Picking the perfect flower for your needs is a challenge and a decision that is likely to be dependent on a wide range of factors, including the scent that you are searching for, the size that you need your plant to reach, and the ultimate intended purpose for your stunning petals.

Another important element to consider is color – this typically plays a key role in choosing the ideal flower.
Blue flowers have long been popular, and this is a color that offers a rich variety of different shades, tones, and designs.
While dark blues and navy shades can be dramatic and attention-grabbing, baby blue flowers tend to be a little more gentle and calm – perfect for low-key floral arrangements and special events.
Wondering just how many baby blue flowers there are to choose from? Then let’s take a closer look!
1. Bellflower
Botanical Name: Campanula

A common favorite, the bellflower gets its name from the distinctive bell-like blooms that hang from the stem, and flowers come in a range of vibrant blue shades, including delicate baby blue.
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According to symbologists, bellflowers are thought to represent gratitude and humility, making them a nice addition to any garden, bouquet, or arrangement of cut flowers.
2. Blue Star
Botanical Name: Amsonia

Another flower that developed its moniker from the shape of the petals is the Blue Star – as the name suggests, the blooms of this flower are star-like in shape and are thought to represent determination and endurance.
They also have the added bonus of being super easy to grow, especially if you are fortunate enough to have access to full sun.
3. Brunnera
Botanical Name: Brunnera

Are you looking for a flower to bloom through the cold, dreary months of late winter, and add a cheerful pop of color to your garden?
If so, the brunnera could be your new favorite pick – this is a plant that is said to represent love and heart, and there is no denying that there is something special about seeing the baby blue petals spring to life.
4. Clematis
Botanical Name: Clematis

If you are looking for a hardy, reliable climber to cover gates and walls, then a Clematis is a smart pick.
These stunning flowers come in a variety of shades of gorgeous blue, including pale baby blue, and are equally efficient as a decoration, a partition, or a divider in your garden.
5. Cornflower
Botanical Name: Centaurea Cyanus

Perfect for attracting insects and wildlife, the cornflower is another popular choice in gardens across the nation.
Both bees and butterflies are drawn to the stunning blue blooms, and these types of flowers will thrive in well-drained soil. They are also the national flower of Poland!
6. Delphinium
Botanical Name: Delphinium

Signifiers of goodwill, generosity, and cheerfulness, delphinium is a great omen to enjoy in your garden – and they have the added advantage of being gorgeous to look at with a variety of blue tones!
Partial shade and soil that has plenty of drainages will really help these flowers to thrive and grow.
7. Desert Bluebells
Botanical Name: Phacelia Campanularia

Another bell-shaped bloom, desert bluebells thrive in climates that are hot, dry and sandy, and are impervious to droughts or overly dry conditions.
As a result, they thrive in full sunlight, and adding a cluster of these stunning flowers to your garden is a guaranteed talking point.
8. Empire Blue Butterfly Bush
Botanical Name: Buddleja Davidii ‘Empire Blue’

Also referred to as “Buddleia”, this is a fragrant, beautiful flower that brings a riot of baby blue color into your space – and has the added bonus of being super appealing to both hummingbirds and butterflies, making this a perfect option for those who are fans of wildlife.
Sweetness, grace, and beauty are all said to be represented by the Empire Blue Butterfly Bush.
9. Forget-Me-Not
Botanical Name: Myosotis

Popular from the fifteenth century, the humble forget-me-not has long been a favorite of horticulture and flower fans and comes in a wide range of stunning shades – including a gentle, delicate baby blue.
Traditionally, forget-me-not flowers were exchanged by loved ones, symbolizing that the giver would never forget their lover and, not surprisingly, the bloom is now said to represent true love.
10. Gentian
Botanical Name: Gentiana

Common all across Europe, this curious flower was once said to be the symbol of gentility and is famous for its unique and distinctive shape, as well as the stunning baby blue tones that are present all across the petals.
11. Glory-Of-The-Snow
Botanical Name: Chionodoxa Luciliae

Ideal for adding a spot of life to your garden during the winter, Glory-Of-The-Snow more than live up to their namesake, with stunning baby blue blooms poking their way through late snow, and emerging in their full glory as spring descends.
This is a wonderful reminder that the warm skies of spring will soon arrive.
12. Grape Hyacinth
Botanical Name: Muscari

A relative of the popular hyacinth, the grape hyacinth will start to come to life in the middle of the spring and will act as a symbol to mark the start of the blossoming of the spring flowers.
According to the tales, the grape hyacinth is used to symbolize affection and trust, and this is a popular addition to any garden.
13. Hyacinth
Botanical Name: Hyacinthus

Perfect for spring, hyacinths are instantly recognizable thanks to their sweet and distinctive fragrance, as well as the unique, easily identifiable shapes of the blue flowers.
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This is a flower commonly seen in manor parks, royal gardens, and the nurseries of castles and palaces.
14. Hydrangea
Botanical Name: Hydrangea Macrophylla

One of the most popular nursery plants, a hydrangea in full bloom is a truly stunning sight to see and enjoy – and the good news is that you can enjoy these stunning plants for the entire summer season.
Use well-drained soil and full sunlight to help your hydrangeas thrive, and you will have access to glorious blue blooms year after year.
15. Iris
Botanical Name: Iris

All too often overlooked, the humble Iris is simply stunning and is named after the Greek goddess of rainbows, giving some indication of the beauty and vibrancy of these unique blooms.
As an added bonus, you will be able to enjoy the gorgeous blossoms all year round!
“16. Perennial Geranium
Botanical Name: Geranium Bohemicum

For year-round beauty, a perennial geranium is a perfect choice, and shades range from a dark, navy blue right down to delicate lighter blue tones.
This is a plant that can survive both shade and frost and is perfectly suited to lower, less friendly temperatures.
17. Periwinkle
Botanical Name: Catharanthus Roseus

Bring the sky and the sea to life in the comfort of your very own garden with the stunning petals of a periwinkle flower.
These shorter plants are perfect for ground cover or establishment cover and offer a bright spot even on the darkest of days.
18. Passionflower
Botanical Name: Passiflora Incarnata

A truly unique and distinctive flower, this is guaranteed to be a real talking point when included in any nursery or garden.
In particular, the passionflower is ideal for covering fences and walls and does best when they have access to plenty of full sunlight.
19. Wild Sage
Botanical Name: Salvia Verbenaca

A truly pretty flower, white sage, also known as Salvia, also has another purpose – it can be brewed in a hot tea, and used as a remedy to treat the common cold!
This is a versatile plant with plenty of uses and has the added bonus of looking gorgeous anywhere that it is planted to grow and thrive.
20. Stiff Blue-Eyed Grass
Botanical Name: Sisyrinchium Bermudiana

Despite the name, Stiff Blue-Eyed Grass is not grass but is one of the most popular baby blue flowers seen in gardens across the world, and this is largely due to its stunning blue petals and the ease with which it can be grown in full sun and well-drained soil.
21. Birdbill Dayflower
Botanical Name: Commelina Dianthifolia

One of the main advantages of these stunning baby blue flowers is the ease with which they can be grown, but be warned: you will only be able to enjoy their beauty for a single day before it fades.
This makes enjoying the willowy stem and light blue petals an even more unique and unmissable experience and will add something a little special to your garden.
22. Blue False Indigo
Botanical Name: Baptisia Australis

As well as making a stunning addition to any garden, nursery or outdoor space, the Blue False Indigo flower has another major advantage – it can be transformed into blue color dye with just a little effort!
Though most of these flowers are a darker, more solid tone of blue, there are the occasional outliers, and the relative rarity of their delicate baby blue petals makes them even more special to enjoy and behold.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to popular colors, baby blue is up there with some of the most eye-catching and stunning examples seen in flowers and is an ideal option for really bringing your garden to life and helping it to stand out for all the right reasons.
Despite our best efforts, there is no way that we could cover all of the baby blue flowers in existence in this shortlist, and this is good news for you, as you have an excuse to learn even more!
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