Have you ever been asked the question of how many tree species exist? The answer is… too many! To pay homage to the broad, varied and unique species of trees out there, we’ll explore some of the most amazing trees that start M.

Take a look outside and see just how many type of trees you can spot on your doorstep. When we think of the expanse of diversity in nature, it’s enough to blow our minds.
1. Madagascar Palm

Though called a palm, the Madagascar palm is classified as a variety of stem succulents and not a member of the palm variety. It is established as a species of a flowering plant.
The Madagascar palm is a variety of succulents that is recognized for its succulent traits as the top of its trunk features thick thorns and how it photosynthesizes through its trunk.
Though dangerous looking, the Madagascar palm is incredibly beautiful with its fragrant and delicate white flowers.
The tree is known to come from Madagascar hence the name Madagascar palm… However, it can also be found along the east of Africa.
2. Magnolia Tree

Magnolia trees are characterized as a type of shrub that consists of 210 magnolia species.
You may have seen or heard of the magnolia due to its international recognition for the sweetly scented flowers it produces.
The flowers of the magnolia tree produce a distinct fragrance that is much valued.
Hence, the magnolia tree is widely cultivated for commercial purposes and can be found in Asia and America to Europe.
Some species of a magnolia tree are said to produce edible flowers which are used for culinary and medicinal purposes, whilst others are harvested and used as timber due to the unique color of their wood.
3. Mahogany Tree

The mahogany tree is widely harvested for its timber as it stands to be recognized as a tree used for commercial purposes due to its distinct dark wood timber.
It is classified as one of the three prominent species of hardwood that stands out for its significant durability.
The mahogany originated in the Americas but is widely cultivated across the world more specifically, Asia.
Another unique characteristic of mahogany wood is that it is resistant to wood rot which makes it a highly sought-after material for use during boat construction.
4. Manchineel Tree

The manchineel tree is classified as a member of the spurge family which is often considered to be related to varieties of herbs.
However, every part of the manchineel tree is considered to be highly toxic.
This toxic tree thrives in tropical climates and can be found across the Americas. The tree is most recognized for producing small apple-like fruit and a distinct milky sap.
However, the manchineel fruit is commonly called the ‘little apple of death’ as the milky sap within the fruit and the rest of the tree is toxic to humans. Any contact with the skin will cause an allergic reaction and blistering skin.
5. Mandarin Tree

Mandarin fruit is a widely consumed edible citrus fruit that is recognized for its sweet and tart flavor.
The famous mandarin fruit comes from the mandarin tree which is classified as a distinct species of orange and is said to be one of the original species of citrus trees.
The mandarin fruit has been widely cultivated to create many of the citrus fruits we are familiar with today such as grapefruit, lemon, and lime.
The mandarin tree is characterized as a moderate-sized tree with thick thorny branches.
What stands out about the tree is its thick foliage and its strong citrus-scented leaves and fruit.
6. Mango Tree

Mango fruit stands to be a widely consumed fruit largely cultivated for its sweet floral flavor.
The internationally recognized mango fruit is produced by the mango tree which is scientifically known as Mangifera indica.
Many varieties of the mango tree can be found across the globe however they are known to thrive in subtropical climates.
The mango tree can most commonly be found across Southeast Asia where the fruit has been widely cultivated.
It stands to be the national fruit of several countries including India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. The mango tree is known for its long life span with some trees continuing to bear fruit after 300 years.
7. Mangosteen Tree

The mangosteen tree is classified as an evergreen tree.
However, unlike many evergreen trees that tend to thrive in cooler climates, the mangosteen tree is considered to be a tropical tree and is native to warmer regions.
The tree is recognized for the distinct purple fruit that it produces. It can commonly be found growing across Southeast Asia as well as several tropical areas across the Americas.
The fruit produced by the mangosteen tree is widely consumed fruit.
Whilst the fruit’s white pulp is much loved for its sweet and slightly tangy flavor and rich juicy texture, the rind of the fruit is inedible.
8. Mangrove Tree

The mangrove tree is a unique type of tree that grows well in wet soil and thrives in a tropical climate.
Most commonly associated with swamps, the mangrove tree can often be found across coastlines or in brackish water.
Considered as a hardy plant, the mangrove tree grows well in both waterlogged environments and coastal areas as they are salt-tolerant.
The trees are resistant to a multitude of harsh environments.
Mangrove trees are considered critical plants of the marine ecosystem as it is a key component to protect against erosion and destruction caused by extreme weather such as tsunamis.
9. Manjack Tree

The manjack tree is a unique species of tree that belongs to the starflower family. The tree is recognized for the olive/ grape-like fruit that it produces.
The fruit of the tree is commonly used for culinary purposes and its seeds are commonly used for medicinal purposes due to the bioactive properties they contain.
The manjack tree is considered to be a moderate-sized tree that is native to several regions across Asia.
This tree is not only recognized for the fruit it bears, but it also stands to produce unique flowers that are known to only bloom at night.
10. Maple Tree

The maple tree is a tree that is recognized across the globe, associated with the sap it produces being made into syrup.
Commonly cultivated for commercial purposes, the maple tree is also a fantastic ornamental tree as it features its world-famous palmate leaves which can significantly vary in color from orange-red to green.
11. Mayten Tree

The mayten tree, scientifically known as Maytenus boaria is classified as an evergreen tree that is native to Argentina and Chile.
Though not a widely cultivated tree, it is grown for ornamental purposes and can commonly be found across the USA.
The tree consists of a distinct willow-like appearance with its thick weeping leaves that are of a light green shade.
The beautiful mayten tree is characterized as a hardy tree as it is significantly drought tolerant, however, it is seemingly delicate in appearance with its low hanging foliage and white yellow, and purple flowers.
12. Meryta Tree

Scientifically known as Meryta sinclairii, the meryta tree is classified as a species of evergreen tree that can be found growing in New Zealand.
Though native to New Zealand, there are over 27 existing meryta species that can be found across subtropical regions.
The tree can be recognized by its brilliant wax-like, leathery leaves that can grow to 50 cm. The leaves grow in large clusters to present a thick shrub-like appearance.
Besides its distinctive glossy leaves, the meryta tree is also known for producing beautiful light green and white flowers and white wood.
13. Mescal Bean Tree

The mescal bean tree is characterized as a shrub that is a member of the pea family. It is commonly known for its sweet-scented deep purple flowers and white seed pods.
However, unlike other pea species, the fruit produced by the mescal bean tree is considered to be poisonous as they are highly toxic and contain hallucinogenic properties.
This distinctly beautiful yet toxic plant is native to North America and can commonly be found growing in Texas and Arizona.
14. Mesquite Tree

The mesquite plant is classified as a flowering plant that is recognized for producing legumes.
This tree stands to be a hardy plant as it can withstand extremely dry conditions and is significantly drought-resistant as it contains incredibly long roots that work to search for water deep underground.
The mesquite tree can be found growing in desert-like conditions across the Americas.
The tree is known for producing pod fruit containing seeds that can be consumed once the pod has been dried out.
The tree’s fruit is frequently cultivated for commercial purposes for turning its dried seeds into flour or bread. The mesquite tree is also harvested for its durable timber.
15. Milk Tree

The milk tree is classified as a type of succulent that is native to Central Africa.
The milk tree is often misidentified as a cactus plant when it is in fact a succulent which is characterized for storing water in the plants’ fleshy tissue.
The milk tree is a hardy tree that can withstand extremely high temperatures and is considered to be drought-resistant.
The tree is known for producing bold and distinct coloring which makes it a highly popular ornamental plant.
Not only widely grown across Africa, but the milk tree also stands to be a significant decorative tree across several regions of the world including across the Mediterranean and South America.
16. Monkey Puzzle Tree

The infamous monkey puzzle tree is a unique species of an evergreen tree that consists of thick, spiked, and scaled leaves.
Its leaves are commonly presented as being similar in appearance to a succulent due to its thick, leathery appearance.
However, the monkey puzzle tree is not related to the succulent family and is instead an evergreen.
Native to Chile, the monkey puzzle tree thrives in hot climates. However, the species of tree is significantly under threat due to deforestation and land degradation.
The tree is known to thrive in environments of well-drained soil. Other than that, the tree is considered to be incredibly durable growing in a variety of soils.
17. Mountain Ash Tree

The mountain ash tree is classified as a member of the rose family. Unlike other members of the rose family, the mountain tree features fern-like feathered leaves.
The tree is recognized for producing stunning flowers that bloom from May to June producing bright white flowers along with producing red, apple-like fruit.
Though edible, the fruit of the mountain ash tree is considered to be tart and relatively bitter; however, it is widely consumed and used for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Varieties of the mountain ash tree exist just about everywhere with varieties existing across from Europe to Asia and northern Africa.
From trees that withstand tsunamis, to trees that thrive in extremely dry conditions, it’s fair to say that we really do underestimate the potential of trees.
Hopefully, this list has given a bit of insight into the exceptional depth and diversity that exists on your doorstep.
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