From the highly toxic devil’s tree to the beautiful downy willow tree, the variety of tree species is endless. This post will explore some of the amazing types of trees that start with D to make this a little more digestible…

Trees are incredibly diverse and none are the same. Because we recognize the complexity of trees, we group them into named species to make it easier for us to categorize them. However, each species is equally complex and it is easy to get lost in the world of trees not knowing which is which.
To become established by getting to know a couple of trees, we need to explore their unique features and characteristics.
1. Daphne Laureola
The daphne laureola tree is classified as a shrub that is a member of the widely recognized thyme family. Considered as a flowering plant and a species of thyme, it’s no surprise that the Daphne laureola is recognized for its scent.
The tree is known for its unique coloring of yellow bark and its distinctive mint, herb scent. It also features thick glossy leaves which make it an even more desirable ornamental tree.
The Daphne laureola is native to several parts of the world and can most commonly be found growing across Europe, Algeria, and Morocco.
Though recognized as a thriving plant, outside of its native regions, the Daphne laureola is considered to be a significantly harmful invasive weed as it is recognized for wiping up competing vegetation.

2. Dogwood
The dogwood tree is a species of Cornaceae. It is a unique species of tree that is recognized by its distinctive bark and beautiful white blossoms. The dogwood tree is native to several regions across the world including Asia, America, and Europe.
It is classified as a rich species that is widely cultivated for ornamental purposes due to its unique and stunning appearance. The dogwood is much loved for the thick white flowers it produces, its berries, and its considerable low-hanging structure that gives it an almost willow-like appearance.
Besides its striking appearance, the dogwood tree is widely harvested for its wood as it is considered to be of value as a significant hardwood as well as the drupe fruits it produces that are widely consumed for their sweet tropical, berry flavor.

3. Damson
The damson plum tree also known as damascene, is a widely recognized tree known for the delicious fruit it produces. This tree produces a drupe which is characterized as a fruit with a single seed.
The damson plum is considered a relatively small plum but it is widely consumed due to its sweet but quite tart flavor. It is for commercial purposes as it is mostly in use for culinary purposes.
The damson tree itself is classified as a member of the myrtle family which includes members such as allspice and guava. There are several varieties of the damson tree. Each variety is for producing unique fruit that varies in flavor and color.

4. Dark-Leaved Willow
The dark-leaved willow’s scientific name is the Salix myrsinifolia and is native to several regions from Europe to Siberia. The dark-leaved willow is a shrub due to its bush-like structure.
This tree is a unique variety of willow trees as it grows on the sides of cliffs or moist land.
The dark-leaved willow is familiar for its hairy branches and its delicate dark leaves and furry white shoots and yellow buds. This species of the willow tree is famous to flower from May to June.

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5. Dawn Redwood
The dawn redwood tree scientific name is Metasequoia glyptostroboides. It is classified as a conifer tree. Though its classification is a conifer tree, the dawn redwood is also a member of the redwood family which is a subfamily of the coniferous tree.
The redwood family includes some of the tallest and largest trees in the world. The dawn redwood tree is native to south-central China. It grows in wet soil.
Due to its magnificent size, the people crops dawn redwood as an ornamental tree. It grows across Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

6. Dawyck Beech
The dawyck beech has a slender feather-like structure. The species of this tree is a deciduous tree and is familiar for its upright stance with its branches turning upward. It also has a significantly short trunk.
People grow this widely for its unique and decadent appearance, it is often for ornamental purposes and one can find in public spaces such as parks.
It is a tree that thrives in well-drained soil. In the right conditions, the dawyck beech tree produces fruit that is classified as a nut. Its fruit consists of a scaly shell.

7. Douglas Fir
The Douglas fir tree, also scientifically known as the Pseudotsuga menziesii is classified as a member of the pine family. It is a species that consists of evergreen features of spiked leaves and coniferous characteristics of being cone-bearing.
The Douglas fir tree is native to western North America. Though famous as the Douglas fir, this tree is under false pretenses as it is not actually biologically classified as a fir tree. It is instead seen as a false hemlock.
The Douglas fir tree is widely for timber as its wood is valuable due to it being a softwood.

8. Downy Willow
The downy willow, also scientifically known as Salix lapponum, is classified as a shrub due to its bush-like structure. The downy willow is famous for its light green-grey, almost silver leaves that significantly resemble sage.
However, the downy willow tree is not a member of the sage family and is instead a species of the willow tree. The downy willow holds significant willow features such as low branches.
The shrub is widely for ornamental purposes due to its unique coloring. The downy willow grows across several regions of the world including Europe to Siberia.

9. Dwarf Pine
The dwarf pine’s other name is dwarf Siberian pine, a member of the pine family. However, the dwarf pine differs from other pine species due to its unique size as it grows between 1 to 3 meters tall and on rare occasions up to 5 meters.
A misconception that the tree’s unique size results in the plant often as a shrub. The dwarf pine consists of recognizable pine tree features such as its evergreen leaves and its coniferous characteristics of producing pine cones.
This species of tree is native to northeastern Asia. However, it is also growing in Korea, China, Siberia, and Mongolia.

10. Dammar Pine
The Dammar pine also scientifically known as Agathis australis is a coniferous tree due to the scaled cones it produces. The Dammar pine tree is familiar for its staggering size and thickness; one can find it native region of New Zealand.
It can grow to 45 meters tall and grow a trunk that is 7 meters thick. Besides its bold presence, the Dammar pine is widely in cultivation for its amber-like resin. Which is use commonly for commercial purposes for making things such as varnishes.

11. Dalbergia Nigra
The Dalbergia nigra tree is a unique tree that is a member of the legume and pea family. Though a tree produces pea-like fruit, the Dalbergia nigra is most known for its incredibly hard and heavy wood.
The people harvest this for timber. As its wood is valuable with its incredible hardness and unique brown-red color. Due to its durable and beautiful nature, the Dalbergia nigra trees’ wood is for making woodwind instruments.
This tree is native to Brazil and grows in several areas of rich and wet soil where it thrives.

12. Devil’s Tree
Scientifically known as Alstonia scholaris, the devil’s tree is classified as a member of the dogbane family. This unique tree is a tropical evergreen tree that is native to several regions including southern China, Australasia, and tropical regions of Asia.
Due to its beautiful flowers and glossy leaves, the people use commonly for ornamental purposes. However, despite its striking appearance, the tree is highly toxic.
Though toxic, especially to rats and mice. The devil’s tree is harvested for its wood as it is a valuable light wood that one can use commercially.

Key Takeaway
There stands to be a considerable variety of tree species, from pine trees to willow trees and oak trees. Not one of the trees starting with D is the same! Each stands to be of some use to us and is recognized for several reasons.
With this broad list of tree varieties, their origins, and their unique features. We hope this glossary has sparked some curiosity in you to discover more about our natural world.
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