

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight: The Best Care, Propagation, And Watering Guide

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight, also known as Sterling Silver Scindapsus, is a rare classic houseplant with a striking silvery green color. These plants with dark green foliage love to trail and climb trees, which are common in tropical jungles. 

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight

As a houseplant, it will love and thrive if it is given something to climb on. This plant is related to and grows similarly to the well-known Scindapsus pictus.

This plant is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia, and there are two types of it: the Scindapsus Moonlight and the Scindapsus Dark Form. The elegant oval-shaped leaves of Scindapsus moonlight have a silvery appearance. On the other hand, the Scindapsus dark form has dark green leaves that appear blackish in certain lighting conditions.

If you’re considering growing this lovely vine in your garden, then you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to know more about the Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight.

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Profile

General Information

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Information

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is an excellent houseplant for decorative purposes and as an air purifier. These plants grow on the ground and climb onto a tree to thrive, at which point the leaves become larger and thinner. 

As a houseplant, the growing size of your Scindapsus treubii ultimately depends to a specific extent on the environmental growing conditions that you will be providing to this tropical house plant.

The maintenance of the Scindapsus treubii plant is not particularly difficult. It’s a low-maintenance plant with striking foliage and leaves. As a result, this lovely plant is a perfect choice for collection, whether you are an expert in plants or are just a beginner in plants.


The scientific term Scindapsus is derived from the ancient Greek word for a vine-like plant that resembled ivy. 

The name “Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight” refers to the plant’s smooth stem and oval or heart-shaped, silvery-green leaves. The silvery sheen on the leaves sparkle under moonlight, hence the name.


Although rare, they can even produce flowers. However, most people who collect this plant do so for its stunning leaves since its flowers are dainty, small, and unimpressive.

As a houseplant, it has a low possibility of producing flowers. However, if you aim to see its flowers and smell its pleasant and sweet fragrance, you must create ideal growing conditions just like in its natural habitat.

Season Of Interest And Purchasing

A well-known yet rare indoor plant, Scindapsus treubii, is planted popularly for its stunning foliage. Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight grows all year round, but the summer season is the optimum time to plant it. The optimum seasons for them are summer and spring because they do best in warm regions.


Scindapsus Treubii can climb and get as tall as 8 feet if given the right conditions. Its leaves can reach a length of 12 to 60 cm, and they can develop to their full capacity if given something to climb on with their aerial roots, such as a pole or a bamboo stick. 

It may usually take a few years for your Treubii Moonlight before it reaches its peak mature size. But despite its modest growth rate, it develops actively and steadily over the spring and summer seasons. 

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Overview

Scientific NameScindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’
Common Name/sSterling Silver Scindapsus, Moonlight Scindapsus, Dark Form Scindapsus
Growth HabitHerbaceous, Hemiepiphytic Vine
Height And Spreadup to 10  feet long outdoors, 3 feet tall indoors
Classification Based On Life CyclePerennial
Origin And DistributionOriginated from Southeast Asia
Climate ZoneGenerally mild climate
USDA Plant Hardiness ZoneUSDA Zone 10-12
ColorGreen leaves that have a silvery sheen

Care Tips

Care tips

Light Requirement

The best light for your Scindapsus treubii Moonlight is bright, indirect sunlight since it originates from the Southeast Asian jungles. Placing it in a shaded area will slow its growth. You may easily achieve this by placing them in a south or east-facing window that isn’t directly in the sun. On the other hand, excessive light can burn the leaves and retard their growth.

A brighter light exposure is necessary for your indoor plants to help maintain the vibrant and vivid green and silver variegation on its smooth heart-shaped foliage. However, the sun’s intense light rays can burn or bleach the foliage if they’re under direct sunlight for an extended period of time.

Temperature Requirement

In terms of temperature, it will do well at normal household temperatures of 18°C to 25°C (64-77°F). These plants are very adaptive to temperatures and climates, but they are sensitive to colder environments.

It is suggested that you bring them indoors or put them in a warmer spot once the temperature falls. On the other hand, an extremely high temperature for your treubii ‘Moonlight’ may lead to damage and foliage wilting. 

Water Requirement

Ensure that your Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is always checked and maintained. Water your plants on a regular basis, but let them dry up before watering again. Make sure your pot has enough drainage at all times. Allowing water to become trapped in your plant can cause damage or perhaps death. Keep in mind that you want the soil to be moist, not drenched. 

Additionally, avoid allowing the soil to dry out completely, as this may cause the plant’s leaves to curl. You can test the soil by sticking your finger into it to see if it is still damp or if it needs to be watered.

Humidity Requirement

It prefers high humidity since it is native to tropical Asian rainforests, where it originally came from. The optimal humidity level for your Scindapsus treubii moonlight is 60%. However, they will do fine in most common household environments. 

You can buy a humidifier or mist your plant frequently to increase the humidity level in your space.

Soil Requirement 

Scindapsus Treubii plants aren’t particular about their potting mix. A regular houseplant mix can be used. Simply check that the potting mix drains well and doesn’t retain a lot of water. It would grow best in loam soil or a quick-draining succulent soil. 

You can do a combination of sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. It provides an additional choice. Also, using coco coir in place of peat moss is an additional wise decision. This is really important as they are really sensitive to root rot.

Fertilizer Requirement

Scindapsus treubii Moonlight does not require lots of fertilizer. Fertilize it only once every four weeks during the growing season to enhance growth. 

When you fertilize, use a decent all-purpose fertilizer that has all the necessary nutrients to feed it. A slow-release fertilizer can also be used to give the plant a steady supply of nutrients. 

Water the soil first before feeding the plant. Make sure you always dilute the fertilizer to half its strength. Since it grows slowly, fertilizing is not really necessary until its growing season. Additionally, as the plant rests during the winter, there is no need to add fertilizer during that time.

Space Requirement 

Scindapsus Treubii has the ability to climb and can get up to 6 to 8 feet long. It will reach its maximum size if given something to climb on and enough room to expand. Please place it in a room with enough filtered light for optimal growth. It can be planted in the ground, in pots, or in hanging baskets.

Growing And Planting Tips

Scindapsus treubii moonlight


The Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight propagation can be done via Water, Soil, and Sphagnum Moss. Read more below to know the detailed steps on how to effectively propagate your plant.

Water Propagation

Select and take a good cutting, and then put it in a glass of water. Change the water every week or so to keep it fresh. Then wait for at least 14-21 days for roots to grow. After that, the rooted plant cutting should be transplanted into a new pot filled with potting soil, well watered, and placed in bright, indirect light.

Soil Propagation

Stem cuttings can also be planted in the garden soil for direct root development. Keep the garden pot enclosed using a plastic bag. Use well-draining soil. To keep the soil moist, mist it occasionally. By doing this, you promote a humid atmosphere that will hasten root development. After at least 14-21 days, remove the covering and continue growing regularly.

Sphagnum Moss Propagation

Sphagnum moss should be moistened first. The extra water should be drained out to avoid the plant from getting soaked. Add some chunky perlite to allow for drainage and air flow before putting in the cutting. Maintain a humid environment and keep the moss damp. When robust roots emerge, you can transplant them into the soil.


You can always trim it by cutting off the extra growth to regulate its size and stop it from getting out of shape. In some ways, encouraging new development is important and pruning exactly does that. 

Sterilize your tools to prevent infection. It is advisable that this be done in the spring growing season rather than in the winter when it is dormant.

Potting And Repotting

These plants don’t need to be repotted too often. Only when the plants outgrow their current container, which is when their roots start to protrude through the drainage holes of the container. In addition to this, you can also replace the plant’s pot or soil if it becomes contaminated or waterlogged. 

To regulate the plant’s size, remove it from its pot, trim the roots, and replant it in a larger container or pot with good drainage holes and fresh potting soil. Make sure it has an organic potting mix to have healthy growth. 

Additionally, when a plant is rootbound, it must be repotted immediately. The optimal time to repot is in the spring or early summer.

In choosing a pot, choose one that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the root ball of your plant. It would allow you to check the condition of the roots without having to remove the plant from the pot. 

Consider giving it a fresh pot in the early spring every one to two years. Make sure the pot has drainage holes, is two inches larger than the old one, and the potting soil is new and of the best quality before repotting. Your plant will feel revitalized and renewed afterward. 

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Care

LightBright indirect light
TemperatureIntermediate to warm, 64-77 degrees Fahrenheit
WaterOnce a week, increased in summer, decreased in winter
SoilAiry, well-draining soil; not too loose
FertilizationRegular household fertilizer, once a month
SpaceMinimal space, use of moss poles or any climbing support
PropagationVia stem cutting propagation, soil propagation, sphagnum moss propagation
BloomingRarely blooms, enough sunlight and maturity needed
PruningRegular pruning not necessary, can be done to promote lushness
PottingRegular potting mix, use of horticultural charcoal, perlite and coco coir, sphagnum peat moss

Related: Scindapsus Pictus Exotica: The Fail-Proof Care, Propagation, and Watering Guide You Need

Problem And Troubleshooting

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight


The most important aspect of Scindapsus Treubii’s care is to prevent it from overwatering. Overwatering your plant causes its leaves to become yellow, causing the plant to cease developing and appear unhealthy. Another serious problem with overwatering is root rot, which frequently happens when the plant is irrigated too much.

To prevent this issue, make sure the drainage holes in the pot are unblocked. If the pot is in good condition, check the soil for proper composition and texture. Furthermore, keep track of your irrigation schedule. Make sure not to water the plant excessively or frequently, and allow it to dry out in between waterings.


This lovely plant can survive for a considerable amount of time without water fairly well. However, if the environment is excessively dry or the plant goes for an extended period without water, it leads to dryness, and the leaves begin to deteriorate. Its growth is slowed or stunted, and the tips of the leaves start to turn brown. They might also begin to wilt and droop. 

To avoid this issue, fix your watering schedule and water the plant as soon as the soil starts to dry out.

Nutrient Deficiency

If the leaves on your Scindapsus treubii appear to be curling or drooping, nutrient deficiency may be the cause. Yellowing of leaves, interveinal yellowing of leaves, shortened internodes, or abnormal coloration such as red, purple, or bronze leaves are symptoms of nutrient deficiency. 

Scindapsus treubii can also be deficient when growing conditions are poor, and the plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the soil. Extremely acidic or alkaline conditions, as well as drought and waterlogging, can all make it difficult for plants to absorb soil nutrients

Organic matter, such as plant waste, compost, and manure, can also help to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Flowering Problem

If you plant Treubii Moonlight indoors, expect that you are unlikely to see a Treubii ‘Moonlight’ flower, although flowering is possible under ideal conditions. Its blooms are tiny and uninteresting, and it has a low chance of producing flowers as a houseplant.

 Find a space on a patio or yard with filtered light or a semi-shaded area where you may set your potted Treubii plants during the hot season, and see what happens. 


Any plant can be susceptible to diseases if not properly taken care of. Particularly, plants of this family are affected by Septoria Leaf Spot and Alternaria Leaf Spot, which result in fungal growth. Usually, these are also due to over-watering the plants. Therefore, take action immediately when you see yellowing (Septoria) or brown spots (Alternaria). 

You can treat your plants with a copper-based fungicide, and make sure to be attentive to the watering conditions for it not to happen again.


Houseplants are also susceptible to pest problems; unfortunately, your Scindapsus is not an exception.

If you observe the presence of pest infestation, the best thing to accomplish is to remove that plant and separate it from the other plants in your collection to avoid further infestation. These pests love to spread from plant to plant, so it is best to be proactive and isolate the infected plant. 

The next thing to do, and frankly the easiest and simplest method, is to spray your plant with neem oil. Mix two teaspoons of neem oil and a teaspoon of soap in a spray bottle to make this spray. Add water to fill the bottle and shake properly. Spray the plant lightly, including its undersides, and repeat the treatment every 5-7 days.

Neem oil is a natural pesticide that makes it difficult for these bugs to respirate. 

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Pests And Diseases

Common Pests/DiseasesSymptomsTreatment And Prevention

Common diseases include crown rot, stem rot, root rot, leaf spot, fungal diseases, and Xanthomonas infection
Yellowish rimming around black or dark brown spots on leaves
Avoid overwatering. Keep soil dry. Avoid too high humidity.

Proper ventilation is needed around the plant. Remove infected parts of fungal infections to avoid spreading
Common pests include mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, and scalesVisible insects on the surfaceSpray plants with warm, soapy water. If infestation is present, use insecticide or neem oil. Use diatomaceous earth. 

Problems With People And Animals


Treubii “Moonlight” is poisonous to both people and animals due to its insoluble calcium oxalates. In addition, your pets’ chewing or eating of the plants may result in swelling of the oral tissues and other digestive system organs. Therefore, growing this plant in a house with kids, dogs, or both should be done with caution. 

Keep them away from the plants to prevent health concerns. These look great hanging from the ceiling or displayed high on shelves, making it simple to keep dogs away from them. Another excellent choice is a glass-enclosed greenhouse cabinet. 

Scindapsus Plant Meaning And Symbolism

Scindapsus plants are thought to bring luck and prosperity. They are great housewarming presents.

General MeaningLuck and prosperity
SymbolismGood fortune, wealth, luck

Landscaping And Gardening Ideas

Landscaping ideas

Companion Plants

It would be a great idea to grow the Scindapsus Treubii  Moonlight alongside other plants. Some of the great companion plants of your Silver Vine are Alocasia amazonica, Ficus elastica, and Spider Plant. Other tropical plants are good companions to your Scindapsus.

Various varieties of the Scindapsus genus can be grown together; some are variegated, and others are not. Below are some Scindapsus varieties you can plant along your Treubii Moonlight.

Scindapsus Pictus “Silver Lady”

This plant brings attraction and adds evergreen to your indoor garden when planted together with your Scindapsus Moonlight because of its variegated foliage. This plant is distinguished by its distinctive patterns and has enormous leaves.

Silver Hero Or Platinum Scindapsus Pictus

Silver Hero or Platinum Scindapsus Pictus is a lovely and distinctive kind of Scindapsus. Its silver-gray leaves stood out. When faced towards the light, the plant is said to shimmer, which is a perfect match for your Moonlight.

Landscaping Ideas

This lovely trailing vine makes a wonderful addition to a windowsill plant or hanging basket. It will look beautiful wrapped around door frames, stair banisters, and the tops of bookshelves. Also, the plant can be placed on a high shelf or hung from the ceiling in a basket or macrame plant hanger so that the vines cascade down toward the ground.

What to plant withAlocasia, Ficus, Spider Plants, other Scindapsus and tropical plants.
What NOT to plant withBasically nothing


Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is a rare classic houseplant. It is distinguished by its beautiful, silvery-shimmering, oval leaves. It loves to trail and climb trees, and as a result, it would perfectly thrive if given a support or pole to climb on. 

What’s more interesting about it is that it has two types: the “moonlight” and its “dark form”. The lovely Scindapsus treubii care is not particularly difficult, making it ideal for a beginner. 

If you are looking for a great indoor plant, then this is a great choice for you. The Scindapsus is an easy care, easy love plant that will make your home bright and livelier.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight a pothos?

Even though the Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is commonly known as Silver Pothos, Satin Pothos, or Silver Philodendron, this plant is not a pothos plant nor a Philodendron. Instead, it is a plant that belongs in the genus Scindapsus, which is different from Epipremnum (Pothos) and Philodendron.

Does Scindapsus treubii grow fast?

The Scindapsus treubii is a slow or moderately growing vining plant. It does not grow as fast as your Pothos or your Philodendrons.

Does Scindapsus treubii need light?

 Definitely, yes. All plants need light to make energy through the process called photosynthesis. As to your Scindapsus treubii, a bright indirect light is needed.

Why do Moonlight leaves curl?

The curling of Moonlight Treubii leaves may be a symptom of underwatering or too much direct light. Water your plant regularly, especially when the soil is already dry. Place it also in a location where they do not get direct light for too long.

Is Scindapsus a climber?

Yes, your Scindapsus plants are climbing or trailing vines. With this growing habit, you might need a moss pole or any climbing support to your vining foliage plant.

Is Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight rare?

Yes, the Moonlight variety of Scindapsus Treubii is a rare find. But due to extensive cultivation of this tropical plant, it is now becoming more and more available to plant markets.

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