are The Edges Of Your Spider Plant’s Leaves Turning Brown?
Now that you know what a Spider Plant is, let us take a look at some of the things that could be causing your plant leaves to turn brown.
Too Much Light
One of the main reasons why the leaves of your Spider Plant are turning brown is because of too much light.
This can be caused by having too much direct sunlight coming into your home. When you have too much light, it will cause the leaves of your plant to burn.
If you notice that your Spider Plant’s leaves have turned brown, then try moving them away from the window where the sun shines directly onto them.
Also, make sure that you water your plant regularly. This will help keep your leaves healthy and vibrant.
Inadequate Watering
Another reason why the leaves of your spider plant are turning brown is due to inadequate watering. This can be caused if you do not give your plant enough water. The leaves of the plant will start to dry out and turn brown.
Make sure that you check the soil of your plant every now and again. If you notice that the soil looks dry, then add more water.
Another thing that can cause the leaves of your Spider plant to turn brown is a disease.
Make sure that you clean up any debris around your plant. This includes cleaning off any dead leaves or twigs. These can harbor pathogens that can infect your plant.
Also, make sure that you remove any insects from your plant. Insects can carry diseases that can affect your plant.
This is another common problem with Spider Plants. Mold can appear on the surface of the plant. You should immediately get rid of mold. Make sure that you wash the area thoroughly.
Related: How To Care for A Spider Plant? (Plant Care Answers and More)
Bad Water Quality
Another reason why the leaves of a spider plant may turn brown is due to bad water quality. When you use tap water, you may be unaware that some tap water has chemicals in it or salts in it.
These can build up on your Spider Plant. These chemicals can be strong enough that they burn your plant’s leaves.
If you think this is the case try filtering your water or using bottled water.
Low Humidity
The last reason why the leaves of the Spider Plant may turn brown is due to low humidity. Low humidity can lead to the leaves drying out and becoming brittle.
You can increase the humidity inside your home by getting a humidifier. You might also want to mist the plant every so often to keep the plant moist.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Often Should I Water My Spider Plant?
Spider plants need regular watering. Spider Plants should be watered at least once a week. However, you don’t want to over-water your plant. It is important that you only water your plant when the soil is completely dry.
When you water your plant, make sure that you soak the entire root ball. Do not just spray water on top of the pot.
Alternatively, you can try to soak your Spider Plant in water.
How Do I Soak My Spider Plant?
To soak your Spider Plant, fill a bucket with warm or cold water. Don’t fill the bucket up, so it reaches the top of the Spider Plant pot. Fill the bucket up, so it reaches around 3/4 of the pot.
Place the pot of your Spider Plant in the bucket. Let the pot sit for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, drain the water from the bucket.
Make sure that the top of the soil is damp before removing it. Also, use a plant pot with drainage holes at the bottom
What Temperature Should A Spider Plant Be Kept In?
Spider Plants should be kept in a room where the temperature is between 60 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Final Thoughts
There are many reasons why your Spider Plant’s leaves may be turning brown around the edges. The best way to prevent this from happening is to look at your Spider Plant’s care routine and see if you are doing something that could be causing this.
The good thing is you can save your Spider Plant by following these tips.
Hopefully, these tips have helped you care for your Spider Plant and identify what is making your Spider Plant’s leaves turn brown. Please share this guide with others who may benefit from reading these tips. Thank you for reading!
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